path: root/test/CodeGenCXX/mangle-unnamed.cpp
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-02-17[Test] Make Lit tests C++11 compatible - miscCharles Li
2016-11-08Correctly ignore unnamed bit-fields when checking whether a union has fields.Richard Smith
2013-08-15CHECK-LABEL-ify some code gen tests to improve diagnostic experience when tes...Stephen Lin
2011-02-01Make that test case actually test something, and add another test.John McCall
2011-02-01The code trying to assign a typedef to an anonymous tag declaration wasJohn McCall
2010-06-08Correctly mangle static variables of anonymous struct/union type.Anders Carlsson
2009-12-15Update tests to use %clang_cc1 instead of 'clang-cc' or 'clang -cc1'.Daniel Dunbar
2009-12-11Make sure mangling doesn't crash in another case. Add some more tests.Eli Friedman