path: root/libgo/go/cmd/go/internal/modload/init.go
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'libgo/go/cmd/go/internal/modload/init.go')
1 files changed, 600 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libgo/go/cmd/go/internal/modload/init.go b/libgo/go/cmd/go/internal/modload/init.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f995bad13b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libgo/go/cmd/go/internal/modload/init.go
@@ -0,0 +1,600 @@
+// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package modload
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "cmd/go/internal/base"
+ "cmd/go/internal/cache"
+ "cmd/go/internal/cfg"
+ "cmd/go/internal/load"
+ "cmd/go/internal/modconv"
+ "cmd/go/internal/modfetch"
+ "cmd/go/internal/modfetch/codehost"
+ "cmd/go/internal/modfile"
+ "cmd/go/internal/module"
+ "cmd/go/internal/mvs"
+ "cmd/go/internal/search"
+ "encoding/json"
+ "fmt"
+ "io/ioutil"
+ "os"
+ "path"
+ "path/filepath"
+ "regexp"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+var (
+ cwd string
+ MustUseModules = mustUseModules()
+ initialized bool
+ ModRoot string
+ modFile *modfile.File
+ excluded map[module.Version]bool
+ Target module.Version
+ gopath string
+ CmdModInit bool // running 'go mod init'
+ CmdModModule string // module argument for 'go mod init'
+// ModFile returns the parsed go.mod file.
+// Note that after calling ImportPaths or LoadBuildList,
+// the require statements in the modfile.File are no longer
+// the source of truth and will be ignored: edits made directly
+// will be lost at the next call to WriteGoMod.
+// To make permanent changes to the require statements
+// in go.mod, edit it before calling ImportPaths or LoadBuildList.
+func ModFile() *modfile.File {
+ return modFile
+func BinDir() string {
+ MustInit()
+ return filepath.Join(gopath, "bin")
+// mustUseModules reports whether we are invoked as vgo
+// (as opposed to go).
+// If so, we only support builds with go.mod files.
+func mustUseModules() bool {
+ name := os.Args[0]
+ name = name[strings.LastIndex(name, "/")+1:]
+ name = name[strings.LastIndex(name, `\`)+1:]
+ return strings.HasPrefix(name, "vgo")
+var inGOPATH bool // running in GOPATH/src
+func Init() {
+ if initialized {
+ return
+ }
+ initialized = true
+ env := os.Getenv("GO111MODULE")
+ switch env {
+ default:
+ base.Fatalf("go: unknown environment setting GO111MODULE=%s", env)
+ case "", "auto":
+ // leave MustUseModules alone
+ case "on":
+ MustUseModules = true
+ case "off":
+ if !MustUseModules {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ // Disable any prompting for passwords by Git.
+ // Only has an effect for 2.3.0 or later, but avoiding
+ // the prompt in earlier versions is just too hard.
+ // If user has explicitly set GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT=1, keep
+ // prompting.
+ // See and
+ if os.Getenv("GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT") == "" {
+ os.Setenv("GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT", "0")
+ }
+ // Disable any ssh connection pooling by Git.
+ // If a Git subprocess forks a child into the background to cache a new connection,
+ // that child keeps stdout/stderr open. After the Git subprocess exits,
+ // os /exec expects to be able to read from the stdout/stderr pipe
+ // until EOF to get all the data that the Git subprocess wrote before exiting.
+ // The EOF doesn't come until the child exits too, because the child
+ // is holding the write end of the pipe.
+ // This is unfortunate, but it has come up at least twice
+ // (see and
+ // and confuses users when it does.
+ // If the user has explicitly set GIT_SSH or GIT_SSH_COMMAND,
+ // assume they know what they are doing and don't step on it.
+ // But default to turning off ControlMaster.
+ if os.Getenv("GIT_SSH") == "" && os.Getenv("GIT_SSH_COMMAND") == "" {
+ os.Setenv("GIT_SSH_COMMAND", "ssh -o ControlMaster=no")
+ }
+ var err error
+ cwd, err = os.Getwd()
+ if err != nil {
+ base.Fatalf("go: %v", err)
+ }
+ inGOPATH = false
+ for _, gopath := range filepath.SplitList(cfg.BuildContext.GOPATH) {
+ if gopath == "" {
+ continue
+ }
+ if search.InDir(cwd, filepath.Join(gopath, "src")) != "" {
+ inGOPATH = true
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if inGOPATH && !MustUseModules {
+ // No automatic enabling in GOPATH.
+ if root, _ := FindModuleRoot(cwd, "", false); root != "" {
+ cfg.GoModInGOPATH = filepath.Join(root, "go.mod")
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ if CmdModInit {
+ // Running 'go mod init': go.mod will be created in current directory.
+ ModRoot = cwd
+ } else {
+ ModRoot, _ = FindModuleRoot(cwd, "", MustUseModules)
+ if !MustUseModules {
+ if ModRoot == "" {
+ return
+ }
+ if search.InDir(ModRoot, os.TempDir()) == "." {
+ // If you create /tmp/go.mod for experimenting,
+ // then any tests that create work directories under /tmp
+ // will find it and get modules when they're not expecting them.
+ // It's a bit of a peculiar thing to disallow but quite mysterious
+ // when it happens. See
+ ModRoot = ""
+ fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "go: warning: ignoring go.mod in system temp root %v\n", os.TempDir())
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cfg.ModulesEnabled = true
+ load.ModBinDir = BinDir
+ load.ModLookup = Lookup
+ load.ModPackageModuleInfo = PackageModuleInfo
+ load.ModImportPaths = ImportPaths
+ load.ModPackageBuildInfo = PackageBuildInfo
+ load.ModInfoProg = ModInfoProg
+ load.ModImportFromFiles = ImportFromFiles
+ load.ModDirImportPath = DirImportPath
+ search.SetModRoot(ModRoot)
+func init() {
+ load.ModInit = Init
+ // Set modfetch.PkgMod unconditionally, so that go clean -modcache can run even without modules enabled.
+ if list := filepath.SplitList(cfg.BuildContext.GOPATH); len(list) > 0 && list[0] != "" {
+ modfetch.PkgMod = filepath.Join(list[0], "pkg/mod")
+ }
+// Enabled reports whether modules are (or must be) enabled.
+// If modules must be enabled but are not, Enabled returns true
+// and then the first use of module information will call die
+// (usually through InitMod and MustInit).
+func Enabled() bool {
+ if !initialized {
+ panic("go: Enabled called before Init")
+ }
+ return ModRoot != "" || MustUseModules
+// MustInit calls Init if needed and checks that
+// modules are enabled and the main module has been found.
+// If not, MustInit calls base.Fatalf with an appropriate message.
+func MustInit() {
+ if Init(); ModRoot == "" {
+ die()
+ }
+ if c := cache.Default(); c == nil {
+ // With modules, there are no install locations for packages
+ // other than the build cache.
+ base.Fatalf("go: cannot use modules with build cache disabled")
+ }
+// Failed reports whether module loading failed.
+// If Failed returns true, then any use of module information will call die.
+func Failed() bool {
+ Init()
+ return cfg.ModulesEnabled && ModRoot == ""
+func die() {
+ if os.Getenv("GO111MODULE") == "off" {
+ base.Fatalf("go: modules disabled by GO111MODULE=off; see 'go help modules'")
+ }
+ if inGOPATH && !MustUseModules {
+ base.Fatalf("go: modules disabled inside GOPATH/src by GO111MODULE=auto; see 'go help modules'")
+ }
+ base.Fatalf("go: cannot find main module; see 'go help modules'")
+func InitMod() {
+ MustInit()
+ if modFile != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ list := filepath.SplitList(cfg.BuildContext.GOPATH)
+ if len(list) == 0 || list[0] == "" {
+ base.Fatalf("missing $GOPATH")
+ }
+ gopath = list[0]
+ if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(gopath, "go.mod")); err == nil {
+ base.Fatalf("$GOPATH/go.mod exists but should not")
+ }
+ oldSrcMod := filepath.Join(list[0], "src/mod")
+ pkgMod := filepath.Join(list[0], "pkg/mod")
+ infoOld, errOld := os.Stat(oldSrcMod)
+ _, errMod := os.Stat(pkgMod)
+ if errOld == nil && infoOld.IsDir() && errMod != nil && os.IsNotExist(errMod) {
+ os.Rename(oldSrcMod, pkgMod)
+ }
+ modfetch.PkgMod = pkgMod
+ modfetch.GoSumFile = filepath.Join(ModRoot, "go.sum")
+ codehost.WorkRoot = filepath.Join(pkgMod, "cache/vcs")
+ if CmdModInit {
+ // Running go mod init: do legacy module conversion
+ legacyModInit()
+ modFileToBuildList()
+ WriteGoMod()
+ return
+ }
+ gomod := filepath.Join(ModRoot, "go.mod")
+ data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(gomod)
+ if err != nil {
+ if os.IsNotExist(err) {
+ legacyModInit()
+ modFileToBuildList()
+ WriteGoMod()
+ return
+ }
+ base.Fatalf("go: %v", err)
+ }
+ f, err := modfile.Parse(gomod, data, fixVersion)
+ if err != nil {
+ // Errors returned by modfile.Parse begin with file:line.
+ base.Fatalf("go: errors parsing go.mod:\n%s\n", err)
+ }
+ modFile = f
+ if len(f.Syntax.Stmt) == 0 || f.Module == nil {
+ // Empty mod file. Must add module path.
+ path, err := FindModulePath(ModRoot)
+ if err != nil {
+ base.Fatalf("go: %v", err)
+ }
+ f.AddModuleStmt(path)
+ }
+ if len(f.Syntax.Stmt) == 1 && f.Module != nil {
+ // Entire file is just a module statement.
+ // Populate require if possible.
+ legacyModInit()
+ }
+ excluded = make(map[module.Version]bool)
+ for _, x := range f.Exclude {
+ excluded[x.Mod] = true
+ }
+ modFileToBuildList()
+ WriteGoMod()
+// modFileToBuildList initializes buildList from the modFile.
+func modFileToBuildList() {
+ Target = modFile.Module.Mod
+ list := []module.Version{Target}
+ for _, r := range modFile.Require {
+ list = append(list, r.Mod)
+ }
+ buildList = list
+// Allowed reports whether module m is allowed (not excluded) by the main module's go.mod.
+func Allowed(m module.Version) bool {
+ return !excluded[m]
+func legacyModInit() {
+ if modFile == nil {
+ path, err := FindModulePath(ModRoot)
+ if err != nil {
+ base.Fatalf("go: %v", err)
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "go: creating new go.mod: module %s\n", path)
+ modFile = new(modfile.File)
+ modFile.AddModuleStmt(path)
+ }
+ for _, name := range altConfigs {
+ cfg := filepath.Join(ModRoot, name)
+ data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(cfg)
+ if err == nil {
+ convert := modconv.Converters[name]
+ if convert == nil {
+ return
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "go: copying requirements from %s\n", base.ShortPath(cfg))
+ cfg = filepath.ToSlash(cfg)
+ if err := modconv.ConvertLegacyConfig(modFile, cfg, data); err != nil {
+ base.Fatalf("go: %v", err)
+ }
+ if len(modFile.Syntax.Stmt) == 1 {
+ // Add comment to avoid re-converting every time it runs.
+ modFile.AddComment("// go: no requirements found in " + name)
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ }
+var altConfigs = []string{
+ "Gopkg.lock",
+ "Godeps/Godeps.json",
+ "dependencies.tsv",
+ "glide.lock",
+ "vendor.conf",
+ "vendor.yml",
+ "vendor/manifest",
+ "vendor/vendor.json",
+ ".git/config",
+// Exported only for testing.
+func FindModuleRoot(dir, limit string, legacyConfigOK bool) (root, file string) {
+ dir = filepath.Clean(dir)
+ dir1 := dir
+ limit = filepath.Clean(limit)
+ // Look for enclosing go.mod.
+ for {
+ if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(dir, "go.mod")); err == nil {
+ return dir, "go.mod"
+ }
+ if dir == limit {
+ break
+ }
+ d := filepath.Dir(dir)
+ if d == dir {
+ break
+ }
+ dir = d
+ }
+ // Failing that, look for enclosing alternate version config.
+ if legacyConfigOK {
+ dir = dir1
+ for {
+ for _, name := range altConfigs {
+ if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(dir, name)); err == nil {
+ return dir, name
+ }
+ }
+ if dir == limit {
+ break
+ }
+ d := filepath.Dir(dir)
+ if d == dir {
+ break
+ }
+ dir = d
+ }
+ }
+ return "", ""
+// Exported only for testing.
+func FindModulePath(dir string) (string, error) {
+ if CmdModModule != "" {
+ // Running go mod init x/y/z; return x/y/z.
+ return CmdModModule, nil
+ }
+ // Cast about for import comments,
+ // first in top-level directory, then in subdirectories.
+ list, _ := ioutil.ReadDir(dir)
+ for _, info := range list {
+ if info.Mode().IsRegular() && strings.HasSuffix(info.Name(), ".go") {
+ if com := findImportComment(filepath.Join(dir, info.Name())); com != "" {
+ return com, nil
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for _, info1 := range list {
+ if info1.IsDir() {
+ files, _ := ioutil.ReadDir(filepath.Join(dir, info1.Name()))
+ for _, info2 := range files {
+ if info2.Mode().IsRegular() && strings.HasSuffix(info2.Name(), ".go") {
+ if com := findImportComment(filepath.Join(dir, info1.Name(), info2.Name())); com != "" {
+ return path.Dir(com), nil
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Look for Godeps.json declaring import path.
+ data, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(dir, "Godeps/Godeps.json"))
+ var cfg1 struct{ ImportPath string }
+ json.Unmarshal(data, &cfg1)
+ if cfg1.ImportPath != "" {
+ return cfg1.ImportPath, nil
+ }
+ // Look for vendor.json declaring import path.
+ data, _ = ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(dir, "vendor/vendor.json"))
+ var cfg2 struct{ RootPath string }
+ json.Unmarshal(data, &cfg2)
+ if cfg2.RootPath != "" {
+ return cfg2.RootPath, nil
+ }
+ // Look for path in GOPATH.
+ for _, gpdir := range filepath.SplitList(cfg.BuildContext.GOPATH) {
+ if gpdir == "" {
+ continue
+ }
+ if rel := search.InDir(dir, filepath.Join(gpdir, "src")); rel != "" && rel != "." {
+ return filepath.ToSlash(rel), nil
+ }
+ }
+ // Look for .git/config with github origin as last resort.
+ data, _ = ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(dir, ".git/config"))
+ if m := gitOriginRE.FindSubmatch(data); m != nil {
+ return "" + string(m[1]), nil
+ }
+ return "", fmt.Errorf("cannot determine module path for source directory %s (outside GOPATH, no import comments)", dir)
+var (
+ gitOriginRE = regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)^\[remote "origin"\]\r?\n\turl = (?:||gh:)([^/]+/[^/]+?)(\.git)?\r?\n`)
+ importCommentRE = regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)^package[ \t]+[^ \t\r\n/]+[ \t]+//[ \t]+import[ \t]+(\"[^"]+\")[ \t]*\r?\n`)
+func findImportComment(file string) string {
+ data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(file)
+ if err != nil {
+ return ""
+ }
+ m := importCommentRE.FindSubmatch(data)
+ if m == nil {
+ return ""
+ }
+ path, err := strconv.Unquote(string(m[1]))
+ if err != nil {
+ return ""
+ }
+ return path
+var allowWriteGoMod = true
+// DisallowWriteGoMod causes future calls to WriteGoMod to do nothing at all.
+func DisallowWriteGoMod() {
+ allowWriteGoMod = false
+// AllowWriteGoMod undoes the effect of DisallowWriteGoMod:
+// future calls to WriteGoMod will update go.mod if needed.
+// Note that any past calls have been discarded, so typically
+// a call to AlowWriteGoMod should be followed by a call to WriteGoMod.
+func AllowWriteGoMod() {
+ allowWriteGoMod = true
+// MinReqs returns a Reqs with minimal dependencies of Target,
+// as will be written to go.mod.
+func MinReqs() mvs.Reqs {
+ var direct []string
+ for _, m := range buildList[1:] {
+ if[m.Path] {
+ direct = append(direct, m.Path)
+ }
+ }
+ min, err := mvs.Req(Target, buildList, direct, Reqs())
+ if err != nil {
+ base.Fatalf("go: %v", err)
+ }
+ return &mvsReqs{buildList: append([]module.Version{Target}, min...)}
+// WriteGoMod writes the current build list back to go.mod.
+func WriteGoMod() {
+ // If we're using -mod=vendor we basically ignored
+ // go.mod, so definitely don't try to write back our
+ // incomplete view of the world.
+ if !allowWriteGoMod || cfg.BuildMod == "vendor" {
+ return
+ }
+ if loaded != nil {
+ reqs := MinReqs()
+ min, err := reqs.Required(Target)
+ if err != nil {
+ base.Fatalf("go: %v", err)
+ }
+ var list []*modfile.Require
+ for _, m := range min {
+ list = append(list, &modfile.Require{
+ Mod: m,
+ Indirect: ![m.Path],
+ })
+ }
+ modFile.SetRequire(list)
+ }
+ file := filepath.Join(ModRoot, "go.mod")
+ old, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(file)
+ modFile.Cleanup() // clean file after edits
+ new, err := modFile.Format()
+ if err != nil {
+ base.Fatalf("go: %v", err)
+ }
+ if !bytes.Equal(old, new) {
+ if cfg.BuildMod == "readonly" {
+ base.Fatalf("go: updates to go.mod needed, disabled by -mod=readonly")
+ }
+ if err := ioutil.WriteFile(file, new, 0666); err != nil {
+ base.Fatalf("go: %v", err)
+ }
+ }
+ modfetch.WriteGoSum()
+func fixVersion(path, vers string) (string, error) {
+ // Special case: remove the old -gopkgin- hack.
+ if strings.HasPrefix(path, "") && strings.Contains(vers, "-gopkgin-") {
+ vers = vers[strings.Index(vers, "-gopkgin-")+len("-gopkgin-"):]
+ }
+ // fixVersion is called speculatively on every
+ // module, version pair from every go.mod file.
+ // Avoid the query if it looks OK.
+ _, pathMajor, ok := module.SplitPathVersion(path)
+ if !ok {
+ return "", fmt.Errorf("malformed module path: %s", path)
+ }
+ if vers != "" && module.CanonicalVersion(vers) == vers && module.MatchPathMajor(vers, pathMajor) {
+ return vers, nil
+ }
+ info, err := Query(path, vers, nil)
+ if err != nil {
+ return "", err
+ }
+ return info.Version, nil