path: root/test/SemaObjC/objc2-merge-gc-attribue-decl.m
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-07-14[Sema] Emit a better diagnostic when variable redeclarations disagreeDavid Majnemer
2010-02-10Reverse a partial fix patch for radar 7214820. It broke some code andFariborz Jahanian
2010-02-08Merge block/function pointer types with objc's __weakFariborz Jahanian
2009-12-15Update tests to use %clang_cc1 instead of 'clang-cc' or 'clang -cc1'.Daniel Dunbar
2009-12-14Change tests to use clang -cc1...Fariborz Jahanian
2009-07-10This patch includes a conceptually simple, but very intrusive/pervasive change. Steve Naroff
2009-06-02Diagnose misuse of __strong attribute in a redeclaration.Fariborz Jahanian
2009-06-02Issue diagnostics on __weak attribute mismatch.Fariborz Jahanian
2009-06-02Remove test which doesn't pass with gcc.Eli Friedman
2009-06-02This patch attempts to fix the merging of __strong/__weak attributesFariborz Jahanian
2009-06-01Disable type merging with gc attributes. This has a number of nasty Eli Friedman
2009-04-15Fix decl type merges when they haveFariborz Jahanian