path: root/drivers/rkflash/rk_sftl_arm_v8.S
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'drivers/rkflash/rk_sftl_arm_v8.S')
1 files changed, 38816 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/rkflash/rk_sftl_arm_v8.S b/drivers/rkflash/rk_sftl_arm_v8.S
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..347c398753c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/rkflash/rk_sftl_arm_v8.S
@@ -0,0 +1,38816 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+/* Copyright (c) 2018 Rockchip Electronics Co. Ltd. */
+ .arch armv8-a
+ .file "rk_sftl.c"
+ .text
+ .cfi_sections .debug_frame
+ .irp num,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30
+ .equ .L__reg_num_x\num, \num
+ .endr
+ .equ .L__reg_num_xzr, 31
+ .macro mrs_s, rt, sreg
+ .inst 0xd5200000|(\sreg)|(.L__reg_num_\rt)
+ .endm
+ .macro msr_s, sreg, rt
+ .inst 0xd5000000|(\sreg)|(.L__reg_num_\rt)
+ .endm
+ .align 2
+ .type l2p_addr_tran.isra.0, %function
+ .file 1 "drivers/rkflash/rksftl/sftl_flash.c"
+ .loc 1 17 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ .loc 1 25 0
+ adrp x4, g_nand_phy_info
+ add x4, x4, :lo12:g_nand_phy_info
+ ldrh w3, [x4, 8]
+ .loc 1 26 0
+ ldrh w6, [x4, 10]
+ .loc 1 27 0
+ ldrh w4, [x4, 14]
+ cmp w4, 4
+ bne .L2
+ .loc 1 28 0
+ lsr w3, w3, 1
+ .loc 1 29 0
+ ubfiz w6, w6, 1, 15
+ .loc 1 33 0
+ lsr w5, w0, 10
+ .loc 1 37 0
+ and w0, w0, 1023
+ .loc 1 34 0
+ and w4, w5, 65535
+ .loc 1 35 0
+ and w5, w5, 65535
+ .loc 1 34 0
+ udiv w4, w4, w3
+ .loc 1 35 0
+ msub w3, w3, w4, w5
+ .loc 1 37 0
+ madd w3, w3, w6, w0
+ .loc 1 41 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ .loc 1 37 0
+ str w3, [x1]
+ .loc 1 38 0
+ str w4, [x2]
+ .loc 1 41 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size l2p_addr_tran.isra.0, .-l2p_addr_tran.isra.0
+ .align 2
+ .type ftl_set_blk_mode.part.7, %function
+ .file 2 "drivers/rkflash/rksftl/sftl_sys.c"
+ .loc 2 1346 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ .loc 2 1346 0
+ and w0, w0, 65535
+ .loc 2 1349 0
+ adrp x2, .LANCHOR0
+ ubfx x1, x0, 5, 11
+ ldr x3, [x2, #:lo12:.LANCHOR0]
+ lsl x1, x1, 2
+ mov w2, 1
+ lsl w2, w2, w0
+ ldr w0, [x3, x1]
+ orr w0, w0, w2
+ str w0, [x3, x1]
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size ftl_set_blk_mode.part.7, .-ftl_set_blk_mode.part.7
+ .align 2
+ .global Ftl_log2
+ .type Ftl_log2, %function
+ .file 3 "drivers/rkflash/rksftl/sftl_plat.c"
+ .loc 3 128 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ .loc 3 130 0
+ mov w2, 1
+ .loc 3 132 0
+ mov w1, 0
+ .loc 3 132 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp w2, w0
+ bls .L6
+ .loc 3 134 0 is_stmt 1
+ sub w0, w1, #1
+ .loc 3 136 0
+ ret
+ .loc 3 132 0 discriminator 3
+ add w1, w1, 1
+ .loc 3 133 0 discriminator 3
+ lsl w2, w2, 1
+ .loc 3 132 0 discriminator 3
+ and w1, w1, 65535
+ b .L5
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size Ftl_log2, .-Ftl_log2
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlPrintInfo
+ .type FtlPrintInfo, %function
+ .loc 3 159 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlPrintInfo, .-FtlPrintInfo
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlSysBlkNumInit
+ .type FtlSysBlkNumInit, %function
+ .loc 3 165 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ .loc 3 165 0
+ and w0, w0, 65535
+ mov w1, 24
+ cmp w0, 24
+ csel w0, w0, w1, cs
+ .loc 3 168 0
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR0
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ and w0, w0, 65535
+ .loc 3 169 0
+ ldrh w2, [x1, 12]
+ .loc 3 170 0
+ ldrh w3, [x1, 22]
+ .loc 3 168 0
+ str w0, [x1, 8]
+ .loc 3 169 0
+ mul w2, w2, w0
+ .loc 3 170 0
+ sub w0, w3, w0
+ strh w0, [x1, 20]
+ .loc 3 171 0
+ ldr w0, [x1, 28]
+ .loc 3 169 0
+ str w2, [x1, 16]
+ .loc 3 171 0
+ sub w2, w0, w2
+ .loc 3 174 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ .loc 3 171 0
+ str w2, [x1, 24]
+ .loc 3 174 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlSysBlkNumInit, .-FtlSysBlkNumInit
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlConstantsInit
+ .type FtlConstantsInit, %function
+ .loc 3 183 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
+ .cfi_offset 29, -16
+ .cfi_offset 30, -8
+ mov x7, x0
+ .loc 3 188 0
+ adrp x4, .LANCHOR0
+ add x1, x4, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 3 183 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ .loc 3 188 0
+ ldrh w3, [x0]
+ .loc 3 189 0
+ ldrh w6, [x0, 2]
+ .loc 3 190 0
+ ldrh w0, [x0, 4]
+ .loc 3 191 0
+ ldrh w2, [x7, 14]
+ .loc 3 188 0
+ strh w3, [x1, 32]
+ .loc 3 189 0
+ strh w6, [x1, 34]
+ .loc 3 191 0
+ cmp w2, 4
+ .loc 3 190 0
+ strh w0, [x1, 36]
+ .loc 3 191 0
+ bne .L10
+ .loc 3 192 0
+ ldrh w2, [x7, 6]
+ lsr w2, w2, 1
+ strh w2, [x1, 22]
+ .loc 3 193 0
+ mov w2, 8
+ strh w2, [x1, 38]
+ .loc 3 197 0 discriminator 3
+ add x2, x4, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 3 183 0 discriminator 3
+ mov x1, 0
+ .loc 3 197 0 discriminator 3
+ add x5, x2, 40
+ strb w1, [x1, x5]
+ add x1, x1, 1
+ .loc 3 196 0 discriminator 3
+ cmp x1, 32
+ bne .L11
+ .loc 3 198 0
+ mov w1, 5
+ .loc 3 199 0
+ strh wzr, [x2, 74]
+ .loc 3 198 0
+ strh w1, [x2, 72]
+ .loc 3 200 0
+ cmp w3, 1
+ bne .L12
+ .loc 3 201 0
+ strh w3, [x2, 72]
+ .loc 3 202 0
+ add x3, x4, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 3 204 0
+ mul w6, w6, w0
+ .loc 3 202 0
+ mov w1, 640
+ .loc 3 204 0
+ and w6, w6, 65535
+ .loc 3 205 0
+ ldrh w5, [x3, 22]
+ .loc 3 202 0
+ strh w1, [x3, 76]
+ .loc 3 204 0
+ strh w6, [x3, 12]
+ .loc 3 205 0
+ mul w0, w0, w5
+ and w0, w0, 65535
+ strh w0, [x3, 78]
+ .loc 3 206 0
+ bl Ftl_log2
+ .loc 3 207 0
+ ldrh w9, [x7, 12]
+ .loc 3 210 0
+ ldrh w8, [x3, 38]
+ .loc 3 206 0
+ strh w0, [x3, 80]
+ .loc 3 207 0
+ strh w9, [x3, 82]
+ .loc 3 209 0
+ mul w0, w6, w9
+ .loc 3 208 0
+ strh w9, [x3, 84]
+ .loc 3 209 0
+ strh w0, [x3, 86]
+ .loc 3 210 0
+ mov w0, w8
+ bl Ftl_log2
+ and w2, w0, 65535
+ strh w0, [x3, 88]
+ .loc 3 212 0
+ ubfiz w0, w8, 9, 7
+ strh w0, [x3, 90]
+ .loc 3 213 0
+ ubfx w0, w0, 8, 8
+ strh w0, [x3, 92]
+ .loc 3 214 0
+ ldrh w0, [x7, 20]
+ strh w0, [x3, 94]
+ .loc 3 216 0
+ mul w0, w6, w5
+ str w0, [x3, 28]
+ .loc 3 217 0
+ mul w0, w0, w8
+ .loc 3 218 0
+ mul w8, w8, w9
+ .loc 3 217 0
+ mul w0, w0, w9
+ asr w0, w0, 11
+ str w0, [x3, 96]
+ .loc 3 218 0
+ mov w0, 5120
+ sdiv w0, w0, w8
+ and w0, w0, 65535
+ .loc 3 219 0
+ cmp w0, 4
+ bls .L13
+ .loc 3 221 0
+ add x1, x4, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 3 220 0
+ strh w0, [x3, 100]
+ .loc 3 221 0
+ mov w0, 640
+ .loc 3 223 0
+ lsl w5, w5, 6
+ .loc 3 221 0
+ asr w0, w0, w2
+ .loc 3 223 0
+ add w2, w2, 9
+ .loc 3 221 0
+ add w0, w0, 2
+ strh w0, [x1, 102]
+ .loc 3 223 0
+ asr w5, w5, w2
+ strh w5, [x1, 104]
+ and w5, w5, 65535
+ .loc 3 227 0
+ cmp w6, 1
+ .loc 3 224 0
+ mul w0, w5, w6
+ .loc 3 226 0
+ add w5, w5, 8
+ .loc 3 224 0
+ str w0, [x1, 108]
+ .loc 3 226 0
+ ldrh w0, [x1, 100]
+ udiv w0, w0, w6
+ add w5, w0, w5
+ .loc 3 227 0
+ beq .L15
+ .loc 3 231 0
+ add x4, x4, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 3 228 0
+ str w5, [x1, 8]
+ .loc 3 231 0
+ ldrh w0, [x4, 8]
+ bl FtlSysBlkNumInit
+ .loc 3 232 0
+ ldr w0, [x4, 8]
+ str w0, [x4, 112]
+ .loc 3 234 0
+ ldr w0, [x4, 24]
+ ldrh w1, [x4, 82]
+ .loc 3 236 0
+ str wzr, [x4, 120]
+ .loc 3 234 0
+ lsl w0, w0, 2
+ mul w0, w0, w1
+ ldrh w1, [x4, 88]
+ add w1, w1, 9
+ lsr w0, w0, w1
+ add w0, w0, 2
+ strh w0, [x4, 116]
+ .loc 3 235 0
+ mov w0, 32
+ strh w0, [x4, 118]
+ .loc 3 237 0
+ ldrh w0, [x4, 100]
+ add w0, w0, 3
+ strh w0, [x4, 100]
+ .loc 3 238 0
+ ldr w0, [x4, 108]
+ add w0, w0, 3
+ str w0, [x4, 108]
+ .loc 3 263 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 16
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 3 220 0
+ mov w0, 4
+ b .L19
+ .loc 3 228 0
+ add w5, w5, 4
+ b .L20
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlConstantsInit, .-FtlConstantsInit
+ .align 2
+ .global IsBlkInVendorPart
+ .type IsBlkInVendorPart, %function
+ .loc 3 514 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ .loc 3 517 0
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR0
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 3 514 0
+ and w0, w0, 65535
+ .loc 3 517 0
+ ldrh w2, [x1, 124]
+ cbz w2, .L25
+ .loc 3 518 0
+ ldrh w2, [x1, 100]
+ .loc 3 519 0
+ ldr x3, [x1, 128]
+ mov x1, 0
+ .loc 3 518 0
+ cmp w2, w1, uxth
+ bhi .L24
+ .loc 3 524 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ ret
+ add x1, x1, 1
+ .loc 3 519 0
+ add x4, x3, x1, lsl 1
+ ldrh w4, [x4, -2]
+ cmp w4, w0
+ bne .L23
+ .loc 3 520 0
+ mov w0, 1
+ .loc 3 525 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size IsBlkInVendorPart, .-IsBlkInVendorPart
+ .align 2
+ .global sftl_get_density
+ .type sftl_get_density, %function
+ .loc 3 1212 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ .loc 3 1214 0
+ adrp x0, .LANCHOR0+120
+ ldr w0, [x0, #:lo12:.LANCHOR0+120]
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size sftl_get_density, .-sftl_get_density
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlBbmMapBadBlock
+ .type FtlBbmMapBadBlock, %function
+ .file 4 "drivers/rkflash/rksftl/sftl_bbm.c"
+ .loc 4 5 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -32]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32
+ .cfi_offset 29, -32
+ .cfi_offset 30, -24
+ and w1, w0, 65535
+ .loc 4 15 0
+ mov w4, 1
+ .loc 4 5 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ str x19, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -16
+ .loc 4 10 0
+ adrp x19, .LANCHOR0
+ add x19, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 4 13 0
+ add x19, x19, 136
+ .loc 4 10 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, -58]
+ udiv w3, w1, w0
+ and w2, w3, 65535
+ msub w3, w3, w0, w1
+ .loc 4 13 0
+ add x0, x19, x2, uxth 3
+ and w3, w3, 65535
+ .loc 4 15 0
+ ldr x0, [x0, 32]
+ ubfx x5, x3, 5, 11
+ lsl x5, x5, 2
+ lsl w4, w4, w3
+ ldr w6, [x0, x5]
+ orr w4, w4, w6
+ str w4, [x0, x5]
+ .loc 4 16 0
+ adrp x0, .LC0
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC0
+ bl printk
+ .loc 4 17 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 6]
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ strh w0, [x19, 6]
+ .loc 4 19 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ ldr x19, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 32
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlBbmMapBadBlock, .-FtlBbmMapBadBlock
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlBbmIsBadBlock
+ .type FtlBbmIsBadBlock, %function
+ .loc 4 24 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ .loc 4 30 0
+ adrp x2, .LANCHOR0
+ add x3, x2, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 4 24 0
+ and w0, w0, 65535
+ .loc 4 30 0
+ ldrh w1, [x3, 78]
+ .loc 4 31 0
+ udiv w2, w0, w1
+ msub w0, w2, w1, w0
+ .loc 4 33 0
+ add x2, x3, x2, uxth 3
+ .loc 4 31 0
+ and w0, w0, 65535
+ .loc 4 34 0
+ ldr x1, [x2, 168]
+ ubfx x3, x0, 5, 11
+ ldr w1, [x1, x3, lsl 2]
+ lsr w0, w1, w0
+ .loc 4 36 0
+ and w0, w0, 1
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlBbmIsBadBlock, .-FtlBbmIsBadBlock
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlBbtInfoPrint
+ .type FtlBbtInfoPrint, %function
+ .loc 4 39 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlBbtInfoPrint, .-FtlBbtInfoPrint
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlBbtCalcTotleCnt
+ .type FtlBbtCalcTotleCnt, %function
+ .loc 4 157 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ .loc 4 160 0
+ adrp x0, .LANCHOR0
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ mov w4, 0
+ .loc 4 159 0
+ mov w5, 0
+ .loc 4 160 0
+ ldrh w6, [x0, 78]
+ ldrh w0, [x0, 34]
+ mul w6, w6, w0
+ cmp w4, w6
+ blt .L42
+ .loc 4 169 0
+ mov w0, w5
+ ret
+ .loc 4 157 0
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
+ .cfi_offset 29, -16
+ .cfi_offset 30, -8
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ .loc 4 162 0
+ mov w0, w4
+ bl FtlBbmIsBadBlock
+ cbz w0, .L34
+ .loc 4 164 0
+ add w5, w5, 1
+ and w5, w5, 65535
+ .loc 4 160 0 discriminator 2
+ add w4, w4, 1
+ and w4, w4, 65535
+ cmp w4, w6
+ blt .L35
+ .loc 4 169 0
+ mov w0, w5
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 16
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlBbtCalcTotleCnt, .-FtlBbtCalcTotleCnt
+ .align 2
+ .global V2P_block
+ .type V2P_block, %function
+ .loc 2 5 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ .loc 2 8 0
+ adrp x4, .LANCHOR0
+ add x4, x4, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 5 0
+ and w0, w0, 65535
+ and w1, w1, 65535
+ .loc 2 8 0
+ ldrh w2, [x4, 36]
+ ldrh w4, [x4, 78]
+ udiv w3, w0, w2
+ msub w0, w3, w2, w0
+ madd w2, w2, w1, w0
+ madd w0, w3, w4, w2
+ .loc 2 10 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size V2P_block, .-V2P_block
+ .align 2
+ .global P2V_plane
+ .type P2V_plane, %function
+ .loc 2 13 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ .loc 2 16 0
+ adrp x2, .LANCHOR0
+ add x2, x2, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 13 0
+ and w3, w0, 65535
+ .loc 2 16 0
+ ldrh w1, [x2, 36]
+ ldrh w2, [x2, 78]
+ udiv w0, w3, w1
+ udiv w2, w3, w2
+ msub w0, w0, w1, w3
+ madd w0, w1, w2, w0
+ .loc 2 18 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size P2V_plane, .-P2V_plane
+ .align 2
+ .global P2V_block_in_plane
+ .type P2V_block_in_plane, %function
+ .loc 2 21 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ .loc 2 24 0
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR0
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 21 0
+ and w3, w0, 65535
+ .loc 2 24 0
+ ldrh w2, [x1, 78]
+ .loc 2 25 0
+ ldrh w1, [x1, 36]
+ .loc 2 24 0
+ udiv w0, w3, w2
+ msub w0, w0, w2, w3
+ and w0, w0, 65535
+ .loc 2 27 0
+ udiv w0, w0, w1
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size P2V_block_in_plane, .-P2V_block_in_plane
+ .align 2
+ .global ftl_cmp_data_ver
+ .type ftl_cmp_data_ver, %function
+ .loc 2 31 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ .loc 2 34 0
+ cmp w0, w1
+ mov w2, -2147483648
+ bls .L47
+ .loc 2 36 0
+ sub w1, w0, w1
+ cmp w1, w2
+ cset w0, ls
+ ret
+ .loc 2 40 0
+ sub w1, w1, w0
+ cmp w1, w2
+ cset w0, hi
+ .loc 2 44 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size ftl_cmp_data_ver, .-ftl_cmp_data_ver
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlFreeSysBlkQueueEmpty
+ .type FtlFreeSysBlkQueueEmpty, %function
+ .loc 2 88 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ .loc 2 89 0
+ adrp x0, .LANCHOR0+238
+ ldrh w0, [x0, #:lo12:.LANCHOR0+238]
+ cmp w0, 0
+ .loc 2 90 0
+ cset w0, eq
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlFreeSysBlkQueueEmpty, .-FtlFreeSysBlkQueueEmpty
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlFreeSysBlkQueueFull
+ .type FtlFreeSysBlkQueueFull, %function
+ .loc 2 93 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ .loc 2 94 0
+ adrp x0, .LANCHOR0+238
+ ldrh w0, [x0, #:lo12:.LANCHOR0+238]
+ cmp w0, 1024
+ .loc 2 95 0
+ cset w0, eq
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlFreeSysBlkQueueFull, .-FtlFreeSysBlkQueueFull
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlFreeSysBLkSort
+ .type FtlFreeSysBLkSort, %function
+ .loc 2 116 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ .loc 2 123 0
+ adrp x2, .LANCHOR0
+ add x7, x2, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ add x6, x7, 232
+ mov x4, x2
+ .loc 2 116 0
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
+ .cfi_offset 29, -16
+ .cfi_offset 30, -8
+ .loc 2 123 0
+ mov w5, 0
+ .loc 2 116 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ .loc 2 123 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w0, [x6, 6]
+ cmp w0, w5
+ bhi .L53
+ .loc 2 128 0 discriminator 1
+ add x2, x4, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ mov w0, 0
+ add x5, x2, 232
+ ldrh w7, [x5, 6]
+ sub w1, w7, #1
+ cmp w0, w1
+ blt .L59
+ .loc 2 144 0
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 16
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 2 124 0 discriminator 3
+ ldrh w0, [x6, 2]
+ add w0, w0, w5
+ add x0, x6, x0, sxtw 1
+ ldrh w0, [x0, 8]
+ bl P2V_block_in_plane
+ .loc 2 125 0 discriminator 3
+ ldr x3, [x7, 2296]
+ ubfiz x0, x0, 1, 16
+ ldr x2, [x7, 2288]
+ ubfiz x1, x5, 2, 16
+ .loc 2 123 0 discriminator 3
+ add w5, w5, 1
+ and w5, w5, 65535
+ .loc 2 125 0 discriminator 3
+ ldrh w0, [x3, x0]
+ str w0, [x2, x1]
+ b .L52
+ .loc 2 130 0
+ add w6, w0, 1
+ .loc 2 131 0
+ ldr x4, [x2, 2288]
+ .loc 2 130 0
+ and w6, w6, 65535
+ mov w1, w0
+ mov w3, w6
+ .loc 2 130 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp w3, w7
+ bcc .L57
+ .loc 2 134 0 is_stmt 1
+ cmp w0, w1
+ beq .L58
+ .loc 2 136 0
+ ubfiz x3, x0, 2, 16
+ .loc 2 135 0
+ ubfiz x7, x1, 2, 32
+ .loc 2 136 0
+ ldr w9, [x4, x3]
+ .loc 2 135 0
+ ldr w8, [x4, x7]
+ .loc 2 136 0
+ str w9, [x4, x7]
+ .loc 2 137 0
+ ldr x4, [x2, 2288]
+ str w8, [x4, x3]
+ .loc 2 139 0
+ ldrh w3, [x5, 2]
+ .loc 2 140 0
+ add w0, w0, w3
+ .loc 2 139 0
+ add w1, w1, w3
+ .loc 2 140 0
+ add x0, x5, x0, sxtw 1
+ .loc 2 139 0
+ add x1, x5, x1, sxtw 1
+ .loc 2 140 0
+ ldrh w3, [x0, 8]
+ .loc 2 139 0
+ ldrh w4, [x1, 8]
+ .loc 2 140 0
+ strh w3, [x1, 8]
+ .loc 2 141 0
+ strh w4, [x0, 8]
+ .loc 2 130 0 discriminator 1
+ mov w0, w6
+ b .L54
+ .loc 2 131 0
+ ubfiz x8, x3, 2, 16
+ ldr w9, [x4, w1, uxtw 2]
+ ldr w8, [x4, x8]
+ cmp w9, w8
+ csel w1, w1, w3, ls
+ .loc 2 130 0
+ add w3, w3, 1
+ and w3, w3, 65535
+ b .L55
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlFreeSysBLkSort, .-FtlFreeSysBLkSort
+ .align 2
+ .global IsInFreeQueue
+ .type IsInFreeQueue, %function
+ .loc 2 147 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ .loc 2 94 0
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR0
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ add x1, x1, 232
+ .loc 2 147 0
+ and w0, w0, 65535
+ .loc 2 94 0
+ ldrh w4, [x1, 6]
+ .loc 2 152 0
+ cmp w4, 1024
+ beq .L65
+ .loc 2 155 0
+ ldrh w5, [x1, 2]
+ mov w3, 0
+ .loc 2 154 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp w3, w4
+ bcc .L64
+ .loc 2 148 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ ret
+ .loc 2 155 0
+ add w2, w3, w5
+ ubfiz x2, x2, 1, 10
+ add x2, x1, x2
+ ldrh w2, [x2, 8]
+ cmp w2, w0
+ beq .L66
+ .loc 2 154 0 discriminator 2
+ add w3, w3, 1
+ b .L63
+ .loc 2 156 0
+ mov w0, 1
+ .loc 2 162 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size IsInFreeQueue, .-IsInFreeQueue
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlFreeSysBlkQueueOut
+ .type FtlFreeSysBlkQueueOut, %function
+ .loc 2 165 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ .loc 2 89 0
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR0
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ add x1, x1, 232
+ ldrh w3, [x1, 6]
+ .loc 2 168 0
+ cbz w3, .L69
+ .loc 2 170 0
+ ldrh w2, [x1, 2]
+ .loc 2 171 0
+ sub w3, w3, #1
+ strh w3, [x1, 6]
+ .loc 2 170 0
+ add x0, x1, x2, sxtw 1
+ .loc 2 172 0
+ add w2, w2, 1
+ and w2, w2, 1023
+ strh w2, [x1, 2]
+ .loc 2 170 0
+ ldrh w0, [x0, 8]
+ ret
+ .loc 2 166 0
+ mov w0, 65535
+ .loc 2 176 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlFreeSysBlkQueueOut, .-FtlFreeSysBlkQueueOut
+ .align 2
+ .global insert_data_list
+ .type insert_data_list, %function
+ .loc 2 217 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ .loc 2 217 0
+ and w0, w0, 65535
+ .loc 2 225 0
+ mov w10, 65535
+ cmp w0, w10
+ beq .L71
+ .loc 2 230 0
+ adrp x2, .LANCHOR0
+ add x5, x2, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ mov w7, 6
+ .loc 2 231 0
+ mov w1, -1
+ mov x3, x2
+ .loc 2 230 0
+ ldr x12, [x5, 2304]
+ umull x11, w0, w7
+ add x4, x12, x11
+ .loc 2 231 0
+ strh w1, [x4, 2]
+ strh w1, [x12, x11]
+ .loc 2 233 0
+ ldr x1, [x5, 2312]
+ cbnz x1, .L72
+ .loc 2 234 0
+ str x4, [x5, 2312]
+ .loc 2 281 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ ret
+ .loc 2 238 0
+ ldr x14, [x5, 2320]
+ ubfiz x8, x0, 1, 16
+ .loc 2 239 0
+ ldrh w2, [x4, 4]
+ .loc 2 244 0
+ mov x15, -6148914691236517206
+ ldr x13, [x5, 2304]
+ movk x15, 0xaaab, lsl 0
+ .loc 2 239 0
+ cmp w2, 0
+ mov w9, -1
+ .loc 2 238 0
+ ldrh w6, [x14, x8]
+ .loc 2 239 0
+ mul w6, w6, w2
+ .loc 2 244 0
+ sub x2, x1, x13
+ asr x2, x2, 1
+ .loc 2 239 0
+ csel w6, w6, w9, ne
+ .loc 2 244 0
+ mul x2, x2, x15
+ .loc 2 252 0
+ ldr x15, [x5, 2296]
+ .loc 2 244 0
+ and w2, w2, 65535
+ .loc 2 252 0
+ add x8, x15, x8
+ .loc 2 246 0
+ ubfiz x16, x2, 1, 16
+ .loc 2 247 0
+ ldrh w17, [x1, 4]
+ cmp w17, 0
+ .loc 2 246 0
+ ldrh w5, [x14, x16]
+ .loc 2 247 0
+ mul w5, w5, w17
+ csel w5, w5, w9, ne
+ .loc 2 251 0
+ cmp w6, w5
+ bne .L75
+ .loc 2 252 0
+ ldrh w16, [x15, x16]
+ ldrh w5, [x8]
+ cmp w16, w5
+ bcc .L77
+ .loc 2 270 0
+ strh w2, [x12, x11]
+ .loc 2 271 0
+ ldrh w2, [x1, 2]
+ strh w2, [x4, 2]
+ .loc 2 273 0
+ add x2, x3, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldr x3, [x2, 2312]
+ cmp x1, x3
+ bne .L80
+ .loc 2 274 0
+ strh w0, [x1, 2]
+ .loc 2 275 0
+ str x4, [x2, 2312]
+ b .L71
+ .loc 2 256 0
+ bcc .L76
+ .loc 2 259 0
+ ldrh w5, [x1]
+ cmp w5, w10
+ bne .L78
+ .loc 2 260 0
+ strh w2, [x4, 2]
+ .loc 2 262 0
+ add x2, x3, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 261 0
+ strh w0, [x1]
+ .loc 2 262 0
+ str x4, [x2, 2328]
+ .loc 2 263 0
+ b .L71
+ .loc 2 267 0
+ umaddl x1, w5, w7, x13
+ .loc 2 246 0
+ mov w2, w5
+ b .L79
+ .loc 2 277 0
+ ldrh w3, [x1, 2]
+ mov w4, 6
+ ldr x2, [x2, 2304]
+ umull x3, w3, w4
+ strh w0, [x2, x3]
+ .loc 2 278 0
+ strh w0, [x1, 2]
+ b .L71
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size insert_data_list, .-insert_data_list
+ .align 2
+ .type INSERT_DATA_LIST, %function
+ .loc 2 186 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
+ .cfi_offset 29, -16
+ .cfi_offset 30, -8
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ .loc 2 187 0
+ bl insert_data_list
+ .loc 2 188 0
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR0
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrh w0, [x1, 2336]
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ and w0, w0, 65535
+ strh w0, [x1, 2336]
+ .loc 2 189 0
+ ldrh w1, [x1, 20]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bcs .L83
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR1
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 189
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 190 0
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 16
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .align 2
+ .global insert_free_list
+ .type insert_free_list, %function
+ .loc 2 284 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ .loc 2 284 0
+ and w0, w0, 65535
+ .loc 2 290 0
+ mov w7, 65535
+ cmp w0, w7
+ beq .L87
+ .loc 2 293 0
+ adrp x2, .LANCHOR0
+ add x5, x2, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ mov w6, 6
+ .loc 2 294 0
+ mov w1, -1
+ mov x3, x2
+ .loc 2 293 0
+ ldr x9, [x5, 2304]
+ umull x8, w0, w6
+ add x4, x9, x8
+ .loc 2 294 0
+ strh w1, [x4, 2]
+ strh w1, [x9, x8]
+ .loc 2 296 0
+ ldr x1, [x5, 2344]
+ cbnz x1, .L88
+ .loc 2 297 0
+ str x4, [x5, 2344]
+ .loc 2 330 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ ret
+ .loc 2 301 0
+ ldr x11, [x5, 2296]
+ ubfiz x2, x0, 1, 16
+ .loc 2 303 0
+ ldr x10, [x5, 2304]
+ mov x5, -6148914691236517206
+ movk x5, 0xaaab, lsl 0
+ .loc 2 301 0
+ ldrh w12, [x11, x2]
+ .loc 2 303 0
+ sub x2, x1, x10
+ asr x2, x2, 1
+ mul x2, x2, x5
+ and w2, w2, 65535
+ .loc 2 306 0
+ ubfiz x5, x2, 1, 16
+ .loc 2 307 0
+ ldrh w5, [x11, x5]
+ cmp w5, w12
+ bcs .L89
+ .loc 2 310 0
+ ldrh w5, [x1]
+ cmp w5, w7
+ bne .L90
+ .loc 2 311 0
+ strh w2, [x4, 2]
+ .loc 2 312 0
+ strh w0, [x1]
+ .loc 2 313 0
+ b .L87
+ .loc 2 316 0
+ umaddl x1, w5, w6, x10
+ .loc 2 306 0
+ mov w2, w5
+ b .L91
+ .loc 2 319 0
+ ldrh w5, [x1, 2]
+ strh w5, [x4, 2]
+ .loc 2 320 0
+ strh w2, [x9, x8]
+ .loc 2 322 0
+ add x2, x3, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldr x3, [x2, 2344]
+ cmp x1, x3
+ bne .L92
+ .loc 2 323 0
+ strh w0, [x1, 2]
+ .loc 2 324 0
+ str x4, [x2, 2344]
+ b .L87
+ .loc 2 326 0
+ ldrh w3, [x1, 2]
+ mov w4, 6
+ ldr x2, [x2, 2304]
+ umull x3, w3, w4
+ strh w0, [x2, x3]
+ .loc 2 327 0
+ strh w0, [x1, 2]
+ b .L87
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size insert_free_list, .-insert_free_list
+ .align 2
+ .type INSERT_FREE_LIST, %function
+ .loc 2 179 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
+ .cfi_offset 29, -16
+ .cfi_offset 30, -8
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ .loc 2 180 0
+ bl insert_free_list
+ .loc 2 181 0
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR0
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrh w0, [x1, 2352]
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ and w0, w0, 65535
+ strh w0, [x1, 2352]
+ .loc 2 182 0
+ ldrh w1, [x1, 20]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bcs .L93
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR1
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 182
+ add x1, x1, 24
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 183 0
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 16
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .align 2
+ .global List_remove_node
+ .type List_remove_node, %function
+ .loc 2 333 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -64]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64
+ .cfi_offset 29, -64
+ .cfi_offset 30, -56
+ and w1, w1, 65535
+ .loc 2 336 0
+ mov w2, 6
+ .loc 2 333 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -48
+ .cfi_offset 20, -40
+ .loc 2 336 0
+ adrp x19, .LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 333 0
+ str x23, [sp, 48]
+ .cfi_offset 23, -16
+ mov x23, x0
+ .loc 2 336 0
+ add x0, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 333 0
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ .cfi_offset 21, -32
+ .cfi_offset 22, -24
+ .loc 2 336 0
+ umull x21, w1, w2
+ ldr x22, [x0, 2304]
+ .loc 2 337 0
+ mov w0, 65535
+ .loc 2 336 0
+ add x20, x22, x21
+ .loc 2 337 0
+ ldrh w1, [x20, 2]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bne .L97
+ .loc 2 337 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldr x0, [x23]
+ cmp x20, x0
+ beq .L97
+ .loc 2 337 0 discriminator 2
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR1
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 337
+ add x1, x1, 48
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 339 0 is_stmt 1
+ ldr x0, [x23]
+ mov w1, 65535
+ cmp x20, x0
+ ldrh w0, [x22, x21]
+ bne .L98
+ .loc 2 340 0
+ cmp w0, w1
+ bne .L99
+ .loc 2 341 0
+ str xzr, [x23]
+ .loc 2 355 0
+ mov w0, -1
+ strh w0, [x22, x21]
+ strh w0, [x20, 2]
+ .loc 2 357 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldr x23, [sp, 48]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 64
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 23
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 2 343 0
+ add x19, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ mov w2, 6
+ ldr x1, [x19, 2304]
+ umaddl x0, w0, w2, x1
+ .loc 2 344 0
+ mov w1, -1
+ .loc 2 343 0
+ str x0, [x23]
+ .loc 2 344 0
+ strh w1, [x0, 2]
+ b .L100
+ .loc 2 346 0
+ cmp w0, w1
+ .loc 2 347 0
+ add x19, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ mov w2, 6
+ ldrh w1, [x20, 2]
+ .loc 2 346 0
+ bne .L101
+ .loc 2 347 0
+ umull x1, w1, w2
+ .loc 2 348 0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 2304]
+ mov w2, -1
+ strh w2, [x0, x1]
+ b .L100
+ .loc 2 351 0
+ ldr x3, [x19, 2304]
+ umaddl x0, w0, w2, x3
+ strh w1, [x0, 2]
+ .loc 2 352 0
+ ldrh w1, [x20, 2]
+ .loc 2 353 0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 2304]
+ ldrh w3, [x22, x21]
+ .loc 2 352 0
+ umull x1, w1, w2
+ .loc 2 353 0
+ strh w3, [x0, x1]
+ b .L100
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size List_remove_node, .-List_remove_node
+ .align 2
+ .global List_pop_index_node
+ .type List_pop_index_node, %function
+ .loc 2 360 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ .loc 2 364 0
+ ldr x2, [x0]
+ cbz x2, .L109
+ .loc 2 360 0
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -32]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32
+ .cfi_offset 29, -32
+ .cfi_offset 30, -24
+ .loc 2 369 0
+ adrp x3, .LANCHOR0+2304
+ and w1, w1, 65535
+ .loc 2 368 0
+ mov w4, 65535
+ .loc 2 360 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ str x19, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -16
+ .loc 2 369 0
+ mov w5, 6
+ ldr x19, [x3, #:lo12:.LANCHOR0+2304]
+ .loc 2 368 0
+ cbnz w1, .L106
+ .loc 2 372 0
+ sub x19, x2, x19
+ mov x2, -6148914691236517206
+ asr x19, x19, 1
+ movk x2, 0xaaab, lsl 0
+ mul x19, x19, x2
+ and w19, w19, 65535
+ .loc 2 373 0
+ mov w1, w19
+ bl List_remove_node
+ .loc 2 375 0
+ mov w0, w19
+ .loc 2 376 0
+ ldr x19, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 32
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 2 368 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w3, [x2]
+ cmp w3, w4
+ beq .L108
+ .loc 2 370 0
+ sub w1, w1, #1
+ .loc 2 369 0
+ umaddl x2, w3, w5, x19
+ .loc 2 370 0
+ and w1, w1, 65535
+ b .L105
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .loc 2 365 0
+ mov w0, 65535
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size List_pop_index_node, .-List_pop_index_node
+ .align 2
+ .global List_pop_head_node
+ .type List_pop_head_node, %function
+ .loc 2 379 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
+ .cfi_offset 29, -16
+ .cfi_offset 30, -8
+ .loc 2 380 0
+ mov w1, 0
+ .loc 2 379 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ .loc 2 380 0
+ bl List_pop_index_node
+ .loc 2 381 0
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 16
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size List_pop_head_node, .-List_pop_head_node
+ .align 2
+ .global List_get_gc_head_node
+ .type List_get_gc_head_node, %function
+ .loc 2 384 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ .loc 2 384 0
+ and w2, w0, 65535
+ .loc 2 388 0
+ adrp x0, .LANCHOR0
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldr x1, [x0, 2312]
+ cbz x1, .L121
+ .loc 2 393 0
+ ldr x3, [x0, 2304]
+ mov w4, 6
+ .loc 2 392 0
+ mov w0, 65535
+ cbz w2, .L119
+ .loc 2 392 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w1, [x1]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bne .L120
+ ret
+ .loc 2 394 0 is_stmt 1
+ sub w2, w2, #1
+ .loc 2 393 0
+ umaddl x1, w1, w4, x3
+ .loc 2 394 0
+ and w2, w2, 65535
+ b .L118
+ .loc 2 389 0
+ mov w0, 65535
+ ret
+ .loc 2 398 0
+ sub x0, x1, x3
+ mov x1, -6148914691236517206
+ asr x0, x0, 1
+ movk x1, 0xaaab, lsl 0
+ mul x0, x0, x1
+ .loc 2 400 0
+ and w0, w0, 65535
+ .loc 2 401 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size List_get_gc_head_node, .-List_get_gc_head_node
+ .align 2
+ .global List_update_data_list
+ .type List_update_data_list, %function
+ .loc 2 404 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -48]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48
+ .cfi_offset 29, -48
+ .cfi_offset 30, -40
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -32
+ .cfi_offset 20, -24
+ and w20, w0, 65535
+ .loc 2 413 0
+ adrp x19, .LANCHOR0
+ add x0, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 404 0
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ .cfi_offset 21, -16
+ .cfi_offset 22, -8
+ .loc 2 413 0
+ ldrh w1, [x0, 2360]
+ cmp w1, w20
+ beq .L124
+ .loc 2 413 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w1, [x0, 2408]
+ cmp w1, w20
+ beq .L124
+ .loc 2 413 0 discriminator 2
+ ldrh w1, [x0, 2456]
+ cmp w1, w20
+ beq .L124
+ .loc 2 416 0 is_stmt 1
+ mov w1, 6
+ ldr x3, [x0, 2304]
+ .loc 2 418 0
+ ldr x2, [x0, 2312]
+ .loc 2 416 0
+ umull x1, w20, w1
+ add x22, x3, x1
+ .loc 2 418 0
+ cmp x22, x2
+ beq .L124
+ .loc 2 421 0
+ ldr x4, [x0, 2320]
+ ubfiz x2, x20, 1, 16
+ .loc 2 422 0
+ ldrh w0, [x22, 4]
+ ldrh w21, [x4, x2]
+ .loc 2 426 0
+ mov w2, 65535
+ .loc 2 422 0
+ mul w21, w21, w0
+ .loc 2 426 0
+ ldrh w0, [x22, 2]
+ .loc 2 424 0
+ cmp w21, 0
+ csinv w21, w21, wzr, ne
+ .loc 2 426 0
+ cmp w0, w2
+ bne .L127
+ ldrh w1, [x3, x1]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bne .L127
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR1
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 426
+ add x1, x1, 72
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 427 0
+ ldrh w1, [x22, 2]
+ mov w0, 6
+ .loc 2 429 0
+ add x22, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 428 0
+ mov x2, -6148914691236517206
+ movk x2, 0xaaab, lsl 0
+ .loc 2 427 0
+ umull x1, w1, w0
+ .loc 2 428 0
+ asr x0, x1, 1
+ mul x0, x0, x2
+ .loc 2 429 0
+ ldr x2, [x22, 2320]
+ .loc 2 430 0
+ ldrh w0, [x2, x0, lsl 1]
+ ldr x2, [x22, 2304]
+ add x1, x2, x1
+ ldrh w1, [x1, 4]
+ mul w0, w0, w1
+ .loc 2 432 0
+ cmp w0, 0
+ csinv w0, w0, wzr, ne
+ .loc 2 434 0
+ cmp w21, w0
+ bcs .L124
+ .loc 2 435 0
+ mov w1, w20
+ add x0, x22, 2312
+ bl List_remove_node
+ ldrh w0, [x22, 2336]
+ cbnz w0, .L129
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR1
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 435
+ add x1, x1, 72
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ add x19, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 2336]
+ sub w0, w0, #1
+ strh w0, [x19, 2336]
+ .loc 2 436 0
+ mov w0, w20
+ .loc 2 439 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 48
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size List_update_data_list, .-List_update_data_list
+ .align 2
+ .global ftl_map_blk_alloc_new_blk
+ .type ftl_map_blk_alloc_new_blk, %function
+ .loc 2 516 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
+ .cfi_offset 29, -16
+ .cfi_offset 30, -8
+ mov x4, x0
+ .loc 2 520 0
+ mov w5, 0
+ .loc 2 516 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ .loc 2 520 0
+ ldrh w1, [x0, 10]
+ ldr x0, [x0, 16]
+ .loc 2 520 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp w5, w1
+ bne .L135
+ .loc 2 532 0 is_stmt 1
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR1
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ mov w2, 532
+ add x1, x1, 96
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ b .L137
+ .loc 2 521 0
+ mov x6, x0
+ ldrh w2, [x0], 2
+ cbnz w2, .L133
+ .loc 2 522 0
+ bl FtlFreeSysBlkQueueOut
+ strh w0, [x6]
+ .loc 2 523 0
+ tst w0, 65535
+ beq .L134
+ .loc 2 526 0
+ ldr w0, [x4, 48]
+ .loc 2 524 0
+ strh wzr, [x4, 2]
+ .loc 2 526 0
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ str w0, [x4, 48]
+ .loc 2 527 0
+ ldrh w0, [x4, 8]
+ .loc 2 525 0
+ strh w5, [x4]
+ .loc 2 527 0
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ strh w0, [x4, 8]
+ .loc 2 532 0
+ ldrh w0, [x4, 10]
+ cmp w0, w5
+ bls .L136
+ .loc 2 534 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 16
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 2 520 0 discriminator 2
+ add w5, w5, 1
+ and w5, w5, 65535
+ b .L132
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size ftl_map_blk_alloc_new_blk, .-ftl_map_blk_alloc_new_blk
+ .align 2
+ .global select_l2p_ram_region
+ .type select_l2p_ram_region, %function
+ .loc 2 700 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -32]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32
+ .cfi_offset 29, -32
+ .cfi_offset 30, -24
+ .loc 2 705 0
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR0
+ add x0, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ mov x3, 0
+ .loc 2 700 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ str x19, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -16
+ .loc 2 706 0
+ mov w4, 65535
+ .loc 2 705 0
+ ldrh w2, [x0, 118]
+ .loc 2 706 0
+ ldr x0, [x0, 2504]
+ and w19, w3, 65535
+ .loc 2 705 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp w19, w2
+ bcc .L145
+ add x4, x0, 4
+ .loc 2 705 0 is_stmt 0
+ mov w19, w2
+ mov w6, -2147483648
+ mov w3, 0
+ .loc 2 715 0 is_stmt 1 discriminator 1
+ cmp w3, w2
+ bne .L148
+ .loc 2 724 0
+ cmp w19, w2
+ bcc .L144
+ .loc 2 730 0
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ mov w19, w2
+ mov w3, -1
+ ldrh w4, [x1, 2512]
+ mov w1, 0
+ .loc 2 729 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp w1, w2
+ bne .L151
+ .loc 2 735 0
+ cmp w19, w1
+ bcc .L144
+ .loc 2 735 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR1
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ mov w2, 735
+ add x1, x1, 128
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ b .L144
+ add x3, x3, 1
+ .loc 2 706 0 is_stmt 1
+ add x5, x0, x3, lsl 4
+ ldrh w5, [x5, -16]
+ cmp w5, w4
+ bne .L143
+ .loc 2 737 0
+ mov w0, w19
+ ldr x19, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 32
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 2 716 0
+ ldr w5, [x4]
+ tbnz w5, #31, .L147
+ .loc 2 717 0
+ cmp w6, w5
+ bls .L147
+ mov w6, w5
+ mov w19, w3
+ .loc 2 715 0 discriminator 2
+ add w3, w3, 1
+ add x4, x4, 16
+ and w3, w3, 65535
+ b .L146
+ .loc 2 730 0
+ ldr w6, [x0, 4]
+ cmp w3, w6
+ bls .L150
+ .loc 2 730 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w5, [x0]
+ cmp w5, w4
+ csel w3, w3, w6, eq
+ csel w19, w19, w1, eq
+ .loc 2 729 0 is_stmt 1 discriminator 2
+ add w1, w1, 1
+ add x0, x0, 16
+ and w1, w1, 65535
+ b .L149
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size select_l2p_ram_region, .-select_l2p_ram_region
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlUpdateVaildLpn
+ .type FtlUpdateVaildLpn, %function
+ .loc 2 882 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ .loc 2 885 0
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR0
+ add x3, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrh w2, [x3, 2514]
+ cmp w2, 4
+ bhi .L154
+ .loc 2 885 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ cbnz w0, .L154
+ .loc 2 885 0
+ add w2, w2, 1
+ strh w2, [x3, 2514]
+ .loc 2 894 0 is_stmt 1
+ ret
+ .loc 2 886 0
+ add x0, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 890 0
+ mov w6, 65535
+ mov x1, 0
+ .loc 2 888 0
+ ldrh w4, [x0, 20]
+ .loc 2 890 0
+ ldr x5, [x0, 2320]
+ .loc 2 886 0
+ strh wzr, [x0, 2514]
+ .loc 2 887 0
+ str wzr, [x0, 2516]
+ .loc 2 888 0
+ cmp w4, w1, uxth
+ bhi .L157
+ ret
+ .loc 2 890 0
+ ldrh w3, [x5, x1, lsl 1]
+ cmp w3, w6
+ beq .L156
+ .loc 2 891 0
+ ldr w2, [x0, 2516]
+ add w2, w2, w3
+ str w2, [x0, 2516]
+ add x1, x1, 1
+ b .L155
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlUpdateVaildLpn, .-FtlUpdateVaildLpn
+ .align 2
+ .global ftl_set_blk_mode
+ .type ftl_set_blk_mode, %function
+ .loc 2 1347 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ and w0, w0, 65535
+ .loc 2 1348 0
+ cbz w1, .L160
+ .loc 2 1347 0
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
+ .cfi_offset 29, -16
+ .cfi_offset 30, -8
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ bl ftl_set_blk_mode.part.7
+ .loc 2 1352 0
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 16
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .loc 2 1351 0
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR0
+ ubfx x2, x0, 5, 11
+ lsl x2, x2, 2
+ ldr x3, [x1, #:lo12:.LANCHOR0]
+ mov w1, 1
+ lsl w0, w1, w0
+ ldr w1, [x3, x2]
+ bic w0, w1, w0
+ str w0, [x3, x2]
+ .loc 2 1352 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size ftl_set_blk_mode, .-ftl_set_blk_mode
+ .align 2
+ .global ftl_get_blk_mode
+ .type ftl_get_blk_mode, %function
+ .loc 2 1355 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ .loc 2 1355 0
+ and w1, w0, 65535
+ .loc 2 1356 0
+ adrp x0, .LANCHOR0
+ ldr x0, [x0, #:lo12:.LANCHOR0]
+ ubfx x2, x1, 5, 11
+ ldr w0, [x0, x2, lsl 2]
+ lsr w0, w0, w1
+ .loc 2 1357 0
+ and w0, w0, 1
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size ftl_get_blk_mode, .-ftl_get_blk_mode
+ .align 2
+ .global ftl_sb_update_avl_pages
+ .type ftl_sb_update_avl_pages, %function
+ .loc 2 1608 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ .loc 2 1608 0
+ and w6, w1, 65535
+ .loc 2 1611 0
+ adrp x4, .LANCHOR0
+ add x1, x4, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ and w2, w2, 65535
+ .loc 2 1610 0
+ strh wzr, [x0, 4]
+ .loc 2 1611 0
+ ldrh w3, [x1, 12]
+ .loc 2 1613 0
+ mov w1, 65535
+ .loc 2 1611 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp w3, w2, uxth
+ bhi .L170
+ .loc 2 1622 0
+ add x4, x4, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ubfiz x3, x3, 1, 16
+ add x3, x3, 16
+ add x2, x0, 16
+ add x3, x0, x3
+ .loc 2 1620 0
+ mov w5, 65535
+ ldrh w1, [x4, 82]
+ sub w1, w1, #1
+ and w1, w1, 65535
+ .loc 2 1622 0
+ sub w1, w1, w6
+ .loc 2 1618 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp x2, x3
+ bne .L173
+ .loc 2 1625 0
+ ret
+ .loc 2 1613 0
+ add x5, x0, x2, sxtw 1
+ ldrh w5, [x5, 16]
+ cmp w5, w1
+ beq .L169
+ .loc 2 1615 0
+ ldrh w5, [x0, 4]
+ add w5, w5, 1
+ strh w5, [x0, 4]
+ add w2, w2, 1
+ b .L168
+ .loc 2 1620 0
+ ldrh w4, [x2]
+ cmp w4, w5
+ beq .L172
+ .loc 2 1622 0
+ ldrh w4, [x0, 4]
+ add w4, w1, w4
+ strh w4, [x0, 4]
+ add x2, x2, 2
+ b .L171
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size ftl_sb_update_avl_pages, .-ftl_sb_update_avl_pages
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlSlcSuperblockCheck
+ .type FtlSlcSuperblockCheck, %function
+ .loc 2 2013 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ .loc 2 2016 0
+ ldrh w1, [x0, 4]
+ cbz w1, .L174
+ .loc 2 2018 0
+ ldrh w2, [x0]
+ mov w1, 65535
+ cmp w2, w1
+ beq .L174
+ .loc 2 2020 0
+ ldrb w2, [x0, 6]
+ add x2, x2, 8
+ ldrh w3, [x0, x2, lsl 1]
+ .loc 2 2023 0
+ adrp x2, .LANCHOR0+12
+ ldrh w4, [x2, #:lo12:.LANCHOR0+12]
+ .loc 2 2021 0
+ mov w2, w1
+ cmp w3, w2
+ beq .L179
+ ret
+ .loc 2 2022 0
+ ldrb w1, [x0, 6]
+ add w1, w1, 1
+ and w1, w1, 255
+ strb w1, [x0, 6]
+ .loc 2 2023 0
+ cmp w1, w4
+ bne .L178
+ .loc 2 2024 0
+ ldrh w1, [x0, 2]
+ .loc 2 2025 0
+ strb wzr, [x0, 6]
+ .loc 2 2024 0
+ add w1, w1, 1
+ strh w1, [x0, 2]
+ .loc 2 2027 0
+ ldrb w1, [x0, 6]
+ add x1, x1, 8
+ ldrh w3, [x0, x1, lsl 1]
+ b .L177
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlSlcSuperblockCheck, .-FtlSlcSuperblockCheck
+ .align 2
+ .global make_superblock
+ .type make_superblock, %function
+ .loc 2 2045 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -32]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32
+ .cfi_offset 29, -32
+ .cfi_offset 30, -24
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -16
+ .cfi_offset 20, -8
+ .loc 2 2045 0
+ mov x19, x0
+ .loc 2 2048 0
+ adrp x20, .LANCHOR0
+ add x0, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrh w1, [x19]
+ ldrh w0, [x0, 20]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bcc .L181
+ .loc 2 2048 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR1
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 2048
+ add x1, x1, 152
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 2051 0 is_stmt 1
+ add x0, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ add x6, x19, 16
+ .loc 2 2052 0
+ add x7, x0, 40
+ .loc 2 2049 0
+ strh wzr, [x19, 4]
+ .loc 2 2050 0
+ strb wzr, [x19, 7]
+ .loc 2 2051 0
+ mov x5, 0
+ ldrh w8, [x0, 12]
+ .loc 2 2053 0
+ mov w9, -1
+ .loc 2 2051 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp w8, w5, uxth
+ bhi .L184
+ .loc 2 2061 0
+ add x20, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrb w0, [x19, 7]
+ ldrh w1, [x20, 82]
+ mul w0, w0, w1
+ strh w0, [x19, 4]
+ .loc 2 2062 0
+ mov w0, 1
+ strb w0, [x19, 9]
+ .loc 2 2064 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 32
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 2 2052 0
+ ldrh w1, [x19]
+ ldrb w0, [x7, x5]
+ bl V2P_block
+ mov w4, w0
+ .loc 2 2053 0
+ strh w9, [x6]
+ .loc 2 2054 0
+ bl FtlBbmIsBadBlock
+ cbnz w0, .L183
+ .loc 2 2055 0
+ strh w4, [x6]
+ .loc 2 2056 0
+ ldrb w0, [x19, 7]
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ strb w0, [x19, 7]
+ add x5, x5, 1
+ add x6, x6, 2
+ b .L182
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size make_superblock, .-make_superblock
+ .align 2
+ .global update_multiplier_value
+ .type update_multiplier_value, %function
+ .loc 2 2401 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ and w8, w0, 65535
+ .loc 2 2405 0
+ adrp x0, .LANCHOR0
+ add x1, x0, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ mov x9, 0
+ .loc 2 2403 0
+ mov w6, 0
+ mov x5, x0
+ .loc 2 2406 0
+ add x7, x1, 40
+ .loc 2 2405 0
+ ldrh w10, [x1, 12]
+ .loc 2 2408 0
+ ldrh w11, [x1, 82]
+ .loc 2 2405 0
+ cmp w10, w9, uxth
+ bhi .L198
+ .loc 2 2410 0
+ cbz w6, .L196
+ .loc 2 2411 0
+ mov w0, 32768
+ sdiv w6, w0, w6
+ .loc 2 2412 0
+ add x0, x5, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ mov w1, 6
+ ldr x0, [x0, 2304]
+ umaddl x8, w8, w1, x0
+ .loc 2 2414 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ .loc 2 2412 0
+ strh w6, [x8, 4]
+ .loc 2 2414 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_def_cfa 29, 16
+ .cfi_offset 29, -16
+ .cfi_offset 30, -8
+ mov w6, 0
+ b .L190
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ mov w6, 0
+ b .L197
+ .loc 2 2401 0
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
+ .cfi_offset 29, -16
+ .cfi_offset 30, -8
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ .loc 2 2406 0
+ ldrb w0, [x7, x9]
+ mov w1, w8
+ bl V2P_block
+ .loc 2 2407 0
+ bl FtlBbmIsBadBlock
+ cbnz w0, .L188
+ .loc 2 2408 0
+ add w6, w6, w11
+ and w6, w6, 65535
+ add x9, x9, 1
+ .loc 2 2405 0 discriminator 2
+ cmp w10, w9, uxth
+ bhi .L189
+ .loc 2 2410 0
+ cbz w6, .L191
+ .loc 2 2411 0
+ mov w0, 32768
+ sdiv w6, w0, w6
+ .loc 2 2412 0
+ add x0, x5, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ mov w1, 6
+ ldr x0, [x0, 2304]
+ umaddl x8, w8, w1, x0
+ .loc 2 2414 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ .loc 2 2412 0
+ strh w6, [x8, 4]
+ .loc 2 2414 0
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 16
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size update_multiplier_value, .-update_multiplier_value
+ .align 2
+ .global GetFreeBlockMinEraseCount
+ .type GetFreeBlockMinEraseCount, %function
+ .loc 2 2417 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ .loc 2 2420 0
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR0
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldr x0, [x1, 2344]
+ cbz x0, .L201
+ .loc 2 2421 0
+ ldr x2, [x1, 2304]
+ ldr x1, [x1, 2296]
+ sub x0, x0, x2
+ mov x2, -6148914691236517206
+ asr x0, x0, 1
+ movk x2, 0xaaab, lsl 0
+ mul x0, x0, x2
+ and x0, x0, 65535
+ ldrh w0, [x1, x0, lsl 1]
+ ret
+ .loc 2 2418 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ .loc 2 2423 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size GetFreeBlockMinEraseCount, .-GetFreeBlockMinEraseCount
+ .align 2
+ .global GetFreeBlockMaxEraseCount
+ .type GetFreeBlockMaxEraseCount, %function
+ .loc 2 2426 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ .loc 2 2431 0
+ adrp x2, .LANCHOR0
+ add x4, x2, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 2426 0
+ and w0, w0, 65535
+ .loc 2 2431 0
+ ldr x1, [x4, 2344]
+ cbz x1, .L209
+ .loc 2 2432 0
+ ldrh w3, [x4, 2352]
+ mov w5, 7
+ .loc 2 2434 0
+ ldr x4, [x4, 2304]
+ .loc 2 2436 0
+ mov w6, 6
+ mov w7, 65535
+ .loc 2 2434 0
+ sub x1, x1, x4
+ .loc 2 2432 0
+ mul w3, w3, w5
+ .loc 2 2434 0
+ asr x1, x1, 1
+ .loc 2 2432 0
+ asr w3, w3, 3
+ .loc 2 2433 0
+ cmp w0, w3
+ csel w0, w3, w0, gt
+ .loc 2 2434 0
+ mov x3, -6148914691236517206
+ movk x3, 0xaaab, lsl 0
+ mul x1, x1, x3
+ .loc 2 2435 0
+ mov w3, 0
+ .loc 2 2434 0
+ and w1, w1, 65535
+ .loc 2 2435 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp w0, w3
+ beq .L208
+ .loc 2 2436 0
+ umull x5, w1, w6
+ ldrh w5, [x4, x5]
+ cmp w5, w7
+ bne .L206
+ .loc 2 2440 0
+ add x2, x2, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ubfiz x1, x1, 1, 16
+ ldr x0, [x2, 2296]
+ ldrh w0, [x0, x1]
+ ret
+ .loc 2 2435 0 discriminator 2
+ add w3, w3, 1
+ mov w1, w5
+ and w3, w3, 65535
+ b .L205
+ .loc 2 2427 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ .loc 2 2443 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size GetFreeBlockMaxEraseCount, .-GetFreeBlockMaxEraseCount
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlPrintInfo2buf
+ .type FtlPrintInfo2buf, %function
+ .loc 3 11 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -96]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 96
+ .cfi_offset 29, -96
+ .cfi_offset 30, -88
+ .loc 3 15 0
+ adrp x1, .LC2
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC2
+ .loc 3 11 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ .cfi_offset 21, -64
+ .cfi_offset 22, -56
+ mov x22, x0
+ stp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ .cfi_offset 23, -48
+ .cfi_offset 24, -40
+ .loc 3 17 0
+ adrp x23, .LANCHOR0
+ add x21, x23, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 3 11 0
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ stp x25, x26, [sp, 64]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -80
+ .cfi_offset 20, -72
+ .cfi_offset 25, -32
+ .cfi_offset 26, -24
+ .loc 3 15 0
+ add x20, x0, 12
+ .loc 3 11 0
+ str x27, [sp, 80]
+ .cfi_offset 27, -16
+ .loc 3 15 0
+ bl strcpy
+ .loc 3 17 0
+ ldr w2, [x21, 96]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC3
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC3
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 18 0
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC4
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC4
+ bl strcpy
+ .loc 3 19 0
+ ldr w2, [x21, 2520]
+ .loc 3 18 0
+ add x20, x20, 10
+ .loc 3 19 0
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC5
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC5
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 20 0
+ ldr w2, [x21, 2516]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC6
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC6
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 21 0
+ ldr w2, [x21, 2524]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC7
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC7
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 22 0
+ ldr w2, [x21, 2528]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC8
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC8
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 23 0
+ ldr w2, [x21, 2532]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC9
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC9
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 24 0
+ ldr w2, [x21, 2536]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC10
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC10
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 25 0
+ ldr w2, [x21, 2540]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC11
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC11
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 26 0
+ ldr w2, [x21, 2544]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC12
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC12
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 27 0
+ ldr w2, [x21, 2548]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC13
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC13
+ lsr w2, w2, 11
+ bl sprintf
+ .loc 3 28 0
+ ldr w2, [x21, 2552]
+ .loc 3 27 0
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 28 0
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC14
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC14
+ lsr w2, w2, 11
+ bl sprintf
+ .loc 3 29 0
+ ldr w2, [x21, 2556]
+ .loc 3 28 0
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 29 0
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC15
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC15
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 30 0
+ ldr w2, [x21, 2560]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC16
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC16
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 31 0
+ ldrh w2, [x21, 142]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC17
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC17
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 32 0
+ ldrh w2, [x21, 2352]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC18
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC18
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 33 0
+ ldr w2, [x21, 2564]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC19
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC19
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 34 0
+ ldr w2, [x21, 2568]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC20
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC20
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 35 0
+ ldr w2, [x21, 2572]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC21
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC21
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 36 0
+ ldr w2, [x21, 2576]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC22
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC22
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 37 0
+ ldr w2, [x21, 2580]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC23
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC23
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 38 0
+ ldr w2, [x21, 2584]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC24
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC24
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 39 0
+ ldrh w2, [x21, 2622]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC25
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC25
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 40 0
+ ldrh w2, [x21, 2620]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC26
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC26
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 41 0
+ ldr w2, [x21, 120]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC27
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC27
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 42 0
+ ldr w2, [x21, 112]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC28
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC28
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 43 0
+ ldr w2, [x21, 8]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC29
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC29
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 44 0
+ ldrh w2, [x21, 238]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC30
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC30
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 45 0
+ ldrh w2, [x21, 20]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC31
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC31
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 46 0
+ ldrh w2, [x21, 2640]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC32
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC32
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 47 0
+ ldr w2, [x21, 24]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC33
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC33
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 48 0
+ ldrh w2, [x21, 2648]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC34
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC34
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 49 0
+ ldrh w2, [x21, 136]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC35
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC35
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 50 0
+ ldrh w2, [x21, 2362]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC36
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC36
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 51 0
+ ldrb w2, [x21, 2366]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC37
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC37
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 52 0
+ ldrh w2, [x21, 2360]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC38
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC38
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 53 0
+ ldrb w2, [x21, 2368]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC39
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC39
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 54 0
+ ldrh w2, [x21, 2364]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC40
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC40
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 55 0
+ ldrh w1, [x21, 2360]
+ ldr x0, [x21, 2320]
+ ldrh w2, [x0, x1, lsl 1]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC41
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC41
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 56 0
+ ldrh w2, [x21, 2410]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC42
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC42
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 57 0
+ ldrb w2, [x21, 2414]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC43
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC43
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 58 0
+ ldrh w2, [x21, 2408]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC44
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC44
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 59 0
+ ldrb w2, [x21, 2416]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC45
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC45
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 60 0
+ ldrh w2, [x21, 2412]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC46
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC46
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 61 0
+ ldrh w1, [x21, 2408]
+ ldr x0, [x21, 2320]
+ ldrh w2, [x0, x1, lsl 1]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC47
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC47
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 62 0
+ ldrh w2, [x21, 2458]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC48
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC48
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 63 0
+ ldrb w2, [x21, 2462]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC49
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC49
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 64 0
+ ldrh w2, [x21, 2456]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC50
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC50
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 65 0
+ ldrb w2, [x21, 2464]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC51
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC51
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 66 0
+ ldrh w2, [x21, 2460]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC52
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC52
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 67 0
+ ldrh w2, [x21, 2666]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC53
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC53
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 68 0
+ ldrb w2, [x21, 2670]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC54
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC54
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 69 0
+ ldrh w2, [x21, 2664]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC55
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC55
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 70 0
+ ldrb w2, [x21, 2672]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC56
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC56
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 71 0
+ ldrh w2, [x21, 2668]
+ mov x0, x20
+ adrp x1, .LC57
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC57
+ bl sprintf
+ add x20, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 72 0
+ ldr w4, [x21, 2788]
+ adrp x1, .LC58
+ ldr w3, [x21, 2796]
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC58
+ ldr w2, [x21, 2792]
+ mov x0, x20
+ bl sprintf
+ add x19, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 73 0
+ ldr w2, [x21, 2784]
+ mov x0, x19
+ adrp x1, .LC59
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC59
+ bl sprintf
+ add x19, x19, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 74 0
+ ldr w2, [x21, 2808]
+ mov x0, x19
+ adrp x1, .LC60
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC60
+ bl sprintf
+ add x19, x19, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 75 0
+ ldrh w2, [x21, 3224]
+ mov x0, x19
+ adrp x1, .LC61
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC61
+ bl sprintf
+ add x19, x19, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 76 0
+ ldrh w2, [x21, 3226]
+ mov x0, x19
+ adrp x1, .LC62
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC62
+ bl sprintf
+ add x19, x19, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 77 0
+ ldr w2, [x21, 3228]
+ mov x0, x19
+ adrp x1, .LC63
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC63
+ bl sprintf
+ add x19, x19, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 78 0
+ ldrh w2, [x21, 3232]
+ adrp x1, .LC64
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC64
+ mov x0, x19
+ bl sprintf
+ add x19, x19, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 79 0
+ bl GetFreeBlockMinEraseCount
+ and w2, w0, 65535
+ adrp x1, .LC65
+ mov x0, x19
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC65
+ bl sprintf
+ add x19, x19, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 80 0
+ ldrh w0, [x21, 2352]
+ bl GetFreeBlockMaxEraseCount
+ and w2, w0, 65535
+ adrp x1, .LC66
+ mov x0, x19
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC66
+ bl sprintf
+ add x19, x19, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 81 0
+ adrp x0, .LANCHOR2
+ ldr w0, [x0, #:lo12:.LANCHOR2]
+ cmp w0, 1
+ beq .L211
+ .loc 3 104 0
+ sub w0, w19, w22
+ .loc 3 105 0
+ ldr x27, [sp, 80]
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ ldp x25, x26, [sp, 64]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 96
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 27
+ .cfi_restore 25
+ .cfi_restore 26
+ .cfi_restore 23
+ .cfi_restore 24
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 3 84 0
+ ldrh w0, [x21, 2664]
+ mov w1, 65535
+ cmp w0, w1
+ beq .L213
+ .loc 3 85 0
+ ldr x1, [x21, 2320]
+ ubfiz x0, x0, 1, 16
+ ldrh w2, [x1, x0]
+ mov x0, x19
+ adrp x1, .LC67
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC67
+ bl sprintf
+ add x19, x19, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 87 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ .loc 3 91 0
+ adrp x24, .LC68
+ .loc 3 87 0
+ bl List_get_gc_head_node
+ .loc 3 91 0
+ add x21, x23, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 3 87 0
+ and w3, w0, 65535
+ .loc 3 91 0
+ add x24, x24, :lo12:.LC68
+ .loc 3 88 0
+ mov w20, 0
+ .loc 3 89 0
+ mov w27, 65535
+ .loc 3 91 0
+ mov w26, 6
+ .loc 3 89 0
+ cmp w3, w27
+ beq .L214
+ .loc 3 91 0 discriminator 2
+ umull x25, w3, w26
+ ldr x0, [x21, 2304]
+ ldr x4, [x21, 2296]
+ ubfiz x1, x3, 1, 16
+ ldr x2, [x21, 2320]
+ add x0, x0, x25
+ ldrh w6, [x4, x1]
+ ldrh w5, [x0, 4]
+ mov x0, x19
+ ldrh w4, [x2, x1]
+ mov w2, w20
+ mov x1, x24
+ .loc 3 88 0 discriminator 2
+ add w20, w20, 1
+ .loc 3 91 0 discriminator 2
+ bl sprintf
+ add x19, x19, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 92 0 discriminator 2
+ ldr x0, [x21, 2304]
+ .loc 3 88 0 discriminator 2
+ cmp w20, 16
+ .loc 3 92 0 discriminator 2
+ ldrh w3, [x0, x25]
+ .loc 3 88 0 discriminator 2
+ bne .L215
+ .loc 3 96 0
+ add x23, x23, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 3 100 0
+ adrp x21, .LC69
+ add x21, x21, :lo12:.LC69
+ .loc 3 97 0
+ mov w20, 0
+ .loc 3 98 0
+ mov w25, 65535
+ .loc 3 100 0
+ mov w26, 6
+ .loc 3 96 0
+ ldr x0, [x23, 2304]
+ ldr x3, [x23, 2344]
+ sub x3, x3, x0
+ mov x0, -6148914691236517206
+ asr x3, x3, 1
+ movk x0, 0xaaab, lsl 0
+ mul x3, x3, x0
+ and w3, w3, 65535
+ .loc 3 98 0
+ cmp w3, w25
+ beq .L216
+ .loc 3 100 0 discriminator 2
+ umull x24, w3, w26
+ ldr x0, [x23, 2304]
+ ldr x2, [x23, 2296]
+ ubfiz x1, x3, 1, 16
+ add x0, x0, x24
+ ldrh w5, [x2, x1]
+ mov w2, w20
+ ldrh w4, [x0, 4]
+ mov x1, x21
+ mov x0, x19
+ .loc 3 97 0 discriminator 2
+ add w20, w20, 1
+ .loc 3 100 0 discriminator 2
+ bl sprintf
+ add x19, x19, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 97 0 discriminator 2
+ cmp w20, 4
+ beq .L216
+ .loc 3 101 0
+ ldr x0, [x23, 2304]
+ ldrh w3, [x0, x24]
+ b .L217
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlPrintInfo2buf, .-FtlPrintInfo2buf
+ .align 2
+ .global rknand_proc_ftlread
+ .type rknand_proc_ftlread, %function
+ .loc 3 114 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -32]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32
+ .cfi_offset 29, -32
+ .cfi_offset 30, -24
+ .loc 3 120 0
+ adrp x2, .LC70
+ adrp x1, .LC71
+ add x2, x2, :lo12:.LC70
+ .loc 3 114 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ .loc 3 120 0
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC71
+ .loc 3 114 0
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -16
+ .cfi_offset 20, -8
+ .loc 3 114 0
+ mov x20, x0
+ .loc 3 120 0
+ bl sprintf
+ add x19, x20, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 122 0
+ mov x0, x19
+ bl FtlPrintInfo2buf
+ add x0, x19, x0, sxtw
+ .loc 3 124 0
+ sub w0, w0, w20
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 32
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size rknand_proc_ftlread, .-rknand_proc_ftlread
+ .align 2
+ .global GetSwlReplaceBlock
+ .type GetSwlReplaceBlock, %function
+ .loc 2 2447 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -32]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32
+ .cfi_offset 29, -32
+ .cfi_offset 30, -24
+ .loc 2 2456 0
+ adrp x8, .LANCHOR0
+ add x0, x8, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 2447 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -16
+ .cfi_offset 20, -8
+ .loc 2 2456 0
+ ldr w2, [x0, 2572]
+ ldr w1, [x0, 2584]
+ cmp w2, w1
+ bcs .L226
+ .loc 2 2459 0
+ ldrh w2, [x0, 20]
+ mov x1, 0
+ .loc 2 2460 0
+ ldr x4, [x0, 2296]
+ .loc 2 2458 0
+ str wzr, [x0, 2564]
+ .loc 2 2459 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp w2, w1
+ bhi .L228
+ .loc 2 2461 0
+ add x1, x8, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldr w0, [x1, 2564]
+ udiv w2, w0, w2
+ str w2, [x1, 2572]
+ .loc 2 2462 0
+ ldr w2, [x1, 2568]
+ sub w0, w0, w2
+ ldrh w2, [x1, 72]
+ udiv w0, w0, w2
+ str w0, [x1, 2564]
+ .loc 2 2468 0
+ add x1, x8, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldr w9, [x1, 2584]
+ ldr w10, [x1, 2572]
+ add w0, w9, 256
+ cmp w0, w10
+ bls .L234
+ .loc 2 2468 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldr w1, [x1, 2580]
+ add w0, w9, 768
+ cmp w0, w1
+ bls .L234
+ .loc 2 2469 0 is_stmt 1
+ mov w20, 65535
+ .loc 2 2518 0
+ mov w0, w20
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 32
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 2 2460 0 discriminator 3
+ ldrh w3, [x4, x1, lsl 1]
+ add x1, x1, 1
+ ldr w5, [x0, 2564]
+ add w3, w3, w5
+ str w3, [x0, 2564]
+ b .L227
+ .loc 2 2463 0
+ ldr w1, [x0, 2580]
+ cmp w2, w1
+ bls .L229
+ .loc 2 2464 0
+ add w1, w1, 1
+ str w1, [x0, 2580]
+ .loc 2 2465 0
+ mov w1, 0
+ .loc 2 2465 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w2, [x0, 20]
+ cmp w1, w2
+ bcs .L229
+ .loc 2 2466 0 is_stmt 1 discriminator 3
+ ldr x4, [x0, 2296]
+ ubfiz x3, x1, 1, 32
+ .loc 2 2465 0 discriminator 3
+ add w1, w1, 1
+ .loc 2 2466 0 discriminator 3
+ ldrh w2, [x4, x3]
+ add w2, w2, 1
+ strh w2, [x4, x3]
+ b .L231
+ .loc 2 2471 0
+ add x0, x8, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrh w0, [x0, 2352]
+ add w0, w0, w0, lsl 1
+ lsr w0, w0, 2
+ bl GetFreeBlockMaxEraseCount
+ and w6, w0, 65535
+ .loc 2 2472 0
+ add w0, w9, 64
+ cmp w6, w0
+ bcs .L236
+ .loc 2 2472 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp w9, 30
+ bhi .L237
+ .loc 2 2476 0 is_stmt 1
+ add x1, x8, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldr x0, [x1, 2312]
+ cbz x0, .L237
+ .loc 2 2484 0
+ mov w4, 65535
+ .loc 2 2483 0
+ mov x11, -6148914691236517206
+ .loc 2 2484 0
+ ldr x5, [x1, 2296]
+ .loc 2 2479 0
+ mov w7, w4
+ .loc 2 2483 0
+ ldr x3, [x1, 2304]
+ .loc 2 2484 0
+ mov w1, w4
+ .loc 2 2483 0
+ movk x11, 0xaaab, lsl 0
+ .loc 2 2495 0
+ mov w12, 6
+ .loc 2 2479 0
+ ldrh w2, [x0]
+ cmp w2, w7
+ bne .L241
+ mov w20, w1
+ .loc 2 2498 0
+ mov w0, 65535
+ cmp w20, w0
+ beq .L237
+ .loc 2 2500 0
+ ubfiz x7, x20, 1, 32
+ ldrh w3, [x5, x7]
+ .loc 2 2501 0
+ cmp w9, w3
+ bcs .L242
+ .loc 2 2503 0
+ bl GetFreeBlockMinEraseCount
+ cmp w9, w0, uxth
+ bcs .L242
+ .loc 2 2504 0
+ add x0, x8, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ str w4, [x0, 2584]
+ .loc 2 2506 0
+ cmp w10, w3
+ bls .L237
+ .loc 2 2506 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ add w0, w3, 128
+ cmp w6, w0
+ ble .L237
+ .loc 2 2508 0 is_stmt 1
+ add w0, w3, 256
+ cmp w10, w0
+ bhi .L243
+ .loc 2 2508 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ add x0, x8, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ add w3, w3, 768
+ ldr w0, [x0, 2580]
+ cmp w3, w0
+ bcs .L237
+ .loc 2 2510 0 is_stmt 1
+ add x19, x8, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrh w5, [x5, x7]
+ mov w2, w10
+ mov w1, w20
+ ldr x0, [x19, 2320]
+ ldr w3, [x19, 2580]
+ ldrh w4, [x0, x7]
+ adrp x0, .LC72
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC72
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 2511 0
+ mov w0, 1
+ str w0, [x19, 3236]
+ .loc 2 2512 0
+ b .L235
+ .loc 2 2481 0
+ ldrh w13, [x0, 4]
+ cbz w13, .L239
+ .loc 2 2483 0
+ sub x0, x0, x3
+ asr x0, x0, 1
+ mul x0, x0, x11
+ and w20, w0, 65535
+ .loc 2 2484 0
+ and x0, x0, 65535
+ ldrh w0, [x5, x0, lsl 1]
+ cmp w9, w0
+ bcs .L240
+ .loc 2 2489 0
+ cmp w4, w0
+ bls .L239
+ mov w4, w0
+ .loc 2 2483 0
+ mov w1, w20
+ .loc 2 2495 0
+ umaddl x0, w2, w12, x3
+ b .L238
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size GetSwlReplaceBlock, .-GetSwlReplaceBlock
+ .align 2
+ .global free_data_superblock
+ .type free_data_superblock, %function
+ .loc 2 2522 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ and w0, w0, 65535
+ .loc 2 2523 0
+ mov w1, 65535
+ cmp w0, w1
+ beq .L254
+ .loc 2 2522 0
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
+ .cfi_offset 29, -16
+ .cfi_offset 30, -8
+ .loc 2 2525 0
+ adrp x2, .LANCHOR0+2320
+ ubfiz x1, x0, 1, 16
+ .loc 2 2522 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ .loc 2 2525 0
+ ldr x2, [x2, #:lo12:.LANCHOR0+2320]
+ strh wzr, [x2, x1]
+ .loc 2 2526 0
+ .loc 2 2528 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 16
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ mov w0, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size free_data_superblock, .-free_data_superblock
+ .align 2
+ .global get_new_active_ppa
+ .type get_new_active_ppa, %function
+ .loc 2 2655 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -48]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48
+ .cfi_offset 29, -48
+ .cfi_offset 30, -40
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -32
+ .cfi_offset 20, -24
+ mov x19, x0
+ str x21, [sp, 32]
+ .cfi_offset 21, -16
+ .loc 2 2659 0
+ ldrh w1, [x0]
+ mov w0, 65535
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bne .L258
+ .loc 2 2659 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR1
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 2659
+ add x1, x1, 168
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 2660 0 is_stmt 1
+ adrp x20, .LANCHOR0
+ add x0, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 2]
+ ldrh w0, [x0, 82]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bne .L259
+ .loc 2 2660 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR1
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 2660
+ add x1, x1, 168
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 2661 0 is_stmt 1
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 4]
+ cbnz w0, .L260
+ .loc 2 2661 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR1
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 2661
+ add x1, x1, 168
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 2663 0 is_stmt 1
+ ldrb w0, [x19, 6]
+ .loc 2 2666 0
+ add x1, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 2662 0
+ strb wzr, [x19, 10]
+ .loc 2 2663 0
+ add x0, x0, 8
+ .loc 2 2666 0
+ ldrh w2, [x1, 12]
+ .loc 2 2664 0
+ mov w1, 65535
+ .loc 2 2663 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, x0, lsl 1]
+ .loc 2 2664 0
+ cmp w0, w1
+ beq .L263
+ .loc 2 2672 0
+ ldrh w21, [x19, 2]
+ .loc 2 2680 0
+ mov w3, 65535
+ .loc 2 2673 0
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 4]
+ .loc 2 2672 0
+ orr w21, w21, w0, lsl 10
+ ldrb w0, [x19, 6]
+ .loc 2 2673 0
+ sub w1, w1, #1
+ and w1, w1, 65535
+ strh w1, [x19, 4]
+ .loc 2 2675 0
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ and w0, w0, 255
+ .loc 2 2676 0
+ cmp w2, w0
+ bne .L264
+ .loc 2 2677 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 2]
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ strh w0, [x19, 2]
+ .loc 2 2678 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ .loc 2 2680 0
+ add x4, x19, x0, sxtw 1
+ ldrh w4, [x4, 16]
+ cmp w4, w3
+ beq .L265
+ .loc 2 2682 0
+ add x20, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ strb w0, [x19, 6]
+ ldrh w2, [x19, 2]
+ ldrh w0, [x20, 82]
+ cmp w2, w0
+ bne .L257
+ .loc 2 2682 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ cbz w1, .L257
+ .loc 2 2682 0 discriminator 2
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR1
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 2682
+ add x1, x1, 168
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 2684 0 is_stmt 1
+ mov w0, w21
+ ldr x21, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 48
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 2 2665 0
+ ldrb w0, [x19, 6]
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ and w0, w0, 255
+ strb w0, [x19, 6]
+ .loc 2 2666 0
+ cmp w0, w2
+ bne .L262
+ .loc 2 2667 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 2]
+ .loc 2 2668 0
+ strb wzr, [x19, 6]
+ .loc 2 2667 0
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ strh w0, [x19, 2]
+ .loc 2 2670 0
+ ldrb w0, [x19, 6]
+ add x0, x0, 8
+ ldrh w0, [x19, x0, lsl 1]
+ b .L261
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size get_new_active_ppa, .-get_new_active_ppa
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlGcBufInit
+ .type FtlGcBufInit, %function
+ .file 5 "drivers/rkflash/rksftl/sftl_gc.c"
+ .loc 5 22 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ .loc 5 25 0
+ adrp x0, .LANCHOR0
+ add x1, x0, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 5 26 0
+ mov w3, 0
+ .loc 5 27 0
+ mov w8, 24
+ mov w9, 1
+ .loc 5 28 0
+ mov w5, 4
+ .loc 5 25 0
+ str wzr, [x1, 3240]
+ .loc 5 26 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w2, [x1, 12]
+ cmp w3, w2
+ bcc .L274
+ .loc 5 34 0 discriminator 1
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 5 35 0 discriminator 1
+ mov w6, 24
+ .loc 5 36 0 discriminator 1
+ mov w5, 4
+ .loc 5 34 0 discriminator 1
+ ldr w1, [x0, 3280]
+ cmp w2, w1
+ bcc .L276
+ .loc 5 39 0
+ ret
+ .loc 5 27 0 discriminator 3
+ umull x4, w3, w8
+ ldr x6, [x1, 3248]
+ .loc 5 28 0 discriminator 3
+ ldr x7, [x1, 3256]
+ .loc 5 27 0 discriminator 3
+ add x2, x6, x4
+ str w9, [x2, 16]
+ .loc 5 28 0 discriminator 3
+ ldrh w2, [x1, 90]
+ mul w2, w2, w3
+ sdiv w2, w2, w5
+ add x2, x7, x2, sxtw 2
+ str x2, [x6, x4]
+ .loc 5 29 0 discriminator 3
+ ldrh w2, [x1, 92]
+ ldr x7, [x1, 3248]
+ ldr x10, [x1, 3264]
+ add x6, x7, x4
+ mul w2, w2, w3
+ sdiv w2, w2, w5
+ add x2, x10, x2, sxtw 2
+ str x2, [x6, 8]
+ .loc 5 30 0 discriminator 3
+ ldr x2, [x1, 3272]
+ ubfiz x10, x3, 5, 16
+ ldr x4, [x7, x4]
+ .loc 5 26 0 discriminator 3
+ add w3, w3, 1
+ .loc 5 30 0 discriminator 3
+ add x2, x2, x10
+ .loc 5 26 0 discriminator 3
+ and w3, w3, 65535
+ .loc 5 30 0 discriminator 3
+ str x4, [x2, 8]
+ .loc 5 31 0 discriminator 3
+ ldr x4, [x6, 8]
+ str x4, [x2, 16]
+ b .L273
+ .loc 5 35 0 discriminator 3
+ umull x4, w2, w6
+ ldr x3, [x0, 3248]
+ .loc 5 36 0 discriminator 3
+ ldr x7, [x0, 3256]
+ .loc 5 35 0 discriminator 3
+ add x1, x3, x4
+ str wzr, [x1, 16]
+ .loc 5 36 0 discriminator 3
+ ldrh w1, [x0, 90]
+ mul w1, w1, w2
+ sdiv w1, w1, w5
+ add x1, x7, x1, sxtw 2
+ str x1, [x3, x4]
+ .loc 5 37 0 discriminator 3
+ ldrh w1, [x0, 92]
+ ldr x3, [x0, 3248]
+ add x3, x3, x4
+ ldr x4, [x0, 3264]
+ mul w1, w1, w2
+ .loc 5 34 0 discriminator 3
+ add w2, w2, 1
+ and w2, w2, 65535
+ .loc 5 37 0 discriminator 3
+ sdiv w1, w1, w5
+ add x1, x4, x1, sxtw 2
+ str x1, [x3, 8]
+ b .L275
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlGcBufInit, .-FtlGcBufInit
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlGcBufFree
+ .type FtlGcBufFree, %function
+ .loc 5 42 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ .loc 5 47 0
+ adrp x2, .LANCHOR0
+ add x2, x2, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 5 46 0
+ mov w3, 0
+ .loc 5 48 0
+ mov w8, 24
+ .loc 5 47 0
+ ldr w7, [x2, 3280]
+ .loc 5 48 0
+ ldr x5, [x2, 3248]
+ .loc 5 46 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp w3, w1
+ bcs .L277
+ .loc 5 48 0
+ ubfiz x4, x3, 5, 16
+ mov w2, 0
+ add x4, x0, x4
+ b .L283
+ .loc 5 47 0 discriminator 2
+ add w2, w2, 1
+ and w2, w2, 65535
+ .loc 5 47 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp w2, w7
+ bcs .L280
+ .loc 5 48 0 is_stmt 1
+ umull x6, w2, w8
+ add x9, x5, x6
+ ldr x10, [x5, x6]
+ ldr x6, [x4, 8]
+ cmp x10, x6
+ bne .L279
+ .loc 5 49 0
+ str wzr, [x9, 16]
+ .loc 5 46 0 discriminator 2
+ add w3, w3, 1
+ and w3, w3, 65535
+ b .L278
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlGcBufFree, .-FtlGcBufFree
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlGcBufAlloc
+ .type FtlGcBufAlloc, %function
+ .loc 5 57 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ .loc 5 62 0
+ adrp x2, .LANCHOR0
+ add x2, x2, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 5 61 0
+ mov w3, 0
+ .loc 5 63 0
+ mov w7, 24
+ .loc 5 64 0
+ mov w8, 1
+ .loc 5 62 0
+ ldr w5, [x2, 3280]
+ .loc 5 63 0
+ ldr x6, [x2, 3248]
+ .loc 5 61 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp w3, w1
+ bcs .L284
+ mov w2, 0
+ b .L290
+ .loc 5 62 0 discriminator 2
+ add w2, w2, 1
+ and w2, w2, 65535
+ .loc 5 62 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp w2, w5
+ bcs .L287
+ .loc 5 63 0 is_stmt 1
+ umaddl x4, w2, w7, x6
+ ldr w9, [x4, 16]
+ cbnz w9, .L286
+ .loc 5 65 0
+ ubfiz x2, x3, 5, 16
+ ldr x9, [x4]
+ add x2, x0, x2
+ .loc 5 64 0
+ str w8, [x4, 16]
+ .loc 5 65 0
+ str x9, [x2, 8]
+ .loc 5 66 0
+ ldr x4, [x4, 8]
+ str x4, [x2, 16]
+ .loc 5 61 0 discriminator 2
+ add w3, w3, 1
+ and w3, w3, 65535
+ b .L285
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlGcBufAlloc, .-FtlGcBufAlloc
+ .align 2
+ .global IsBlkInGcList
+ .type IsBlkInGcList, %function
+ .loc 5 74 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ .loc 5 77 0
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR0
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 5 74 0
+ and w0, w0, 65535
+ .loc 5 77 0
+ ldrh w2, [x1, 3284]
+ .loc 5 78 0
+ ldr x3, [x1, 3288]
+ .loc 5 77 0
+ mov x1, 0
+ .loc 5 77 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp w2, w1, uxth
+ bhi .L294
+ .loc 5 81 0 is_stmt 1
+ mov w0, 0
+ ret
+ add x1, x1, 1
+ .loc 5 78 0
+ add x4, x3, x1, lsl 1
+ ldrh w4, [x4, -2]
+ cmp w4, w0
+ bne .L292
+ .loc 5 79 0
+ mov w0, 1
+ .loc 5 82 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size IsBlkInGcList, .-IsBlkInGcList
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlGcUpdatePage
+ .type FtlGcUpdatePage, %function
+ .loc 5 85 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ mov w5, w0
+ mov w8, w1
+ mov w7, w2
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
+ .cfi_offset 29, -16
+ .cfi_offset 30, -8
+ .loc 5 88 0
+ lsr w0, w0, 10
+ .loc 5 85 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ .loc 5 88 0
+ bl P2V_block_in_plane
+ and w9, w0, 65535
+ .loc 5 91 0
+ adrp x3, .LANCHOR0
+ add x4, x3, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrh w1, [x4, 3284]
+ .loc 5 92 0
+ ldr x6, [x4, 3288]
+ .loc 5 91 0
+ mov x4, 0
+ and w2, w4, 65535
+ .loc 5 91 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp w2, w1
+ bcc .L299
+ .loc 5 96 0 is_stmt 1
+ bne .L298
+ .loc 5 97 0
+ and x4, x4, 65535
+ strh w0, [x6, x4, lsl 1]
+ .loc 5 98 0
+ add x4, x3, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrh w0, [x4, 3284]
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ strh w0, [x4, 3284]
+ b .L298
+ add x4, x4, 1
+ .loc 5 92 0
+ add x2, x6, x4, lsl 1
+ ldrh w2, [x2, -2]
+ cmp w2, w9
+ bne .L297
+ .loc 5 101 0
+ add x0, x3, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ mov w1, 12
+ ldrh w3, [x0, 3296]
+ ldr x4, [x0, 3304]
+ umull x3, w3, w1
+ add x4, x4, x3
+ str w8, [x4, 4]
+ .loc 5 102 0
+ ldr x1, [x0, 3304]
+ add x4, x1, x3
+ str w7, [x4, 8]
+ .loc 5 103 0
+ str w5, [x1, x3]
+ .loc 5 107 0
+ ldrh w1, [x0, 3296]
+ add w1, w1, 1
+ strh w1, [x0, 3296]
+ .loc 5 108 0
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 16
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlGcUpdatePage, .-FtlGcUpdatePage
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlGcRefreshBlock
+ .type FtlGcRefreshBlock, %function
+ .loc 5 345 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -32]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32
+ .cfi_offset 29, -32
+ .cfi_offset 30, -24
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ str x19, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -16
+ .loc 5 345 0
+ and w19, w0, 65535
+ .loc 5 347 0
+ mov w1, w19
+ adrp x0, .LC73
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC73
+ bl printk
+ .loc 5 349 0
+ adrp x0, .LANCHOR0
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrh w3, [x0, 3312]
+ cmp w19, w3
+ beq .L302
+ .loc 5 349 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w2, [x0, 3314]
+ cmp w19, w2
+ beq .L302
+ .loc 5 351 0 is_stmt 1
+ mov w1, 65535
+ cmp w3, w1
+ bne .L303
+ .loc 5 352 0
+ strh w19, [x0, 3312]
+ .loc 5 356 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ ldr x19, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 32
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 5 353 0
+ cmp w2, w1
+ bne .L302
+ .loc 5 354 0
+ strh w19, [x0, 3314]
+ b .L302
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlGcRefreshBlock, .-FtlGcRefreshBlock
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlGcMarkBadPhyBlk
+ .type FtlGcMarkBadPhyBlk, %function
+ .loc 5 359 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -48]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48
+ .cfi_offset 29, -48
+ .cfi_offset 30, -40
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -32
+ .cfi_offset 20, -24
+ .loc 5 364 0
+ adrp x19, .LANCHOR0
+ add x20, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 5 359 0
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ .cfi_offset 21, -16
+ .cfi_offset 22, -8
+ .loc 5 359 0
+ and w21, w0, 65535
+ .loc 5 369 0
+ add x20, x20, 3320
+ .loc 5 361 0
+ mov w0, w21
+ bl P2V_block_in_plane
+ .loc 5 364 0
+ ldrh w1, [x20, -4]
+ mov w2, w21
+ .loc 5 361 0
+ mov w22, w0
+ .loc 5 364 0
+ adrp x0, .LC74
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC74
+ bl printk
+ .loc 5 366 0
+ mov w0, w22
+ bl FtlGcRefreshBlock
+ .loc 5 368 0
+ ldrh w0, [x20, -4]
+ mov x1, 0
+ .loc 5 368 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp w0, w1, uxth
+ bhi .L308
+ .loc 5 372 0 is_stmt 1
+ cmp w0, 15
+ bhi .L307
+ .loc 5 373 0
+ add x19, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ add w1, w0, 1
+ add x19, x19, 3320
+ strh w1, [x19, -4]
+ strh w21, [x19, w0, sxtw 1]
+ b .L307
+ add x1, x1, 1
+ .loc 5 369 0
+ add x2, x20, x1, lsl 1
+ ldrh w2, [x2, -2]
+ cmp w2, w21
+ bne .L306
+ .loc 5 375 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 48
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlGcMarkBadPhyBlk, .-FtlGcMarkBadPhyBlk
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlGcReFreshBadBlk
+ .type FtlGcReFreshBadBlk, %function
+ .loc 5 379 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -32]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32
+ .cfi_offset 29, -32
+ .cfi_offset 30, -24
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ str x19, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -16
+ .loc 5 380 0
+ adrp x19, .LANCHOR0
+ add x0, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrh w1, [x0, 3316]
+ cbz w1, .L311
+ .loc 5 380 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w3, [x0, 3312]
+ mov w2, 65535
+ cmp w3, w2
+ bne .L311
+ .loc 5 381 0 is_stmt 1
+ ldrh w2, [x0, 3354]
+ cmp w2, w1
+ bcc .L312
+ .loc 5 382 0
+ strh wzr, [x0, 3354]
+ .loc 5 383 0
+ add x19, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ add x0, x19, 3320
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 3354]
+ ldrh w0, [x0, x1, lsl 1]
+ bl P2V_block_in_plane
+ bl FtlGcRefreshBlock
+ .loc 5 384 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 3354]
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ strh w0, [x19, 3354]
+ .loc 5 387 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ ldr x19, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 32
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlGcReFreshBadBlk, .-FtlGcReFreshBadBlk
+ .align 2
+ .global FlashReadPages
+ .type FlashReadPages, %function
+ .loc 1 44 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -96]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 96
+ .cfi_offset 29, -96
+ .cfi_offset 30, -88
+ ubfiz x1, x1, 5, 32
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ .cfi_offset 23, -48
+ .cfi_offset 24, -40
+ .loc 1 46 0
+ adrp x23, g_nand_phy_info
+ add x2, x23, :lo12:g_nand_phy_info
+ .loc 1 44 0
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -80
+ .cfi_offset 20, -72
+ .cfi_offset 21, -64
+ .cfi_offset 22, -56
+ .loc 1 51 0
+ adrp x20, .LANCHOR1
+ .loc 1 44 0
+ str x25, [sp, 64]
+ .cfi_offset 25, -32
+ .loc 1 51 0
+ add x20, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ adrp x22, .LC1
+ mov x19, x0
+ .loc 1 46 0
+ ldrh w25, [x2, 12]
+ add x24, x0, x1
+ .loc 1 51 0
+ add x20, x20, 192
+ add x22, x22, :lo12:.LC1
+ .loc 1 50 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp x19, x24
+ bne .L325
+ .loc 1 71 0
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ mov w0, 0
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ ldr x25, [sp, 64]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 96
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 25
+ .cfi_restore 23
+ .cfi_restore 24
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 1 51 0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 8]
+ cbz x0, .L319
+ .loc 1 51 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 2
+ ldr x0, [x19, 16]
+ cbnz x0, .L320
+ .loc 1 51 0 discriminator 3
+ mov w2, 51
+ mov x1, x20
+ mov x0, x22
+ bl printk
+ .loc 1 52 0 is_stmt 1
+ ldr w0, [x19, 4]
+ .loc 1 53 0
+ adrp x21, g_nand_ops
+ add x21, x21, :lo12:g_nand_ops
+ .loc 1 52 0
+ add x2, x29, 88
+ add x1, x29, 92
+ bl l2p_addr_tran.isra.0
+ .loc 1 53 0
+ ldrb w0, [x29, 88]
+ ldr w1, [x29, 92]
+ ldp x2, x3, [x19, 8]
+ ldr x4, [x21, 24]
+ blr x4
+ .loc 1 57 0
+ str w0, [x19]
+ .loc 1 58 0
+ add x0, x23, :lo12:g_nand_phy_info
+ ldrh w0, [x0, 14]
+ cmp w0, 4
+ bne .L322
+ .loc 1 59 0
+ ldrb w0, [x29, 88]
+ ldr x4, [x21, 24]
+ ldp x2, x3, [x19, 8]
+ ldr w1, [x29, 92]
+ add x3, x3, 8
+ add x2, x2, 2048
+ add w1, w25, w1
+ blr x4
+ .loc 1 63 0
+ cmn w0, #1
+ beq .L323
+ .loc 1 64 0 discriminator 1
+ ldr x0, [x19, 16]
+ .loc 1 63 0 discriminator 1
+ ldr w1, [x0, 12]
+ cmn w1, #1
+ bne .L322
+ .loc 1 64 0
+ ldr w1, [x0, 8]
+ cmn w1, #1
+ bne .L322
+ .loc 1 65 0
+ ldr w0, [x0]
+ cmn w0, #1
+ beq .L322
+ .loc 1 67 0
+ mov w0, -1
+ str w0, [x19]
+ add x19, x19, 32
+ b .L318
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FlashReadPages, .-FlashReadPages
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlLoadFactoryBbt
+ .type FtlLoadFactoryBbt, %function
+ .loc 4 279 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -80]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 80
+ .cfi_offset 29, -80
+ .cfi_offset 30, -72
+ .loc 4 286 0
+ adrp x0, .LANCHOR0
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 4 279 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ .cfi_offset 21, -48
+ .cfi_offset 22, -40
+ add x22, x0, 148
+ stp x25, x26, [sp, 64]
+ .loc 4 289 0
+ mov w21, 0
+ .loc 4 279 0
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 25, -16
+ .cfi_offset 26, -8
+ .cfi_offset 19, -64
+ .cfi_offset 20, -56
+ .loc 4 289 0
+ mov x19, x0
+ .loc 4 279 0
+ stp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ .cfi_offset 23, -32
+ .cfi_offset 24, -24
+ .loc 4 286 0
+ add x23, x0, 3360
+ .loc 4 293 0
+ mov x25, x23
+ .loc 4 301 0
+ mov w26, 61664
+ .loc 4 286 0
+ ldr x1, [x0, 2288]
+ .loc 4 287 0
+ ldr x24, [x0, 3392]
+ stp x1, x24, [x23, 8]
+ .loc 4 289 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 34]
+ cmp w21, w0
+ bcc .L342
+ .loc 4 314 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ ldp x25, x26, [sp, 64]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 80
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 25
+ .cfi_restore 26
+ .cfi_restore 23
+ .cfi_restore 24
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 4 291 0
+ ldrh w20, [x19, 78]
+ .loc 4 290 0
+ mov w0, -1
+ strh w0, [x22]
+ .loc 4 291 0 discriminator 2
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 78]
+ sub w20, w20, #1
+ and w20, w20, 65535
+ sub w1, w0, #16
+ cmp w20, w1
+ ble .L340
+ .loc 4 292 0
+ madd w0, w0, w21, w20
+ .loc 4 294 0
+ mov w2, 1
+ mov w1, w2
+ .loc 4 292 0
+ lsl w0, w0, 10
+ .loc 4 293 0
+ str w0, [x25, 4]
+ .loc 4 294 0
+ mov x0, x23
+ bl FlashReadPages
+ .loc 4 295 0
+ ldr w0, [x25]
+ cmn w0, #1
+ beq .L339
+ .loc 4 301 0
+ ldrh w0, [x24]
+ cmp w0, w26
+ bne .L339
+ .loc 4 303 0
+ strh w20, [x22]
+ .loc 4 289 0 discriminator 2
+ add w21, w21, 1
+ add x22, x22, 2
+ b .L337
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlLoadFactoryBbt, .-FtlLoadFactoryBbt
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlGetLastWrittenPage
+ .type FtlGetLastWrittenPage, %function
+ .loc 2 47 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -160]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 160
+ .cfi_offset 29, -160
+ .cfi_offset 30, -152
+ .loc 2 51 0
+ cmp w1, 1
+ .loc 2 47 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ .cfi_offset 23, -112
+ .cfi_offset 24, -104
+ mov w23, w1
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR0
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -144
+ .cfi_offset 20, -136
+ .cfi_offset 21, -128
+ .cfi_offset 22, -120
+ .loc 2 51 0
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ bne .L348
+ .loc 2 51 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w19, [x1, 84]
+ .loc 2 56 0 is_stmt 1 discriminator 4
+ sub w19, w19, #1
+ .loc 2 53 0 discriminator 4
+ adrp x1, ftl_temp_buf
+ .loc 2 56 0 discriminator 4
+ sxth w19, w19
+ .loc 2 53 0 discriminator 4
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:ftl_temp_buf
+ .loc 2 57 0 discriminator 4
+ lsl w21, w0, 10
+ .loc 2 53 0 discriminator 4
+ str x1, [x29, 72]
+ .loc 2 57 0 discriminator 4
+ orr w0, w19, w21
+ .loc 2 54 0 discriminator 4
+ add x1, x29, 96
+ .loc 2 57 0 discriminator 4
+ str w0, [x29, 68]
+ .loc 2 58 0 discriminator 4
+ mov w2, w23
+ .loc 2 54 0 discriminator 4
+ str x1, [x29, 80]
+ .loc 2 58 0 discriminator 4
+ add x0, x29, 64
+ mov w1, 1
+ bl FlashReadPages
+ .loc 2 59 0 discriminator 4
+ ldr w0, [x29, 96]
+ cmn w0, #1
+ bne .L350
+ mov w22, 0
+ .loc 2 61 0
+ mov w24, 2
+ .loc 2 60 0
+ cmp w22, w19
+ ble .L354
+ .loc 2 73 0
+ mov w0, w19
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 160
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 23
+ .cfi_restore 24
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 2 51 0 discriminator 2
+ ldrh w19, [x1, 82]
+ b .L349
+ .loc 2 61 0
+ add w20, w22, w19
+ .loc 2 63 0
+ mov w2, w23
+ mov w1, 1
+ .loc 2 61 0
+ sdiv w20, w20, w24
+ .loc 2 62 0
+ sxth w0, w20
+ orr w0, w0, w21
+ str w0, [x29, 68]
+ .loc 2 63 0
+ add x0, x29, 64
+ bl FlashReadPages
+ .loc 2 65 0
+ ldr w0, [x29, 96]
+ cmn w0, #1
+ bne .L352
+ .loc 2 65 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldr w0, [x29, 100]
+ cmn w0, #1
+ bne .L352
+ .loc 2 66 0 is_stmt 1
+ sub w19, w20, #1
+ sxth w19, w19
+ b .L351
+ .loc 2 68 0
+ add w20, w20, 1
+ sxth w22, w20
+ b .L351
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlGetLastWrittenPage, .-FtlGetLastWrittenPage
+ .align 2
+ .global FlashProgPages
+ .type FlashProgPages, %function
+ .loc 1 74 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -144]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 144
+ .cfi_offset 29, -144
+ .cfi_offset 30, -136
+ ubfiz x1, x1, 5, 32
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ .cfi_offset 23, -96
+ .cfi_offset 24, -88
+ .loc 1 76 0
+ adrp x23, g_nand_phy_info
+ .loc 1 74 0
+ stp x25, x26, [sp, 64]
+ .cfi_offset 25, -80
+ .cfi_offset 26, -72
+ mov w26, w2
+ .loc 1 76 0
+ add x2, x23, :lo12:g_nand_phy_info
+ .loc 1 74 0
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -128
+ .cfi_offset 20, -120
+ .cfi_offset 21, -112
+ .cfi_offset 22, -104
+ .loc 1 81 0
+ adrp x22, .LANCHOR1
+ .loc 1 74 0
+ stp x27, x28, [sp, 80]
+ .cfi_offset 27, -64
+ .cfi_offset 28, -56
+ .loc 1 81 0
+ add x22, x22, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ adrp x25, .LC1
+ .loc 1 74 0
+ mov w27, w3
+ .loc 1 76 0
+ ldrh w28, [x2, 12]
+ mov x20, x0
+ add x24, x0, x1
+ .loc 1 80 0
+ mov x19, x0
+ .loc 1 81 0
+ add x22, x22, 208
+ add x25, x25, :lo12:.LC1
+ .loc 1 80 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp x19, x24
+ bne .L365
+ .loc 1 101 0
+ cbnz w27, .L366
+ .loc 1 131 0
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ mov w0, 0
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ ldp x25, x26, [sp, 64]
+ ldp x27, x28, [sp, 80]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 144
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 27
+ .cfi_restore 28
+ .cfi_restore 25
+ .cfi_restore 26
+ .cfi_restore 23
+ .cfi_restore 24
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 1 81 0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 8]
+ cbz x0, .L358
+ .loc 1 81 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 2
+ ldr x0, [x19, 16]
+ cbnz x0, .L359
+ .loc 1 81 0 discriminator 3
+ mov w2, 81
+ mov x1, x22
+ mov x0, x25
+ bl printk
+ .loc 1 82 0 is_stmt 1
+ ldr w0, [x19, 4]
+ add x2, x29, 104
+ add x1, x29, 108
+ .loc 1 83 0
+ adrp x21, g_nand_ops
+ .loc 1 82 0
+ bl l2p_addr_tran.isra.0
+ .loc 1 83 0
+ add x0, x21, :lo12:g_nand_ops
+ ldr w1, [x29, 108]
+ ldp x2, x3, [x19, 8]
+ ldr x4, [x0, 16]
+ ldrb w0, [x29, 104]
+ blr x4
+ .loc 1 88 0
+ cbnz w0, .L360
+ .loc 1 87 0
+ str wzr, [x19]
+ .loc 1 91 0
+ add x0, x23, :lo12:g_nand_phy_info
+ ldrh w0, [x0, 14]
+ cmp w0, 4
+ bne .L363
+ .loc 1 92 0
+ add x21, x21, :lo12:g_nand_ops
+ ldrb w0, [x29, 104]
+ ldp x2, x3, [x19, 8]
+ ldr x4, [x21, 16]
+ ldr w1, [x29, 108]
+ add x3, x3, 8
+ add x2, x2, 2048
+ add w1, w28, w1
+ blr x4
+ .loc 1 96 0
+ cbz w0, .L363
+ .loc 1 97 0
+ mov w0, -1
+ str w0, [x19]
+ add x19, x19, 32
+ b .L357
+ .loc 1 89 0
+ mov w0, -1
+ str w0, [x19]
+ b .L361
+ .loc 1 107 0
+ str wzr, [x21]
+ .loc 1 112 0
+ mov w2, w26
+ .loc 1 106 0
+ str wzr, [x23]
+ .loc 1 112 0
+ mov w1, 1
+ .loc 1 110 0
+ stp x23, x21, [x29, 120]
+ .loc 1 108 0
+ ldr w0, [x20, 4]
+ str w0, [x29, 116]
+ .loc 1 112 0
+ add x0, x29, 112
+ bl FlashReadPages
+ .loc 1 113 0
+ ldr w25, [x29, 112]
+ cmn w25, #1
+ bne .L367
+ .loc 1 114 0
+ ldr w1, [x20, 4]
+ adrp x0, .LC75
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC75
+ bl printk
+ .loc 1 115 0
+ str w25, [x20]
+ .loc 1 117 0
+ ldr x0, [x20, 16]
+ cbz x0, .L368
+ .loc 1 118 0
+ ldr w2, [x0]
+ add x0, x24, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldr w3, [x0, 3400]
+ cmp w2, w3
+ beq .L368
+ .loc 1 119 0
+ ldr w1, [x20, 4]
+ adrp x0, .LC76
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC76
+ bl printk
+ .loc 1 120 0
+ mov w0, -1
+ str w0, [x20]
+ .loc 1 123 0
+ ldr x0, [x20, 8]
+ cbz x0, .L369
+ .loc 1 124 0
+ ldr w3, [x22, #:lo12:check_buf]
+ ldr w2, [x0]
+ cmp w2, w3
+ beq .L369
+ .loc 1 125 0
+ ldr w1, [x20, 4]
+ adrp x0, .LC77
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC77
+ bl printk
+ .loc 1 126 0
+ mov w0, -1
+ str w0, [x20]
+ add x20, x20, 32
+ .loc 1 103 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp x20, x19
+ bne .L370
+ b .L384
+ .loc 1 107 0 discriminator 1
+ adrp x24, .LANCHOR0
+ add x21, x24, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 1 106 0 discriminator 1
+ adrp x22, check_buf
+ .loc 1 107 0 discriminator 1
+ add x21, x21, 3400
+ .loc 1 106 0 discriminator 1
+ add x23, x22, :lo12:check_buf
+ b .L385
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FlashProgPages, .-FlashProgPages
+ .align 2
+ .global FlashEraseBlocks
+ .type FlashEraseBlocks, %function
+ .loc 1 134 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -80]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 80
+ .cfi_offset 29, -80
+ .cfi_offset 30, -72
+ .loc 1 137 0
+ adrp x1, g_nand_phy_info
+ add x3, x1, :lo12:g_nand_phy_info
+ ubfiz x2, x2, 5, 32
+ .loc 1 134 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ add x2, x2, 4
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -64
+ .cfi_offset 20, -56
+ .cfi_offset 21, -48
+ .cfi_offset 22, -40
+ add x19, x0, 4
+ stp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ .cfi_offset 23, -32
+ .cfi_offset 24, -24
+ .loc 1 142 0
+ adrp x21, g_nand_ops
+ add x22, x0, x2
+ mov x20, x1
+ .loc 1 137 0
+ ldrh w23, [x3, 12]
+ .loc 1 147 0
+ add x24, x21, :lo12:g_nand_ops
+ .loc 1 140 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp x19, x22
+ bne .L394
+ .loc 1 153 0
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ mov w0, 0
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 80
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 23
+ .cfi_restore 24
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 1 141 0
+ ldr w0, [x19]
+ add x2, x29, 72
+ add x1, x29, 76
+ bl l2p_addr_tran.isra.0
+ .loc 1 142 0
+ add x0, x21, :lo12:g_nand_ops
+ ldr w1, [x29, 76]
+ ldr x2, [x0, 8]
+ ldrb w0, [x29, 72]
+ blr x2
+ .loc 1 144 0
+ cbnz w0, .L389
+ .loc 1 143 0
+ str wzr, [x19, -4]
+ .loc 1 146 0
+ add x0, x20, :lo12:g_nand_phy_info
+ ldrh w0, [x0, 14]
+ cmp w0, 4
+ bne .L392
+ .loc 1 147 0
+ ldrb w0, [x29, 72]
+ ldr x2, [x24, 8]
+ ldr w1, [x29, 76]
+ add w1, w23, w1
+ blr x2
+ .loc 1 148 0
+ cbz w0, .L392
+ .loc 1 149 0
+ mov w0, -1
+ str w0, [x19, -4]
+ add x19, x19, 32
+ b .L388
+ .loc 1 145 0
+ mov w0, -1
+ str w0, [x19, -4]
+ b .L390
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FlashEraseBlocks, .-FlashEraseBlocks
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlFreeSysBlkQueueIn
+ .type FtlFreeSysBlkQueueIn, %function
+ .loc 2 98 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -48]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48
+ .cfi_offset 29, -48
+ .cfi_offset 30, -40
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -32
+ .cfi_offset 20, -24
+ .cfi_offset 21, -16
+ .cfi_offset 22, -8
+ .loc 2 98 0
+ and w22, w0, 65535
+ .loc 2 94 0
+ adrp x0, .LANCHOR0
+ add x20, x0, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 99 0
+ ldrh w2, [x20, 238]
+ cmp w2, 1024
+ beq .L399
+ and w1, w1, 65535
+ mov x19, x0
+ .loc 2 101 0
+ cbz w1, .L401
+ .loc 2 102 0
+ mov w0, w22
+ bl P2V_block_in_plane
+ and w21, w0, 65535
+ .loc 2 103 0
+ ldr x0, [x20, 3912]
+ lsl w1, w22, 10
+ .loc 2 104 0
+ mov w2, 1
+ .loc 2 103 0
+ str w1, [x0, 4]
+ .loc 2 104 0
+ mov w1, w2
+ ldr x0, [x20, 3912]
+ bl FlashEraseBlocks
+ .loc 2 105 0
+ ldr x2, [x20, 2296]
+ ubfiz x0, x21, 1, 16
+ ldrh w1, [x2, x0]
+ add w1, w1, 1
+ strh w1, [x2, x0]
+ .loc 2 106 0
+ ldr w0, [x20, 2576]
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ str w0, [x20, 2576]
+ .loc 2 108 0
+ add x0, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ add x0, x0, 232
+ ldrh w1, [x0, 6]
+ add w1, w1, 1
+ strh w1, [x0, 6]
+ .loc 2 109 0
+ ldrh w1, [x0, 4]
+ add x2, x0, x1, sxtw 1
+ .loc 2 110 0
+ add w1, w1, 1
+ and w1, w1, 1023
+ strh w1, [x0, 4]
+ .loc 2 109 0
+ strh w22, [x2, 8]
+ .loc 2 113 0
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 48
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlFreeSysBlkQueueIn, .-FtlFreeSysBlkQueueIn
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlLowFormatEraseBlock
+ .type FtlLowFormatEraseBlock, %function
+ .loc 3 528 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -128]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 128
+ .cfi_offset 29, -128
+ .cfi_offset 30, -120
+ .loc 3 539 0
+ mov w10, 0
+ .loc 3 551 0
+ mov w9, 4
+ .loc 3 528 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -112
+ .cfi_offset 20, -104
+ .loc 3 538 0
+ adrp x20, .LANCHOR0
+ add x5, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 3 528 0
+ stp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ .cfi_offset 23, -80
+ .cfi_offset 24, -72
+ .cfi_offset 21, -96
+ .cfi_offset 22, -88
+ and w23, w1, 255
+ stp x25, x26, [sp, 64]
+ .loc 3 541 0
+ add x8, x5, 40
+ .loc 3 528 0
+ stp x27, x28, [sp, 80]
+ .cfi_offset 25, -64
+ .cfi_offset 26, -56
+ .cfi_offset 27, -48
+ .cfi_offset 28, -40
+ .loc 3 528 0
+ and w24, w0, 65535
+ .loc 3 536 0
+ mov w21, 0
+ .loc 3 537 0
+ mov w19, 0
+ .loc 3 538 0
+ str w24, [x5, 3920]
+ .loc 3 539 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w0, [x5, 12]
+ cmp w0, w10
+ bhi .L414
+ .loc 3 559 0
+ cbz w21, .L409
+ .loc 3 562 0
+ ldr x0, [x5, 3912]
+ mov w2, w21
+ mov w1, 0
+ ubfiz x21, x21, 5, 16
+ mov x22, 0
+ .loc 3 564 0
+ add x25, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 3 562 0
+ bl FlashEraseBlocks
+ .loc 3 564 0
+ ldr x0, [x25, 3912]
+ add x1, x0, x22
+ ldr w0, [x0, x22]
+ cmn w0, #1
+ bne .L417
+ .loc 3 566 0
+ ldr w0, [x1, 4]
+ .loc 3 565 0
+ add w19, w19, 1
+ and w19, w19, 65535
+ .loc 3 566 0
+ lsr w0, w0, 10
+ bl FtlBbmMapBadBlock
+ add x22, x22, 32
+ .loc 3 563 0 discriminator 2
+ cmp x22, x21
+ bne .L418
+ .loc 3 571 0
+ cbz w23, .L431
+ .loc 3 573 0
+ add x0, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 3 572 0
+ mov w25, 1
+ .loc 3 573 0
+ ldrh w26, [x0, 84]
+ .loc 3 574 0
+ lsr w0, w26, 2
+ str w0, [x29, 124]
+ .loc 3 578 0
+ add x27, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ mov w22, 0
+ .loc 3 580 0
+ add x0, x27, 40
+ str x0, [x29, 112]
+ .loc 3 578 0
+ mov w5, 0
+ .loc 3 577 0
+ mov w21, 0
+ .loc 3 578 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w0, [x27, 12]
+ cmp w0, w5
+ bhi .L423
+ .loc 3 593 0
+ cbz w21, .L409
+ .loc 3 596 0
+ ldr x0, [x27, 3912]
+ mov w1, w21
+ mov w3, 1
+ mov w2, w25
+ mov x28, 0
+ bl FlashProgPages
+ ubfiz x1, x21, 5, 16
+ .loc 3 598 0
+ ldr x0, [x27, 3912]
+ add x3, x0, x28
+ ldr w0, [x0, x28]
+ cbz w0, .L425
+ .loc 3 600 0
+ ldr w0, [x3, 4]
+ .loc 3 599 0
+ add w19, w19, 1
+ str x1, [x29, 104]
+ and w19, w19, 65535
+ .loc 3 600 0
+ lsr w0, w0, 10
+ bl FtlBbmMapBadBlock
+ ldr x1, [x29, 104]
+ add x28, x28, 32
+ .loc 3 597 0 discriminator 2
+ cmp x1, x28
+ bne .L426
+ .loc 3 604 0
+ ldr w0, [x29, 124]
+ add w22, w22, w0
+ and w22, w22, 65535
+ .loc 3 605 0
+ cmp w26, w22
+ bhi .L427
+ .loc 3 611 0
+ add x26, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ mov x22, 0
+ cbz w23, .L428
+ .loc 3 611 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldr x0, [x26, 3912]
+ add x1, x0, x22
+ ldr w0, [x0, x22]
+ cbnz w0, .L428
+ .loc 3 612 0 is_stmt 1
+ ldr w0, [x1, 4]
+ mov w1, 1
+ lsr w0, w0, 10
+ bl FtlFreeSysBlkQueueIn
+ add x22, x22, 32
+ .loc 3 610 0 discriminator 2
+ cmp x22, x28
+ bne .L429
+ .loc 3 615 0
+ cmp w24, 63
+ ccmp w23, 0, 0, hi
+ beq .L409
+ .loc 3 616 0
+ add x20, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ mov w2, w21
+ mov w1, w25
+ ldr x0, [x20, 3912]
+ bl FlashEraseBlocks
+ .loc 3 619 0
+ mov w0, w19
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ ldp x25, x26, [sp, 64]
+ ldp x27, x28, [sp, 80]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 128
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 27
+ .cfi_restore 28
+ .cfi_restore 25
+ .cfi_restore 26
+ .cfi_restore 23
+ .cfi_restore 24
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 3 540 0
+ ldr x1, [x5, 3912]
+ ubfiz x0, x10, 5, 16
+ str wzr, [x1, x0]
+ .loc 3 541 0
+ mov w1, w24
+ ldrb w0, [x8, w10, sxtw]
+ bl V2P_block
+ and w6, w0, 65535
+ mov w7, w6
+ .loc 3 543 0
+ cbz w23, .L411
+ .loc 3 544 0
+ bl IsBlkInVendorPart
+ cbnz w0, .L412
+ .loc 3 548 0
+ mov w0, w7
+ bl FtlBbmIsBadBlock
+ cbnz w0, .L413
+ .loc 3 549 0
+ ldr x0, [x5, 3912]
+ ubfiz x2, x21, 5, 16
+ lsl w6, w6, 10
+ add x0, x0, x2
+ str w6, [x0, 4]
+ .loc 3 550 0
+ ldr x1, [x5, 3912]
+ ldr x0, [x5, 3928]
+ add x1, x1, x2
+ .loc 3 551 0
+ ldr x2, [x5, 3936]
+ .loc 3 550 0
+ str x0, [x1, 8]
+ .loc 3 551 0
+ ldrh w0, [x5, 92]
+ mul w0, w0, w21
+ .loc 3 552 0
+ add w21, w21, 1
+ and w21, w21, 65535
+ .loc 3 551 0
+ sdiv w0, w0, w9
+ add x0, x2, x0, sxtw 2
+ str x0, [x1, 16]
+ .loc 3 539 0 discriminator 2
+ add w10, w10, 1
+ and w10, w10, 65535
+ b .L410
+ .loc 3 554 0
+ add w19, w19, 1
+ and w19, w19, 65535
+ b .L412
+ .loc 3 533 0
+ mov w0, 6
+ .loc 3 534 0
+ mov w25, 0
+ .loc 3 531 0
+ mov w26, 1
+ .loc 3 533 0
+ str w0, [x29, 124]
+ b .L419
+ .loc 3 579 0
+ ldr x1, [x27, 3912]
+ ubfiz x0, x5, 5, 16
+ str wzr, [x1, x0]
+ .loc 3 580 0
+ mov w1, w24
+ ldr x0, [x29, 112]
+ ldrb w0, [x0, w5, sxtw]
+ bl V2P_block
+ and w6, w0, 65535
+ mov w7, w6
+ .loc 3 581 0
+ cbz w23, .L421
+ .loc 3 582 0
+ bl IsBlkInVendorPart
+ cbnz w0, .L422
+ .loc 3 585 0
+ mov w0, w7
+ bl FtlBbmIsBadBlock
+ cbnz w0, .L422
+ .loc 3 586 0
+ ldr x0, [x27, 3912]
+ ubfiz x2, x21, 5, 16
+ add w6, w22, w6, lsl 10
+ add x0, x0, x2
+ str w6, [x0, 4]
+ .loc 3 587 0
+ ldr x1, [x27, 3912]
+ ldr x0, [x27, 3944]
+ add x1, x1, x2
+ .loc 3 588 0
+ mov w2, 4
+ .loc 3 587 0
+ str x0, [x1, 8]
+ .loc 3 588 0
+ ldrh w0, [x27, 92]
+ mul w0, w0, w21
+ .loc 3 589 0
+ add w21, w21, 1
+ and w21, w21, 65535
+ .loc 3 588 0
+ sdiv w0, w0, w2
+ ldr x2, [x27, 3928]
+ add x0, x2, x0, sxtw 2
+ str x0, [x1, 16]
+ .loc 3 578 0 discriminator 2
+ add w5, w5, 1
+ and w5, w5, 65535
+ b .L420
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlLowFormatEraseBlock, .-FtlLowFormatEraseBlock
+ .align 2
+ .global ftl_memset
+ .type ftl_memset, %function
+ .loc 1 201 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
+ .cfi_offset 29, -16
+ .cfi_offset 30, -8
+ .loc 1 202 0
+ uxtw x2, w2
+ .loc 1 201 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ .loc 1 202 0
+ bl memset
+ .loc 1 203 0
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 16
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size ftl_memset, .-ftl_memset
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlMemInit
+ .type FtlMemInit, %function
+ .loc 3 279 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -48]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48
+ .cfi_offset 29, -48
+ .cfi_offset 30, -40
+ .loc 3 297 0
+ mov w0, 65535
+ .loc 3 279 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -32
+ .cfi_offset 20, -24
+ .loc 3 282 0
+ adrp x20, .LANCHOR0
+ add x19, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 3 279 0
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ .cfi_offset 21, -16
+ .cfi_offset 22, -8
+ .loc 3 287 0
+ add x1, x19, 2304
+ .loc 3 291 0
+ add x2, x19, 2560
+ .loc 3 305 0
+ strh wzr, [x19, 3232]
+ .loc 3 306 0
+ strh wzr, [x19, 3316]
+ .loc 3 287 0
+ stp wzr, wzr, [x1, 220]
+ stp wzr, wzr, [x1, 228]
+ .loc 3 288 0
+ str wzr, [x19, 2540]
+ .loc 3 284 0
+ str wzr, [x19, 2544]
+ .loc 3 291 0
+ stp wzr, wzr, [x2, -4]
+ stp wzr, wzr, [x2, 4]
+ .loc 3 297 0
+ str w0, [x19, 3956]
+ .loc 3 301 0
+ mov w0, -1
+ strh w0, [x19, 3312]
+ .loc 3 302 0
+ strh w0, [x19, 3314]
+ .loc 3 303 0
+ mov w0, 32
+ .loc 3 292 0
+ str wzr, [x19, 2576]
+ .loc 3 303 0
+ strh w0, [x19, 3224]
+ .loc 3 304 0
+ mov w0, 128
+ .loc 3 293 0
+ str wzr, [x19, 2580]
+ .loc 3 304 0
+ strh w0, [x19, 3226]
+ .loc 3 294 0
+ str wzr, [x19, 2584]
+ .loc 3 299 0
+ str wzr, [x19, 3228]
+ .loc 3 296 0
+ str wzr, [x19, 3236]
+ .loc 3 300 0
+ str wzr, [x19, 3920]
+ .loc 3 295 0
+ str wzr, [x19, 3952]
+ .loc 3 298 0
+ str wzr, [x19, 3960]
+ .loc 3 307 0
+ strh wzr, [x19, 3354]
+ .loc 3 310 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 86]
+ lsl w0, w0, 1
+ bl ftl_malloc
+ .loc 3 311 0
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 86]
+ .loc 3 310 0
+ str x0, [x19, 3288]
+ .loc 3 311 0
+ mov w0, 12
+ mul w0, w1, w0
+ bl ftl_malloc
+ .loc 3 312 0
+ ldrh w21, [x19, 12]
+ .loc 3 311 0
+ str x0, [x19, 3304]
+ .loc 3 312 0
+ lsl w22, w21, 5
+ .loc 3 313 0
+ lsl w21, w21, 7
+ mov w0, w21
+ bl ftl_malloc
+ str x0, [x19, 3968]
+ .loc 3 314 0
+ mov w0, w22
+ bl ftl_malloc
+ str x0, [x19, 3976]
+ .loc 3 315 0
+ mov w0, w21
+ bl ftl_malloc
+ str x0, [x19, 3984]
+ .loc 3 316 0
+ mov w0, w22
+ bl ftl_malloc
+ str x0, [x19, 3912]
+ .loc 3 317 0
+ mov w0, w22
+ bl ftl_malloc
+ str x0, [x19, 3272]
+ .loc 3 320 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 12]
+ .loc 3 319 0
+ ldrh w21, [x19, 90]
+ .loc 3 320 0
+ lsl w0, w0, 1
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ str w0, [x19, 3280]
+ .loc 3 321 0
+ mov w0, w21
+ bl ftl_malloc
+ str x0, [x19, 2288]
+ .loc 3 322 0
+ mov w0, w21
+ bl ftl_malloc
+ str x0, [x19, 3992]
+ .loc 3 323 0
+ mov w0, w21
+ bl ftl_malloc
+ str x0, [x19, 4000]
+ .loc 3 324 0
+ ldr w0, [x19, 3280]
+ mul w0, w21, w0
+ bl ftl_malloc
+ str x0, [x19, 3256]
+ .loc 3 325 0
+ mov w0, w21
+ bl ftl_malloc
+ str x0, [x19, 3944]
+ .loc 3 326 0
+ mov w0, w21
+ bl ftl_malloc
+ str x0, [x19, 3928]
+ .loc 3 327 0
+ ldr w1, [x19, 3280]
+ mov w0, 24
+ mul w0, w1, w0
+ bl ftl_malloc
+ .loc 3 329 0
+ ldrh w21, [x19, 92]
+ .loc 3 327 0
+ str x0, [x19, 3248]
+ .loc 3 329 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 12]
+ mul w21, w21, w0
+ .loc 3 330 0
+ mov w0, w21
+ bl ftl_malloc
+ str x0, [x19, 3392]
+ .loc 3 331 0
+ lsl w0, w21, 2
+ bl ftl_malloc
+ str x0, [x19, 3936]
+ .loc 3 332 0
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 92]
+ ldr w0, [x19, 3280]
+ mul w0, w1, w0
+ bl ftl_malloc
+ str x0, [x19, 3264]
+ .loc 3 335 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 22]
+ ubfiz w0, w0, 1, 15
+ strh w0, [x19, 4008]
+ .loc 3 336 0
+ and w0, w0, 65534
+ bl ftl_malloc
+ str x0, [x19, 4016]
+ .loc 3 337 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 4008]
+ add x0, x0, 547
+ lsr x0, x0, 9
+ strh w0, [x19, 4008]
+ .loc 3 338 0
+ lsl w0, w0, 9
+ bl ftl_malloc
+ .loc 3 345 0
+ ldrh w21, [x19, 22]
+ .loc 3 338 0
+ str x0, [x19, 4024]
+ .loc 3 339 0
+ add x0, x0, 32
+ str x0, [x19, 2296]
+ .loc 3 345 0
+ lsl w21, w21, 1
+ .loc 3 347 0
+ mov w0, w21
+ bl ftl_malloc
+ str x0, [x19, 4032]
+ .loc 3 349 0
+ mov w0, w21
+ bl ftl_malloc
+ .loc 3 350 0
+ ldr w21, [x19, 108]
+ .loc 3 349 0
+ str x0, [x19, 2320]
+ .loc 3 350 0
+ lsl w21, w21, 1
+ .loc 3 351 0
+ mov w0, w21
+ bl ftl_malloc
+ str x0, [x19, 4040]
+ .loc 3 352 0
+ mov w0, w21
+ bl ftl_malloc
+ str x0, [x19, 4048]
+ .loc 3 353 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 22]
+ .loc 3 367 0
+ adrp x21, .LANCHOR3
+ add x22, x21, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ .loc 3 353 0
+ lsr w0, w0, 3
+ add w0, w0, 4
+ bl ftl_malloc
+ str x0, [x20, #:lo12:.LANCHOR0]
+ .loc 3 354 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 100]
+ lsl w0, w0, 1
+ bl ftl_malloc
+ str x0, [x19, 128]
+ .loc 3 355 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 100]
+ lsl w0, w0, 1
+ bl ftl_malloc
+ str x0, [x19, 4056]
+ .loc 3 356 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 100]
+ lsl w0, w0, 2
+ bl ftl_malloc
+ str x0, [x19, 4064]
+ .loc 3 357 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 102]
+ lsl w0, w0, 2
+ bl ftl_malloc
+ .loc 3 358 0
+ ldrh w2, [x19, 102]
+ mov w1, 0
+ .loc 3 357 0
+ str x0, [x19, 4072]
+ .loc 3 358 0
+ lsl w2, w2, 2
+ bl ftl_memset
+ .loc 3 360 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 116]
+ .loc 3 361 0
+ lsl w0, w0, 2
+ bl ftl_malloc
+ str x0, [x19, 4080]
+ .loc 3 362 0
+ ldr w0, [x19, 108]
+ .loc 3 363 0
+ lsl w0, w0, 2
+ bl ftl_malloc
+ str x0, [x19, 4088]
+ .loc 3 364 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 118]
+ .loc 3 365 0
+ lsl w0, w0, 4
+ bl ftl_malloc
+ .loc 3 366 0
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 118]
+ .loc 3 365 0
+ str x0, [x19, 2504]
+ .loc 3 366 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 90]
+ .loc 3 367 0
+ mul w0, w1, w0
+ bl ftl_malloc
+ str x0, [x22, -256]
+ .loc 3 368 0
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 22]
+ .loc 3 369 0
+ mov w0, 6
+ mul w0, w1, w0
+ bl ftl_malloc
+ str x0, [x19, 2304]
+ .loc 3 370 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 78]
+ .loc 3 371 0
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 34]
+ .loc 3 370 0
+ add w0, w0, 31
+ asr w0, w0, 5
+ strh w0, [x22, -248]
+ .loc 3 371 0
+ mul w0, w1, w0
+ .loc 3 372 0
+ lsl w0, w0, 2
+ bl ftl_malloc
+ .loc 3 374 0
+ ldrh w4, [x22, -248]
+ add x5, x19, 176
+ .loc 3 373 0
+ ldrh w6, [x19, 34]
+ mov x1, 1
+ .loc 3 372 0
+ str x0, [x19, 168]
+ .loc 3 373 0
+ mov w2, w4
+ mov x0, x20
+ .loc 3 373 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp w1, w6
+ bcc .L456
+ mov w2, 8
+ .loc 3 379 0 is_stmt 1
+ add x4, x0, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ sub w2, w2, w1
+ add x4, x4, 136
+ add x2, x2, 1
+ .loc 3 373 0
+ mov x3, 0
+ add x3, x3, 1
+ .loc 3 377 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp x3, x2
+ bne .L458
+ .loc 3 383 0
+ add x1, x0, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldr x2, [x1, 4040]
+ cbnz x2, .L459
+ .loc 3 385 0
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR1
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ add x1, x1, 224
+ adrp x0, .LC78
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC78
+ bl printk
+ .loc 3 386 0
+ mov w0, -1
+ .loc 3 484 0
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 48
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 3 374 0 discriminator 3
+ ldr x3, [x19, 168]
+ .loc 3 373 0 discriminator 3
+ add w1, w1, 1
+ .loc 3 374 0 discriminator 3
+ add x3, x3, x2, uxtw 2
+ add w2, w2, w4
+ str x3, [x5], 8
+ b .L455
+ .loc 3 379 0 discriminator 2
+ add x5, x1, x3
+ add x5, x4, x5, lsl 3
+ str xzr, [x5, 24]
+ b .L457
+ .loc 3 388 0
+ ldr x2, [x1, 4048]
+ cbz x2, .L461
+ .loc 3 393 0
+ ldr x2, [x1, 4080]
+ cbz x2, .L461
+ .loc 3 398 0
+ ldr x2, [x1, 4088]
+ cbz x2, .L461
+ .loc 3 404 0
+ ldr x2, [x1, 2504]
+ cbz x2, .L461
+ .loc 3 409 0
+ add x21, x21, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ ldr x2, [x21, -256]
+ cbz x2, .L461
+ .loc 3 414 0
+ ldr x2, [x1, 2304]
+ cbz x2, .L461
+ .loc 3 419 0
+ ldr x2, [x1, 168]
+ cbz x2, .L461
+ .loc 3 425 0
+ ldr x1, [x1, 2320]
+ cbz x1, .L461
+ .loc 3 430 0
+ add x1, x0, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldr x2, [x1, 3288]
+ cbz x2, .L461
+ .loc 3 430 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldr x2, [x1, 3304]
+ cbz x2, .L461
+ .loc 3 435 0 is_stmt 1
+ ldr x2, [x1, 3968]
+ cbz x2, .L461
+ .loc 3 435 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldr x2, [x1, 3984]
+ cbz x2, .L461
+ .loc 3 435 0 discriminator 2
+ ldr x2, [x1, 3912]
+ cbz x2, .L461
+ .loc 3 435 0 discriminator 3
+ ldr x2, [x1, 3272]
+ cbz x2, .L461
+ .loc 3 435 0 discriminator 4
+ ldr x2, [x1, 3976]
+ cbz x2, .L461
+ .loc 3 440 0 is_stmt 1
+ ldr x2, [x1, 2288]
+ cbz x2, .L461
+ .loc 3 440 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldr x2, [x1, 3992]
+ cbz x2, .L461
+ .loc 3 440 0 discriminator 2
+ ldr x1, [x1, 4000]
+ cbz x1, .L461
+ .loc 3 441 0 is_stmt 1 discriminator 3
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 3 440 0 discriminator 3
+ ldr x1, [x0, 3256]
+ cbz x1, .L461
+ .loc 3 441 0
+ ldr x1, [x0, 3944]
+ cbz x1, .L461
+ .loc 3 441 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldr x1, [x0, 3928]
+ cbz x1, .L461
+ .loc 3 441 0 discriminator 2
+ ldr x1, [x0, 3248]
+ cbz x1, .L461
+ .loc 3 446 0 is_stmt 1
+ ldr x1, [x0, 3392]
+ cbz x1, .L461
+ .loc 3 446 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldr x1, [x0, 3936]
+ cbz x1, .L461
+ .loc 3 446 0 discriminator 2
+ ldr x1, [x0, 3264]
+ cbz x1, .L461
+ .loc 3 452 0 is_stmt 1
+ ldr x1, [x0, 2296]
+ cbz x1, .L461
+ .loc 3 452 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldr x1, [x0, 4016]
+ cbz x1, .L461
+ .loc 3 458 0 is_stmt 1
+ ldr x0, [x0, 128]
+ cbz x0, .L461
+ .loc 3 464 0
+ adrp x0, .LANCHOR0
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldr x1, [x0, 4056]
+ cbz x1, .L461
+ .loc 3 470 0
+ ldr x1, [x0, 4064]
+ cbz x1, .L461
+ .loc 3 476 0
+ ldr x0, [x0, 4072]
+ cbz x0, .L461
+ .loc 3 483 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ b .L454
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlMemInit, .-FtlMemInit
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlBbt2Bitmap
+ .type FtlBbt2Bitmap, %function
+ .loc 4 66 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -64]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64
+ .cfi_offset 29, -64
+ .cfi_offset 30, -56
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ .cfi_offset 21, -32
+ .cfi_offset 22, -24
+ mov x22, x0
+ .loc 4 69 0
+ adrp x0, .LANCHOR3-248
+ .loc 4 66 0
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -48
+ .cfi_offset 20, -40
+ .loc 4 74 0
+ adrp x20, .LANCHOR1
+ add x20, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ .loc 4 69 0
+ ldrh w2, [x0, #:lo12:.LANCHOR3-248]
+ .loc 4 74 0
+ add x20, x20, 240
+ .loc 4 66 0
+ str x23, [sp, 48]
+ .cfi_offset 23, -16
+ .loc 4 74 0
+ adrp x23, .LANCHOR0
+ add x23, x23, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 4 69 0
+ mov x19, 0
+ .loc 4 66 0
+ mov x21, x1
+ .loc 4 69 0
+ lsl w2, w2, 2
+ mov w1, 0
+ mov x0, x21
+ bl ftl_memset
+ .loc 4 72 0
+ ldrh w0, [x22, x19]
+ mov w1, 65535
+ cmp w0, w1
+ beq .L556
+ .loc 4 74 0
+ ldrh w1, [x23, 78]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bhi .L558
+ .loc 4 74 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 74
+ mov x1, x20
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 4 75 0 is_stmt 1 discriminator 2
+ ldrh w2, [x22, x19]
+ mov w1, 1
+ add x19, x19, 2
+ .loc 4 70 0 discriminator 2
+ cmp x19, 1024
+ .loc 4 75 0 discriminator 2
+ ubfx x0, x2, 5, 11
+ lsl w2, w1, w2
+ lsl x0, x0, 2
+ ldr w1, [x21, x0]
+ orr w1, w1, w2
+ str w1, [x21, x0]
+ .loc 4 70 0 discriminator 2
+ bne .L559
+ .loc 4 77 0
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldr x23, [sp, 48]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 64
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 23
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlBbt2Bitmap, .-FtlBbt2Bitmap
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlBbtMemInit
+ .type FtlBbtMemInit, %function
+ .loc 4 149 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
+ .cfi_offset 29, -16
+ .cfi_offset 30, -8
+ .loc 4 150 0
+ adrp x0, .LANCHOR0
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ mov w1, -1
+ .loc 4 149 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ .loc 4 152 0
+ mov w2, 16
+ add x0, x0, 148
+ .loc 4 150 0
+ strh w1, [x0, -12]
+ .loc 4 152 0
+ mov w1, 255
+ .loc 4 151 0
+ strh wzr, [x0, -6]
+ .loc 4 152 0
+ bl ftl_memset
+ .loc 4 153 0
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 16
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlBbtMemInit, .-FtlBbtMemInit
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlFreeSysBlkQueueInit
+ .type FtlFreeSysBlkQueueInit, %function
+ .loc 2 76 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
+ .cfi_offset 29, -16
+ .cfi_offset 30, -8
+ .loc 2 79 0
+ adrp x3, .LANCHOR0
+ add x3, x3, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 83 0
+ mov w2, 2048
+ .loc 2 76 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ .loc 2 83 0
+ mov w1, 0
+ .loc 2 82 0
+ strh w0, [x3, 232]
+ .loc 2 83 0
+ add x0, x3, 240
+ .loc 2 79 0
+ strh wzr, [x3, 234]
+ .loc 2 80 0
+ strh wzr, [x3, 236]
+ .loc 2 81 0
+ strh wzr, [x3, 238]
+ .loc 2 83 0
+ bl ftl_memset
+ .loc 2 85 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 16
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlFreeSysBlkQueueInit, .-FtlFreeSysBlkQueueInit
+ .align 2
+ .global load_l2p_region
+ .type load_l2p_region, %function
+ .loc 2 442 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -80]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 80
+ .cfi_offset 29, -80
+ .cfi_offset 30, -72
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ .cfi_offset 21, -48
+ .cfi_offset 22, -40
+ .loc 2 446 0
+ adrp x21, .LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 442 0
+ stp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ .cfi_offset 23, -32
+ .cfi_offset 24, -24
+ and w23, w0, 65535
+ .loc 2 446 0
+ add x0, x21, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 442 0
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ str x25, [sp, 64]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -64
+ .cfi_offset 20, -56
+ .cfi_offset 25, -16
+ .loc 2 442 0
+ and x19, x1, 65535
+ .loc 2 446 0
+ ldrh w0, [x0, 116]
+ cmp w0, w23
+ bcs .L568
+ .loc 2 446 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR1
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 446
+ add x1, x1, 256
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 447 0 is_stmt 1
+ add x20, x21, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ubfiz x0, x23, 2, 16
+ ldr x1, [x20, 4080]
+ ldr w24, [x1, x0]
+ .loc 2 449 0
+ cbnz w24, .L569
+ .loc 2 450 0
+ ldr x0, [x20, 2504]
+ lsl x19, x19, 4
+ ldrh w2, [x20, 90]
+ mov w1, 255
+ add x0, x0, x19
+ ldr x0, [x0, 8]
+ bl ftl_memset
+ .loc 2 451 0
+ ldr x0, [x20, 2504]
+ strh w23, [x0, x19]
+ .loc 2 452 0
+ ldr x0, [x20, 2504]
+ add x19, x0, x19
+ str wzr, [x19, 4]
+ .loc 2 473 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ ldr x25, [sp, 64]
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 80
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 25
+ .cfi_restore 23
+ .cfi_restore 24
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 2 456 0
+ ldr x0, [x20, 2504]
+ lsl x19, x19, 4
+ .loc 2 455 0
+ add x22, x20, 3360
+ .loc 2 458 0
+ mov w2, 1
+ .loc 2 456 0
+ add x0, x0, x19
+ .loc 2 458 0
+ mov w1, w2
+ .loc 2 455 0
+ str w24, [x20, 3364]
+ .loc 2 456 0
+ ldr x0, [x0, 8]
+ str x0, [x20, 3368]
+ .loc 2 457 0
+ ldr x0, [x20, 3392]
+ str x0, [x20, 3376]
+ .loc 2 458 0
+ mov x0, x22
+ bl FlashReadPages
+ .loc 2 459 0
+ ldr x25, [x20, 3376]
+ .loc 2 461 0
+ ldrh w0, [x25, 8]
+ cmp w0, w23
+ beq .L571
+ .loc 2 462 0
+ mov w2, w24
+ mov w1, w23
+ adrp x0, .LC79
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC79
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 463 0
+ ldr x1, [x20, 3376]
+ mov w3, 4
+ adrp x0, .LC80
+ mov w2, w3
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC80
+ bl rknand_print_hex
+ .loc 2 464 0
+ ldrh w3, [x20, 116]
+ adrp x0, .LC81
+ ldr x1, [x20, 4080]
+ mov w2, 4
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC81
+ bl rknand_print_hex
+ .loc 2 467 0
+ ldrh w0, [x25, 8]
+ cmp w0, w23
+ beq .L572
+ .loc 2 467 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR1
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 467
+ add x1, x1, 256
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 470 0 is_stmt 1
+ add x21, x21, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldr x0, [x21, 2504]
+ add x0, x0, x19
+ str wzr, [x0, 4]
+ .loc 2 471 0
+ ldr x0, [x21, 2504]
+ strh w23, [x0, x19]
+ .loc 2 472 0
+ b .L570
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size load_l2p_region, .-load_l2p_region
+ .align 2
+ .global ftl_free_no_use_map_blk
+ .type ftl_free_no_use_map_blk, %function
+ .loc 2 476 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -80]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 80
+ .cfi_offset 29, -80
+ .cfi_offset 30, -72
+ .loc 2 485 0
+ mov w1, 0
+ .loc 2 476 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -64
+ .cfi_offset 20, -56
+ mov x19, x0
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ stp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ stp x25, x26, [sp, 64]
+ .cfi_offset 21, -48
+ .cfi_offset 22, -40
+ .cfi_offset 23, -32
+ .cfi_offset 24, -24
+ .cfi_offset 25, -16
+ .cfi_offset 26, -8
+ .loc 2 485 0
+ ldrh w2, [x0, 10]
+ .loc 2 478 0
+ ldp x21, x20, [x0, 32]
+ .loc 2 477 0
+ ldr x23, [x0, 16]
+ .loc 2 485 0
+ lsl w2, w2, 1
+ mov x0, x21
+ bl ftl_memset
+ .loc 2 486 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ .loc 2 486 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 6]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bhi .L579
+ .loc 2 494 0 is_stmt 1
+ ldrh w26, [x21]
+ .loc 2 498 0
+ adrp x24, .LANCHOR0
+ add x24, x24, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 495 0
+ mov w25, 0
+ .loc 2 497 0
+ mov w20, 0
+ .loc 2 497 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 10]
+ cmp w0, w20
+ bhi .L584
+ .loc 2 513 0 is_stmt 1
+ mov w0, w25
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ ldp x25, x26, [sp, 64]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 80
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 25
+ .cfi_restore 26
+ .cfi_restore 23
+ .cfi_restore 24
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 2 487 0
+ ubfiz x1, x0, 2, 16
+ ldr w2, [x20, x1]
+ .loc 2 488 0
+ mov w1, 0
+ .loc 2 487 0
+ ubfx x2, x2, 10, 16
+ .loc 2 488 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w3, [x19, 10]
+ cmp w3, w1
+ bhi .L578
+ .loc 2 486 0 discriminator 2
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ and w0, w0, 65535
+ b .L575
+ .loc 2 489 0
+ ubfiz x3, x1, 1, 16
+ ldrh w4, [x23, x3]
+ cmp w4, w2
+ bne .L577
+ .loc 2 490 0
+ ldrh w4, [x21, x3]
+ add w4, w4, 1
+ strh w4, [x21, x3]
+ .loc 2 488 0 discriminator 2
+ add w1, w1, 1
+ and w1, w1, 65535
+ b .L576
+ .loc 2 498 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19]
+ uxtw x22, w20
+ cmp w0, w20
+ bne .L581
+ .loc 2 498 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w0, [x24, 84]
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 2]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bcs .L581
+ .loc 2 499 0 is_stmt 1
+ strh w0, [x21, x22, lsl 1]
+ .loc 2 500 0
+ lsl x22, x22, 1
+ ldrh w0, [x21, x22]
+ cmp w26, w0
+ bls .L582
+ mov w25, w20
+ mov w26, w0
+ .loc 2 504 0
+ cbnz w0, .L583
+ .loc 2 504 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w0, [x23, x22]
+ cbz w0, .L583
+ .loc 2 506 0 is_stmt 1
+ mov w1, 1
+ bl FtlFreeSysBlkQueueIn
+ .loc 2 507 0
+ strh wzr, [x23, x22]
+ .loc 2 508 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 8]
+ sub w0, w0, #1
+ strh w0, [x19, 8]
+ .loc 2 497 0 discriminator 2
+ add w20, w20, 1
+ and w20, w20, 65535
+ b .L580
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size ftl_free_no_use_map_blk, .-ftl_free_no_use_map_blk
+ .align 2
+ .global Ftl_write_map_blk_to_last_page
+ .type Ftl_write_map_blk_to_last_page, %function
+ .loc 2 583 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -64]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64
+ .cfi_offset 29, -64
+ .cfi_offset 30, -56
+ .loc 2 591 0
+ mov w1, 65535
+ .loc 2 583 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -48
+ .cfi_offset 20, -40
+ mov x19, x0
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ str x23, [sp, 48]
+ .cfi_offset 21, -32
+ .cfi_offset 22, -24
+ .cfi_offset 23, -16
+ .loc 2 586 0
+ ldr x20, [x0, 16]
+ .loc 2 591 0
+ ldrh w0, [x0]
+ cmp w0, w1
+ bne .L590
+ .loc 2 592 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 8]
+ cbz w0, .L591
+ .loc 2 592 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR1
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 592
+ add x1, x1, 272
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 593 0 is_stmt 1
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 8]
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ strh w0, [x19, 8]
+ .loc 2 594 0
+ bl FtlFreeSysBlkQueueOut
+ strh w0, [x20]
+ .loc 2 595 0
+ strh wzr, [x19, 2]
+ .loc 2 597 0
+ ldr w0, [x19, 48]
+ .loc 2 596 0
+ strh wzr, [x19]
+ .loc 2 597 0
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ str w0, [x19, 48]
+ .loc 2 628 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ ldr x23, [sp, 48]
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 64
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 23
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 2 601 0
+ ubfiz x0, x0, 1, 16
+ .loc 2 602 0
+ adrp x21, .LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 607 0
+ ldr w1, [x19, 48]
+ .loc 2 587 0
+ ldr x23, [x19, 40]
+ .loc 2 601 0
+ ldrh w22, [x20, x0]
+ .loc 2 602 0
+ add x20, x21, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 2]
+ orr w0, w0, w22, lsl 10
+ str w0, [x20, 3364]
+ .loc 2 603 0
+ ldr x0, [x20, 2288]
+ str x0, [x20, 3368]
+ .loc 2 604 0
+ ldr x0, [x20, 3392]
+ str x0, [x20, 3376]
+ .loc 2 607 0
+ str w1, [x0, 4]
+ .loc 2 608 0
+ mov w1, -1291
+ strh w1, [x0, 8]
+ .loc 2 609 0
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 4]
+ strh w1, [x0]
+ .loc 2 610 0
+ strh w22, [x0, 2]
+ .loc 2 612 0
+ mov w1, 255
+ ldrh w2, [x20, 84]
+ ldr x0, [x20, 2288]
+ lsl w2, w2, 3
+ bl ftl_memset
+ .loc 2 613 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ .loc 2 614 0
+ mov w1, 0
+ .loc 2 614 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w2, [x19, 6]
+ cmp w2, w1
+ bhi .L595
+ .loc 2 621 0 is_stmt 1
+ add x0, x21, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ mov w2, 1
+ mov w3, 0
+ mov w1, w2
+ add x0, x0, 3360
+ bl FlashProgPages
+ .loc 2 622 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 2]
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ strh w0, [x19, 2]
+ .loc 2 626 0
+ mov x0, x19
+ bl ftl_map_blk_gc
+ .loc 2 627 0
+ b .L592
+ .loc 2 615 0
+ ubfiz x2, x1, 2, 16
+ ldr w3, [x23, x2]
+ cmp w22, w3, lsr 10
+ bne .L594
+ .loc 2 616 0
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ .loc 2 617 0
+ ldr x4, [x20, 2288]
+ .loc 2 616 0
+ and w0, w0, 65535
+ .loc 2 617 0
+ ubfiz x3, x0, 3, 16
+ str w1, [x4, x3]
+ .loc 2 618 0
+ ldr w4, [x23, x2]
+ ldr x2, [x20, 2288]
+ add x2, x2, x3
+ str w4, [x2, 4]
+ .loc 2 614 0 discriminator 2
+ add w1, w1, 1
+ and w1, w1, 65535
+ b .L593
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size Ftl_write_map_blk_to_last_page, .-Ftl_write_map_blk_to_last_page
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlMapWritePage
+ .type FtlMapWritePage, %function
+ .loc 2 631 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -96]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 96
+ .cfi_offset 29, -96
+ .cfi_offset 30, -88
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ .cfi_offset 23, -48
+ .cfi_offset 24, -40
+ .loc 2 637 0
+ adrp x23, .LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 654 0
+ add x24, x23, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 631 0
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -80
+ .cfi_offset 20, -72
+ .cfi_offset 21, -64
+ .cfi_offset 22, -56
+ mov x19, x0
+ stp x25, x26, [sp, 64]
+ .loc 2 650 0
+ adrp x22, .LANCHOR1
+ .loc 2 631 0
+ stp x27, x28, [sp, 80]
+ .cfi_offset 25, -32
+ .cfi_offset 26, -24
+ .cfi_offset 27, -16
+ .cfi_offset 28, -8
+ .loc 2 631 0
+ mov w26, w1
+ mov x27, x2
+ mov x25, x23
+ .loc 2 650 0
+ add x22, x22, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ .loc 2 654 0
+ add x20, x24, 3360
+ .loc 2 634 0
+ mov w21, 0
+ .loc 2 637 0
+ add x0, x23, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldr w1, [x0, 2540]
+ add w1, w1, 1
+ str w1, [x0, 2540]
+ .loc 2 638 0
+ ldrh w0, [x0, 84]
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 2]
+ sub w0, w0, #1
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bge .L602
+ .loc 2 638 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w1, [x19]
+ mov w0, 65535
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bne .L603
+ .loc 2 639 0 is_stmt 1
+ mov x0, x19
+ bl Ftl_write_map_blk_to_last_page
+ .loc 2 650 0
+ ldrh w1, [x19]
+ ldr x0, [x19, 16]
+ ldrh w0, [x0, x1, lsl 1]
+ cbnz w0, .L604
+ .loc 2 650 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 650
+ add x1, x22, 304
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 651 0 is_stmt 1
+ ldrh w1, [x19]
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 10]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bcc .L605
+ .loc 2 651 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 651
+ add x1, x22, 304
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 652 0 is_stmt 1
+ ldrh w1, [x19]
+ .loc 2 658 0
+ mov w2, 16
+ .loc 2 652 0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 16]
+ ldrh w28, [x0, x1, lsl 1]
+ .loc 2 658 0
+ mov w1, 0
+ .loc 2 654 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 2]
+ .loc 2 655 0
+ str x27, [x20, 8]
+ .loc 2 654 0
+ orr w0, w0, w28, lsl 10
+ str w0, [x20, 4]
+ .loc 2 656 0
+ ldr x0, [x24, 3392]
+ str x0, [x20, 16]
+ .loc 2 658 0
+ bl ftl_memset
+ .loc 2 659 0
+ ldr x0, [x20, 16]
+ .loc 2 664 0
+ mov w3, 1
+ .loc 2 660 0
+ ldr w1, [x19, 48]
+ .loc 2 664 0
+ mov w2, w3
+ .loc 2 661 0
+ strh w26, [x0, 8]
+ .loc 2 660 0
+ str w1, [x0, 4]
+ .loc 2 662 0
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 4]
+ strh w1, [x0]
+ .loc 2 664 0
+ mov w1, w3
+ .loc 2 663 0
+ strh w28, [x0, 2]
+ .loc 2 664 0
+ mov x0, x20
+ bl FlashProgPages
+ .loc 2 665 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 2]
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ and w0, w0, 65535
+ strh w0, [x19, 2]
+ .loc 2 667 0
+ ldr w1, [x20]
+ cmn w1, #1
+ bne .L606
+ .loc 2 668 0
+ ldr w1, [x20, 4]
+ adrp x0, .LC82
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC82
+ .loc 2 669 0
+ add w21, w21, 1
+ and w21, w21, 65535
+ .loc 2 668 0
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 670 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 2]
+ cmp w0, 2
+ bhi .L607
+ .loc 2 671 0
+ ldrh w0, [x24, 84]
+ sub w0, w0, #1
+ strh w0, [x19, 2]
+ .loc 2 673 0
+ cmp w21, 3
+ bls .L608
+ .loc 2 674 0
+ add x25, x25, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ adrp x0, .LC83
+ mov w2, w21
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC83
+ ldr w1, [x25, 3364]
+ bl printk
+ b .L609
+ .loc 2 678 0
+ ldr w0, [x19, 52]
+ cbz w0, .L601
+ b .L618
+ .loc 2 682 0
+ cmp w0, 1
+ beq .L601
+ .loc 2 685 0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 40]
+ ldr w1, [x20, 4]
+ str w1, [x0, w26, uxtw 2]
+ .loc 2 687 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ ldp x25, x26, [sp, 64]
+ ldp x27, x28, [sp, 80]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 96
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 27
+ .cfi_restore 28
+ .cfi_restore 25
+ .cfi_restore 26
+ .cfi_restore 23
+ .cfi_restore 24
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlMapWritePage, .-FtlMapWritePage
+ .align 2
+ .global ftl_map_blk_gc
+ .type ftl_map_blk_gc, %function
+ .loc 2 537 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -96]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 96
+ .cfi_offset 29, -96
+ .cfi_offset 30, -88
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -80
+ .cfi_offset 20, -72
+ mov x19, x0
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ .cfi_offset 21, -64
+ .cfi_offset 22, -56
+ adrp x22, .LANCHOR0
+ stp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ stp x25, x26, [sp, 64]
+ stp x27, x28, [sp, 80]
+ .cfi_offset 23, -48
+ .cfi_offset 24, -40
+ .cfi_offset 25, -32
+ .cfi_offset 26, -24
+ .cfi_offset 27, -16
+ .cfi_offset 28, -8
+ .loc 2 541 0
+ ldr x20, [x0, 16]
+ .loc 2 542 0
+ ldr x25, [x0, 40]
+ .loc 2 545 0
+ bl ftl_free_no_use_map_blk
+ .loc 2 547 0
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 10]
+ ldrh w2, [x19, 8]
+ sub w1, w1, #4
+ cmp w2, w1
+ blt .L621
+ .loc 2 548 0
+ ubfiz x0, x0, 1, 16
+ ldrh w24, [x20, x0]
+ .loc 2 549 0
+ cbz w24, .L621
+ .loc 2 549 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldr w1, [x19, 52]
+ cbnz w1, .L621
+ .loc 2 550 0 is_stmt 1
+ mov w1, 1
+ str w1, [x19, 52]
+ .loc 2 551 0
+ strh wzr, [x20, x0]
+ .loc 2 552 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 8]
+ .loc 2 553 0
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 2]
+ .loc 2 552 0
+ sub w0, w0, #1
+ strh w0, [x19, 8]
+ .loc 2 553 0
+ add x0, x22, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrh w0, [x0, 84]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bcc .L622
+ .loc 2 554 0
+ mov x0, x19
+ bl ftl_map_blk_alloc_new_blk
+ .loc 2 558 0 discriminator 1
+ add x26, x22, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 564 0 discriminator 1
+ adrp x23, .LANCHOR1
+ add x23, x23, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ .loc 2 558 0 discriminator 1
+ add x21, x26, 3360
+ .loc 2 564 0 discriminator 1
+ add x23, x23, 320
+ .loc 2 537 0 discriminator 1
+ mov w20, 0
+ .loc 2 556 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 6]
+ cmp w0, w20
+ bhi .L627
+ .loc 2 572 0
+ mov w1, 1
+ mov w0, w24
+ bl FtlFreeSysBlkQueueIn
+ .loc 2 573 0
+ str wzr, [x19, 52]
+ .loc 2 577 0
+ add x22, x22, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 2]
+ ldrh w0, [x22, 84]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bcc .L628
+ .loc 2 578 0
+ mov x0, x19
+ bl ftl_map_blk_alloc_new_blk
+ .loc 2 580 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ ldp x25, x26, [sp, 64]
+ ldp x27, x28, [sp, 80]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 96
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 27
+ .cfi_restore 28
+ .cfi_restore 25
+ .cfi_restore 26
+ .cfi_restore 23
+ .cfi_restore 24
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 2 557 0
+ ubfiz x27, x20, 2, 16
+ ldr w0, [x25, x27]
+ cmp w24, w0, lsr 10
+ bne .L624
+ .loc 2 559 0
+ ldr x28, [x26, 3392]
+ .loc 2 562 0
+ mov w2, 1
+ .loc 2 558 0
+ ldr x0, [x26, 3992]
+ .loc 2 562 0
+ mov w1, w2
+ .loc 2 559 0
+ stp x0, x28, [x21, 8]
+ .loc 2 560 0
+ ldr w0, [x25, x27]
+ str w0, [x21, 4]
+ .loc 2 562 0
+ mov x0, x21
+ bl FlashReadPages
+ .loc 2 564 0
+ ldrh w0, [x28, 8]
+ cmp w0, w20
+ beq .L625
+ .loc 2 564 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 564
+ mov x1, x23
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 565 0 is_stmt 1
+ ldr w0, [x21]
+ cmn w0, #1
+ bne .L626
+ .loc 2 566 0
+ str wzr, [x25, x27]
+ .loc 2 556 0 discriminator 2
+ add w20, w20, 1
+ and w20, w20, 65535
+ b .L623
+ .loc 2 568 0
+ ldr x2, [x21, 8]
+ mov w1, w20
+ mov x0, x19
+ bl FtlMapWritePage
+ b .L624
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size ftl_map_blk_gc, .-ftl_map_blk_gc
+ .align 2
+ .global flush_l2p_region
+ .type flush_l2p_region, %function
+ .loc 2 690 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -32]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32
+ .cfi_offset 29, -32
+ .cfi_offset 30, -24
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -16
+ .cfi_offset 20, -8
+ .loc 2 693 0
+ adrp x19, .LANCHOR0
+ add x19, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ubfiz x20, x0, 4, 16
+ ldr x0, [x19, 2504]
+ add x1, x0, x20
+ .loc 2 694 0
+ ldr x2, [x1, 8]
+ ldrh w1, [x0, x20]
+ adrp x0, .LANCHOR3
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ sub x0, x0, #240
+ bl FtlMapWritePage
+ .loc 2 695 0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 2504]
+ add x0, x0, x20
+ ldr w1, [x0, 4]
+ and w1, w1, 2147483647
+ str w1, [x0, 4]
+ .loc 2 697 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 32
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size flush_l2p_region, .-flush_l2p_region
+ .align 2
+ .global log2phys
+ .type log2phys, %function
+ .loc 2 753 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -80]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 80
+ .cfi_offset 29, -80
+ .cfi_offset 30, -72
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ .cfi_offset 23, -32
+ .cfi_offset 24, -24
+ mov w23, w2
+ .loc 2 756 0
+ adrp x24, .LANCHOR0
+ add x2, x24, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 753 0
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ .cfi_offset 21, -48
+ .cfi_offset 22, -40
+ mov x22, x1
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ str x25, [sp, 64]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -64
+ .cfi_offset 20, -56
+ .cfi_offset 25, -16
+ .loc 2 756 0
+ ldrh w19, [x2, 88]
+ add w1, w19, 7
+ .loc 2 757 0
+ mov x19, 1
+ .loc 2 756 0
+ lsr w21, w0, w1
+ and w21, w21, 65535
+ .loc 2 757 0
+ lsl x19, x19, x1
+ .loc 2 759 0
+ ldr w1, [x2, 2520]
+ .loc 2 757 0
+ sub w19, w19, #1
+ and w19, w19, w0
+ .loc 2 759 0
+ cmp w0, w1
+ .loc 2 757 0
+ and x19, x19, 65535
+ .loc 2 759 0
+ bcc .L636
+ .loc 2 759 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR1
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 759
+ add x1, x1, 336
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 761 0 is_stmt 1
+ add x0, x24, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrh w1, [x0, 118]
+ .loc 2 762 0
+ ldr x2, [x0, 2504]
+ .loc 2 761 0
+ mov x0, 0
+ and x20, x0, 65535
+ .loc 2 761 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp w20, w1
+ bcc .L642
+ .loc 2 776 0 is_stmt 1
+ bl select_l2p_ram_region
+ and x20, x0, 65535
+ .loc 2 777 0
+ add x2, x24, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ubfiz x1, x20, 4, 16
+ .loc 2 776 0
+ mov w25, w0
+ .loc 2 777 0
+ ldr x2, [x2, 2504]
+ add x3, x2, x1
+ ldrh w2, [x2, x1]
+ mov w1, 65535
+ cmp w2, w1
+ beq .L643
+ .loc 2 777 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldr w1, [x3, 4]
+ tbz w1, #31, .L643
+ .loc 2 778 0 is_stmt 1
+ bl flush_l2p_region
+ .loc 2 781 0
+ mov w1, w25
+ mov w0, w21
+ bl load_l2p_region
+ .loc 2 782 0
+ b .L638
+ add x0, x0, 1
+ .loc 2 762 0
+ add x3, x2, x0, lsl 4
+ ldrh w3, [x3, -16]
+ cmp w3, w21
+ bne .L637
+ .loc 2 764 0
+ cbnz w23, .L639
+ .loc 2 765 0
+ add x0, x24, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldr x0, [x0, 2504]
+ add x0, x0, x20, lsl 4
+ ldr x0, [x0, 8]
+ ldr w0, [x0, x19, lsl 2]
+ str w0, [x22]
+ .loc 2 771 0
+ add x24, x24, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldr x0, [x24, 2504]
+ add x20, x0, x20, lsl 4
+ ldr w0, [x20, 4]
+ cmn w0, #1
+ beq .L645
+ .loc 2 772 0
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ str w0, [x20, 4]
+ .loc 2 783 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ ldr x25, [sp, 64]
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 80
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 25
+ .cfi_restore 23
+ .cfi_restore 24
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 2 767 0
+ add x2, x24, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ lsl x0, x20, 4
+ mov x1, x0
+ ldr w4, [x22]
+ ldr x3, [x2, 2504]
+ add x0, x3, x0
+ ldr x0, [x0, 8]
+ str w4, [x0, x19, lsl 2]
+ .loc 2 769 0
+ strh w21, [x2, 2512]
+ .loc 2 768 0
+ ldr x0, [x2, 2504]
+ add x0, x0, x1
+ ldr w1, [x0, 4]
+ orr w1, w1, -2147483648
+ str w1, [x0, 4]
+ b .L640
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size log2phys, .-log2phys
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlReUsePrevPpa
+ .type FtlReUsePrevPpa, %function
+ .loc 2 1628 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -80]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 80
+ .cfi_offset 29, -80
+ .cfi_offset 30, -72
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ .cfi_offset 21, -48
+ .cfi_offset 22, -40
+ mov w21, w0
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .loc 2 1629 0
+ lsr w0, w1, 10
+ .loc 2 1628 0
+ str w1, [x29, 76]
+ .loc 2 1631 0
+ adrp x22, .LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 1628 0
+ str x23, [sp, 48]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -64
+ .cfi_offset 20, -56
+ .cfi_offset 23, -32
+ .loc 2 1629 0
+ bl P2V_block_in_plane
+ .loc 2 1631 0
+ add x2, x22, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 1629 0
+ and w0, w0, 65535
+ .loc 2 1631 0
+ ubfiz x20, x0, 1, 16
+ ldr x3, [x2, 2320]
+ ldrh w1, [x3, x20]
+ cbnz w1, .L651
+ .loc 2 1632 0
+ ldr x19, [x2, 2344]
+ cbz x19, .L652
+ .loc 2 1635 0
+ ldrh w3, [x2, 2352]
+ .loc 2 1636 0
+ mov x4, -6148914691236517206
+ ldr x2, [x2, 2304]
+ movk x4, 0xaaab, lsl 0
+ .loc 2 1644 0
+ mov w5, 65535
+ .loc 2 1636 0
+ sub x19, x19, x2
+ asr x19, x19, 1
+ mul x19, x19, x4
+ .loc 2 1644 0
+ mov w4, 6
+ .loc 2 1636 0
+ and w19, w19, 65535
+ .loc 2 1637 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp w1, w3
+ beq .L652
+ .loc 2 1638 0
+ cmp w19, w0
+ bne .L654
+ .loc 2 1639 0
+ add x23, x22, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ mov w1, w19
+ add x0, x23, 2344
+ bl List_remove_node
+ ldrh w0, [x23, 2352]
+ cbnz w0, .L655
+ .loc 2 1639 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR1
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 1639
+ add x1, x1, 352
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 1639 0 discriminator 3
+ add x22, x22, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrh w0, [x22, 2352]
+ sub w0, w0, #1
+ strh w0, [x22, 2352]
+ .loc 2 1640 0 is_stmt 1 discriminator 3
+ mov w0, w19
+ .loc 2 1641 0 discriminator 3
+ ldr x1, [x22, 2320]
+ ldrh w0, [x1, x20]
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ strh w0, [x1, x20]
+ .loc 2 1652 0
+ add x1, x29, 76
+ mov w2, 1
+ mov w0, w21
+ bl log2phys
+ .loc 2 1653 0
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldr x23, [sp, 48]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 80
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 23
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 2 1644 0
+ umull x19, w19, w4
+ ldrh w19, [x2, x19]
+ cmp w19, w5
+ beq .L652
+ .loc 2 1637 0 discriminator 2
+ add w1, w1, 1
+ and w1, w1, 65535
+ b .L653
+ .loc 2 1650 0
+ add w1, w1, 1
+ strh w1, [x3, x20]
+ b .L652
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlReUsePrevPpa, .-FtlReUsePrevPpa
+ .align 2
+ .global ftl_scan_all_data
+ .type ftl_scan_all_data, %function
+ .loc 2 2275 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ sub sp, sp, #96
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 96
+ .loc 2 2280 0
+ adrp x0, .LC84
+ mov w1, 0
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC84
+ .loc 2 2275 0
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 29, -80
+ .cfi_offset 30, -72
+ add x29, sp, 16
+ .cfi_def_cfa 29, 80
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 48]
+ .cfi_offset 21, -48
+ .cfi_offset 22, -40
+ .loc 2 2281 0
+ adrp x22, .LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 2286 0
+ add x21, x22, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 2275 0
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 32]
+ str x23, [sp, 64]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -64
+ .cfi_offset 20, -56
+ .cfi_offset 23, -32
+ .loc 2 2281 0
+ mov w20, 0
+ .loc 2 2286 0
+ add x19, x21, 3360
+ .loc 2 2280 0
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 2281 0 discriminator 1
+ add x0, x22, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldr w0, [x0, 2520]
+ cmp w20, w0
+ bcc .L668
+ .loc 2 2303 0
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 48]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp, 16]
+ ldr x23, [sp, 64]
+ add sp, sp, 96
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 23
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 2 2282 0
+ mov w2, 0
+ add x1, x29, 76
+ mov w0, w20
+ bl log2phys
+ .loc 2 2283 0
+ tst x20, 2047
+ bne .L663
+ .loc 2 2284 0
+ ldr w2, [x29, 76]
+ adrp x0, .LC85
+ mov w1, w20
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC85
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 2285 0
+ ldr w0, [x29, 76]
+ cmn w0, #1
+ beq .L665
+ .loc 2 2289 0
+ ldr x23, [x21, 3392]
+ .loc 2 2292 0
+ mov w2, 0
+ .loc 2 2286 0
+ stp wzr, w0, [x19]
+ .loc 2 2292 0
+ mov w1, 1
+ .loc 2 2288 0
+ ldr x0, [x21, 2288]
+ str x0, [x19, 8]
+ .loc 2 2292 0
+ mov x0, x19
+ .loc 2 2289 0
+ str x23, [x19, 16]
+ .loc 2 2287 0
+ str w20, [x19, 24]
+ .loc 2 2292 0
+ bl FlashReadPages
+ .loc 2 2293 0
+ ldr w0, [x19]
+ cmp w0, 256
+ ccmn w0, #1, 4, ne
+ beq .L666
+ .loc 2 2294 0
+ ldr w0, [x23, 8]
+ cmp w20, w0
+ beq .L665
+ .loc 2 2297 0
+ ldp x1, x0, [x19, 8]
+ ldr w2, [x1, 4]
+ str w2, [sp]
+ ldp w3, w4, [x0]
+ ldp w5, w6, [x0, 8]
+ adrp x0, .LC86
+ ldr w7, [x1]
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC86
+ ldr w2, [x19, 4]
+ mov w1, w20
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 2281 0 discriminator 2
+ add w20, w20, 1
+ b .L662
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size ftl_scan_all_data, .-ftl_scan_all_data
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlReadRefresh
+ .type FtlReadRefresh, %function
+ .loc 5 419 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ .loc 5 425 0
+ adrp x0, .LANCHOR0
+ add x1, x0, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ add x2, x1, 2712
+ ldr w3, [x2, 80]
+ cbz w3, .L671
+ .loc 5 426 0
+ ldr w0, [x1, 2520]
+ ldr w3, [x2, 84]
+ cmp w3, w0
+ bcs .L672
+ .loc 5 419 0
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -160]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 160
+ .cfi_offset 29, -160
+ .cfi_offset 30, -152
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -144
+ .cfi_offset 20, -136
+ .loc 5 428 0
+ mov x19, x1
+ mov w20, 2048
+ .loc 5 419 0
+ str x21, [sp, 32]
+ .cfi_offset 21, -128
+ .loc 5 428 0
+ ldr w1, [x19, 2520]
+ ldr w0, [x19, 2796]
+ cmp w0, w1
+ bcs .L674
+ .loc 5 430 0
+ add x1, x29, 60
+ mov w2, 0
+ bl log2phys
+ .loc 5 431 0
+ ldr w0, [x19, 2796]
+ .loc 5 432 0
+ ldr w1, [x29, 60]
+ .loc 5 431 0
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ str w0, [x19, 2796]
+ .loc 5 432 0
+ cmn w1, #1
+ beq .L675
+ .loc 5 435 0
+ str w0, [x29, 88]
+ .loc 5 436 0
+ adrp x0, ftl_temp_buf
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:ftl_temp_buf
+ str x0, [x29, 72]
+ .loc 5 437 0
+ add x0, x29, 96
+ str x0, [x29, 80]
+ .loc 5 438 0
+ add x0, x29, 160
+ .loc 5 434 0
+ str w1, [x29, 68]
+ .loc 5 439 0
+ mov w2, 0
+ mov w1, 1
+ .loc 5 438 0
+ str wzr, [x0, -96]!
+ .loc 5 439 0
+ bl FlashReadPages
+ .loc 5 440 0
+ ldr w0, [x29, 64]
+ cmp w0, 256
+ bne .L674
+ .loc 5 442 0
+ ldr w0, [x29, 60]
+ lsr w0, w0, 10
+ bl P2V_block_in_plane
+ bl FtlGcRefreshBlock
+ .loc 5 466 0
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ mov w0, -1
+ ldr x21, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 160
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 5 427 0
+ subs w20, w20, #1
+ bne .L677
+ b .L674
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .loc 5 451 0
+ ldr w0, [x1, 2524]
+ .loc 5 449 0
+ stp w0, wzr, [x2, 76]
+ .loc 5 450 0
+ str wzr, [x2, 84]
+ .loc 5 420 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ .loc 5 465 0
+ ret
+ .loc 5 456 0
+ ldr w3, [x1, 2524]
+ ldr w5, [x2, 76]
+ add w2, w3, 1048576
+ cmp w5, w2
+ bhi .L680
+ .loc 5 454 0
+ ldr w2, [x1, 2580]
+ lsr w4, w2, 10
+ mov w2, 33554432
+ asr w2, w2, w4
+ .loc 5 457 0
+ add w2, w2, w5
+ cmp w3, w2
+ bhi .L680
+ .loc 5 458 0
+ ldrb w1, [x1, 2620]
+ cbnz w1, .L681
+ .loc 5 460 0
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ mov w1, 1
+ .loc 5 462 0
+ str w3, [x0, 2788]
+ .loc 5 460 0
+ str w1, [x0, 2792]
+ .loc 5 461 0
+ str wzr, [x0, 2796]
+ b .L681
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlReadRefresh, .-FtlReadRefresh
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlMapBlkWriteDump_data
+ .type FtlMapBlkWriteDump_data, %function
+ .loc 2 897 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ .loc 2 903 0
+ ldr w1, [x0, 56]
+ cbz w1, .L695
+ .loc 2 897 0
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -48]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48
+ .cfi_offset 29, -48
+ .cfi_offset 30, -40
+ .loc 2 907 0
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR0
+ add x2, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 897 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -32
+ .cfi_offset 20, -24
+ mov x19, x0
+ str x21, [sp, 32]
+ .cfi_offset 21, -16
+ .loc 2 907 0
+ add x0, x2, 3360
+ mov x21, x1
+ .loc 2 899 0
+ ldrh w20, [x19, 6]
+ .loc 2 908 0
+ ldr x4, [x2, 3392]
+ .loc 2 899 0
+ sub w20, w20, #1
+ .loc 2 907 0
+ ldr x3, [x2, 3992]
+ .loc 2 899 0
+ and w20, w20, 65535
+ .loc 2 900 0
+ ldr x5, [x19, 40]
+ .loc 2 908 0
+ stp x3, x4, [x0, 8]
+ .loc 2 930 0
+ ubfiz x4, x20, 2, 16
+ .loc 2 905 0
+ str wzr, [x19, 56]
+ .loc 2 930 0
+ ldr w4, [x5, x4]
+ .loc 2 931 0
+ str w4, [x0, 4]
+ .loc 2 932 0
+ cbz w4, .L689
+ .loc 2 934 0
+ mov w2, 1
+ mov w1, w2
+ bl FlashReadPages
+ .loc 2 941 0
+ add x1, x21, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ mov x0, x19
+ ldr x2, [x1, 3368]
+ mov w1, w20
+ bl FtlMapWritePage
+ .loc 2 943 0
+ ldr x21, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 48
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 2 938 0
+ ldrh w2, [x2, 90]
+ mov w1, 255
+ mov x0, x3
+ bl ftl_memset
+ b .L690
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlMapBlkWriteDump_data, .-FtlMapBlkWriteDump_data
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlScanSysBlk
+ .type FtlScanSysBlk, %function
+ .loc 2 1095 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -112]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 112
+ .cfi_offset 29, -112
+ .cfi_offset 30, -104
+ .loc 2 1103 0
+ mov w1, 0
+ .loc 2 1095 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -96
+ .cfi_offset 20, -88
+ .loc 2 1101 0
+ adrp x20, .LANCHOR3
+ .loc 2 1095 0
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ .loc 2 1101 0
+ add x0, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ .cfi_offset 21, -80
+ .cfi_offset 22, -72
+ .loc 2 1102 0
+ adrp x21, .LANCHOR0
+ add x19, x21, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 1095 0
+ stp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ stp x25, x26, [sp, 64]
+ .cfi_offset 23, -64
+ .cfi_offset 24, -56
+ .cfi_offset 25, -48
+ .cfi_offset 26, -40
+ .loc 2 1162 0
+ adrp x25, .LANCHOR1
+ .loc 2 1095 0
+ stp x27, x28, [sp, 80]
+ .cfi_offset 27, -32
+ .cfi_offset 28, -24
+ .loc 2 1162 0
+ add x25, x25, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ .loc 2 1101 0
+ strh wzr, [x0, -176]
+ .loc 2 1162 0
+ add x25, x25, 368
+ .loc 2 1103 0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 4088]
+ ldr w2, [x19, 108]
+ .loc 2 1102 0
+ strh wzr, [x19, 124]
+ .loc 2 1103 0
+ lsl w2, w2, 2
+ bl ftl_memset
+ .loc 2 1104 0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 4040]
+ mov w1, 0
+ ldr w2, [x19, 108]
+ lsl w2, w2, 1
+ bl ftl_memset
+ .loc 2 1105 0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 4064]
+ mov w1, 0
+ ldrh w2, [x19, 100]
+ lsl w2, w2, 2
+ bl ftl_memset
+ .loc 2 1106 0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 128]
+ mov w1, 0
+ ldrh w2, [x19, 100]
+ lsl w2, w2, 1
+ bl ftl_memset
+ .loc 2 1107 0
+ mov w2, 12
+ mov w1, 255
+ add x0, x19, 2648
+ bl ftl_memset
+ .loc 2 1109 0
+ ldrh w24, [x19, 20]
+ .loc 2 1109 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 22]
+ cmp w0, w24
+ bls .L739
+ .loc 2 1113 0 is_stmt 1 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w9, [x19, 12]
+ .loc 2 1120 0 discriminator 1
+ mov x5, 0
+ ldrh w8, [x19, 92]
+ mov w22, 0
+ .loc 2 1115 0 discriminator 1
+ add x7, x19, 40
+ .loc 2 1120 0 discriminator 1
+ mov w6, 4
+ b .L740
+ .loc 2 1115 0
+ ldrb w0, [x7, x5]
+ mov w1, w24
+ bl V2P_block
+ and w4, w0, 65535
+ .loc 2 1116 0
+ bl FtlBbmIsBadBlock
+ cbnz w0, .L700
+ .loc 2 1118 0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 3968]
+ ubfiz x2, x22, 5, 16
+ lsl w4, w4, 10
+ add x0, x0, x2
+ str w4, [x0, 4]
+ .loc 2 1119 0
+ ldr x1, [x19, 3968]
+ ldr x0, [x19, 3256]
+ add x1, x1, x2
+ .loc 2 1120 0
+ ldr x2, [x19, 3264]
+ .loc 2 1119 0
+ str x0, [x1, 8]
+ .loc 2 1120 0
+ mul w0, w22, w8
+ .loc 2 1121 0
+ add w22, w22, 1
+ and w22, w22, 65535
+ .loc 2 1120 0
+ sdiv w0, w0, w6
+ add x0, x2, x0, sxtw 2
+ str x0, [x1, 16]
+ add x5, x5, 1
+ .loc 2 1113 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp w9, w5, uxth
+ bhi .L701
+ .loc 2 1124 0
+ cbnz w22, .L702
+ .loc 2 1109 0
+ add w24, w24, 1
+ and w24, w24, 65535
+ b .L699
+ .loc 2 1127 0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 3968]
+ mov w1, w22
+ mov w2, 1
+ ubfiz x22, x22, 5, 16
+ mov x23, 0
+ .loc 2 1248 0
+ add x28, x19, 2648
+ .loc 2 1127 0
+ bl FlashReadPages
+ .loc 2 1129 0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 3968]
+ add x1, x0, x23
+ .loc 2 1132 0
+ ldr w0, [x0, x23]
+ .loc 2 1129 0
+ ldr w26, [x1, 4]
+ .loc 2 1132 0
+ cmn w0, #1
+ .loc 2 1130 0
+ ldr x27, [x1, 16]
+ .loc 2 1129 0
+ ubfx x26, x26, 10, 16
+ .loc 2 1132 0
+ bne .L705
+ mov w3, 16
+ .loc 2 1136 0
+ mov w4, 65535
+ .loc 2 1134 0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 3968]
+ .loc 2 1135 0
+ mov w2, 1
+ stp w4, w3, [x29, 104]
+ .loc 2 1134 0
+ add x0, x0, x23
+ ldr w1, [x0, 4]
+ add w1, w1, 1
+ str w1, [x0, 4]
+ .loc 2 1135 0
+ mov w1, w2
+ ldr x0, [x19, 3968]
+ add x0, x0, x23
+ bl FlashReadPages
+ .loc 2 1136 0
+ ldp w4, w3, [x29, 104]
+ ldrh w0, [x27]
+ cmp w0, w4
+ .loc 2 1137 0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 3968]
+ .loc 2 1136 0
+ bne .L704
+ .loc 2 1137 0
+ mov w1, -1
+ str w1, [x0, x23]
+ .loc 2 1145 0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 3968]
+ ldr w0, [x0, x23]
+ cmp w0, w1
+ bne .L705
+ .loc 2 1287 0
+ mov w1, 1
+ b .L777
+ .loc 2 1139 0
+ ldr w0, [x0, x23]
+ cmn w0, #1
+ bne .L705
+ sub w3, w3, #1
+ .loc 2 1133 0 discriminator 2
+ ands w3, w3, 65535
+ bne .L707
+ b .L706
+ .loc 2 1147 0
+ ldr w1, [x19, 2556]
+ ldr w0, [x27, 4]
+ cmn w1, #1
+ beq .L708
+ .loc 2 1147 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bhi .L709
+ .loc 2 1149 0 is_stmt 1
+ cmn w0, #1
+ beq .L709
+ .loc 2 1152 0
+ add w1, w0, 1
+ str w1, [x19, 2556]
+ .loc 2 1157 0
+ ldrh w1, [x27]
+ mov w2, 61604
+ cmp w1, w2
+ beq .L711
+ bhi .L712
+ mov w0, 61574
+ cmp w1, w0
+ beq .L713
+ add x23, x23, 32
+ .loc 2 1128 0 discriminator 2
+ cmp x22, x23
+ bne .L737
+ b .L738
+ .loc 2 1157 0
+ mov w0, 61634
+ cmp w1, w0
+ beq .L714
+ mov w0, 65535
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bne .L710
+ .loc 2 1280 0
+ mov w1, 0
+ .loc 2 1287 0
+ mov w0, w26
+ bl FtlFreeSysBlkQueueIn
+ b .L710
+ .loc 2 1162 0
+ add x0, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ ldrh w1, [x0, -176]
+ ldr w0, [x19, 108]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bls .L716
+ .loc 2 1162 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 1162
+ mov x1, x25
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 1163 0 is_stmt 1
+ add x1, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ ldr w3, [x19, 108]
+ .loc 2 1165 0
+ ldr x4, [x19, 4088]
+ .loc 2 1163 0
+ and w2, w3, 65535
+ ldrh w1, [x1, -176]
+ sub w0, w2, #1
+ sxth x0, w0
+ sub w2, w2, w1
+ sub w2, w2, #1
+ sxth w2, w2
+ .loc 2 1163 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp w0, w2
+ bgt .L723
+ .loc 2 1186 0 is_stmt 1
+ tbz w0, #31, .L757
+ b .L710
+ .loc 2 1165 0
+ sxtw x5, w0
+ ldr w8, [x27, 4]
+ lsl x6, x5, 2
+ ldr w7, [x4, x6]
+ cmp w8, w7
+ bls .L718
+ .loc 2 1167 0
+ ldr w2, [x4]
+ cbnz w2, .L719
+ .loc 2 1167 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp w3, w1
+ beq .L719
+ .loc 2 1172 0 is_stmt 1
+ add x2, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ add w1, w1, 1
+ strh w1, [x2, -176]
+ mov w1, 0
+ .loc 2 1175 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bne .L721
+ .loc 2 1180 0
+ ldr x1, [x19, 4088]
+ ldr w2, [x27, 4]
+ str w2, [x1, x6]
+ .loc 2 1181 0
+ ldr x1, [x19, 4040]
+ strh w26, [x1, x5, lsl 1]
+ .loc 2 1186 0
+ tbnz w0, #31, .L710
+ .loc 2 1193 0
+ add x1, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ ldr w2, [x19, 108]
+ ldrh w1, [x1, -176]
+ sub w2, w2, w1
+ sub w2, w2, #1
+ cmp w0, w2, sxth
+ bgt .L710
+ .loc 2 1195 0
+ add x2, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ add w1, w1, 1
+ strh w1, [x2, -176]
+ .loc 2 1196 0
+ ldr x1, [x19, 4088]
+ ldr w2, [x27, 4]
+ str w2, [x1, x0, lsl 2]
+ .loc 2 1197 0
+ ldr x1, [x19, 4040]
+ .loc 2 1241 0
+ strh w26, [x1, x0, lsl 1]
+ b .L710
+ .loc 2 1177 0 discriminator 3
+ ldr x4, [x19, 4088]
+ sxtw x2, w1
+ lsl x3, x2, 2
+ .loc 2 1178 0 discriminator 3
+ lsl x2, x2, 1
+ .loc 2 1177 0 discriminator 3
+ add x7, x4, x3
+ add w1, w1, 1
+ sxth w1, w1
+ ldr w7, [x7, 4]
+ str w7, [x4, x3]
+ .loc 2 1178 0 discriminator 3
+ ldr x3, [x19, 4040]
+ add x4, x3, x2
+ ldrh w4, [x4, 2]
+ strh w4, [x3, x2]
+ b .L720
+ sub w0, w0, #1
+ sxth x0, w0
+ b .L717
+ .loc 2 1203 0
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 124]
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 100]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bls .L726
+ .loc 2 1203 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 1203
+ mov x1, x25
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 1204 0 is_stmt 1
+ ldrh w3, [x19, 100]
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 124]
+ sub w2, w3, #1
+ .loc 2 1206 0
+ ldr x4, [x19, 4064]
+ .loc 2 1204 0
+ sxth x0, w2
+ sub w2, w2, w1
+ .loc 2 1204 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp w0, w2
+ ble .L732
+ .loc 2 1206 0 is_stmt 1
+ sxtw x5, w0
+ ldr w8, [x27, 4]
+ lsl x6, x5, 2
+ ldr w7, [x4, x6]
+ cmp w8, w7
+ bls .L728
+ .loc 2 1208 0
+ ldr w2, [x4]
+ cbnz w2, .L729
+ .loc 2 1208 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp w3, w1
+ beq .L729
+ .loc 2 1216 0 is_stmt 1
+ add w1, w1, 1
+ strh w1, [x19, 124]
+ mov w1, 0
+ .loc 2 1218 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bne .L731
+ .loc 2 1223 0
+ ldr x1, [x19, 4064]
+ ldr w2, [x27, 4]
+ str w2, [x1, x6]
+ .loc 2 1224 0
+ ldr x1, [x19, 128]
+ strh w26, [x1, x5, lsl 1]
+ .loc 2 1229 0
+ tbnz w0, #31, .L710
+ .loc 2 1237 0
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 100]
+ ldrh w2, [x19, 124]
+ sub w1, w1, #1
+ sub w1, w1, w2
+ cmp w0, w1, sxth
+ bgt .L710
+ .loc 2 1240 0
+ ldr x1, [x19, 4064]
+ .loc 2 1239 0
+ add w2, w2, 1
+ strh w2, [x19, 124]
+ .loc 2 1240 0
+ ldr w2, [x27, 4]
+ str w2, [x1, x0, lsl 2]
+ .loc 2 1241 0
+ ldr x1, [x19, 128]
+ b .L775
+ .loc 2 1220 0 discriminator 3
+ ldr x4, [x19, 4064]
+ sxtw x2, w1
+ lsl x3, x2, 2
+ .loc 2 1221 0 discriminator 3
+ lsl x2, x2, 1
+ .loc 2 1220 0 discriminator 3
+ add x7, x4, x3
+ add w1, w1, 1
+ sxth w1, w1
+ ldr w7, [x7, 4]
+ str w7, [x4, x3]
+ .loc 2 1221 0 discriminator 3
+ ldr x3, [x19, 128]
+ add x4, x3, x2
+ ldrh w4, [x4, 2]
+ strh w4, [x3, x2]
+ b .L730
+ sub w0, w0, #1
+ sxth x0, w0
+ b .L727
+ .loc 2 1248 0
+ ldrh w2, [x28]
+ mov w1, 65535
+ cmp w2, w1
+ bne .L734
+ .loc 2 1250 0
+ strh w26, [x28]
+ .loc 2 1261 0
+ str w0, [x28, 8]
+ b .L710
+ .loc 2 1255 0
+ ldrh w0, [x28, 4]
+ cmp w0, w1
+ beq .L735
+ .loc 2 1256 0
+ mov w1, 1
+ bl FtlFreeSysBlkQueueIn
+ .loc 2 1257 0
+ ldr w0, [x27, 4]
+ ldr w1, [x28, 8]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bcs .L736
+ .loc 2 1259 0
+ ldrh w0, [x28]
+ strh w0, [x28, 4]
+ .loc 2 1260 0
+ strh w26, [x28]
+ .loc 2 1261 0
+ ldr w0, [x27, 4]
+ b .L776
+ .loc 2 1265 0
+ strh w26, [x28, 4]
+ b .L710
+ .loc 2 1292 0
+ ldr x1, [x19, 4040]
+ ldrh w0, [x1]
+ cbz w0, .L741
+ .loc 2 1310 0
+ add x0, x21, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldr x1, [x0, 128]
+ ldrh w2, [x1]
+ cbz w2, .L742
+ .loc 2 1328 0
+ add x20, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ add x21, x21, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrh w1, [x20, -176]
+ ldr w0, [x21, 108]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bls .L773
+ .loc 2 1328 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR1
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 1328
+ add x1, x1, 368
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 1330 0 is_stmt 1
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ mov w0, 0
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ ldp x25, x26, [sp, 64]
+ ldp x27, x28, [sp, 80]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 112
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 27
+ .cfi_restore 28
+ .cfi_restore 25
+ .cfi_restore 26
+ .cfi_restore 23
+ .cfi_restore 24
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 2 1292 0 discriminator 1
+ add x0, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ ldrh w0, [x0, -176]
+ cbz w0, .L744
+ .loc 2 1294 0 discriminator 1
+ ldr w2, [x19, 108]
+ mov w0, 0
+ cmp w0, w2
+ bcs .L744
+ .loc 2 1296 0
+ ldrh w3, [x1, w0, sxtw 1]
+ cbz w3, .L746
+ mov w1, w0
+ .loc 2 1298 0 discriminator 1
+ add x2, x21, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldr w3, [x2, 108]
+ cmp w1, w3
+ bcs .L744
+ .loc 2 1300 0 discriminator 3
+ ldr x5, [x2, 4040]
+ sxtw x6, w1
+ lsl x4, x6, 1
+ sub w3, w1, w0
+ sxtw x3, w3
+ add w1, w1, 1
+ sxth w1, w1
+ ldrh w7, [x5, x4]
+ strh w7, [x5, x3, lsl 1]
+ .loc 2 1301 0 discriminator 3
+ ldr x5, [x2, 4088]
+ ldr w6, [x5, x6, lsl 2]
+ str w6, [x5, x3, lsl 2]
+ .loc 2 1302 0 discriminator 3
+ ldr x3, [x2, 4040]
+ strh wzr, [x3, x4]
+ b .L747
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ sxth w0, w0
+ b .L745
+ .loc 2 1310 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w2, [x0, 124]
+ cbz w2, .L743
+ .loc 2 1312 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w2, [x0, 100]
+ mov w0, 0
+ mov w6, w0
+ cmp w0, w2
+ bge .L743
+ .loc 2 1314 0
+ ldrh w3, [x1, w0, sxtw 1]
+ cbz w3, .L753
+ .loc 2 1316 0 discriminator 1
+ add x1, x21, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrh w2, [x1, 100]
+ cmp w0, w2
+ bge .L743
+ .loc 2 1318 0 discriminator 3
+ ldr x4, [x1, 128]
+ sxtw x5, w0
+ lsl x3, x5, 1
+ sub w2, w0, w6
+ sxtw x2, w2
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ sxth w0, w0
+ ldrh w7, [x4, x3]
+ strh w7, [x4, x2, lsl 1]
+ .loc 2 1319 0 discriminator 3
+ ldr x4, [x1, 4064]
+ ldr w5, [x4, x5, lsl 2]
+ str w5, [x4, x2, lsl 2]
+ .loc 2 1320 0 discriminator 3
+ ldr x2, [x1, 128]
+ strh wzr, [x2, x3]
+ b .L754
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ sxth w0, w0
+ b .L752
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlScanSysBlk, .-FtlScanSysBlk
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlMapTblRecovery
+ .type FtlMapTblRecovery, %function
+ .loc 2 1466 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -128]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 128
+ .cfi_offset 29, -128
+ .cfi_offset 30, -120
+ .loc 2 1477 0
+ mov w1, 0
+ .loc 2 1466 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -112
+ .cfi_offset 20, -104
+ mov x19, x0
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ .cfi_offset 21, -96
+ .cfi_offset 22, -88
+ .loc 2 1478 0
+ adrp x21, .LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 1466 0
+ stp x25, x26, [sp, 64]
+ stp x27, x28, [sp, 80]
+ .cfi_offset 25, -64
+ .cfi_offset 26, -56
+ .cfi_offset 27, -48
+ .cfi_offset 28, -40
+ .loc 2 1486 0
+ mov w27, 0
+ .loc 2 1466 0
+ stp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ .cfi_offset 23, -80
+ .cfi_offset 24, -72
+ .loc 2 1473 0
+ ldrh w24, [x0, 6]
+ .loc 2 1470 0
+ ldr x0, [x0, 40]
+ str x0, [x29, 120]
+ .loc 2 1474 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 8]
+ .loc 2 1477 0
+ lsl w2, w24, 2
+ .loc 2 1474 0
+ str w0, [x29, 116]
+ .loc 2 1477 0
+ ldr x0, [x29, 120]
+ .loc 2 1472 0
+ ldp x23, x26, [x19, 16]
+ .loc 2 1477 0
+ bl ftl_memset
+ .loc 2 1483 0
+ stp wzr, wzr, [x19, 48]
+ .loc 2 1478 0
+ add x3, x21, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ add x20, x3, 3360
+ .loc 2 1510 0
+ mov x25, x3
+ .loc 2 1478 0
+ ldr x0, [x3, 2288]
+ .loc 2 1479 0
+ ldr x22, [x3, 3392]
+ stp x0, x22, [x20, 8]
+ .loc 2 1481 0
+ mov w0, -1
+ strh w0, [x19]
+ .loc 2 1482 0
+ strh w0, [x19, 2]
+ .loc 2 1485 0
+ mov w0, 1
+ str w0, [x19, 56]
+ .loc 2 1488 0
+ ldr w0, [x29, 116]
+ sub w0, w0, #1
+ str w0, [x29, 112]
+ .loc 2 1486 0 discriminator 1
+ ldr w0, [x29, 116]
+ cmp w27, w0
+ bge .L796
+ .loc 2 1488 0
+ ldr w0, [x29, 112]
+ sxtw x28, w27
+ cmp w27, w0
+ bne .L780
+ .loc 2 1490 0
+ lsl x0, x28, 1
+ mov w1, 1
+ add x20, x23, x0
+ .loc 2 1496 0
+ add x25, x21, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ add x25, x25, 3360
+ .loc 2 1490 0
+ ldrh w0, [x23, x0]
+ .loc 2 1494 0
+ mov w23, 0
+ .loc 2 1490 0
+ bl FtlGetLastWrittenPage
+ .loc 2 1492 0
+ strh w27, [x19]
+ .loc 2 1490 0
+ sxth w1, w0
+ .loc 2 1491 0
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ strh w0, [x19, 2]
+ .loc 2 1493 0
+ ldr w0, [x26, x28, lsl 2]
+ .loc 2 1494 0
+ add w26, w1, 1
+ .loc 2 1493 0
+ str w0, [x19, 48]
+ .loc 2 1494 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp w23, w26
+ blt .L783
+ .loc 2 1548 0
+ add x21, x21, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 1547 0
+ mov x0, x19
+ bl ftl_free_no_use_map_blk
+ .loc 2 1548 0
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 2]
+ ldrh w0, [x21, 84]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bne .L785
+ .loc 2 1550 0
+ mov x0, x19
+ bl ftl_map_blk_alloc_new_blk
+ .loc 2 1553 0
+ mov x0, x19
+ bl ftl_map_blk_gc
+ .loc 2 1555 0
+ mov x0, x19
+ bl ftl_map_blk_gc
+ .loc 2 1557 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ ldp x25, x26, [sp, 64]
+ ldp x27, x28, [sp, 80]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 128
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 27
+ .cfi_restore 28
+ .cfi_restore 25
+ .cfi_restore 26
+ .cfi_restore 23
+ .cfi_restore 24
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 2 1496 0
+ ldrh w0, [x20]
+ .loc 2 1497 0
+ mov w2, 1
+ mov w1, w2
+ .loc 2 1496 0
+ orr w0, w23, w0, lsl 10
+ str w0, [x25, 4]
+ .loc 2 1497 0
+ mov x0, x25
+ bl FlashReadPages
+ .loc 2 1500 0
+ ldr w0, [x25]
+ cmn w0, #1
+ beq .L782
+ .loc 2 1502 0
+ ldrh w0, [x22, 8]
+ cmp w24, w0
+ bls .L782
+ .loc 2 1502 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w2, [x22]
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 4]
+ cmp w2, w1
+ bne .L782
+ .loc 2 1504 0 is_stmt 1
+ ldr x2, [x29, 120]
+ ubfiz x0, x0, 2, 16
+ ldr w1, [x25, 4]
+ str w1, [x2, x0]
+ add w23, w23, 1
+ sxth w23, w23
+ b .L781
+ .loc 2 1510 0
+ ldr x0, [x25, 2288]
+ .loc 2 1512 0
+ mov w2, 1
+ .loc 2 1510 0
+ str x0, [x20, 8]
+ .loc 2 1511 0
+ lsl x0, x28, 1
+ ldrh w1, [x25, 84]
+ add x28, x23, x0
+ ldrh w0, [x23, x0]
+ sub w1, w1, #1
+ orr w0, w1, w0, lsl 10
+ .loc 2 1512 0
+ mov w1, w2
+ .loc 2 1511 0
+ str w0, [x20, 4]
+ .loc 2 1512 0
+ mov x0, x20
+ bl FlashReadPages
+ .loc 2 1515 0
+ ldr w0, [x20]
+ cmn w0, #1
+ beq .L798
+ .loc 2 1515 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w1, [x22]
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 4]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bne .L798
+ .loc 2 1515 0 discriminator 2
+ ldrh w1, [x22, 8]
+ mov w0, 64245
+ cmp w1, w0
+ beq .L787
+ mov w5, 0
+ .loc 2 1530 0 is_stmt 1 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w0, [x25, 84]
+ cmp w5, w0
+ bge .L794
+ .loc 2 1532 0
+ ldrh w0, [x28]
+ .loc 2 1533 0
+ mov w2, 1
+ .loc 2 1532 0
+ str w5, [x29, 108]
+ .loc 2 1533 0
+ mov w1, w2
+ .loc 2 1532 0
+ orr w0, w5, w0, lsl 10
+ str w0, [x20, 4]
+ .loc 2 1533 0
+ mov x0, x20
+ bl FlashReadPages
+ .loc 2 1536 0
+ ldr w0, [x20]
+ ldr w5, [x29, 108]
+ cmn w0, #1
+ beq .L792
+ .loc 2 1538 0
+ ldrh w0, [x22, 8]
+ cmp w24, w0
+ bls .L792
+ .loc 2 1538 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w2, [x22]
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 4]
+ cmp w2, w1
+ bne .L792
+ .loc 2 1540 0 is_stmt 1
+ ldr x2, [x29, 120]
+ ubfiz x0, x0, 2, 16
+ ldr w1, [x20, 4]
+ str w1, [x2, x0]
+ add w5, w5, 1
+ sxth w5, w5
+ b .L788
+ mov w0, 0
+ .loc 2 1518 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w1, [x25, 84]
+ sub w1, w1, #1
+ cmp w0, w1
+ blt .L791
+ add w4, w27, 1
+ sxth w27, w4
+ b .L779
+ .loc 2 1520 0
+ ldr x2, [x25, 2288]
+ sbfiz x5, x0, 3, 32
+ ldrh w1, [x2, x5]
+ .loc 2 1521 0
+ cmp w24, w1
+ bls .L790
+ .loc 2 1523 0
+ add x2, x2, x5
+ ldr x3, [x29, 120]
+ ubfiz x1, x1, 2, 16
+ ldr w2, [x2, 4]
+ str w2, [x3, x1]
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ sxth w0, w0
+ b .L789
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlMapTblRecovery, .-FtlMapTblRecovery
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlLoadVonderInfo
+ .type FtlLoadVonderInfo, %function
+ .loc 2 1560 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ .loc 2 1561 0
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR0
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 1560 0
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
+ .cfi_offset 29, -16
+ .cfi_offset 30, -8
+ .loc 2 1561 0
+ adrp x0, .LANCHOR3
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ .loc 2 1560 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ .loc 2 1561 0
+ ldrh w2, [x1, 100]
+ strh w2, [x0, -158]
+ .loc 2 1562 0
+ mov w2, -3962
+ strh w2, [x0, -164]
+ .loc 2 1563 0
+ ldrh w2, [x1, 124]
+ strh w2, [x0, -160]
+ .loc 2 1564 0
+ ldrh w2, [x1, 102]
+ strh w2, [x0, -162]
+ .loc 2 1565 0
+ ldr x2, [x1, 128]
+ str x2, [x0, -152]
+ .loc 2 1566 0
+ ldr x2, [x1, 4064]
+ str x2, [x0, -144]
+ .loc 2 1567 0
+ ldr x2, [x1, 4056]
+ .loc 2 1568 0
+ ldr x1, [x1, 4072]
+ stp x2, x1, [x0, -136]
+ .loc 2 1570 0
+ sub x0, x0, #168
+ bl FtlMapTblRecovery
+ .loc 2 1573 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 16
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlLoadVonderInfo, .-FtlLoadVonderInfo
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlL2PDataInit
+ .type FtlL2PDataInit, %function
+ .loc 2 1576 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -48]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48
+ .cfi_offset 29, -48
+ .cfi_offset 30, -40
+ .loc 2 1578 0
+ adrp x0, .LANCHOR0
+ mov w1, 0
+ .loc 2 1576 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -32
+ .cfi_offset 20, -24
+ .loc 2 1578 0
+ add x19, x0, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 1576 0
+ str x21, [sp, 32]
+ .cfi_offset 21, -16
+ .loc 2 1579 0
+ adrp x20, .LANCHOR3
+ add x21, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ .loc 2 1578 0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 4048]
+ ldr w2, [x19, 108]
+ lsl w2, w2, 1
+ bl ftl_memset
+ .loc 2 1579 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 118]
+ mov w1, 255
+ ldrh w2, [x19, 90]
+ mul w2, w2, w0
+ ldr x0, [x21, -256]
+ bl ftl_memset
+ .loc 2 1580 0
+ mov x0, x19
+ mov w1, 0
+ .loc 2 1583 0
+ mov w5, -1
+ .loc 2 1580 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w2, [x0, 118]
+ cmp w2, w1
+ bhi .L810
+ .loc 2 1586 0
+ add x1, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ mov w2, -1
+ strh w2, [x1, -238]
+ .loc 2 1587 0
+ strh w2, [x1, -240]
+ .loc 2 1588 0
+ ldr w2, [x0, 108]
+ strh w2, [x1, -230]
+ .loc 2 1589 0
+ mov w2, -3902
+ strh w2, [x1, -236]
+ .loc 2 1590 0
+ ldrh w2, [x1, -176]
+ strh w2, [x1, -232]
+ .loc 2 1591 0
+ ldrh w2, [x0, 116]
+ strh w2, [x1, -234]
+ .loc 2 1592 0
+ ldr x2, [x0, 4040]
+ str x2, [x1, -224]
+ .loc 2 1593 0
+ ldr x2, [x0, 4088]
+ str x2, [x1, -216]
+ .loc 2 1594 0
+ ldr x2, [x0, 4048]
+ .loc 2 1595 0
+ ldr x0, [x0, 4080]
+ stp x2, x0, [x1, -208]
+ .loc 2 1596 0
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldr x21, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 48
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 2 1582 0 discriminator 3
+ ldr x3, [x0, 2504]
+ ubfiz x2, x1, 4, 16
+ add x3, x3, x2
+ str wzr, [x3, 4]
+ .loc 2 1583 0 discriminator 3
+ ldr x3, [x0, 2504]
+ strh w5, [x3, x2]
+ .loc 2 1584 0 discriminator 3
+ ldr x3, [x0, 2504]
+ ldr x4, [x21, -256]
+ add x3, x3, x2
+ ldrh w2, [x0, 90]
+ mul w2, w2, w1
+ .loc 2 1580 0 discriminator 3
+ add w1, w1, 1
+ and w1, w1, 65535
+ .loc 2 1584 0 discriminator 3
+ sxtw x2, w2
+ and x2, x2, -4
+ add x2, x4, x2
+ str x2, [x3, 8]
+ b .L809
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlL2PDataInit, .-FtlL2PDataInit
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlLoadMapInfo
+ .type FtlLoadMapInfo, %function
+ .loc 2 1599 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
+ .cfi_offset 29, -16
+ .cfi_offset 30, -8
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ .loc 2 1600 0
+ bl FtlL2PDataInit
+ .loc 2 1602 0
+ adrp x0, .LANCHOR3
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ sub x0, x0, #240
+ bl FtlMapTblRecovery
+ .loc 2 1605 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 16
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlLoadMapInfo, .-FtlLoadMapInfo
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlVariablesInit
+ .type FtlVariablesInit, %function
+ .loc 3 493 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -32]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32
+ .cfi_offset 29, -32
+ .cfi_offset 30, -24
+ .loc 3 496 0
+ adrp x0, .LANCHOR3
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ .loc 3 497 0
+ mov w1, -1
+ .loc 3 493 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ str x19, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -16
+ .loc 3 501 0
+ adrp x19, .LANCHOR0
+ add x19, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 3 497 0
+ strh w1, [x0, -96]
+ .loc 3 496 0
+ str xzr, [x0, -104]
+ .loc 3 500 0
+ mov w1, -1
+ .loc 3 499 0
+ stp wzr, wzr, [x0, -92]
+ .loc 3 500 0
+ str w1, [x0, -84]
+ .loc 3 502 0
+ mov w1, 0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 128]
+ ldrh w2, [x19, 100]
+ .loc 3 501 0
+ strh wzr, [x19, 124]
+ .loc 3 502 0
+ lsl w2, w2, 1
+ bl ftl_memset
+ .loc 3 503 0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 2296]
+ mov w1, 0
+ ldrh w2, [x19, 22]
+ lsl w2, w2, 1
+ bl ftl_memset
+ .loc 3 504 0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 4016]
+ mov w1, 0
+ ldrh w2, [x19, 22]
+ lsl w2, w2, 1
+ bl ftl_memset
+ .loc 3 505 0
+ mov w2, 48
+ mov w1, 0
+ add x0, x19, 2592
+ bl ftl_memset
+ .loc 3 506 0
+ mov w2, 512
+ mov w1, 0
+ add x0, x19, 2712
+ bl ftl_memset
+ .loc 3 507 0
+ bl FtlGcBufInit
+ .loc 3 508 0
+ bl FtlL2PDataInit
+ .loc 3 510 0
+ ldr x19, [sp, 16]
+ mov w0, 0
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 32
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlVariablesInit, .-FtlVariablesInit
+ .align 2
+ .global SupperBlkListInit
+ .type SupperBlkListInit, %function
+ .loc 2 2067 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -64]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64
+ .cfi_offset 29, -64
+ .cfi_offset 30, -56
+ .loc 2 2071 0
+ mov w0, 6
+ mov w1, 0
+ .loc 2 2067 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -48
+ .cfi_offset 20, -40
+ .loc 2 2071 0
+ adrp x19, .LANCHOR0
+ add x19, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 2067 0
+ str x23, [sp, 48]
+ .cfi_offset 23, -16
+ .loc 2 2082 0
+ add x23, x19, 40
+ .loc 2 2067 0
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ .cfi_offset 21, -32
+ .cfi_offset 22, -24
+ .loc 2 2079 0
+ mov w20, 0
+ .loc 2 2077 0
+ mov w22, 0
+ .loc 2 2071 0
+ ldrh w2, [x19, 22]
+ .loc 2 2077 0
+ mov w21, 0
+ .loc 2 2071 0
+ mul w2, w2, w0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 2304]
+ bl ftl_memset
+ .loc 2 2075 0
+ strh wzr, [x19, 2336]
+ .loc 2 2076 0
+ strh wzr, [x19, 2352]
+ .loc 2 2073 0
+ str xzr, [x19, 2312]
+ .loc 2 2074 0
+ str xzr, [x19, 2328]
+ .loc 2 2072 0
+ str xzr, [x19, 2344]
+ .loc 2 2079 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 20]
+ cmp w20, w0
+ bcs .L823
+ .loc 2 2081 0
+ ldrh w8, [x19, 12]
+ .loc 2 2084 0
+ mov x6, 0
+ ldrh w7, [x19, 82]
+ mov w5, 0
+ b .L824
+ .loc 2 2082 0
+ ldrb w0, [x23, x6]
+ mov w1, w20
+ bl V2P_block
+ .loc 2 2083 0
+ bl FtlBbmIsBadBlock
+ cbnz w0, .L818
+ .loc 2 2084 0
+ add w5, w5, w7
+ and w5, w5, 65535
+ add x6, x6, 1
+ .loc 2 2081 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp w8, w6, uxth
+ bhi .L819
+ .loc 2 2086 0
+ cbz w5, .L826
+ .loc 2 2087 0
+ mov w0, 32768
+ sdiv w5, w0, w5
+ .loc 2 2088 0
+ ldr x1, [x19, 2304]
+ mov w0, 6
+ umaddl x0, w20, w0, x1
+ strh w5, [x0, 4]
+ .loc 2 2090 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 2360]
+ cmp w0, w20
+ beq .L821
+ .loc 2 2090 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 2408]
+ cmp w0, w20
+ beq .L821
+ .loc 2 2091 0 is_stmt 1
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 2456]
+ cmp w0, w20
+ beq .L821
+ .loc 2 2094 0
+ ldr x1, [x19, 2320]
+ ubfiz x0, x20, 1, 16
+ ldrh w0, [x1, x0]
+ cbnz w0, .L822
+ .loc 2 2095 0
+ add w22, w22, 1
+ .loc 2 2096 0
+ mov w0, w20
+ .loc 2 2095 0
+ and w22, w22, 65535
+ .loc 2 2096 0
+ .loc 2 2079 0 discriminator 2
+ add w20, w20, 1
+ and w20, w20, 65535
+ b .L817
+ mov w5, 0
+ b .L820
+ .loc 2 2098 0
+ add w21, w21, 1
+ .loc 2 2099 0
+ mov w0, w20
+ .loc 2 2098 0
+ and w21, w21, 65535
+ .loc 2 2099 0
+ b .L821
+ .loc 2 2103 0
+ strh w21, [x19, 2336]
+ .loc 2 2105 0
+ add w21, w21, w22
+ .loc 2 2104 0
+ strh w22, [x19, 2352]
+ .loc 2 2105 0
+ cmp w21, w0
+ ble .L825
+ .loc 2 2105 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR1
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 2105
+ add x1, x1, 384
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 2107 0 is_stmt 1
+ mov w0, 0
+ ldr x23, [sp, 48]
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 64
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 23
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size SupperBlkListInit, .-SupperBlkListInit
+ .align 2
+ .global ftl_check_vpc
+ .type ftl_check_vpc, %function
+ .loc 2 2223 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -128]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 128
+ .cfi_offset 29, -128
+ .cfi_offset 30, -120
+ .loc 2 2229 0
+ adrp x0, .LC87
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC87
+ .loc 2 2223 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -112
+ .cfi_offset 20, -104
+ .loc 2 2232 0
+ adrp x20, .LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 2223 0
+ stp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ .cfi_offset 23, -80
+ .cfi_offset 24, -72
+ .loc 2 2232 0
+ add x24, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 2223 0
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ .loc 2 2232 0
+ mov w23, 0
+ .cfi_offset 21, -96
+ .cfi_offset 22, -88
+ .loc 2 2229 0
+ adrp x21, .LANCHOR1
+ add x1, x21, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ add x1, x1, 408
+ .loc 2 2223 0
+ stp x25, x26, [sp, 64]
+ stp x27, x28, [sp, 80]
+ .cfi_offset 25, -64
+ .cfi_offset 26, -56
+ .cfi_offset 27, -48
+ .cfi_offset 28, -40
+ .loc 2 2231 0
+ adrp x22, check_vpc_table
+ .loc 2 2229 0
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 2231 0
+ add x19, x22, :lo12:check_vpc_table
+ mov w2, 8192
+ mov w1, 0
+ mov x0, x19
+ bl ftl_memset
+ .loc 2 2232 0 discriminator 1
+ ldr w0, [x24, 2520]
+ cmp w23, w0
+ bcc .L831
+ .loc 2 2247 0 discriminator 1
+ adrp x25, .LC88
+ .loc 2 2243 0 discriminator 1
+ add x23, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 2245 0 discriminator 1
+ add x26, x22, :lo12:check_vpc_table
+ .loc 2 2247 0 discriminator 1
+ add x25, x25, :lo12:.LC88
+ mov w24, 0
+ mov w19, 0
+ .loc 2 2248 0 discriminator 1
+ mov w4, 65535
+ .loc 2 2243 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w0, [x23, 20]
+ cmp w0, w19
+ bhi .L834
+ .loc 2 2255 0
+ ldr x19, [x23, 2344]
+ cbz x19, .L835
+ .loc 2 2258 0
+ ldr x0, [x23, 2304]
+ .loc 2 2263 0
+ adrp x25, .LC89
+ .loc 2 2261 0
+ add x20, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 2263 0
+ add x22, x22, :lo12:check_vpc_table
+ .loc 2 2258 0
+ sub x19, x19, x0
+ mov x0, -6148914691236517206
+ asr x19, x19, 1
+ movk x0, 0xaaab, lsl 0
+ .loc 2 2263 0
+ add x25, x25, :lo12:.LC89
+ .loc 2 2257 0
+ ldrh w26, [x23, 2352]
+ .loc 2 2266 0
+ mov w27, 6
+ .loc 2 2259 0
+ mov w23, 0
+ .loc 2 2258 0
+ mul x19, x19, x0
+ and w19, w19, 65535
+ .loc 2 2259 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp w23, w26
+ bne .L838
+ .loc 2 2271 0
+ cbz w24, .L828
+ .loc 2 2271 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ add x1, x21, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 2271
+ add x1, x1, 408
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 2272 0 is_stmt 1
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ ldp x25, x26, [sp, 64]
+ ldp x27, x28, [sp, 80]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 128
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 27
+ .cfi_restore 28
+ .cfi_restore 25
+ .cfi_restore 26
+ .cfi_restore 23
+ .cfi_restore 24
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 2 2234 0
+ mov w2, 0
+ add x1, x29, 124
+ mov w0, w23
+ bl log2phys
+ .loc 2 2235 0
+ ldr w0, [x29, 124]
+ cmn w0, #1
+ beq .L830
+ .loc 2 2237 0
+ lsr w0, w0, 10
+ bl P2V_block_in_plane
+ .loc 2 2238 0
+ and x0, x0, 65535
+ ldrh w1, [x19, x0, lsl 1]
+ add w1, w1, 1
+ strh w1, [x19, x0, lsl 1]
+ .loc 2 2232 0 discriminator 2
+ add w23, w23, 1
+ b .L829
+ .loc 2 2245 0
+ ldr x0, [x23, 2320]
+ ubfiz x28, x19, 1, 16
+ sxtw x27, w19
+ ldrh w2, [x0, x28]
+ ldrh w3, [x26, x27, lsl 1]
+ cmp w2, w3
+ beq .L833
+ str w4, [x29, 108]
+ .loc 2 2247 0
+ mov w1, w19
+ mov x0, x25
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 2248 0
+ ldr x0, [x23, 2320]
+ ldr w4, [x29, 108]
+ ldrh w0, [x0, x28]
+ cmp w0, w4
+ beq .L833
+ .loc 2 2248 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w1, [x26, x27, lsl 1]
+ .loc 2 2250 0 is_stmt 1 discriminator 1
+ cmp w1, w0
+ csinc w24, w24, wzr, ls
+ .loc 2 2243 0 discriminator 2
+ add w19, w19, 1
+ and w19, w19, 65535
+ b .L832
+ .loc 2 2261 0
+ ldr x1, [x20, 2320]
+ ubfiz x0, x19, 1, 16
+ ldrh w2, [x1, x0]
+ cbz w2, .L837
+ .loc 2 2263 0
+ ldrh w3, [x22, w19, sxtw 1]
+ .loc 2 2264 0
+ mov w24, 1
+ .loc 2 2263 0
+ mov w1, w19
+ mov x0, x25
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 2266 0
+ ldr x0, [x20, 2304]
+ umull x19, w19, w27
+ ldrh w19, [x0, x19]
+ mov w0, 65535
+ cmp w19, w0
+ beq .L835
+ .loc 2 2259 0 discriminator 2
+ add w23, w23, 1
+ and w23, w23, 65535
+ b .L836
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size ftl_check_vpc, .-ftl_check_vpc
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlGcPageVarInit
+ .type FtlGcPageVarInit, %function
+ .loc 5 202 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -32]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32
+ .cfi_offset 29, -32
+ .cfi_offset 30, -24
+ .loc 5 205 0
+ mov w1, 255
+ .loc 5 202 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ str x19, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -16
+ .loc 5 203 0
+ adrp x19, .LANCHOR0
+ add x19, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 5 205 0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 3288]
+ ldrh w2, [x19, 86]
+ .loc 5 203 0
+ strh wzr, [x19, 3284]
+ .loc 5 204 0
+ strh wzr, [x19, 3296]
+ .loc 5 205 0
+ lsl w2, w2, 1
+ bl ftl_memset
+ .loc 5 206 0
+ ldrh w2, [x19, 86]
+ mov w0, 12
+ mov w1, 255
+ mul w2, w2, w0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 3304]
+ bl ftl_memset
+ .loc 5 207 0
+ bl FtlGcBufInit
+ .loc 5 208 0
+ ldr x19, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 32
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlGcPageVarInit, .-FtlGcPageVarInit
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlGcScanTempBlk
+ .type FtlGcScanTempBlk, %function
+ .loc 5 211 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -80]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 80
+ .cfi_offset 29, -80
+ .cfi_offset 30, -72
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ .cfi_offset 21, -48
+ .cfi_offset 22, -40
+ mov x21, x0
+ stp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ .cfi_offset 23, -32
+ .cfi_offset 24, -24
+ .loc 5 220 0
+ adrp x23, .LANCHOR2
+ add x0, x23, :lo12:.LANCHOR2
+ .loc 5 211 0
+ stp x25, x26, [sp, 64]
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 25, -16
+ .cfi_offset 26, -8
+ .cfi_offset 19, -64
+ .cfi_offset 20, -56
+ .loc 5 211 0
+ mov w25, w1
+ .loc 5 220 0
+ ldrh w19, [x0, 4]
+ .loc 5 221 0
+ mov w0, 65535
+ cmp w19, w0
+ beq .L872
+ .loc 5 223 0
+ cbnz w19, .L856
+ .loc 5 224 0
+ bl FtlGcPageVarInit
+ b .L858
+ .loc 5 222 0
+ mov w19, 0
+ .loc 5 223 0 discriminator 1
+ adrp x0, .LANCHOR0+82
+ ldrh w0, [x0, #:lo12:.LANCHOR0+82]
+ cmp w0, w25
+ beq .L857
+ .loc 5 235 0
+ adrp x26, .LANCHOR0
+ .loc 5 234 0
+ add x22, x26, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 5 222 0
+ mov w24, 0
+ .loc 5 228 0
+ ldrh w1, [x21]
+ mov w0, 65535
+ .loc 5 226 0
+ strb wzr, [x21, 8]
+ .loc 5 228 0
+ cmp w1, w0
+ beq .L873
+ .loc 5 235 0
+ add x0, x26, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ add x2, x21, 16
+ .loc 5 230 0
+ mov w20, 0
+ .loc 5 233 0
+ mov w9, 65535
+ .loc 5 235 0
+ mov w5, 4
+ ldrh w7, [x0, 90]
+ .loc 5 236 0
+ ldrh w8, [x0, 92]
+ ldrh w0, [x0, 12]
+ add x0, x0, 8
+ add x0, x21, x0, lsl 1
+ .loc 5 231 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp x0, x2
+ bne .L862
+ .loc 5 240 0
+ ldr x0, [x22, 3968]
+ mov w1, w20
+ mov w2, 0
+ ubfiz x20, x20, 5, 16
+ bl FlashReadPages
+ .loc 5 241 0
+ mov x10, 0
+ .loc 5 248 0
+ mov w11, 65535
+ .loc 5 241 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp x10, x20
+ bne .L867
+ .loc 5 264 0
+ add w19, w19, 1
+ .loc 5 266 0
+ add w24, w24, 1
+ .loc 5 264 0
+ and w19, w19, 65535
+ .loc 5 268 0
+ cmp w25, w24
+ bls .L868
+ .loc 5 274 0
+ ldrh w0, [x22, 82]
+ cmp w0, w19
+ bhi .L869
+ .loc 5 227 0
+ mov w2, 0
+ b .L859
+ .loc 5 232 0
+ ldrh w1, [x2]
+ .loc 5 233 0
+ cmp w1, w9
+ beq .L861
+ .loc 5 234 0
+ ldr x4, [x22, 3968]
+ ubfiz x6, x20, 5, 16
+ orr w1, w19, w1, lsl 10
+ add x4, x4, x6
+ str w1, [x4, 4]
+ .loc 5 235 0
+ mul w1, w20, w7
+ ldr x3, [x22, 3968]
+ ldr x4, [x22, 3256]
+ sdiv w1, w1, w5
+ add x3, x3, x6
+ add x1, x4, x1, sxtw 2
+ str x1, [x3, 8]
+ .loc 5 236 0
+ mul w1, w20, w8
+ ldr x4, [x22, 3264]
+ .loc 5 237 0
+ add w20, w20, 1
+ and w20, w20, 65535
+ .loc 5 236 0
+ sdiv w1, w1, w5
+ add x1, x4, x1, sxtw 2
+ str x1, [x3, 16]
+ add x2, x2, 2
+ b .L860
+ .loc 5 242 0
+ ldr x6, [x22, 3968]
+ add x5, x6, x10
+ ldr w4, [x5, 4]
+ .loc 5 243 0
+ lsr w0, w4, 10
+ bl P2V_plane
+ and w2, w0, 65535
+ .loc 5 245 0
+ ldr w0, [x6, x10]
+ cbnz w0, .L864
+ .loc 5 247 0
+ ldr x0, [x5, 16]
+ add x10, x10, 32
+ .loc 5 248 0
+ ldrh w1, [x0]
+ cmp w1, w11
+ bne .L865
+ .loc 5 249 0
+ adrp x0, .LANCHOR3-88
+ mov w1, 1
+ str w1, [x0, #:lo12:.LANCHOR3-88]
+ .loc 5 281 0
+ add x23, x23, :lo12:.LANCHOR2
+ .loc 5 282 0
+ strh w19, [x21, 2]
+ .loc 5 283 0
+ strb w2, [x21, 6]
+ .loc 5 281 0
+ mov w0, -1
+ .loc 5 284 0
+ mov w1, w19
+ .loc 5 281 0
+ strh w0, [x23, 4]
+ .loc 5 284 0
+ mov x0, x21
+ bl ftl_sb_update_avl_pages
+ .loc 5 285 0
+ b .L871
+ .loc 5 252 0
+ ldp w2, w0, [x0, 8]
+ mov w1, w4
+ bl FtlGcUpdatePage
+ b .L863
+ .loc 5 256 0
+ ldr x0, [x22, 2320]
+ .loc 5 259 0
+ mov w19, 0
+ .loc 5 256 0
+ ldrh w1, [x21]
+ strh wzr, [x0, x1, lsl 1]
+ .loc 5 257 0
+ ldrh w0, [x21]
+ .loc 5 258 0
+ mov w0, -1
+ strh w0, [x21]
+ .loc 5 260 0
+ bl FtlGcPageVarInit
+ .loc 5 261 0
+ b .L866
+ .loc 5 268 0 discriminator 1
+ add x1, x23, :lo12:.LANCHOR2
+ mov w2, 65535
+ ldrh w0, [x1, 4]
+ cmp w0, w2
+ beq .L870
+ .loc 5 269 0
+ add w0, w0, w24
+ strh w0, [x1, 4]
+ .loc 5 270 0
+ ldrh w0, [x22, 82]
+ cmp w0, w19
+ bls .L870
+ .loc 5 286 0
+ mov w0, -1
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ ldp x25, x26, [sp, 64]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 80
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 25
+ .cfi_restore 26
+ .cfi_restore 23
+ .cfi_restore 24
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlGcScanTempBlk, .-FtlGcScanTempBlk
+ .align 2
+ .global FlashTestBlk
+ .type FlashTestBlk, %function
+ .loc 1 156 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -128]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 128
+ .cfi_offset 29, -128
+ .cfi_offset 30, -120
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -112
+ .cfi_offset 20, -104
+ .loc 1 156 0
+ and w19, w0, 65535
+ .loc 1 161 0
+ cmp w19, 11
+ bls .L881
+ .loc 1 166 0
+ add x0, x29, 64
+ .loc 1 167 0
+ mov w2, 32
+ mov w1, 165
+ .loc 1 165 0
+ adrp x20, ftl_temp_buf
+ add x20, x20, :lo12:ftl_temp_buf
+ .loc 1 166 0
+ stp x20, x0, [x29, 40]
+ .loc 1 167 0
+ bl ftl_memset
+ .loc 1 169 0
+ lsl w19, w19, 10
+ .loc 1 168 0
+ mov w2, 8
+ mov w1, 90
+ mov x0, x20
+ bl ftl_memset
+ .loc 1 170 0
+ mov w2, 1
+ .loc 1 169 0
+ str w19, [x29, 36]
+ .loc 1 170 0
+ mov w1, w2
+ add x0, x29, 32
+ bl FlashEraseBlocks
+ .loc 1 171 0
+ mov w3, 1
+ add x0, x29, 32
+ mov w2, w3
+ mov w1, w3
+ bl FlashProgPages
+ .loc 1 172 0
+ ldr w0, [x29, 32]
+ .loc 1 178 0
+ mov w2, 1
+ mov w1, 0
+ .loc 1 172 0
+ cmp w0, 0
+ .loc 1 178 0
+ add x0, x29, 32
+ .loc 1 172 0
+ csetm w19, ne
+ .loc 1 178 0
+ bl FlashEraseBlocks
+ .loc 1 180 0
+ mov w0, w19
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 128
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 1 162 0
+ mov w19, 0
+ b .L879
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FlashTestBlk, .-FlashTestBlk
+ .align 2
+ .global FlashGetBadBlockList
+ .type FlashGetBadBlockList, %function
+ .loc 1 183 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -32]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32
+ .cfi_offset 29, -32
+ .cfi_offset 30, -24
+ .loc 1 186 0
+ mov w2, 256
+ .loc 1 183 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -16
+ .cfi_offset 20, -8
+ .loc 1 183 0
+ mov x19, x0
+ mov w20, w1
+ .loc 1 186 0
+ mov w1, 255
+ bl ftl_memset
+ .loc 1 187 0
+ adrp x0, g_nand_ops
+ mov w1, w20
+ ldr x2, [x0, #:lo12:g_nand_ops]
+ mov x0, x19
+ blr x2
+ and w0, w0, 65535
+ .loc 1 188 0
+ cmp w0, 50
+ bls .L884
+ .loc 1 189 0
+ mov w2, 256
+ mov w1, 255
+ mov x0, x19
+ bl ftl_memset
+ .loc 1 190 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ .loc 1 192 0
+ adrp x1, g_nand_phy_info+14
+ ldrh w1, [x1, #:lo12:g_nand_phy_info+14]
+ cmp w1, 4
+ bne .L888
+ mov x1, 0
+ .loc 1 193 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp w0, w1, uxth
+ bhi .L887
+ .loc 1 198 0
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 32
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 1 194 0 discriminator 3
+ ldrh w2, [x19, x1, lsl 1]
+ lsr w2, w2, 1
+ strh w2, [x19, x1, lsl 1]
+ add x1, x1, 1
+ b .L886
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FlashGetBadBlockList, .-FlashGetBadBlockList
+ .align 2
+ .global ftl_memcpy
+ .type ftl_memcpy, %function
+ .loc 1 206 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
+ .cfi_offset 29, -16
+ .cfi_offset 30, -8
+ .loc 1 207 0
+ uxtw x2, w2
+ .loc 1 206 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ .loc 1 207 0
+ bl memcpy
+ .loc 1 208 0
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 16
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size ftl_memcpy, .-ftl_memcpy
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlBbmTblFlush
+ .type FtlBbmTblFlush, %function
+ .loc 4 80 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -80]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 80
+ .cfi_offset 29, -80
+ .cfi_offset 30, -72
+ .loc 4 89 0
+ mov w1, 0
+ .loc 4 80 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ str x25, [sp, 64]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -64
+ .cfi_offset 20, -56
+ .cfi_offset 25, -16
+ .loc 4 87 0
+ adrp x25, .LANCHOR0
+ add x19, x25, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 4 80 0
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ stp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ .cfi_offset 21, -48
+ .cfi_offset 22, -40
+ .cfi_offset 23, -32
+ .cfi_offset 24, -24
+ .loc 4 92 0
+ adrp x22, .LANCHOR3
+ .loc 4 91 0
+ mov w21, 0
+ .loc 4 92 0
+ add x22, x22, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ .loc 4 88 0
+ ldr x2, [x19, 3392]
+ add x23, x19, 168
+ .loc 4 87 0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 2288]
+ .loc 4 88 0
+ str x2, [x19, 3376]
+ .loc 4 89 0
+ ldrh w2, [x19, 90]
+ .loc 4 87 0
+ str x0, [x19, 3368]
+ .loc 4 89 0
+ bl ftl_memset
+ .loc 4 91 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 34]
+ add x20, x19, 3360
+ cmp w21, w0
+ blt .L894
+ .loc 4 94 0
+ ldr x24, [x20, 16]
+ .loc 4 95 0
+ mov w1, 255
+ mov w2, 16
+ .loc 4 108 0
+ adrp x22, .LC90
+ .loc 4 95 0
+ mov x0, x24
+ bl ftl_memset
+ .loc 4 97 0
+ mov w0, -3887
+ .loc 4 98 0
+ add x1, x19, 136
+ .loc 4 97 0
+ strh w0, [x24]
+ .loc 4 104 0
+ add x25, x25, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 4 108 0
+ add x22, x22, :lo12:.LC90
+ .loc 4 84 0
+ mov w21, 0
+ .loc 4 98 0
+ ldr w0, [x19, 144]
+ .loc 4 82 0
+ mov w23, 0
+ .loc 4 98 0
+ str w0, [x24, 4]
+ .loc 4 99 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 136]
+ strh w0, [x24, 2]
+ .loc 4 100 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 140]
+ strh w0, [x24, 8]
+ .loc 4 101 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 142]
+ strh w0, [x24, 10]
+ .loc 4 102 0
+ ldr w0, [x19, 8]
+ .loc 4 107 0
+ mov x19, x1
+ .loc 4 102 0
+ strh w0, [x24, 12]
+ .loc 4 104 0
+ ldr x0, [x25, 2288]
+ str x0, [x20, 8]
+ .loc 4 105 0
+ ldr x0, [x25, 3392]
+ str x0, [x20, 16]
+ .loc 4 107 0
+ ldrh w1, [x19]
+ ldrh w2, [x19, 2]
+ .loc 4 108 0
+ ldrh w3, [x19, 4]
+ ldrh w4, [x24, 10]
+ .loc 4 107 0
+ orr w0, w2, w1, lsl 10
+ .loc 4 106 0
+ str wzr, [x20]
+ .loc 4 107 0
+ str w0, [x20, 4]
+ .loc 4 108 0
+ mov x0, x22
+ bl printk
+ .loc 4 109 0
+ mov w3, 1
+ mov x0, x20
+ mov w1, w3
+ mov w2, w3
+ bl FlashProgPages
+ .loc 4 110 0
+ ldrh w0, [x25, 84]
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 2]
+ sub w0, w0, #1
+ cmp w1, w0
+ blt .L896
+ .loc 4 113 0
+ ldr w0, [x19, 8]
+ .loc 4 122 0
+ mov w2, 1
+ .loc 4 115 0
+ ldrh w1, [x19]
+ .loc 4 113 0
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ str w0, [x19, 8]
+ .loc 4 114 0
+ str w0, [x24, 4]
+ .loc 4 115 0
+ strh w1, [x24, 8]
+ .loc 4 116 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 4]
+ .loc 4 118 0
+ strh w1, [x19, 4]
+ .loc 4 121 0
+ ldr x1, [x25, 3912]
+ .loc 4 116 0
+ strh w0, [x19]
+ .loc 4 119 0
+ lsl w0, w0, 10
+ str w0, [x20, 4]
+ .loc 4 117 0
+ strh wzr, [x19, 2]
+ .loc 4 121 0
+ str w0, [x1, 4]
+ .loc 4 122 0
+ mov w1, w2
+ ldr x0, [x25, 3912]
+ bl FlashEraseBlocks
+ .loc 4 123 0
+ mov w3, 1
+ mov x0, x20
+ mov w2, w3
+ mov w1, w3
+ bl FlashProgPages
+ .loc 4 126 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 2]
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ strh w0, [x19, 2]
+ .loc 4 127 0
+ ldr w0, [x20]
+ cmn w0, #1
+ bne .L897
+ .loc 4 129 0
+ ldr w1, [x20, 4]
+ .loc 4 130 0
+ add w21, w21, 1
+ .loc 4 129 0
+ adrp x0, .LC91
+ .loc 4 130 0
+ and w21, w21, 65535
+ .loc 4 129 0
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC91
+ bl printk
+ .loc 4 131 0
+ cmp w21, 3
+ bls .L895
+ .loc 4 132 0
+ ldr w1, [x20, 4]
+ adrp x0, .LC92
+ mov w2, w21
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC92
+ bl printk
+ b .L899
+ .loc 4 92 0 discriminator 3
+ ldrh w2, [x22, -248]
+ ldr x1, [x23], 8
+ ldr x0, [x20, 8]
+ mul w3, w21, w2
+ lsl w2, w2, 2
+ .loc 4 91 0 discriminator 3
+ add w21, w21, 1
+ .loc 4 92 0 discriminator 3
+ add x0, x0, x3, sxtw 2
+ bl ftl_memcpy
+ b .L893
+ mov w23, 1
+ b .L895
+ .loc 4 139 0
+ cbz w23, .L900
+ .loc 4 146 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ ldr x25, [sp, 64]
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 80
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 25
+ .cfi_restore 23
+ .cfi_restore 24
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlBbmTblFlush, .-FtlBbmTblFlush
+ .align 2
+ .global allocate_data_superblock
+ .type allocate_data_superblock, %function
+ .loc 2 2531 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -112]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 112
+ .cfi_offset 29, -112
+ .cfi_offset 30, -104
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ .cfi_offset 21, -80
+ .cfi_offset 22, -72
+ .loc 2 2537 0
+ adrp x21, .LANCHOR0
+ add x22, x21, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 2531 0
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ stp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -96
+ .cfi_offset 20, -88
+ .cfi_offset 23, -64
+ .cfi_offset 24, -56
+ mov x20, x0
+ .loc 2 2539 0
+ mov x19, x22
+ add x23, x22, 2456
+ .loc 2 2531 0
+ stp x25, x26, [sp, 64]
+ stp x27, x28, [sp, 80]
+ .cfi_offset 25, -48
+ .cfi_offset 26, -40
+ .cfi_offset 27, -32
+ .cfi_offset 28, -24
+ .loc 2 2537 0
+ ldrh w1, [x22, 2336]
+ ldrh w0, [x22, 2352]
+ add w0, w0, w1
+ ldrh w1, [x22, 20]
+ cmp w0, w1
+ ble .L904
+ .loc 2 2537 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR1
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 2537
+ add x1, x1, 424
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 2539 0 is_stmt 1
+ cmp x20, x23
+ bne .L929
+ .loc 2 2540 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 2352]
+ ldr w1, [x19, 3236]
+ mul w1, w0, w1
+ lsr w0, w0, 1
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ add w1, w0, w1, lsr 2
+ .loc 2 2544 0
+ ands w1, w1, 65535
+ beq .L905
+ .loc 2 2545 0
+ sub w1, w1, #1
+ and w1, w1, 65535
+ .loc 2 2546 0
+ add x0, x19, 2344
+ bl List_pop_index_node
+ and w24, w0, 65535
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 2352]
+ cbnz w0, .L906
+ .loc 2 2546 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR1
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 2546
+ add x1, x1, 424
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 2546 0 discriminator 3
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 2352]
+ sub w0, w0, #1
+ strh w0, [x19, 2352]
+ .loc 2 2549 0 is_stmt 1 discriminator 3
+ strh w24, [x20]
+ .loc 2 2550 0 discriminator 3
+ mov x0, x20
+ bl make_superblock
+ .loc 2 2551 0 discriminator 3
+ ldrb w0, [x20, 7]
+ cbnz w0, .L907
+ .loc 2 2555 0
+ ldr x1, [x19, 2320]
+ ubfiz x0, x24, 1, 16
+ mov w2, -1
+ strh w2, [x1, x0]
+ .loc 2 2556 0
+ mov w0, w24
+ .loc 2 2557 0
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 2336]
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 2352]
+ add w0, w0, w1
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 20]
+ cmp w0, w1
+ ble .L903
+ .loc 2 2557 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR1
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ mov w2, 2557
+ add x1, x1, 424
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ b .L903
+ mov w1, 0
+ b .L905
+ .loc 2 2560 0 is_stmt 1
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 2336]
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 2352]
+ add w0, w0, w1
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 20]
+ cmp w0, w1
+ ble .L909
+ .loc 2 2560 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR1
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 2560
+ add x1, x1, 424
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ add x27, x20, 16
+ .loc 2 2563 0 is_stmt 1 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w4, [x19, 12]
+ mov x3, x27
+ mov x0, 0
+ mov w25, 0
+ .loc 2 2566 0 discriminator 1
+ mov w5, 65535
+ .loc 2 2563 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp w4, w0, uxth
+ bhi .L912
+ .loc 2 2571 0
+ cbnz w25, .L913
+ .loc 2 2571 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR1
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 2571
+ add x1, x1, 424
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 2573 0 is_stmt 1
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 2664]
+ cmp w0, w24
+ bne .L914
+ .loc 2 2573 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR1
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 2573
+ add x1, x1, 424
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 2574 0 is_stmt 1
+ ldrb w0, [x20, 8]
+ uxtw x26, w24
+ cbnz w0, .L915
+ .loc 2 2575 0
+ ldr x2, [x19, 2296]
+ lsl x1, x26, 1
+ ldrh w0, [x2, x1]
+ cbz w0, .L916
+ .loc 2 2576 0
+ ldrh w3, [x19, 72]
+ add w0, w0, w3
+ .loc 2 2578 0
+ strh w0, [x2, x1]
+ .loc 2 2580 0
+ mov w1, 0
+ .loc 2 2579 0
+ ldr w0, [x19, 2564]
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ str w0, [x19, 2564]
+ .loc 2 2580 0
+ mov w0, w24
+ bl ftl_set_blk_mode
+ .loc 2 2587 0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 2296]
+ lsl x26, x26, 1
+ ldr w1, [x19, 2580]
+ ldrh w0, [x0, x26]
+ cmp w0, w1
+ bls .L919
+ .loc 2 2588 0
+ str w0, [x19, 2580]
+ .loc 2 2590 0
+ ldr w1, [x19, 2568]
+ ubfiz x3, x25, 5, 16
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 72]
+ ldr w2, [x19, 2564]
+ madd w0, w0, w2, w1
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 20]
+ udiv w0, w0, w1
+ .loc 2 2591 0
+ ldr x1, [x19, 4024]
+ .loc 2 2590 0
+ str w0, [x19, 2572]
+ .loc 2 2591 0
+ ldr w0, [x1, 16]
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ str w0, [x1, 16]
+ .loc 2 2593 0
+ mov x0, 0
+ .loc 2 2593 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp x3, x0
+ bne .L921
+ .loc 2 2595 0 is_stmt 1
+ ldrb w1, [x20, 8]
+ mov w2, w25
+ ldr x0, [x19, 3912]
+ .loc 2 2597 0
+ mov x28, 0
+ .loc 2 2595 0
+ bl FlashEraseBlocks
+ .loc 2 2596 0
+ mov w1, 0
+ .loc 2 2597 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp w25, w28, uxth
+ bhi .L924
+ .loc 2 2608 0
+ cmp w1, 0
+ ble .L925
+ .loc 2 2609 0
+ mov w0, w24
+ bl update_multiplier_value
+ .loc 2 2610 0
+ bl FtlBbmTblFlush
+ .loc 2 2613 0
+ ldrb w0, [x20, 7]
+ cbnz w0, .L926
+ .loc 2 2615 0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 2320]
+ mov w1, -1
+ strh w1, [x0, x26]
+ .loc 2 2616 0
+ mov w0, w24
+ .loc 2 2617 0
+ b .L903
+ .loc 2 2564 0
+ ldr x1, [x19, 3912]
+ add x2, x1, x0, lsl 5
+ .loc 2 2565 0
+ stp xzr, xzr, [x2, 8]
+ .loc 2 2566 0
+ ldrh w2, [x3]
+ cmp w2, w5
+ beq .L911
+ .loc 2 2567 0
+ ubfiz x6, x25, 5, 16
+ .loc 2 2568 0
+ add w25, w25, 1
+ .loc 2 2567 0
+ add x1, x1, x6
+ .loc 2 2568 0
+ and w25, w25, 65535
+ .loc 2 2567 0
+ lsl w2, w2, 10
+ str w2, [x1, 4]
+ add x0, x0, 1
+ add x3, x3, 2
+ b .L910
+ .loc 2 2578 0
+ mov w0, 2
+ b .L937
+ .loc 2 2582 0
+ ldr x2, [x19, 2296]
+ lsl x0, x26, 1
+ ldrh w1, [x2, x0]
+ add w1, w1, 1
+ strh w1, [x2, x0]
+ .loc 2 2583 0
+ ldr w0, [x19, 2568]
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ str w0, [x19, 2568]
+ mov w0, w24
+ bl ftl_set_blk_mode.part.7
+ b .L918
+ .loc 2 2594 0 discriminator 3
+ ldr x1, [x19, 3912]
+ add x1, x1, x0
+ add x0, x0, 32
+ ldr w2, [x1, 4]
+ and w2, w2, -1024
+ str w2, [x1, 4]
+ b .L920
+ .loc 2 2598 0
+ ldr x2, [x19, 3912]
+ lsl x0, x28, 5
+ add x3, x2, x0
+ ldr w2, [x2, x0]
+ cmn w2, #1
+ bne .L923
+ .loc 2 2599 0
+ add w1, w1, 1
+ .loc 2 2600 0
+ ldr w0, [x3, 4]
+ .loc 2 2599 0
+ stp w2, w1, [x29, 104]
+ .loc 2 2601 0
+ lsr w0, w0, 10
+ bl FtlBbmMapBadBlock
+ .loc 2 2603 0
+ ldp w2, w1, [x29, 104]
+ .loc 2 2602 0
+ strh w2, [x27]
+ .loc 2 2603 0
+ ldrb w0, [x20, 7]
+ sub w0, w0, #1
+ strb w0, [x20, 7]
+ add x28, x28, 1
+ add x27, x27, 2
+ b .L922
+ .loc 2 2620 0
+ add x21, x21, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 2622 0
+ strh wzr, [x20, 2]
+ .loc 2 2623 0
+ strb wzr, [x20, 6]
+ .loc 2 2620 0
+ ldrh w1, [x21, 82]
+ .loc 2 2621 0
+ strh w24, [x20]
+ .loc 2 2620 0
+ mul w0, w0, w1
+ .loc 2 2624 0
+ ldr w1, [x21, 2556]
+ str w1, [x20, 12]
+ .loc 2 2620 0
+ and w0, w0, 65535
+ .loc 2 2624 0
+ add w1, w1, 1
+ .loc 2 2620 0
+ strh w0, [x20, 4]
+ .loc 2 2624 0
+ str w1, [x21, 2556]
+ .loc 2 2625 0
+ ldr x1, [x21, 2320]
+ ldrh w2, [x20]
+ strh w0, [x1, x2, lsl 1]
+ .loc 2 2626 0
+ ldrh w0, [x20, 4]
+ cbz w0, .L927
+ .loc 2 2626 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 2
+ ldrb w0, [x20, 7]
+ cbnz w0, .L928
+ .loc 2 2626 0 discriminator 3
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR1
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 2626
+ add x1, x1, 424
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 2628 0 is_stmt 1
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ mov w0, 0
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ ldp x25, x26, [sp, 64]
+ ldp x27, x28, [sp, 80]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 112
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 27
+ .cfi_restore 28
+ .cfi_restore 25
+ .cfi_restore 26
+ .cfi_restore 23
+ .cfi_restore 24
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size allocate_data_superblock, .-allocate_data_superblock
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlGcFreeBadSuperBlk
+ .type FtlGcFreeBadSuperBlk, %function
+ .loc 5 390 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -96]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 96
+ .cfi_offset 29, -96
+ .cfi_offset 30, -88
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -80
+ .cfi_offset 20, -72
+ .loc 5 395 0
+ adrp x19, .LANCHOR0
+ add x19, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 5 390 0
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ .cfi_offset 21, -64
+ .cfi_offset 22, -56
+ and w22, w0, 65535
+ stp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ stp x25, x26, [sp, 64]
+ .loc 5 395 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 3316]
+ .loc 5 390 0
+ str x27, [sp, 80]
+ .cfi_offset 23, -48
+ .cfi_offset 24, -40
+ .cfi_offset 25, -32
+ .cfi_offset 26, -24
+ .cfi_offset 27, -16
+ .loc 5 395 0
+ cbz w0, .L939
+ .loc 5 397 0
+ add x23, x19, 40
+ .loc 5 399 0
+ add x24, x19, 3320
+ mov w21, 0
+ .loc 5 396 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 12]
+ cmp w0, w21
+ bhi .L946
+ .loc 5 412 0
+ bl FtlGcReFreshBadBlk
+ .loc 5 415 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ ldr x27, [sp, 80]
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ ldp x25, x26, [sp, 64]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 96
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 27
+ .cfi_restore 25
+ .cfi_restore 26
+ .cfi_restore 23
+ .cfi_restore 24
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 5 397 0
+ ldrb w0, [x23, w21, sxtw]
+ mov w1, w22
+ .loc 5 401 0
+ adrp x26, .LC93
+ add x26, x26, :lo12:.LC93
+ .loc 5 398 0
+ mov w20, 0
+ .loc 5 397 0
+ bl V2P_block
+ and w25, w0, 65535
+ .loc 5 398 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 3316]
+ cmp w0, w20
+ bhi .L945
+ .loc 5 396 0
+ add w21, w21, 1
+ and w21, w21, 65535
+ b .L940
+ .loc 5 399 0
+ ldrh w0, [x24, w20, sxtw 1]
+ add w27, w20, 1
+ cmp w0, w25
+ bne .L942
+ .loc 5 401 0
+ mov w1, w25
+ mov x0, x26
+ bl printk
+ .loc 5 403 0
+ mov w0, w25
+ bl FtlBbmMapBadBlock
+ .loc 5 404 0
+ bl FtlBbmTblFlush
+ .loc 5 405 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 3316]
+ mov w1, w27
+ cmp w20, w0
+ bcc .L944
+ .loc 5 407 0
+ sub w0, w0, #1
+ strh w0, [x19, 3316]
+ .loc 5 398 0
+ and w20, w27, 65535
+ b .L941
+ .loc 5 406 0
+ sub w2, w1, #1
+ ldrh w3, [x24, w1, sxtw 1]
+ .loc 5 405 0
+ add w20, w20, 1
+ add w1, w1, 1
+ and w20, w20, 65535
+ .loc 5 406 0
+ strh w3, [x24, w2, sxtw 1]
+ b .L943
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlGcFreeBadSuperBlk, .-FtlGcFreeBadSuperBlk
+ .align 2
+ .global update_vpc_list
+ .type update_vpc_list, %function
+ .loc 2 2687 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -48]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48
+ .cfi_offset 29, -48
+ .cfi_offset 30, -40
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -32
+ .cfi_offset 20, -24
+ and w19, w0, 65535
+ .loc 2 2688 0
+ adrp x20, .LANCHOR0
+ add x0, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 2687 0
+ str x21, [sp, 32]
+ .cfi_offset 21, -16
+ .loc 2 2688 0
+ ubfiz x1, x19, 1, 16
+ ldr x2, [x0, 2320]
+ ldrh w1, [x2, x1]
+ cbnz w1, .L952
+ .loc 2 2689 0
+ ldrh w1, [x0, 2664]
+ cmp w1, w19
+ bne .L953
+ .loc 2 2691 0
+ mov w1, -1
+ strh w1, [x0, 2664]
+ .loc 2 2696 0
+ add x21, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ mov w1, w19
+ add x0, x21, 2312
+ bl List_remove_node
+ ldrh w0, [x21, 2336]
+ cbnz w0, .L956
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR1
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 2696
+ add x1, x1, 456
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ add x20, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrh w0, [x20, 2336]
+ sub w0, w0, #1
+ strh w0, [x20, 2336]
+ .loc 2 2697 0
+ mov w0, w19
+ bl free_data_superblock
+ .loc 2 2698 0
+ mov w0, w19
+ bl FtlGcFreeBadSuperBlk
+ .loc 2 2699 0
+ ldrh w1, [x20, 2336]
+ mov w19, 1
+ ldrh w0, [x20, 2352]
+ add w0, w0, w1
+ ldrh w1, [x20, 20]
+ cmp w0, w1
+ ble .L951
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR1
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 2699
+ add x1, x1, 456
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 2705 0
+ mov w0, w19
+ ldr x21, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 48
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 2 2692 0
+ ldrh w1, [x0, 2360]
+ cmp w1, w19
+ beq .L959
+ .loc 2 2692 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w1, [x0, 2408]
+ cmp w1, w19
+ beq .L959
+ .loc 2 2692 0 discriminator 2
+ ldrh w0, [x0, 2456]
+ cmp w0, w19
+ bne .L954
+ .loc 2 2694 0 is_stmt 1
+ mov w19, 0
+ b .L951
+ .loc 2 2702 0
+ mov w0, w19
+ bl List_update_data_list
+ b .L959
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size update_vpc_list, .-update_vpc_list
+ .align 2
+ .global decrement_vpc_count
+ .type decrement_vpc_count, %function
+ .loc 2 2708 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -48]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48
+ .cfi_offset 29, -48
+ .cfi_offset 30, -40
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -32
+ .cfi_offset 20, -24
+ and w19, w0, 65535
+ str x21, [sp, 32]
+ .cfi_offset 21, -16
+ .loc 2 2711 0
+ mov w0, 65535
+ cmp w19, w0
+ beq .L963
+ .loc 2 2712 0
+ adrp x20, .LANCHOR0
+ add x20, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ubfiz x21, x19, 1, 16
+ ldr x1, [x20, 2320]
+ ldrh w0, [x1, x21]
+ cbnz w0, .L964
+ .loc 2 2713 0
+ mov w2, 0
+ mov w1, w19
+ adrp x0, .LC94
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC94
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 2714 0
+ ldr x0, [x20, 2320]
+ ldrh w0, [x0, x21]
+ cbz w0, .L965
+ .loc 2 2715 0 discriminator 1
+ mov w21, 0
+ .loc 2 2733 0
+ mov w0, w21
+ ldr x21, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 48
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 2 2714 0 discriminator 1
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR1
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ mov w2, 2714
+ add x1, x1, 472
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ b .L970
+ .loc 2 2717 0
+ sub w0, w0, #1
+ strh w0, [x1, x21]
+ .loc 2 2721 0
+ adrp x20, .LANCHOR3
+ add x20, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ mov w1, 65535
+ ldrh w0, [x20, -96]
+ cmp w0, w1
+ bne .L967
+ .loc 2 2722 0
+ strh w19, [x20, -96]
+ b .L970
+ .loc 2 2724 0
+ cmp w19, w0
+ beq .L970
+ .loc 2 2727 0
+ bl update_vpc_list
+ cmp w0, 0
+ .loc 2 2730 0
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR0
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 2729 0
+ strh w19, [x20, -96]
+ .loc 2 2727 0
+ cset w21, ne
+ .loc 2 2730 0
+ ldr x2, [x1, 2304]
+ ldr x0, [x1, 2312]
+ ldr x1, [x1, 2320]
+ sub x0, x0, x2
+ mov x2, -6148914691236517206
+ asr x0, x0, 1
+ movk x2, 0xaaab, lsl 0
+ mul x0, x0, x2
+ and x2, x0, 65535
+ ldrh w1, [x1, x2, lsl 1]
+ cbnz w1, .L962
+ .loc 2 2730 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp w19, w0, uxth
+ beq .L962
+ .loc 2 2730 0 discriminator 2
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR1
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ mov w2, 2730
+ add x1, x1, 472
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ b .L962
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size decrement_vpc_count, .-decrement_vpc_count
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlWriteDump_data
+ .type FtlWriteDump_data, %function
+ .loc 2 947 0 is_stmt 1
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -128]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 128
+ .cfi_offset 29, -128
+ .cfi_offset 30, -120
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -112
+ .cfi_offset 20, -104
+ .loc 2 948 0
+ adrp x19, .LANCHOR0
+ add x20, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 947 0
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ stp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ str x25, [sp, 64]
+ .cfi_offset 21, -96
+ .cfi_offset 22, -88
+ .cfi_offset 23, -80
+ .cfi_offset 24, -72
+ .cfi_offset 25, -64
+ .loc 2 948 0
+ ldrh w2, [x20, 2364]
+ cbz w2, .L972
+ .loc 2 948 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrb w1, [x20, 2368]
+ cbnz w1, .L972
+ .loc 2 949 0 is_stmt 1
+ ldrb w1, [x20, 2367]
+ ldrh w3, [x20, 82]
+ mul w1, w1, w3
+ cmp w2, w1
+ beq .L972
+ .loc 2 956 0
+ ldrb w0, [x20, 2370]
+ cbnz w0, .L971
+ .loc 2 951 0
+ ldr w22, [x20, 2520]
+ .loc 2 958 0
+ add x1, x29, 92
+ .loc 2 953 0
+ ldrh w24, [x20, 12]
+ .loc 2 958 0
+ mov w2, 0
+ .loc 2 951 0
+ sub w22, w22, #1
+ .loc 2 958 0
+ mov w0, w22
+ bl log2phys
+ .loc 2 964 0
+ ldr x21, [x20, 3392]
+ .loc 2 961 0
+ ldr w0, [x29, 92]
+ .loc 2 963 0
+ ldr x1, [x20, 2288]
+ .loc 2 961 0
+ str w0, [x29, 100]
+ .loc 2 967 0
+ cmn w0, #1
+ .loc 2 964 0
+ stp x1, x21, [x29, 104]
+ .loc 2 962 0
+ str w22, [x29, 120]
+ .loc 2 966 0
+ str wzr, [x21, 4]
+ .loc 2 967 0
+ beq .L974
+ .loc 2 969 0
+ mov w2, 0
+ mov w1, 1
+ add x0, x29, 96
+ bl FlashReadPages
+ .loc 2 978 0
+ add x25, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 953 0
+ lsl w24, w24, 2
+ .loc 2 978 0
+ add x20, x25, 2360
+ .loc 2 975 0
+ mov w0, -3947
+ mov w23, 0
+ strh w0, [x21]
+ .loc 2 976 0
+ cmp w24, w23
+ bne .L980
+ .loc 2 992 0
+ add x19, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ mov w0, 1
+ strb w0, [x19, 2370]
+ .loc 2 1000 0
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ ldr x25, [sp, 64]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 128
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 25
+ .cfi_restore 23
+ .cfi_restore 24
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 2 973 0
+ ldrh w2, [x20, 90]
+ mov w1, 255
+ ldr x0, [x20, 2288]
+ bl ftl_memset
+ b .L975
+ .loc 2 978 0
+ ldrh w0, [x20, 4]
+ cbz w0, .L977
+ .loc 2 983 0
+ ldr w0, [x29, 100]
+ add w23, w23, 1
+ stp w22, w0, [x21, 8]
+ .loc 2 984 0
+ ldrh w0, [x20]
+ strh w0, [x21, 2]
+ .loc 2 986 0
+ mov x0, x20
+ bl get_new_active_ppa
+ str w0, [x29, 100]
+ .loc 2 987 0
+ ldr w0, [x25, 2560]
+ .loc 2 988 0
+ mov w3, 0
+ .loc 2 987 0
+ str w0, [x21, 4]
+ .loc 2 988 0
+ mov w2, 0
+ .loc 2 987 0
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ .loc 2 988 0
+ mov w1, 1
+ .loc 2 987 0
+ cmn w0, #1
+ csel w0, w0, wzr, ne
+ str w0, [x25, 2560]
+ .loc 2 988 0
+ add x0, x29, 96
+ bl FlashProgPages
+ .loc 2 990 0
+ ldrh w0, [x20]
+ bl decrement_vpc_count
+ b .L976
+ .loc 2 998 0
+ add x19, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ strb wzr, [x19, 2370]
+ .loc 2 1000 0
+ b .L971
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlWriteDump_data, .-FtlWriteDump_data
+ .align 2
+ .global l2p_flush
+ .type l2p_flush, %function
+ .loc 2 740 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -32]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32
+ .cfi_offset 29, -32
+ .cfi_offset 30, -24
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -16
+ .cfi_offset 20, -8
+ .loc 2 746 0
+ adrp x20, .LANCHOR0
+ add x20, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ mov w19, 0
+ .loc 2 744 0
+ bl FtlWriteDump_data
+ .loc 2 746 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w0, [x20, 118]
+ cmp w0, w19
+ bhi .L992
+ .loc 2 750 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 32
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 2 747 0
+ ldr x1, [x20, 2504]
+ ubfiz x0, x19, 4, 16
+ add x0, x1, x0
+ ldr w0, [x0, 4]
+ tbz w0, #31, .L991
+ .loc 2 748 0
+ mov w0, w19
+ bl flush_l2p_region
+ .loc 2 746 0 discriminator 2
+ add w19, w19, 1
+ and w19, w19, 65535
+ b .L990
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size l2p_flush, .-l2p_flush
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlRecoverySuperblock
+ .type FtlRecoverySuperblock, %function
+ .loc 2 1656 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -176]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 176
+ .cfi_offset 29, -176
+ .cfi_offset 30, -168
+ .loc 2 1670 0
+ mov w1, 65535
+ .loc 2 1656 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -160
+ .cfi_offset 20, -152
+ mov x19, x0
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ stp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ stp x25, x26, [sp, 64]
+ stp x27, x28, [sp, 80]
+ .cfi_offset 21, -144
+ .cfi_offset 22, -136
+ .cfi_offset 23, -128
+ .cfi_offset 24, -120
+ .cfi_offset 25, -112
+ .cfi_offset 26, -104
+ .cfi_offset 27, -96
+ .cfi_offset 28, -88
+ .loc 2 1670 0
+ ldrh w0, [x0]
+ cmp w0, w1
+ beq .L1112
+ .loc 2 1676 0
+ ldrb w0, [x19, 6]
+ .loc 2 1681 0
+ adrp x20, .LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 1676 0
+ str w0, [x29, 156]
+ .loc 2 1681 0
+ add x0, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 1675 0
+ ldrh w27, [x19, 2]
+ .loc 2 1681 0
+ ldrh w0, [x0, 82]
+ cmp w0, w27
+ bne .L997
+ .loc 2 1682 0
+ strh wzr, [x19, 4]
+ .loc 2 1709 0
+ strb wzr, [x19, 6]
+ .loc 2 2010 0
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ mov w0, 0
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ ldp x25, x26, [sp, 64]
+ ldp x27, x28, [sp, 80]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 176
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 27
+ .cfi_restore 28
+ .cfi_restore 25
+ .cfi_restore 26
+ .cfi_restore 23
+ .cfi_restore 24
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 2 1689 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 16]
+ .loc 2 1688 0
+ mov w21, 0
+ .loc 2 1690 0
+ cmp w0, w1
+ beq .L999
+ .loc 2 1697 0
+ mov w1, 1
+ bl FtlGetLastWrittenPage
+ mov w24, w0
+ .loc 2 1705 0
+ cmn w0, #1
+ beq .L1000
+ .loc 2 1721 0
+ add x0, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ add x1, x19, 16
+ str x1, [x29, 144]
+ .loc 2 1722 0
+ add x5, x19, 16
+ mov w21, 0
+ .loc 2 1719 0
+ mov w10, 65535
+ ldrh w1, [x0, 12]
+ .loc 2 1721 0
+ mov w6, 4
+ ldrh w8, [x0, 90]
+ add x1, x1, 8
+ .loc 2 1722 0
+ ldrh w9, [x0, 92]
+ add x1, x19, x1, lsl 1
+ .loc 2 1717 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp x5, x1
+ bne .L1005
+ .loc 2 1727 0
+ add x23, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ mov w2, 0
+ mov w1, w21
+ ldr x0, [x23, 3968]
+ bl FlashReadPages
+ .loc 2 1728 0
+ ldr w22, [x23, 2560]
+ .loc 2 1730 0
+ ldr x4, [x23, 3968]
+ .loc 2 1742 0
+ and w9, w24, 65535
+ .loc 2 1728 0
+ sub w22, w22, #1
+ .loc 2 1666 0
+ mov w7, 65535
+ mov x6, x4
+ .loc 2 1729 0
+ mov w3, 0
+ .loc 2 1729 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp w21, w3
+ bne .L1011
+ .loc 2 1747 0 is_stmt 1
+ add w23, w24, 1
+ .loc 2 1749 0
+ ldr w0, [x4, 4]
+ .loc 2 1747 0
+ and w23, w23, 65535
+ .loc 2 1753 0
+ lsr w0, w0, 10
+ bl P2V_plane
+ and w28, w0, 65535
+ .loc 2 1758 0
+ add x0, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrh w0, [x0, 82]
+ cmp w0, w23
+ bne .L1013
+ .loc 2 1759 0
+ strh w23, [x19, 2]
+ .loc 2 1760 0
+ strb wzr, [x19, 6]
+ .loc 2 1761 0
+ strh wzr, [x19, 4]
+ .loc 2 1764 0
+ ldr w0, [x29, 156]
+ cmp w23, w27
+ ccmp w28, w0, 0, eq
+ bne .L1014
+ .loc 2 2004 0
+ mov w2, w28
+ mov w1, w23
+ mov x0, x19
+ bl ftl_sb_update_avl_pages
+ b .L1112
+ .loc 2 1691 0
+ add w21, w21, 1
+ and w21, w21, 65535
+ .loc 2 1692 0
+ add x0, x19, x21, sxtw 1
+ ldrh w0, [x0, 16]
+ b .L998
+ .loc 2 1706 0
+ cbz w27, .L1002
+ .loc 2 1706 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR1
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 1706
+ add x1, x1, 496
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 1707 0 is_stmt 1
+ ldr w0, [x29, 156]
+ cmp w0, 0
+ ccmp w21, w0, 4, ne
+ beq .L1003
+ .loc 2 1707 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR1
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 1707
+ add x1, x1, 496
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 1708 0 is_stmt 1
+ strh wzr, [x19, 2]
+ b .L1118
+ .loc 2 1718 0
+ ldrh w2, [x5]
+ .loc 2 1719 0
+ cmp w2, w10
+ beq .L1004
+ .loc 2 1720 0
+ ldr x4, [x0, 3968]
+ ubfiz x7, x21, 5, 16
+ orr w2, w24, w2, lsl 10
+ add x4, x4, x7
+ str w2, [x4, 4]
+ .loc 2 1721 0
+ mul w2, w21, w8
+ ldr x3, [x0, 3968]
+ ldr x4, [x0, 3256]
+ sdiv w2, w2, w6
+ add x3, x3, x7
+ add x2, x4, x2, sxtw 2
+ str x2, [x3, 8]
+ .loc 2 1722 0
+ mul w2, w21, w9
+ ldr x4, [x0, 3264]
+ .loc 2 1723 0
+ add w21, w21, 1
+ and w21, w21, 65535
+ .loc 2 1722 0
+ sdiv w2, w2, w6
+ add x2, x4, x2, sxtw 2
+ str x2, [x3, 16]
+ add x5, x5, 2
+ b .L1001
+ .loc 2 1730 0
+ ldr w0, [x6]
+ cbnz w0, .L1007
+ .loc 2 1731 0
+ ldr x8, [x6, 16]
+ .loc 2 1732 0
+ ldr w5, [x8, 4]
+ cmn w5, #1
+ beq .L1008
+ .loc 2 1733 0
+ ldr w1, [x23, 2560]
+ mov w0, w5
+ bl ftl_cmp_data_ver
+ cbz w0, .L1008
+ .loc 2 1735 0
+ add w5, w5, 1
+ str w5, [x23, 2560]
+ .loc 2 1738 0
+ ldr w0, [x8]
+ cmn w0, #1
+ bne .L1010
+ .loc 2 1753 0
+ ubfiz x3, x3, 5, 16
+ .loc 2 1752 0
+ and w23, w24, 65535
+ .loc 2 1753 0
+ add x3, x4, x3
+ ldr w0, [x3, 4]
+ b .L1114
+ .loc 2 1742 0
+ mov w7, w9
+ .loc 2 1729 0 discriminator 2
+ add w3, w3, 1
+ add x6, x6, 32
+ and w3, w3, 65535
+ b .L1006
+ .loc 2 1770 0
+ mov w0, 65535
+ adrp x21, .LANCHOR3
+ cmp w7, w0
+ bne .L1015
+ .loc 2 1770 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrb w0, [x19, 8]
+ cbnz w0, .L1016
+ .loc 2 1775 0 is_stmt 1
+ add x0, x21, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ .loc 2 1774 0
+ and w3, w24, 65535
+ .loc 2 1775 0
+ ldr w1, [x0, -84]
+ cmn w1, #1
+ bne .L1017
+ .loc 2 1776 0
+ str w22, [x0, -84]
+ .loc 2 1778 0
+ add w0, w27, 7
+ cmp w0, w24, uxth
+ bge .L1065
+ .loc 2 1779 0
+ sub w25, w3, #7
+ and w25, w25, 65535
+ .loc 2 1782 0 discriminator 1
+ add x26, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 1784 0 discriminator 1
+ mov w4, 65535
+ .loc 2 1780 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp w25, w3
+ bhi .L1026
+ ldrh w0, [x26, 12]
+ .loc 2 1782 0
+ mov w24, 0
+ ldr x1, [x29, 144]
+ add x0, x0, 8
+ add x0, x19, x0, lsl 1
+ b .L1027
+ mov w25, w27
+ b .L1018
+ .loc 2 1783 0
+ ldrh w2, [x1]
+ .loc 2 1784 0
+ cmp w2, w4
+ beq .L1020
+ .loc 2 1785 0
+ ldr x5, [x26, 3968]
+ ubfiz x6, x24, 5, 16
+ .loc 2 1786 0
+ add w24, w24, 1
+ .loc 2 1785 0
+ orr w2, w25, w2, lsl 10
+ add x5, x5, x6
+ .loc 2 1786 0
+ and w24, w24, 65535
+ .loc 2 1785 0
+ str w2, [x5, 4]
+ add x1, x1, 2
+ .loc 2 1782 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp x0, x1
+ bne .L1021
+ .loc 2 1789 0
+ ldr x0, [x26, 3968]
+ mov w1, w24
+ mov w2, 0
+ str w4, [x29, 128]
+ str w3, [x29, 136]
+ ubfiz x24, x24, 5, 16
+ add x24, x24, 16
+ bl FlashReadPages
+ .loc 2 1791 0
+ ldr x1, [x26, 3968]
+ .loc 2 1797 0
+ add x2, x21, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ .loc 2 1790 0
+ ldr w4, [x29, 128]
+ ldr w3, [x29, 136]
+ add x0, x1, 16
+ add x24, x1, x24
+ .loc 2 1790 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp x24, x0
+ bne .L1025
+ .loc 2 1780 0 is_stmt 1
+ add w25, w25, 1
+ and w25, w25, 65535
+ b .L1019
+ .loc 2 1791 0
+ ldr w1, [x0, -16]
+ cbnz w1, .L1016
+ .loc 2 1792 0
+ ldr x1, [x0]
+ .loc 2 1793 0
+ ldrh w5, [x1]
+ cmp w5, w4
+ beq .L1024
+ .loc 2 1795 0
+ ldr w1, [x1, 4]
+ cmn w1, #1
+ beq .L1024
+ .loc 2 1797 0
+ str w1, [x2, -84]
+ add x0, x0, 32
+ b .L1022
+ .loc 2 1809 0
+ add x0, x21, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ mov w1, -1
+ str w1, [x0, -84]
+ .loc 2 1814 0
+ add x21, x21, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ mov w0, 1
+ .loc 2 1815 0
+ mov w25, w27
+ .loc 2 1821 0
+ add x20, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 1814 0
+ strh w0, [x21, -80]
+ .loc 2 1815 0
+ sub x0, x21, #240
+ bl FtlMapBlkWriteDump_data
+ .loc 2 1970 0
+ sub x0, x21, #72
+ str x0, [x29, 112]
+ ldrh w0, [x20, 12]
+ .loc 2 1820 0
+ mov w24, 0
+ .loc 2 1821 0
+ ldr x1, [x29, 144]
+ .loc 2 1823 0
+ mov w4, 65535
+ add x0, x0, 8
+ add x0, x19, x0, lsl 1
+ .loc 2 1821 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp x0, x1
+ bne .L1031
+ .loc 2 1828 0
+ ldr x0, [x20, 3968]
+ mov w1, w24
+ mov w2, 0
+ bl FlashReadPages
+ ubfiz x0, x24, 5, 16
+ str x0, [x29, 120]
+ .loc 2 1957 0
+ adrp x0, .LANCHOR1
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ add x0, x0, 496
+ .loc 2 1829 0
+ mov x24, 0
+ .loc 2 1957 0
+ str x0, [x29, 128]
+ .loc 2 1829 0 discriminator 1
+ ldr x0, [x29, 120]
+ cmp x0, x24
+ bne .L1059
+ .loc 2 1982 0
+ add w25, w25, 1
+ .loc 2 1983 0
+ ldrh w0, [x20, 82]
+ .loc 2 1982 0
+ and w25, w25, 65535
+ .loc 2 1983 0
+ cmp w0, w25
+ bne .L1028
+ .loc 2 1986 0
+ ldrh w1, [x20, 12]
+ mov w0, 0
+ .loc 2 1984 0
+ strh w25, [x19, 2]
+ .loc 2 1988 0
+ mov w2, 65535
+ .loc 2 1985 0
+ strh wzr, [x19, 4]
+ .loc 2 1986 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp w0, w1
+ beq .L1112
+ .loc 2 1988 0
+ ldr x4, [x29, 144]
+ ldrh w3, [x4], 2
+ str x4, [x29, 144]
+ cmp w3, w2
+ beq .L1061
+ .loc 2 1989 0
+ strb w0, [x19, 6]
+ .loc 2 1990 0
+ b .L1112
+ .loc 2 1822 0
+ ldrh w2, [x1]
+ .loc 2 1823 0
+ cmp w2, w4
+ beq .L1030
+ .loc 2 1824 0
+ ldr x3, [x20, 3968]
+ ubfiz x5, x24, 5, 16
+ .loc 2 1825 0
+ add w24, w24, 1
+ .loc 2 1824 0
+ orr w2, w25, w2, lsl 10
+ add x3, x3, x5
+ .loc 2 1825 0
+ and w24, w24, 65535
+ .loc 2 1824 0
+ str w2, [x3, 4]
+ add x1, x1, 2
+ b .L1029
+ .loc 2 1830 0
+ ldr x4, [x20, 3968]
+ add x4, x4, x24
+ ldr w5, [x4, 4]
+ str w5, [x29, 172]
+ .loc 2 1831 0
+ lsr w0, w5, 10
+ bl P2V_plane
+ and w0, w0, 65535
+ .loc 2 1833 0
+ cmp w25, w27
+ bcc .L1033
+ .loc 2 1833 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldr w1, [x29, 156]
+ ccmp w1, w0, 0, eq
+ bhi .L1033
+ .loc 2 1837 0 is_stmt 1
+ cmp w25, w23
+ ccmp w28, w0, 0, eq
+ beq .L1034
+ .loc 2 1841 0
+ ldr w0, [x4]
+ cmn w0, #1
+ beq .L1035
+ .loc 2 1842 0
+ ldr x3, [x4, 16]
+ .loc 2 1843 0
+ mov w0, 61589
+ ldrh w1, [x3]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ beq .L1036
+ .loc 2 1876 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19]
+ .loc 2 1960 0
+ bl decrement_vpc_count
+ add x24, x24, 32
+ b .L1032
+ .loc 2 1849 0
+ ldr w22, [x3, 4]
+ .loc 2 1850 0
+ cmn w22, #1
+ beq .L1037
+ .loc 2 1851 0 discriminator 1
+ ldr w1, [x20, 2560]
+ mov w0, w22
+ str x3, [x29, 136]
+ bl ftl_cmp_data_ver
+ .loc 2 1850 0 discriminator 1
+ ldr x3, [x29, 136]
+ cbz w0, .L1037
+ .loc 2 1853 0
+ add w0, w22, 1
+ str w0, [x20, 2560]
+ .loc 2 1856 0
+ ldrh w1, [x3]
+ mov w0, 61589
+ cmp w1, w0
+ beq .L1038
+ .loc 2 1856 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldr x1, [x29, 128]
+ mov w2, 1856
+ str x3, [x29, 136]
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ ldr x3, [x29, 136]
+ .loc 2 1858 0 is_stmt 1
+ ldp w26, w0, [x3, 8]
+ .loc 2 1859 0
+ add x1, x29, 168
+ .loc 2 1858 0
+ str w0, [x29, 164]
+ .loc 2 1859 0
+ mov w2, 0
+ mov w0, w26
+ bl log2phys
+ .loc 2 1860 0
+ ldr w1, [x21, -84]
+ cmn w1, #1
+ beq .L1039
+ .loc 2 1861 0 discriminator 1
+ mov w0, w22
+ bl ftl_cmp_data_ver
+ .loc 2 1860 0 discriminator 1
+ cbz w0, .L1039
+ .loc 2 1865 0
+ ldr w1, [x29, 164]
+ cmn w1, #1
+ beq .L1040
+ .loc 2 1866 0
+ ldr x0, [x20, 3968]
+ .loc 2 1868 0
+ mov w2, 0
+ .loc 2 1866 0
+ add x0, x0, x24
+ ldr x4, [x0, 16]
+ .loc 2 1867 0
+ str w1, [x0, 4]
+ .loc 2 1868 0
+ mov w1, 1
+ .loc 2 1866 0
+ str x4, [x29, 136]
+ .loc 2 1868 0
+ ldr x0, [x20, 3968]
+ add x0, x0, x24
+ bl FlashReadPages
+ .loc 2 1881 0
+ ldr x0, [x20, 3968]
+ ldr x4, [x29, 136]
+ add x3, x0, x24
+ ldr w0, [x0, x24]
+ cmn w0, #1
+ bne .L1041
+ .loc 2 1913 0
+ mov w0, -1
+ str w0, [x29, 164]
+ .loc 2 1914 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19]
+ bl decrement_vpc_count
+ .loc 2 1954 0
+ ldr w4, [x29, 164]
+ cmn w4, #1
+ beq .L1033
+ .loc 2 1956 0
+ lsr w0, w4, 10
+ bl P2V_block_in_plane
+ and w26, w0, 65535
+ .loc 2 1957 0
+ ldrh w0, [x20, 20]
+ .loc 2 1956 0
+ mov w3, w26
+ .loc 2 1957 0
+ cmp w0, w26
+ bhi .L1055
+ .loc 2 1957 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldr x1, [x29, 128]
+ mov w2, 1957
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ str w26, [x29, 136]
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ ldr w3, [x29, 136]
+ .loc 2 1958 0 is_stmt 1
+ ldr x1, [x20, 2320]
+ ubfiz x0, x26, 1, 16
+ ldrh w0, [x1, x0]
+ cbz w0, .L1056
+ .loc 2 1960 0
+ mov w0, w3
+ b .L1117
+ .loc 2 1872 0
+ ldp w1, w0, [x29, 168]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bne .L1043
+ .loc 2 1873 0
+ mov w2, 1
+ add x1, x29, 164
+ mov w0, w26
+ bl log2phys
+ b .L1043
+ .loc 2 1881 0 discriminator 1
+ ldr w0, [x4, 8]
+ cmp w26, w0
+ bne .L1042
+ .loc 2 1869 0 discriminator 2
+ ldr w0, [x4, 4]
+ str w0, [x29, 136]
+ str x4, [x29, 104]
+ .loc 2 1882 0 discriminator 2
+ uxtw x1, w0
+ ldr w0, [x21, -84]
+ bl ftl_cmp_data_ver
+ .loc 2 1881 0 discriminator 2
+ cbz w0, .L1042
+ .loc 2 1883 0
+ ldp w0, w1, [x29, 168]
+ ldr x4, [x29, 104]
+ cmp w0, w1
+ .loc 2 1885 0
+ ldr w1, [x29, 164]
+ .loc 2 1883 0
+ bne .L1045
+ .loc 2 1909 0
+ mov w0, w26
+ bl FtlReUsePrevPpa
+ b .L1042
+ .loc 2 1886 0
+ cmp w0, w1
+ beq .L1042
+ .loc 2 1887 0
+ cmn w0, #1
+ beq .L1046
+ .loc 2 1888 0
+ ldr x4, [x3, 16]
+ .loc 2 1890 0
+ mov w2, 0
+ .loc 2 1889 0
+ str w0, [x3, 4]
+ .loc 2 1890 0
+ mov w1, 1
+ .loc 2 1888 0
+ str x4, [x29, 104]
+ .loc 2 1890 0
+ ldr x0, [x20, 3968]
+ add x0, x0, x24
+ bl FlashReadPages
+ ldr x4, [x29, 104]
+ .loc 2 1895 0
+ adrp x0, .LANCHOR0+3968
+ ldr x0, [x0, #:lo12:.LANCHOR0+3968]
+ ldr w0, [x0, x24]
+ cmn w0, #1
+ beq .L1048
+ .loc 2 1896 0
+ ldr w3, [x4, 4]
+ .loc 2 1897 0
+ ldr w0, [x21, -84]
+ mov w1, w3
+ bl ftl_cmp_data_ver
+ cbz w0, .L1048
+ .loc 2 1898 0
+ ldr w0, [x29, 136]
+ mov w1, w3
+ bl ftl_cmp_data_ver
+ cbz w0, .L1042
+ .loc 2 1909 0
+ ldr w1, [x29, 164]
+ b .L1115
+ .loc 2 1892 0
+ str w0, [x3]
+ b .L1047
+ .loc 2 1915 0
+ ldp w1, w0, [x29, 168]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ beq .L1050
+ .loc 2 1917 0
+ mov w2, 1
+ add x1, x29, 172
+ mov w0, w26
+ bl log2phys
+ .loc 2 1918 0
+ ldr w4, [x29, 168]
+ cmn w4, #1
+ beq .L1050
+ .loc 2 1918 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldr w0, [x29, 164]
+ cmp w4, w0
+ beq .L1064
+ .loc 2 1919 0 is_stmt 1
+ lsr w0, w4, 10
+ bl P2V_block_in_plane
+ .loc 2 1921 0
+ ldrh w1, [x20, 2360]
+ .loc 2 1919 0
+ and w0, w0, 65535
+ .loc 2 1921 0
+ cmp w1, w0
+ beq .L1054
+ .loc 2 1921 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w1, [x20, 2408]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ beq .L1054
+ .loc 2 1922 0 is_stmt 1
+ ldrh w1, [x20, 2456]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bne .L1050
+ .loc 2 1927 0
+ ldr x0, [x20, 3968]
+ .loc 2 1930 0
+ mov w2, 0
+ mov w1, 1
+ .loc 2 1929 0
+ str w4, [x0, 4]
+ .loc 2 1927 0
+ ldr x3, [x0, 16]
+ .loc 2 1930 0
+ ldr x0, [x20, 3968]
+ .loc 2 1927 0
+ str x3, [x29, 136]
+ .loc 2 1930 0
+ bl FlashReadPages
+ .loc 2 1933 0
+ ldr x0, [x20, 3968]
+ ldr w0, [x0]
+ cmn w0, #1
+ beq .L1050
+ .loc 2 1934 0
+ ldr x3, [x29, 136]
+ mov w0, w22
+ ldr w1, [x3, 4]
+ bl ftl_cmp_data_ver
+ cbnz w0, .L1050
+ .loc 2 1941 0
+ mov w2, 1
+ add x1, x29, 168
+ mov w0, w26
+ bl log2phys
+ b .L1050
+ .loc 2 1962 0
+ mov w1, w26
+ adrp x0, .LC95
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC95
+ bl printk
+ b .L1033
+ .loc 2 1969 0
+ ldr w0, [x21, -76]
+ cmp w0, 31
+ bhi .L1057
+ .loc 2 1970 0
+ ldr x1, [x29, 112]
+ str w5, [x1, w0, uxtw 2]
+ .loc 2 1971 0
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ str w0, [x21, -76]
+ .loc 2 1973 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19]
+ bl decrement_vpc_count
+ .loc 2 1975 0
+ ldr w0, [x21, -84]
+ cmn w0, #1
+ bne .L1058
+ .loc 2 1978 0
+ str w22, [x21, -84]
+ b .L1033
+ .loc 2 1977 0
+ cmp w22, w0
+ bcs .L1033
+ b .L1116
+ .loc 2 1986 0 discriminator 2
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ and w0, w0, 65535
+ b .L1060
+ .loc 2 2002 0
+ strb w28, [x19, 6]
+ .loc 2 2003 0
+ strh w23, [x19, 2]
+ b .L1119
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlRecoverySuperblock, .-FtlRecoverySuperblock
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlSuperblockPowerLostFix
+ .type FtlSuperblockPowerLostFix, %function
+ .loc 2 2156 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -96]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 96
+ .cfi_offset 29, -96
+ .cfi_offset 30, -88
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -80
+ .cfi_offset 20, -72
+ adrp x20, .LANCHOR0
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ mov x19, x0
+ .cfi_offset 21, -64
+ .cfi_offset 22, -56
+ .loc 2 2169 0
+ add x21, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 2156 0
+ str x23, [sp, 48]
+ .cfi_offset 23, -48
+ .loc 2 2168 0
+ mov w22, -1
+ .loc 2 2162 0
+ mov w23, 7
+ subs w23, w23, #1
+ beq .L1123
+ .loc 2 2163 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 4]
+ cbnz w0, .L1122
+ .loc 2 2183 0
+ add x20, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrh w0, [x19]
+ ldrh w3, [x19, 4]
+ ldr x2, [x20, 2320]
+ lsl x0, x0, 1
+ ldrh w1, [x2, x0]
+ sub w1, w1, w3
+ strh w1, [x2, x0]
+ .loc 2 2185 0
+ strb wzr, [x19, 6]
+ .loc 2 2184 0
+ ldrh w0, [x20, 82]
+ strh w0, [x19, 2]
+ .loc 2 2186 0
+ strh wzr, [x19, 4]
+ .loc 2 2188 0
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldr x23, [sp, 48]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 96
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 23
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 2 2165 0
+ mov x0, x19
+ bl get_new_active_ppa
+ str w0, [x29, 68]
+ .loc 2 2166 0
+ cmn w0, #1
+ beq .L1123
+ .loc 2 2170 0
+ ldr x1, [x21, 3392]
+ .loc 2 2179 0
+ mov w3, 0
+ .loc 2 2169 0
+ ldr x0, [x21, 2288]
+ .loc 2 2179 0
+ mov w2, 0
+ .loc 2 2170 0
+ stp x0, x1, [x29, 72]
+ .loc 2 2168 0
+ str w22, [x29, 88]
+ .loc 2 2174 0
+ stp w22, w22, [x1, 8]
+ .loc 2 2175 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19]
+ strh w0, [x1, 2]
+ .loc 2 2176 0
+ strh wzr, [x1]
+ .loc 2 2178 0
+ ldr w0, [x21, 2560]
+ str w0, [x1, 4]
+ .loc 2 2179 0
+ mov w1, 1
+ .loc 2 2178 0
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ cmn w0, #1
+ csel w0, w0, wzr, ne
+ str w0, [x21, 2560]
+ .loc 2 2179 0
+ add x0, x29, 64
+ bl FlashProgPages
+ .loc 2 2180 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19]
+ bl decrement_vpc_count
+ b .L1121
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlSuperblockPowerLostFix, .-FtlSuperblockPowerLostFix
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlLoadBbt
+ .type FtlLoadBbt, %function
+ .loc 4 173 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -64]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64
+ .cfi_offset 29, -64
+ .cfi_offset 30, -56
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -48
+ .cfi_offset 20, -40
+ .loc 4 180 0
+ adrp x19, .LANCHOR0
+ .loc 4 173 0
+ stp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ .cfi_offset 23, -16
+ .cfi_offset 24, -8
+ .loc 4 180 0
+ add x23, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 4 173 0
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ .cfi_offset 21, -32
+ .cfi_offset 22, -24
+ .loc 4 180 0
+ add x21, x23, 3360
+ .loc 4 196 0
+ mov w24, 61649
+ .loc 4 180 0
+ ldr x0, [x23, 2288]
+ .loc 4 181 0
+ ldr x22, [x23, 3392]
+ stp x0, x22, [x21, 8]
+ .loc 4 183 0
+ bl FtlBbtMemInit
+ .loc 4 184 0
+ ldrh w20, [x23, 78]
+ sub w20, w20, #1
+ and w20, w20, 65535
+ .loc 4 184 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w0, [x23, 78]
+ sub w0, w0, #16
+ cmp w20, w0
+ ble .L1136
+ .loc 4 185 0 is_stmt 1
+ lsl w0, w20, 10
+ .loc 4 186 0
+ mov w2, 1
+ .loc 4 185 0
+ str w0, [x21, 4]
+ .loc 4 186 0
+ mov w1, w2
+ mov x0, x21
+ bl FlashReadPages
+ .loc 4 187 0
+ ldr w0, [x21]
+ cmn w0, #1
+ bne .L1134
+ .loc 4 188 0
+ ldr w0, [x21, 4]
+ .loc 4 189 0
+ mov w2, 1
+ mov w1, w2
+ .loc 4 188 0
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ str w0, [x21, 4]
+ .loc 4 189 0
+ mov x0, x21
+ bl FlashReadPages
+ .loc 4 191 0
+ ldr w0, [x21]
+ cmn w0, #1
+ beq .L1135
+ .loc 4 196 0
+ ldrh w0, [x22]
+ cmp w0, w24
+ bne .L1135
+ .loc 4 199 0
+ ldr w1, [x22, 4]
+ str w1, [x23, 144]
+ .loc 4 198 0
+ strh w20, [x23, 136]
+ .loc 4 200 0
+ ldrh w1, [x22, 8]
+ strh w1, [x23, 140]
+ .loc 4 216 0
+ add x21, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ mov w0, 65535
+ ldrh w1, [x21, 136]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ beq .L1150
+ .loc 4 222 0
+ ldrh w1, [x21, 140]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ beq .L1140
+ .loc 4 224 0
+ add x0, x21, 3360
+ lsl w1, w1, 10
+ .loc 4 225 0
+ mov w2, 1
+ .loc 4 224 0
+ str w1, [x0, 4]
+ .loc 4 225 0
+ mov w1, w2
+ bl FlashReadPages
+ .loc 4 226 0
+ ldr w0, [x21, 3360]
+ cmn w0, #1
+ beq .L1140
+ .loc 4 229 0
+ ldrh w1, [x22]
+ mov w0, 61649
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bne .L1140
+ .loc 4 229 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldr w1, [x21, 144]
+ ldr w0, [x22, 4]
+ cmp w0, w1
+ bls .L1140
+ .loc 4 232 0 is_stmt 1
+ str w0, [x21, 144]
+ .loc 4 231 0
+ ldrh w1, [x21, 140]
+ .loc 4 233 0
+ ldrh w0, [x22, 8]
+ .loc 4 231 0
+ strh w1, [x21, 136]
+ .loc 4 233 0
+ strh w0, [x21, 140]
+ .loc 4 238 0
+ add x20, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ mov w1, 1
+ .loc 4 243 0
+ add x23, x20, 3360
+ .loc 4 247 0
+ mov w24, 61649
+ .loc 4 238 0
+ ldrh w0, [x20, 136]
+ bl FtlGetLastWrittenPage
+ sxth w21, w0
+ .loc 4 239 0
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ strh w0, [x20, 138]
+ .loc 4 241 0
+ tbz w21, #31, .L1145
+ .loc 4 254 0
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR1
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 254
+ add x1, x1, 520
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 4 255 0
+ add x1, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrh w0, [x22, 10]
+ .loc 4 257 0
+ mov w2, 65535
+ .loc 4 255 0
+ strh w0, [x1, 142]
+ .loc 4 257 0
+ ldrh w0, [x22, 12]
+ cmp w0, w2
+ beq .L1147
+ .loc 4 259 0
+ ldr w2, [x1, 8]
+ cmp w0, w2
+ beq .L1147
+ .loc 4 259 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w1, [x1, 22]
+ lsr w1, w1, 2
+ cmp w2, w1
+ bcs .L1147
+ .loc 4 261 0 is_stmt 1
+ cmp w0, w1
+ bcs .L1147
+ .loc 4 263 0
+ bl FtlSysBlkNumInit
+ add x19, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 4 269 0 discriminator 1
+ adrp x21, .LANCHOR3
+ add x22, x19, 168
+ add x21, x21, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ .loc 4 173 0 discriminator 1
+ mov w20, 0
+ .loc 4 268 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 34]
+ cmp w20, w0
+ bcc .L1149
+ .loc 4 275 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ .loc 4 276 0
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 64
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 23
+ .cfi_restore 24
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 4 184 0 discriminator 2
+ sub w20, w20, #1
+ and w20, w20, 65535
+ b .L1133
+ .loc 4 243 0
+ ldrh w0, [x20, 136]
+ .loc 4 245 0
+ mov w2, 1
+ mov w1, w2
+ .loc 4 243 0
+ orr w0, w21, w0, lsl 10
+ str w0, [x23, 4]
+ .loc 4 244 0
+ ldr x0, [x20, 2288]
+ str x0, [x23, 8]
+ .loc 4 245 0
+ mov x0, x23
+ bl FlashReadPages
+ .loc 4 247 0
+ ldr w0, [x23]
+ cmn w0, #1
+ beq .L1143
+ .loc 4 247 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w0, [x22]
+ cmp w0, w24
+ beq .L1144
+ sub w21, w21, #1
+ sxth w21, w21
+ b .L1142
+ .loc 4 269 0 is_stmt 1 discriminator 3
+ ldrh w2, [x21, -248]
+ ldr x0, [x19, 3368]
+ mul w1, w2, w20
+ lsl w2, w2, 2
+ .loc 4 268 0 discriminator 3
+ add w20, w20, 1
+ .loc 4 269 0 discriminator 3
+ add x1, x0, x1, lsl 2
+ ldr x0, [x22], 8
+ bl ftl_memcpy
+ b .L1148
+ .loc 4 218 0
+ mov w0, -1
+ b .L1132
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlLoadBbt, .-FtlLoadBbt
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlMakeBbt
+ .type FtlMakeBbt, %function
+ .loc 4 317 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -96]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 96
+ .cfi_offset 29, -96
+ .cfi_offset 30, -88
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -80
+ .cfi_offset 20, -72
+ adrp x19, .LANCHOR0
+ stp x25, x26, [sp, 64]
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ .cfi_offset 25, -32
+ .cfi_offset 26, -24
+ .cfi_offset 21, -64
+ .cfi_offset 22, -56
+ mov x21, x19
+ stp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ .cfi_offset 23, -48
+ .cfi_offset 24, -40
+ .loc 4 327 0
+ mov w24, 0
+ .loc 4 317 0
+ stp x27, x28, [sp, 80]
+ .cfi_offset 27, -16
+ .cfi_offset 28, -8
+ .loc 4 325 0
+ bl FtlBbtMemInit
+ .loc 4 326 0
+ bl FtlLoadFactoryBbt
+ .loc 4 357 0
+ adrp x28, .LANCHOR3
+ add x0, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ add x28, x28, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ add x26, x0, 168
+ add x25, x0, 148
+ .loc 4 327 0
+ mov x19, x0
+ .loc 4 328 0
+ add x20, x0, 3360
+ .loc 4 327 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 34]
+ cmp w24, w0
+ bcc .L1169
+ .loc 4 381 0 discriminator 1
+ add x20, x21, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ mov w19, 0
+ ldrh w0, [x20, 94]
+ cmp w0, w19
+ bhi .L1171
+ .loc 4 387 0
+ add x20, x20, 136
+ ldrh w19, [x20, 12]
+ .loc 4 396 0
+ mov w22, 65535
+ .loc 4 387 0
+ sub w19, w19, #1
+ and w19, w19, 65535
+ .loc 4 387 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w0, [x20, 12]
+ sub w0, w0, #48
+ cmp w19, w0
+ ble .L1176
+ .loc 4 389 0 is_stmt 1
+ mov w0, w19
+ bl FtlBbmIsBadBlock
+ cmp w0, 1
+ beq .L1173
+ .loc 4 391 0
+ mov w0, w19
+ bl FlashTestBlk
+ cbz w0, .L1174
+ .loc 4 393 0
+ mov w0, w19
+ bl FtlBbmMapBadBlock
+ .loc 4 387 0 discriminator 2
+ sub w19, w19, #1
+ and w19, w19, 65535
+ b .L1172
+ .loc 4 328 0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 2288]
+ .loc 4 331 0
+ mov w2, 65535
+ .loc 4 329 0
+ ldr x27, [x19, 3392]
+ .loc 4 331 0
+ ldrh w1, [x25]
+ .loc 4 329 0
+ stp x0, x27, [x20, 8]
+ .loc 4 331 0
+ cmp w1, w2
+ beq .L1164
+ .loc 4 333 0
+ ldrh w23, [x19, 78]
+ .loc 4 335 0
+ mov w2, 1
+ .loc 4 333 0
+ madd w23, w23, w24, w1
+ .loc 4 335 0
+ mov w1, w2
+ .loc 4 334 0
+ lsl w0, w23, 10
+ str w0, [x20, 4]
+ .loc 4 335 0
+ mov x0, x20
+ bl FlashReadPages
+ .loc 4 336 0
+ ldr x1, [x20, 8]
+ ldr x0, [x26]
+ ldrh w2, [x19, 78]
+ add w2, w2, 7
+ lsr w2, w2, 3
+ bl ftl_memcpy
+ .loc 4 376 0 discriminator 2
+ mov w0, w23
+ .loc 4 327 0 discriminator 2
+ add w24, w24, 1
+ .loc 4 376 0 discriminator 2
+ bl FtlBbmMapBadBlock
+ add x26, x26, 8
+ add x25, x25, 2
+ b .L1163
+ .loc 4 340 0
+ mov w1, w24
+ bl FlashGetBadBlockList
+ .loc 4 341 0
+ ldr x0, [x20, 8]
+ ldr x1, [x26]
+ bl FtlBbt2Bitmap
+ .loc 4 343 0
+ ldrh w22, [x19, 78]
+ .loc 4 347 0
+ sub w22, w22, #1
+ and w22, w22, 65535
+ .loc 4 345 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 78]
+ madd w0, w24, w0, w22
+ bl FtlBbmIsBadBlock
+ cmp w0, 1
+ beq .L1167
+ .loc 4 350 0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 3392]
+ mov w2, 16
+ .loc 4 349 0
+ strh w22, [x25]
+ .loc 4 350 0
+ mov w1, 0
+ bl ftl_memset
+ .loc 4 351 0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 2288]
+ mov w2, 4096
+ mov w1, 0
+ bl ftl_memset
+ .loc 4 353 0
+ str wzr, [x27, 4]
+ .loc 4 352 0
+ mov w0, -3872
+ strh w0, [x27]
+ .loc 4 354 0
+ ldrh w0, [x25]
+ strh w0, [x27, 2]
+ .loc 4 355 0
+ ldrh w23, [x19, 78]
+ ldrh w0, [x25]
+ .loc 4 357 0
+ ldr x1, [x26]
+ ldrh w2, [x28, -248]
+ .loc 4 355 0
+ madd w23, w23, w24, w0
+ .loc 4 357 0
+ lsl w2, w2, 2
+ .loc 4 356 0
+ lsl w0, w23, 10
+ str w0, [x20, 4]
+ .loc 4 357 0
+ ldr x0, [x20, 8]
+ bl ftl_memcpy
+ .loc 4 358 0
+ mov w2, 1
+ mov x0, x20
+ mov w1, w2
+ bl FlashEraseBlocks
+ .loc 4 359 0
+ mov w3, 1
+ mov x0, x20
+ mov w2, w3
+ mov w1, w3
+ bl FlashProgPages
+ .loc 4 360 0
+ ldr w0, [x20]
+ cmn w0, #1
+ bne .L1165
+ .loc 4 362 0
+ mov w0, w23
+ bl FtlBbmMapBadBlock
+ .loc 4 363 0
+ b .L1166
+ .loc 4 383 0 discriminator 3
+ mov w0, w19
+ .loc 4 381 0 discriminator 3
+ add w19, w19, 1
+ .loc 4 383 0 discriminator 3
+ bl FtlBbmMapBadBlock
+ .loc 4 381 0 discriminator 3
+ and w19, w19, 65535
+ b .L1170
+ .loc 4 396 0
+ ldrh w0, [x20]
+ cmp w0, w22
+ bne .L1175
+ .loc 4 398 0
+ strh w19, [x20]
+ b .L1173
+ .loc 4 402 0
+ strh w19, [x20, 4]
+ .loc 4 411 0
+ add x21, x21, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 4 416 0
+ mov w2, 2
+ .loc 4 414 0
+ ldr x1, [x21, 3912]
+ ldrh w0, [x21, 136]
+ .loc 4 413 0
+ str wzr, [x21, 144]
+ .loc 4 411 0
+ strh wzr, [x21, 138]
+ .loc 4 414 0
+ lsl w0, w0, 10
+ str w0, [x1, 4]
+ .loc 4 415 0
+ ldr x0, [x21, 3912]
+ ldrh w1, [x21, 140]
+ lsl w1, w1, 10
+ str w1, [x0, 36]
+ .loc 4 416 0
+ mov w1, 1
+ bl FlashEraseBlocks
+ .loc 4 418 0
+ ldrh w0, [x21, 136]
+ bl FtlBbmMapBadBlock
+ .loc 4 419 0
+ ldrh w0, [x21, 140]
+ bl FtlBbmMapBadBlock
+ .loc 4 421 0
+ bl FtlBbmTblFlush
+ .loc 4 426 0
+ strh wzr, [x21, 138]
+ .loc 4 422 0
+ ldr w0, [x21, 144]
+ .loc 4 425 0
+ ldrh w1, [x21, 140]
+ .loc 4 422 0
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ str w0, [x21, 144]
+ .loc 4 424 0
+ ldrh w0, [x21, 136]
+ .loc 4 427 0
+ strh w0, [x21, 140]
+ .loc 4 425 0
+ strh w1, [x21, 136]
+ .loc 4 429 0
+ bl FtlBbmTblFlush
+ .loc 4 432 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ ldp x25, x26, [sp, 64]
+ ldp x27, x28, [sp, 80]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 96
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 27
+ .cfi_restore 28
+ .cfi_restore 25
+ .cfi_restore 26
+ .cfi_restore 23
+ .cfi_restore 24
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlMakeBbt, .-FtlMakeBbt
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlVendorPartWrite
+ .type FtlVendorPartWrite, %function
+ .loc 2 786 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -208]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 208
+ .cfi_offset 29, -208
+ .cfi_offset 30, -200
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ .cfi_offset 23, -160
+ .cfi_offset 24, -152
+ .loc 2 794 0
+ adrp x23, .LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 786 0
+ stp x25, x26, [sp, 64]
+ .cfi_offset 25, -144
+ .cfi_offset 26, -136
+ mov x26, x2
+ stp x27, x28, [sp, 80]
+ .loc 2 794 0
+ add w2, w0, w1
+ .cfi_offset 27, -128
+ .cfi_offset 28, -120
+ .loc 2 786 0
+ mov w28, w0
+ .loc 2 794 0
+ add x0, x23, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 786 0
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ .cfi_offset 21, -176
+ .cfi_offset 22, -168
+ mov w21, w1
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -192
+ .cfi_offset 20, -184
+ .loc 2 794 0
+ ldrh w1, [x0, 76]
+ cmp w2, w1
+ bhi .L1190
+ .loc 2 791 0
+ ldrh w22, [x0, 88]
+ .loc 2 812 0
+ adrp x24, .LANCHOR3
+ add x24, x24, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ .loc 2 806 0
+ add x27, x29, 144
+ .loc 2 812 0
+ sub x24, x24, #168
+ .loc 2 791 0
+ mov w25, 0
+ lsr w22, w28, w22
+ .loc 2 797 0
+ cbnz w21, .L1189
+ .loc 2 820 0
+ mov w0, w25
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ ldp x25, x26, [sp, 64]
+ ldp x27, x28, [sp, 80]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 208
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 27
+ .cfi_restore 28
+ .cfi_restore 25
+ .cfi_restore 26
+ .cfi_restore 23
+ .cfi_restore 24
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 2 798 0
+ add x2, x23, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 799 0
+ ldrh w1, [x2, 38]
+ .loc 2 798 0
+ ldr x0, [x2, 4072]
+ .loc 2 799 0
+ udiv w20, w28, w1
+ .loc 2 798 0
+ ldr w3, [x0, w22, uxtw 2]
+ .loc 2 802 0
+ and w0, w21, 65535
+ .loc 2 799 0
+ msub w20, w20, w1, w28
+ .loc 2 800 0
+ sub w19, w1, w20
+ and w19, w19, 65535
+ .loc 2 802 0
+ cmp w21, w19
+ csel w19, w0, w19, cc
+ .loc 2 803 0
+ cbz w3, .L1186
+ .loc 2 803 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp w19, w1
+ beq .L1186
+ .loc 2 805 0 is_stmt 1
+ ldr x0, [x2, 4000]
+ .loc 2 807 0
+ mov w2, 1
+ .loc 2 806 0
+ stp x0, x27, [x29, 120]
+ .loc 2 807 0
+ mov w1, w2
+ .loc 2 804 0
+ str w3, [x29, 116]
+ .loc 2 807 0
+ add x0, x29, 112
+ bl FlashReadPages
+ .loc 2 811 0
+ add x4, x23, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ lsl w3, w19, 9
+ lsl w20, w20, 9
+ mov w2, w3
+ asr w20, w20, 2
+ mov x1, x26
+ ldr x0, [x4, 4000]
+ .loc 2 815 0
+ sub w21, w21, w19
+ .loc 2 811 0
+ str w3, [x29, 108]
+ .loc 2 816 0
+ add w28, w28, w19
+ .loc 2 811 0
+ str x4, [x29, 96]
+ add x0, x0, x20, sxtw 2
+ bl ftl_memcpy
+ .loc 2 812 0
+ ldr x4, [x29, 96]
+ mov w1, w22
+ mov x0, x24
+ .loc 2 814 0
+ add w22, w22, 1
+ .loc 2 812 0
+ ldr x2, [x4, 4000]
+ bl FtlMapWritePage
+ .loc 2 813 0
+ cmn w0, #1
+ .loc 2 817 0
+ ldr w3, [x29, 108]
+ .loc 2 813 0
+ csinv w25, w25, wzr, ne
+ .loc 2 817 0
+ add x26, x26, x3, sxtw
+ b .L1184
+ .loc 2 809 0
+ add x0, x23, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ mov w1, 0
+ ldrh w2, [x0, 90]
+ ldr x0, [x0, 4000]
+ bl ftl_memset
+ b .L1187
+ .loc 2 795 0
+ mov w25, -1
+ b .L1182
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlVendorPartWrite, .-FtlVendorPartWrite
+ .align 2
+ .global Ftl_save_ext_data
+ .type Ftl_save_ext_data, %function
+ .loc 2 2110 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ .loc 2 2111 0
+ adrp x0, .LANCHOR0
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ mov w1, 19539
+ movk w1, 0x4654, lsl 16
+ ldr w3, [x0, 2712]
+ cmp w3, w1
+ bne .L1198
+ .loc 2 2110 0
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
+ .cfi_offset 29, -16
+ .cfi_offset 30, -8
+ add x2, x0, 2712
+ .loc 2 2112 0
+ mov w1, 64
+ .loc 2 2110 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ .loc 2 2112 0
+ movk w1, 0x5000, lsl 16
+ .loc 2 2110 0
+ .loc 2 2112 0
+ str w1, [x2, 4]
+ .loc 2 2113 0
+ ldr w1, [x0, 2548]
+ str w1, [x2, 88]
+ .loc 2 2114 0
+ ldr w1, [x0, 2552]
+ str w1, [x2, 92]
+ .loc 2 2115 0
+ ldr w1, [x0, 2544]
+ str w1, [x2, 8]
+ .loc 2 2116 0
+ ldr w1, [x0, 2532]
+ str w1, [x2, 12]
+ .loc 2 2117 0
+ ldr w1, [x0, 2524]
+ str w1, [x2, 16]
+ .loc 2 2118 0
+ ldr w1, [x0, 2540]
+ str w1, [x2, 20]
+ .loc 2 2119 0
+ ldr w1, [x0, 2568]
+ str w1, [x2, 28]
+ .loc 2 2120 0
+ ldr w1, [x0, 2576]
+ str w1, [x2, 32]
+ .loc 2 2121 0
+ ldr w1, [x0, 2528]
+ str w1, [x2, 36]
+ .loc 2 2122 0
+ ldr w1, [x0, 2536]
+ str w1, [x2, 40]
+ .loc 2 2123 0
+ ldr w1, [x0, 2580]
+ .loc 2 2124 0
+ ldr w0, [x0, 2584]
+ stp w1, w0, [x2, 44]
+ .loc 2 2125 0
+ mov w1, 1
+ mov w0, 0
+ bl FtlVendorPartWrite
+ .loc 2 2127 0
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 16
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size Ftl_save_ext_data, .-Ftl_save_ext_data
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlEctTblFlush
+ .type FtlEctTblFlush, %function
+ .loc 2 861 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ .loc 2 864 0
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR3
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ ldrh w2, [x1, 56]
+ cmp w2, 31
+ bhi .L1205
+ .loc 2 865 0
+ add w2, w2, 1
+ strh w2, [x1, 56]
+ .loc 2 866 0
+ mov w2, 1
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 868 0
+ cbnz w0, .L1203
+ .loc 2 868 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ add x0, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldr x0, [x0, 4024]
+ ldr w3, [x0, 20]
+ ldr w0, [x0, 16]
+ add w2, w2, w3
+ cmp w0, w2
+ bcc .L1207
+ .loc 2 870 0 is_stmt 1
+ add x0, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 861 0
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
+ .cfi_offset 29, -16
+ .cfi_offset 30, -8
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ .loc 2 870 0
+ ldr x1, [x0, 4024]
+ ldr w2, [x1, 16]
+ str w2, [x1, 20]
+ .loc 2 871 0
+ mov w2, 17221
+ movk w2, 0x4254, lsl 16
+ str w2, [x1]
+ .loc 2 872 0
+ ldr x2, [x0, 4024]
+ ldrh w1, [x0, 4008]
+ lsl w3, w1, 9
+ .loc 2 874 0
+ str wzr, [x2, 4]
+ .loc 2 872 0
+ str w3, [x2, 12]
+ .loc 2 873 0
+ ldr w3, [x2, 8]
+ add w3, w3, 1
+ str w3, [x2, 8]
+ .loc 2 875 0
+ ldr x2, [x0, 4024]
+ mov w0, 64
+ bl FtlVendorPartWrite
+ .loc 2 876 0
+ bl Ftl_save_ext_data
+ .loc 2 878 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 16
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .loc 2 862 0
+ mov w2, 32
+ b .L1202
+ .loc 2 878 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlEctTblFlush, .-FtlEctTblFlush
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlVendorPartRead
+ .type FtlVendorPartRead, %function
+ .loc 2 823 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -192]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 192
+ .cfi_offset 29, -192
+ .cfi_offset 30, -184
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -176
+ .cfi_offset 20, -168
+ .loc 2 832 0
+ adrp x20, .LANCHOR0
+ add x20, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 823 0
+ stp x27, x28, [sp, 80]
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ .cfi_offset 27, -112
+ .cfi_offset 28, -104
+ .cfi_offset 21, -160
+ .cfi_offset 22, -152
+ mov w28, w0
+ mov w27, w1
+ stp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ .loc 2 832 0
+ add w1, w0, w1
+ .loc 2 823 0
+ stp x25, x26, [sp, 64]
+ .cfi_offset 23, -144
+ .cfi_offset 24, -136
+ .cfi_offset 25, -128
+ .cfi_offset 26, -120
+ .loc 2 832 0
+ ldrh w0, [x20, 76]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bhi .L1217
+ .loc 2 828 0
+ ldrh w3, [x20, 88]
+ mov x23, x2
+ mov w22, 0
+ .loc 2 846 0
+ mov w25, -1
+ .loc 2 828 0
+ lsr w24, w28, w3
+ .loc 2 834 0
+ cbnz w27, .L1216
+ .loc 2 857 0
+ mov w0, w22
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ ldp x25, x26, [sp, 64]
+ ldp x27, x28, [sp, 80]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 192
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 27
+ .cfi_restore 28
+ .cfi_restore 25
+ .cfi_restore 26
+ .cfi_restore 23
+ .cfi_restore 24
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 2 836 0
+ ldrh w19, [x20, 38]
+ .loc 2 835 0
+ ldr x0, [x20, 4072]
+ .loc 2 836 0
+ udiv w21, w28, w19
+ .loc 2 835 0
+ ldr w1, [x0, w24, uxtw 2]
+ .loc 2 839 0
+ and w0, w27, 65535
+ .loc 2 836 0
+ msub w21, w21, w19, w28
+ .loc 2 837 0
+ sub w19, w19, w21
+ and w19, w19, 65535
+ .loc 2 839 0
+ cmp w27, w19
+ csel w19, w0, w19, cc
+ lsl w26, w19, 9
+ .loc 2 840 0
+ cbz w1, .L1213
+ .loc 2 842 0
+ ldr x0, [x20, 4000]
+ .loc 2 844 0
+ mov w2, 1
+ .loc 2 842 0
+ str x0, [x29, 104]
+ .loc 2 843 0
+ add x0, x29, 128
+ .loc 2 841 0
+ str w1, [x29, 100]
+ .loc 2 844 0
+ mov w1, w2
+ .loc 2 843 0
+ str x0, [x29, 112]
+ .loc 2 844 0
+ add x0, x29, 96
+ bl FlashReadPages
+ .loc 2 847 0
+ lsl w21, w21, 9
+ .loc 2 845 0
+ ldr w0, [x29, 96]
+ .loc 2 847 0
+ asr w21, w21, 2
+ ldr x1, [x20, 4000]
+ mov w2, w26
+ .loc 2 846 0
+ cmn w0, #1
+ .loc 2 847 0
+ mov x0, x23
+ .loc 2 846 0
+ csel w22, w22, w25, ne
+ .loc 2 847 0
+ add x1, x1, x21, sxtw 2
+ bl ftl_memcpy
+ .loc 2 851 0
+ add w24, w24, 1
+ .loc 2 852 0
+ sub w27, w27, w19
+ .loc 2 853 0
+ add w28, w28, w19
+ .loc 2 854 0
+ add x23, x23, x26, sxtw
+ b .L1211
+ .loc 2 849 0
+ mov w2, w26
+ mov w1, 0
+ mov x0, x23
+ bl ftl_memset
+ b .L1215
+ .loc 2 833 0
+ mov w22, -1
+ b .L1209
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlVendorPartRead, .-FtlVendorPartRead
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlLoadEctTbl
+ .type FtlLoadEctTbl, %function
+ .loc 2 1334 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -32]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32
+ .cfi_offset 29, -32
+ .cfi_offset 30, -24
+ .loc 2 1335 0
+ mov w0, 64
+ .loc 2 1334 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ str x19, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -16
+ .loc 2 1335 0
+ adrp x19, .LANCHOR0
+ add x19, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 4008]
+ ldr x2, [x19, 4024]
+ bl FtlVendorPartRead
+ .loc 2 1336 0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 4024]
+ ldr w1, [x0]
+ mov w0, 17221
+ movk w0, 0x4254, lsl 16
+ cmp w1, w0
+ beq .L1220
+ .loc 2 1338 0
+ adrp x1, .LC96
+ adrp x0, .LC71
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC96
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC71
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 1339 0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 4024]
+ mov w1, 0
+ ldrh w2, [x19, 4008]
+ lsl w2, w2, 9
+ bl ftl_memset
+ .loc 2 1344 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ ldr x19, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 32
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlLoadEctTbl, .-FtlLoadEctTbl
+ .align 2
+ .global Ftl_load_ext_data
+ .type Ftl_load_ext_data, %function
+ .loc 2 2130 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -48]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48
+ .cfi_offset 29, -48
+ .cfi_offset 30, -40
+ .loc 2 2131 0
+ mov w1, 1
+ mov w0, 0
+ .loc 2 2130 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -32
+ .cfi_offset 20, -24
+ .loc 2 2131 0
+ adrp x19, .LANCHOR0
+ add x20, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 2130 0
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ .cfi_offset 21, -16
+ .cfi_offset 22, -8
+ .loc 2 2131 0
+ add x22, x20, 2712
+ .loc 2 2132 0
+ mov w21, 19539
+ .loc 2 2131 0
+ mov x2, x22
+ bl FtlVendorPartRead
+ .loc 2 2132 0
+ ldr w0, [x20, 2712]
+ movk w21, 0x4654, lsl 16
+ cmp w0, w21
+ beq .L1223
+ .loc 2 2133 0
+ mov w2, 512
+ mov w1, 0
+ mov x0, x22
+ bl ftl_memset
+ .loc 2 2134 0
+ str w21, [x20, 2712]
+ .loc 2 2137 0
+ add x0, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ mov w2, 19539
+ movk w2, 0x4654, lsl 16
+ ldr w3, [x0, 2712]
+ cmp w3, w2
+ bne .L1224
+ .loc 2 2138 0
+ ldr w2, [x0, 2800]
+ str w2, [x0, 2548]
+ .loc 2 2139 0
+ ldr w2, [x0, 2804]
+ str w2, [x0, 2552]
+ .loc 2 2140 0
+ ldr w2, [x0, 2720]
+ str w2, [x0, 2544]
+ .loc 2 2141 0
+ ldr w2, [x0, 2724]
+ str w2, [x0, 2532]
+ .loc 2 2142 0
+ ldr w2, [x0, 2728]
+ str w2, [x0, 2524]
+ .loc 2 2143 0
+ ldr w2, [x0, 2732]
+ str w2, [x0, 2540]
+ .loc 2 2144 0
+ ldr w2, [x0, 2740]
+ str w2, [x0, 2568]
+ .loc 2 2145 0
+ ldr w2, [x0, 2744]
+ str w2, [x0, 2576]
+ .loc 2 2146 0
+ ldr w2, [x0, 2748]
+ str w2, [x0, 2528]
+ .loc 2 2147 0
+ ldr w2, [x0, 2752]
+ .loc 2 2149 0
+ ldr w1, [x0, 2760]
+ .loc 2 2147 0
+ str w2, [x0, 2536]
+ .loc 2 2148 0
+ ldr w2, [x0, 2756]
+ .loc 2 2149 0
+ str w1, [x0, 2584]
+ .loc 2 2148 0
+ str w2, [x0, 2580]
+ .loc 2 2152 0
+ add x0, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldr w2, [x0, 2568]
+ ldrh w1, [x0, 72]
+ ldr w3, [x0, 2564]
+ madd w1, w1, w3, w2
+ ldrh w2, [x0, 20]
+ udiv w1, w1, w2
+ str w1, [x0, 2572]
+ .loc 2 2153 0
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 48
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size Ftl_load_ext_data, .-Ftl_load_ext_data
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlVpcTblFlush
+ .type FtlVpcTblFlush, %function
+ .loc 2 1004 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -80]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 80
+ .cfi_offset 29, -80
+ .cfi_offset 30, -72
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -64
+ .cfi_offset 20, -56
+ .cfi_offset 21, -48
+ .cfi_offset 22, -40
+ .loc 2 1010 0
+ adrp x22, .LANCHOR0
+ add x19, x22, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 1004 0
+ stp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ stp x25, x26, [sp, 64]
+ .cfi_offset 23, -32
+ .cfi_offset 24, -24
+ .cfi_offset 25, -16
+ .cfi_offset 26, -8
+ .loc 2 1019 0
+ add x20, x19, 2592
+ .loc 2 1010 0
+ add x25, x19, 3360
+ .loc 2 1007 0
+ mov w23, 0
+ .loc 2 1011 0
+ ldr x21, [x19, 3392]
+ .loc 2 1005 0
+ mov w24, 65535
+ .loc 2 1010 0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 2288]
+ .loc 2 1013 0
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 2648]
+ .loc 2 1010 0
+ str x0, [x19, 3368]
+ .loc 2 1011 0
+ str x21, [x19, 3376]
+ .loc 2 1013 0
+ strh w1, [x21, 2]
+ .loc 2 1014 0
+ mov w1, -3932
+ strh w1, [x21]
+ .loc 2 1017 0
+ str wzr, [x21, 12]
+ .loc 2 1015 0
+ ldr w1, [x19, 2656]
+ .loc 2 1016 0
+ stp w1, wzr, [x21, 4]
+ .loc 2 1019 0
+ mov w1, 19539
+ movk w1, 0x4654, lsl 16
+ str w1, [x19, 2592]
+ .loc 2 1020 0
+ mov w1, 64
+ .loc 2 1025 0
+ ldrb w2, [x19, 2366]
+ .loc 2 1020 0
+ movk w1, 0x5000, lsl 16
+ str w1, [x19, 2596]
+ .loc 2 1024 0
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 2360]
+ strh w1, [x19, 2606]
+ .loc 2 1025 0
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 2362]
+ .loc 2 1021 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 2654]
+ strh w0, [x19, 2600]
+ .loc 2 1022 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 34]
+ .loc 2 1025 0
+ orr w1, w2, w1, lsl 6
+ .loc 2 1022 0
+ strb w0, [x19, 2602]
+ .loc 2 1025 0
+ strh w1, [x19, 2608]
+ .loc 2 1028 0
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 2408]
+ .loc 2 1029 0
+ ldrb w2, [x19, 2414]
+ .loc 2 1028 0
+ strh w1, [x19, 2610]
+ .loc 2 1029 0
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 2410]
+ .loc 2 1026 0
+ ldrb w0, [x19, 2368]
+ strb w0, [x19, 2603]
+ .loc 2 1029 0
+ orr w1, w2, w1, lsl 6
+ .loc 2 1030 0
+ ldrb w0, [x19, 2416]
+ .loc 2 1029 0
+ strh w1, [x19, 2612]
+ .loc 2 1030 0
+ strb w0, [x19, 2604]
+ .loc 2 1032 0
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 2456]
+ .loc 2 1034 0
+ ldrb w0, [x19, 2464]
+ .loc 2 1033 0
+ ldrb w2, [x19, 2462]
+ .loc 2 1032 0
+ strh w1, [x19, 2614]
+ .loc 2 1034 0
+ strb w0, [x19, 2605]
+ .loc 2 1033 0
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 2458]
+ .loc 2 1036 0
+ ldr w0, [x19, 2564]
+ str w0, [x19, 2624]
+ .loc 2 1041 0
+ ldr w0, [x19, 2556]
+ .loc 2 1033 0
+ orr w1, w2, w1, lsl 6
+ .loc 2 1041 0
+ str w0, [x19, 2632]
+ .loc 2 1042 0
+ ldr w0, [x19, 2560]
+ .loc 2 1047 0
+ ldrh w2, [x19, 90]
+ .loc 2 1042 0
+ str w0, [x19, 2628]
+ .loc 2 1047 0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 3368]
+ .loc 2 1033 0
+ strh w1, [x19, 2616]
+ .loc 2 1047 0
+ mov w1, 255
+ bl ftl_memset
+ .loc 2 1048 0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 3368]
+ mov x1, x20
+ mov w2, 48
+ .loc 2 1053 0
+ mov x20, x25
+ .loc 2 1075 0
+ adrp x25, .LANCHOR1
+ add x25, x25, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ add x25, x25, 536
+ .loc 2 1048 0
+ bl ftl_memcpy
+ .loc 2 1049 0
+ ldr x1, [x19, 2320]
+ ldrh w2, [x19, 20]
+ ldr x0, [x19, 3368]
+ lsl w2, w2, 1
+ add x0, x0, 48
+ bl ftl_memcpy
+ .loc 2 1050 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 20]
+ ldr x3, [x19, 3368]
+ ldr x1, [x22, #:lo12:.LANCHOR0]
+ lsr w2, w0, 3
+ ubfiz x0, x0, 1, 16
+ add x0, x0, 48
+ add w2, w2, 4
+ and x0, x0, -4
+ add x0, x3, x0
+ bl ftl_memcpy
+ .loc 2 1051 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ bl FtlUpdateVaildLpn
+ .loc 2 1053 0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 2288]
+ .loc 2 1056 0
+ mov w3, 1
+ .loc 2 1053 0
+ str x0, [x20, 8]
+ .loc 2 1056 0
+ mov w2, w3
+ .loc 2 1054 0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 3392]
+ .loc 2 1055 0
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 2650]
+ .loc 2 1054 0
+ str x0, [x20, 16]
+ .loc 2 1055 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 2648]
+ orr w0, w1, w0, lsl 10
+ .loc 2 1056 0
+ mov w1, w3
+ .loc 2 1055 0
+ str w0, [x20, 4]
+ .loc 2 1056 0
+ mov x0, x20
+ bl FlashProgPages
+ .loc 2 1057 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 84]
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 2650]
+ sub w0, w0, #1
+ cmp w1, w0
+ blt .L1228
+ .loc 2 1059 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 2648]
+ .loc 2 1058 0
+ ldrh w24, [x19, 2652]
+ .loc 2 1060 0
+ strh wzr, [x19, 2650]
+ .loc 2 1059 0
+ strh w0, [x19, 2652]
+ .loc 2 1061 0
+ bl FtlFreeSysBlkQueueOut
+ strh w0, [x19, 2648]
+ .loc 2 1066 0
+ ldr w1, [x19, 2556]
+ .loc 2 1070 0
+ mov w3, 1
+ .loc 2 1066 0
+ str w1, [x19, 2656]
+ add w2, w1, 1
+ str w2, [x19, 2556]
+ .loc 2 1067 0
+ ubfiz w2, w0, 10, 16
+ str w2, [x20, 4]
+ .loc 2 1069 0
+ strh w0, [x21, 2]
+ .loc 2 1070 0
+ mov w2, w3
+ .loc 2 1068 0
+ str w1, [x21, 4]
+ .loc 2 1070 0
+ mov x0, x20
+ mov w1, w3
+ bl FlashProgPages
+ .loc 2 1072 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 2650]
+ .loc 2 1073 0
+ ldr w1, [x20]
+ .loc 2 1072 0
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ and w0, w0, 65535
+ strh w0, [x19, 2650]
+ .loc 2 1073 0
+ cmn w1, #1
+ bne .L1229
+ .loc 2 1075 0
+ cmp w0, 1
+ bne .L1230
+ .loc 2 1075 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 1075
+ mov x1, x25
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 1076 0 is_stmt 1
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 2650]
+ cmp w0, 1
+ bne .L1231
+ .loc 2 1077 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 84]
+ sub w0, w0, #1
+ strh w0, [x19, 2650]
+ .loc 2 1078 0
+ add w23, w23, 1
+ and w23, w23, 65535
+ .loc 2 1079 0
+ cmp w23, 3
+ bls .L1227
+ .loc 2 1080 0
+ add x22, x22, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ adrp x0, .LC97
+ mov w2, w23
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC97
+ ldr w1, [x22, 3364]
+ bl printk
+ b .L1233
+ .loc 2 1086 0
+ cmp w0, 1
+ beq .L1227
+ .loc 2 1089 0
+ mov w0, 65535
+ cmp w24, w0
+ beq .L1234
+ .loc 2 1090 0
+ mov w1, 1
+ mov w0, w24
+ bl FtlFreeSysBlkQueueIn
+ .loc 2 1092 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ ldp x25, x26, [sp, 64]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 80
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 25
+ .cfi_restore 26
+ .cfi_restore 23
+ .cfi_restore 24
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlVpcTblFlush, .-FtlVpcTblFlush
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlVpcCheckAndModify
+ .type FtlVpcCheckAndModify, %function
+ .loc 2 2192 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -80]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 80
+ .cfi_offset 29, -80
+ .cfi_offset 30, -72
+ .loc 2 2197 0
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR1
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ adrp x0, .LC87
+ .loc 2 2192 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -64
+ .cfi_offset 20, -56
+ .loc 2 2198 0
+ adrp x20, .LANCHOR0
+ add x19, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 2192 0
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ .loc 2 2197 0
+ add x1, x1, 552
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC87
+ .loc 2 2192 0
+ str x23, [sp, 48]
+ .cfi_offset 21, -48
+ .cfi_offset 22, -40
+ .cfi_offset 23, -32
+ .loc 2 2197 0
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 2198 0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 4032]
+ .loc 2 2199 0
+ mov w21, 0
+ .loc 2 2198 0
+ ldrh w2, [x19, 22]
+ mov w1, 0
+ lsl w2, w2, 1
+ bl ftl_memset
+ .loc 2 2199 0 discriminator 1
+ ldr w0, [x19, 2520]
+ cmp w21, w0
+ bcc .L1242
+ .loc 2 2209 0 discriminator 1
+ adrp x22, .LC98
+ .loc 2 2206 0 discriminator 1
+ add x20, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 2209 0 discriminator 1
+ add x22, x22, :lo12:.LC98
+ mov w19, 0
+ .loc 2 2207 0 discriminator 1
+ mov w23, 65535
+ .loc 2 2206 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w0, [x20, 20]
+ cmp w0, w19
+ bhi .L1247
+ .loc 2 2218 0
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldr x23, [sp, 48]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 80
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 23
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 2 2200 0
+ mov w2, 0
+ add x1, x29, 76
+ mov w0, w21
+ bl log2phys
+ .loc 2 2201 0
+ ldr w0, [x29, 76]
+ cmn w0, #1
+ beq .L1241
+ .loc 2 2202 0
+ lsr w0, w0, 10
+ bl P2V_block_in_plane
+ .loc 2 2203 0
+ ldr x2, [x19, 4032]
+ ubfiz x0, x0, 1, 16
+ ldrh w1, [x2, x0]
+ add w1, w1, 1
+ strh w1, [x2, x0]
+ .loc 2 2199 0 discriminator 2
+ add w21, w21, 1
+ b .L1240
+ .loc 2 2207 0
+ ldr x0, [x20, 2320]
+ ubfiz x21, x19, 1, 16
+ ldrh w2, [x0, x21]
+ ldr x0, [x20, 4032]
+ ldrh w3, [x0, x21]
+ cmp w2, w3
+ beq .L1245
+ .loc 2 2207 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp w2, w23
+ beq .L1245
+ .loc 2 2209 0 is_stmt 1
+ mov w1, w19
+ mov x0, x22
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 2210 0
+ ldrh w0, [x20, 2360]
+ cmp w0, w19
+ beq .L1245
+ .loc 2 2210 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w0, [x20, 2456]
+ cmp w0, w19
+ beq .L1245
+ .loc 2 2210 0 discriminator 2
+ ldrh w0, [x20, 2408]
+ cmp w0, w19
+ beq .L1245
+ .loc 2 2211 0 is_stmt 1
+ ldr x0, [x20, 4032]
+ ldrh w1, [x0, x21]
+ ldr x0, [x20, 2320]
+ strh w1, [x0, x21]
+ .loc 2 2212 0
+ mov w0, w19
+ bl update_vpc_list
+ .loc 2 2213 0
+ bl l2p_flush
+ .loc 2 2214 0
+ bl FtlVpcTblFlush
+ .loc 2 2206 0 discriminator 2
+ add w19, w19, 1
+ and w19, w19, 65535
+ b .L1243
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlVpcCheckAndModify, .-FtlVpcCheckAndModify
+ .align 2
+ .global allocate_new_data_superblock
+ .type allocate_new_data_superblock, %function
+ .loc 2 2631 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -48]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48
+ .cfi_offset 29, -48
+ .cfi_offset 30, -40
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -32
+ .cfi_offset 20, -24
+ .loc 2 2633 0
+ adrp x19, .LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 2631 0
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ .cfi_offset 21, -16
+ .cfi_offset 22, -8
+ .loc 2 2631 0
+ mov x22, x0
+ .loc 2 2632 0
+ ldrh w21, [x0]
+ .loc 2 2633 0
+ add x0, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrh w0, [x0, 20]
+ cmp w0, w21
+ bcs .L1253
+ .loc 2 2633 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR1
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 2633
+ add x1, x1, 576
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 2635 0 is_stmt 1
+ mov w0, 65535
+ cmp w21, w0
+ beq .L1254
+ .loc 2 2636 0
+ add x1, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ubfiz x0, x21, 1, 16
+ ldr x1, [x1, 2320]
+ ldrh w0, [x1, x0]
+ cbz w0, .L1255
+ .loc 2 2637 0
+ mov w0, w21
+ .loc 2 2641 0
+ mov w0, 1
+ .loc 2 2642 0
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR3
+ .loc 2 2641 0
+ strb w0, [x22, 8]
+ .loc 2 2642 0
+ add x0, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ mov w2, 65535
+ mov x20, x1
+ ldrh w0, [x0, -96]
+ cmp w0, w2
+ beq .L1256
+ .loc 2 2643 0
+ cmp w21, w0
+ bne .L1257
+ .loc 2 2643 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ add x19, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ubfiz x1, x0, 1, 16
+ ldr x2, [x19, 2320]
+ ldrh w1, [x2, x1]
+ cbz w1, .L1258
+ .loc 2 2644 0 is_stmt 1
+ bl update_vpc_list
+ .loc 2 2645 0
+ add x1, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ mov w0, -1
+ strh w0, [x1, -96]
+ .loc 2 2647 0
+ mov x0, x22
+ bl allocate_data_superblock
+ .loc 2 2648 0
+ bl l2p_flush
+ .loc 2 2649 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ bl FtlEctTblFlush
+ .loc 2 2650 0
+ bl FtlVpcTblFlush
+ .loc 2 2652 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 48
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 2 2639 0
+ mov w0, w21
+ b .L1254
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size allocate_new_data_superblock, .-allocate_new_data_superblock
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlProgPages
+ .type FtlProgPages, %function
+ .loc 3 902 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -96]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 96
+ .cfi_offset 29, -96
+ .cfi_offset 30, -88
+ .loc 3 909 0
+ mov w2, 0
+ .loc 3 902 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -80
+ .cfi_offset 20, -72
+ mov x19, x3
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ .cfi_offset 21, -64
+ .cfi_offset 22, -56
+ mov w21, w1
+ stp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ ubfiz x21, x21, 5, 32
+ str x25, [sp, 64]
+ .cfi_offset 23, -48
+ .cfi_offset 24, -40
+ .cfi_offset 25, -32
+ add x21, x21, 4
+ add x24, x0, x21
+ adrp x22, .LANCHOR0
+ .loc 3 909 0
+ ldrb w3, [x3, 9]
+ .loc 3 931 0
+ adrp x25, .LANCHOR1
+ .loc 3 915 0
+ add x21, x22, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 3 931 0
+ add x25, x25, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ add x20, x0, 4
+ .loc 3 909 0
+ bl FlashProgPages
+ .loc 3 911 0 discriminator 1
+ cmp x20, x24
+ beq .L1271
+ sub x23, x20, #4
+ b .L1272
+ .loc 3 913 0
+ ldr w0, [x20]
+ lsr w0, w0, 10
+ bl P2V_block_in_plane
+ .loc 3 914 0
+ ldrh w1, [x19]
+ cmp w1, w0, uxth
+ bne .L1265
+ .loc 3 915 0
+ ldr x2, [x21, 2320]
+ ubfiz x1, x1, 1, 16
+ ldrh w3, [x19, 4]
+ ldrh w0, [x2, x1]
+ sub w0, w0, w3
+ strh w0, [x2, x1]
+ .loc 3 917 0
+ strb wzr, [x19, 6]
+ .loc 3 916 0
+ ldrh w0, [x21, 82]
+ strh w0, [x19, 2]
+ .loc 3 918 0
+ strh wzr, [x19, 4]
+ .loc 3 920 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 4]
+ cbnz w0, .L1266
+ .loc 3 921 0
+ mov x0, x19
+ bl allocate_new_data_superblock
+ .loc 3 924 0
+ ldr w0, [x21, 2808]
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ str w0, [x21, 2808]
+ .loc 3 925 0
+ ldr w0, [x20]
+ lsr w0, w0, 10
+ bl FtlGcMarkBadPhyBlk
+ .loc 3 926 0
+ mov x0, x19
+ bl get_new_active_ppa
+ .loc 3 927 0
+ str w0, [x20]
+ .loc 3 928 0
+ mov w2, 0
+ .loc 3 926 0
+ str w0, [x29, 92]
+ .loc 3 928 0
+ mov w1, 1
+ ldrb w3, [x19, 9]
+ mov x0, x23
+ bl FlashProgPages
+ .loc 3 912 0
+ ldr w0, [x20, -4]
+ cmn w0, #1
+ beq .L1267
+ .loc 3 931 0
+ ldrb w1, [x19, 6]
+ ldrh w0, [x21, 12]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bcc .L1268
+ .loc 3 931 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 931
+ add x1, x25, 608
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 3 932 0 is_stmt 1
+ add x1, x29, 96
+ ldr w0, [x23, 4]
+ .loc 3 933 0
+ mov w2, 1
+ .loc 3 932 0
+ str w0, [x1, -4]!
+ .loc 3 933 0
+ ldr w0, [x23, 24]
+ bl log2phys
+ .loc 3 935 0
+ ldr x0, [x23, 16]
+ ldr w4, [x0, 12]
+ .loc 3 937 0
+ lsr w0, w4, 10
+ bl P2V_block_in_plane
+ and w1, w0, 65535
+ mov w23, w1
+ .loc 3 938 0
+ cmn w4, #1
+ beq .L1269
+ .loc 3 940 0
+ ldr x2, [x21, 2320]
+ ubfiz x0, x1, 1, 16
+ ldrh w0, [x2, x0]
+ cbnz w0, .L1270
+ .loc 3 941 0
+ adrp x0, .LC99
+ mov w2, 0
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC99
+ bl printk
+ .loc 3 942 0
+ mov w0, w23
+ bl decrement_vpc_count
+ add x20, x20, 32
+ b .L1264
+ .loc 3 946 0
+ add x22, x22, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrb w1, [x19, 6]
+ ldrh w0, [x22, 12]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bcc .L1263
+ .loc 3 946 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR1
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 946
+ add x1, x1, 608
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 3 947 0 is_stmt 1
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ ldr x25, [sp, 64]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 96
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 25
+ .cfi_restore 23
+ .cfi_restore 24
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlProgPages, .-FtlProgPages
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlCacheWriteBack
+ .type FtlCacheWriteBack, %function
+ .loc 3 950 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -32]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32
+ .cfi_offset 29, -32
+ .cfi_offset 30, -24
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ str x19, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -16
+ .loc 3 951 0
+ adrp x19, .LANCHOR3
+ add x19, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ ldr x0, [x19, -104]
+ cbz x0, .L1279
+ .loc 3 952 0
+ ldr x3, [x19, 64]
+ mov w2, 0
+ mov w1, 1
+ bl FtlProgPages
+ .loc 3 953 0
+ str xzr, [x19, -104]
+ .loc 3 956 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ ldr x19, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 32
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlCacheWriteBack, .-FtlCacheWriteBack
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlSysFlush
+ .type FtlSysFlush, %function
+ .loc 3 797 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
+ .cfi_offset 29, -16
+ .cfi_offset 30, -8
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ .loc 3 798 0
+ bl FtlCacheWriteBack
+ .loc 3 799 0
+ bl l2p_flush
+ .loc 3 800 0
+ mov w0, 1
+ bl FtlEctTblFlush
+ .loc 3 801 0
+ bl FtlVpcTblFlush
+ .loc 3 803 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 16
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlSysFlush, .-FtlSysFlush
+ .align 2
+ .global sftl_deinit
+ .type sftl_deinit, %function
+ .loc 3 806 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ .loc 3 807 0
+ adrp x0, .LANCHOR2
+ ldr w0, [x0, #:lo12:.LANCHOR2]
+ cmp w0, 1
+ bne .L1289
+ .loc 3 806 0
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
+ .cfi_offset 29, -16
+ .cfi_offset 30, -8
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ .loc 3 808 0
+ bl FtlSysFlush
+ .loc 3 810 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 16
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ mov w0, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size sftl_deinit, .-sftl_deinit
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlDiscard
+ .type FtlDiscard, %function
+ .loc 3 1154 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -64]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64
+ .cfi_offset 29, -64
+ .cfi_offset 30, -56
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -48
+ .cfi_offset 20, -40
+ .loc 3 1161 0
+ adrp x20, .LANCHOR0
+ .loc 3 1154 0
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ .cfi_offset 21, -32
+ .cfi_offset 22, -24
+ .loc 3 1161 0
+ add x22, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 3 1154 0
+ mov w21, w0
+ mov w19, w1
+ .loc 3 1161 0
+ add w1, w0, w1
+ ldr w0, [x22, 120]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bhi .L1300
+ .loc 3 1164 0
+ cmp w19, 31
+ bhi .L1294
+ .loc 3 1197 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ .loc 3 1198 0
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 64
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 3 1167 0
+ bl FtlCacheWriteBack
+ .loc 3 1169 0
+ ldrh w1, [x22, 38]
+ udiv w22, w21, w1
+ .loc 3 1170 0
+ msub w21, w1, w22, w21
+ .loc 3 1171 0
+ ands w21, w21, 65535
+ beq .L1295
+ .loc 3 1172 0
+ sub w1, w1, w21
+ .loc 3 1173 0
+ add w22, w22, 1
+ .loc 3 1172 0
+ cmp w1, w19
+ csel w1, w1, w19, ls
+ .loc 3 1174 0
+ sub w19, w19, w1, uxth
+ .loc 3 1181 0
+ adrp x21, .LANCHOR3
+ .loc 3 1178 0
+ add x20, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 3 1181 0
+ add x21, x21, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ .loc 3 1177 0
+ mov w0, -1
+ str w0, [x29, 60]
+ .loc 3 1178 0
+ ldrh w0, [x20, 38]
+ cmp w19, w0
+ bcs .L1298
+ .loc 3 1191 0
+ adrp x0, .LANCHOR3
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ ldr w1, [x0, 72]
+ cmp w1, 32
+ bls .L1308
+ .loc 3 1193 0
+ str wzr, [x0, 72]
+ .loc 3 1194 0
+ bl l2p_flush
+ .loc 3 1195 0
+ bl FtlVpcTblFlush
+ b .L1308
+ .loc 3 1179 0
+ mov w2, 0
+ add x1, x29, 56
+ mov w0, w22
+ bl log2phys
+ .loc 3 1180 0
+ ldr w0, [x29, 56]
+ cmn w0, #1
+ beq .L1297
+ .loc 3 1181 0
+ ldr w0, [x21, 72]
+ .loc 3 1183 0
+ mov w2, 1
+ add x1, x29, 60
+ .loc 3 1181 0
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ str w0, [x21, 72]
+ .loc 3 1182 0
+ ldr w0, [x20, 2528]
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ str w0, [x20, 2528]
+ .loc 3 1183 0
+ mov w0, w22
+ bl log2phys
+ .loc 3 1184 0
+ ldr w0, [x29, 56]
+ lsr w0, w0, 10
+ bl P2V_block_in_plane
+ .loc 3 1185 0
+ bl decrement_vpc_count
+ .loc 3 1188 0
+ ldrh w0, [x20, 38]
+ .loc 3 1187 0
+ add w22, w22, 1
+ .loc 3 1188 0
+ sub w19, w19, w0
+ b .L1296
+ .loc 3 1162 0
+ mov w0, -1
+ b .L1292
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlDiscard, .-FtlDiscard
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlGcFreeTempBlock
+ .type FtlGcFreeTempBlock, %function
+ .loc 5 112 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -96]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 96
+ .cfi_offset 29, -96
+ .cfi_offset 30, -88
+ .loc 5 119 0
+ mov w3, 65535
+ .loc 5 112 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -80
+ .cfi_offset 20, -72
+ .loc 5 115 0
+ adrp x19, .LANCHOR0
+ add x2, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 5 112 0
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ stp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ stp x25, x26, [sp, 64]
+ .cfi_offset 21, -64
+ .cfi_offset 22, -56
+ .cfi_offset 23, -48
+ .cfi_offset 24, -40
+ .cfi_offset 25, -32
+ .cfi_offset 26, -24
+ .loc 5 119 0
+ ldrh w20, [x2, 2456]
+ .loc 5 115 0
+ ldrh w1, [x2, 82]
+ .loc 5 119 0
+ cmp w20, w3
+ bne .L1310
+ .loc 5 153 0
+ add x20, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 5 152 0
+ adrp x0, .LANCHOR3-88
+ .loc 5 153 0
+ add x21, x20, 2456
+ .loc 5 152 0
+ str wzr, [x0, #:lo12:.LANCHOR3-88]
+ .loc 5 153 0
+ mov w0, 65535
+ ldrh w1, [x20, 2456]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bne .L1333
+ .loc 5 198 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ .loc 5 199 0
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ ldp x25, x26, [sp, 64]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 96
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 25
+ .cfi_restore 26
+ .cfi_restore 23
+ .cfi_restore 24
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 5 121 0
+ cbz w0, .L1313
+ .loc 5 123 0
+ adrp x0, .LANCHOR2
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LANCHOR2
+ ldrh w4, [x0, 4]
+ cmp w4, w3
+ beq .L1314
+ .loc 5 122 0
+ mov w1, 2
+ .loc 5 131 0
+ add x21, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ add x0, x21, 2456
+ bl FtlGcScanTempBlk
+ str w0, [x29, 92]
+ .loc 5 132 0
+ cmn w0, #1
+ beq .L1316
+ .loc 5 135 0
+ ldr x1, [x21, 2296]
+ ubfiz x20, x20, 1, 16
+ ldrh w0, [x1, x20]
+ cmp w0, 4
+ bls .L1317
+ .loc 5 136 0
+ sub w0, w0, #5
+ strh w0, [x1, x20]
+ .loc 5 137 0
+ mov w0, 1
+ bl FtlEctTblFlush
+ .loc 5 139 0
+ adrp x0, .LANCHOR3
+ add x1, x0, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ mov x20, x0
+ ldr w1, [x1, -88]
+ cbnz w1, .L1318
+ .loc 5 140 0
+ add x19, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldr w0, [x19, 2808]
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ str w0, [x19, 2808]
+ .loc 5 141 0
+ ldr w0, [x29, 92]
+ lsr w0, w0, 10
+ bl FtlBbmMapBadBlock
+ .loc 5 142 0
+ bl FtlBbmTblFlush
+ .loc 5 144 0
+ add x0, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ str wzr, [x0, -88]
+ .loc 5 149 0
+ mov w0, 1
+ b .L1309
+ .loc 5 124 0
+ strh wzr, [x0, 4]
+ .loc 5 125 0
+ ldrh w0, [x2, 2352]
+ cmp w0, 17
+ bhi .L1315
+ b .L1313
+ .loc 5 148 0
+ adrp x0, .LANCHOR2+4
+ ldrh w1, [x0, #:lo12:.LANCHOR2+4]
+ mov w0, 65535
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bne .L1329
+ b .L1320
+ .loc 5 160 0
+ bl FtlCacheWriteBack
+ .loc 5 162 0
+ ldrb w0, [x21, 7]
+ ldrh w2, [x20, 82]
+ ldrh w1, [x20, 3296]
+ mul w0, w0, w2
+ cmp w1, w0
+ beq .L1321
+ .loc 5 162 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR1
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 162
+ add x1, x1, 624
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 5 163 0 is_stmt 1
+ add x0, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 5 168 0
+ adrp x22, .LANCHOR1
+ add x22, x22, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ adrp x25, .LC1
+ add x22, x22, 624
+ add x25, x25, :lo12:.LC1
+ .loc 5 163 0
+ ldrb w1, [x0, 2463]
+ .loc 5 165 0
+ mov w20, 0
+ .loc 5 163 0
+ ldrh w4, [x0, 82]
+ ldr x2, [x0, 2320]
+ ldrh w3, [x0, 2456]
+ mul w1, w1, w4
+ strh w1, [x2, x3, lsl 1]
+ .loc 5 164 0
+ ldr w2, [x0, 2544]
+ ldrh w1, [x0, 3296]
+ add w1, w1, w2
+ str w1, [x0, 2544]
+ .loc 5 165 0 discriminator 1
+ add x21, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrh w0, [x21, 3296]
+ cmp w0, w20
+ bhi .L1326
+ .loc 5 181 0
+ mov w0, -1
+ bl decrement_vpc_count
+ .loc 5 182 0
+ ldrh w0, [x21, 2456]
+ ldr x2, [x21, 2320]
+ ubfiz x1, x0, 1, 16
+ ldrh w1, [x2, x1]
+ cbz w1, .L1327
+ .loc 5 183 0
+ .loc 5 186 0
+ add x19, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ mov w20, -1
+ .loc 5 187 0
+ strh wzr, [x19, 3296]
+ .loc 5 186 0
+ strh w20, [x19, 2456]
+ .loc 5 188 0
+ strh wzr, [x19, 3284]
+ .loc 5 189 0
+ bl l2p_flush
+ .loc 5 190 0
+ bl FtlVpcTblFlush
+ .loc 5 191 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 2640]
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 2352]
+ add w0, w0, w0, lsl 1
+ cmp w1, w0, lsr 2
+ ble .L1336
+ .loc 5 193 0
+ mov w0, 20
+ .loc 5 192 0
+ strh w20, [x19, 2664]
+ .loc 5 193 0
+ strh w0, [x19, 3224]
+ b .L1336
+ .loc 5 166 0
+ mov w24, 12
+ ldr x26, [x21, 3304]
+ .loc 5 168 0
+ ldr w0, [x21, 2520]
+ .loc 5 166 0
+ umull x24, w20, w24
+ add x23, x26, x24
+ .loc 5 168 0
+ ldr w1, [x23, 8]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bcc .L1323
+ .loc 5 168 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ mov w2, 168
+ mov x1, x22
+ mov x0, x25
+ bl printk
+ .loc 5 169 0 is_stmt 1
+ ldr w0, [x23, 8]
+ add x1, x29, 92
+ mov w2, 0
+ bl log2phys
+ .loc 5 170 0
+ ldr w0, [x26, x24]
+ ldr w1, [x29, 92]
+ cmp w0, w1
+ bne .L1324
+ .loc 5 171 0
+ lsr w0, w0, 10
+ bl P2V_block_in_plane
+ mov w21, w0
+ .loc 5 172 0
+ ldr w0, [x23, 8]
+ mov w2, 1
+ add x1, x23, 4
+ bl log2phys
+ .loc 5 173 0
+ mov w0, w21
+ .loc 5 177 0
+ bl decrement_vpc_count
+ .loc 5 165 0 discriminator 2
+ add w20, w20, 1
+ and w20, w20, 65535
+ b .L1322
+ .loc 5 175 0
+ ldr w0, [x23, 4]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ beq .L1325
+ .loc 5 177 0
+ add x0, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrh w0, [x0, 2456]
+ b .L1335
+ .loc 5 185 0
+ b .L1328
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlGcFreeTempBlock, .-FtlGcFreeTempBlock
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlGcPageRecovery
+ .type FtlGcPageRecovery, %function
+ .loc 5 289 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -32]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32
+ .cfi_offset 29, -32
+ .cfi_offset 30, -24
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -16
+ .cfi_offset 20, -8
+ .loc 5 290 0
+ adrp x19, .LANCHOR0
+ add x19, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ add x20, x19, 2456
+ mov x0, x20
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 82]
+ bl FtlGcScanTempBlk
+ .loc 5 291 0
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 2458]
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 82]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bcc .L1337
+ .loc 5 293 0
+ adrp x19, .LANCHOR3
+ add x19, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ sub x0, x19, #240
+ bl FtlMapBlkWriteDump_data
+ .loc 5 294 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ bl FtlGcFreeTempBlock
+ .loc 5 295 0
+ str wzr, [x19, -88]
+ .loc 5 297 0
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 32
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlGcPageRecovery, .-FtlGcPageRecovery
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlPowerLostRecovery
+ .type FtlPowerLostRecovery, %function
+ .loc 2 2032 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -32]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32
+ .cfi_offset 29, -32
+ .cfi_offset 30, -24
+ .loc 2 2033 0
+ adrp x0, .LANCHOR3-76
+ .loc 2 2032 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -16
+ .cfi_offset 20, -8
+ .loc 2 2035 0
+ adrp x19, .LANCHOR0
+ add x19, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 2033 0
+ str wzr, [x0, #:lo12:.LANCHOR3-76]
+ .loc 2 2035 0
+ add x20, x19, 2360
+ .loc 2 2037 0
+ add x19, x19, 2408
+ .loc 2 2035 0
+ mov x0, x20
+ bl FtlRecoverySuperblock
+ .loc 2 2036 0
+ mov x0, x20
+ bl FtlSlcSuperblockCheck
+ .loc 2 2037 0
+ mov x0, x19
+ bl FtlRecoverySuperblock
+ .loc 2 2038 0
+ mov x0, x19
+ bl FtlSlcSuperblockCheck
+ .loc 2 2039 0
+ bl FtlGcPageRecovery
+ .loc 2 2040 0
+ mov w0, -1
+ bl decrement_vpc_count
+ .loc 2 2042 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 32
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlPowerLostRecovery, .-FtlPowerLostRecovery
+ .align 2
+ .global Ftl_gc_temp_data_write_back
+ .type Ftl_gc_temp_data_write_back, %function
+ .loc 5 316 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -32]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32
+ .cfi_offset 29, -32
+ .cfi_offset 30, -24
+ .loc 5 320 0
+ adrp x11, .LANCHOR0
+ mov w3, 0
+ mov w2, 0
+ .loc 5 316 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ str x19, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -16
+ .loc 5 320 0
+ add x19, x11, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldr w1, [x19, 3240]
+ ldr x0, [x19, 3976]
+ bl FlashProgPages
+ .loc 5 321 0
+ mov w10, 0
+ .loc 5 321 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldr w1, [x19, 3240]
+ cmp w10, w1
+ bcc .L1346
+ .loc 5 335 0 is_stmt 1
+ ldr x0, [x19, 3976]
+ bl FtlGcBufFree
+ .loc 5 336 0
+ str wzr, [x19, 3240]
+ .loc 5 337 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 2460]
+ cbnz w0, .L1347
+ .loc 5 338 0
+ mov w0, 1
+ bl FtlGcFreeTempBlock
+ b .L1349
+ .loc 5 322 0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 3976]
+ ubfiz x1, x10, 5, 16
+ add x3, x0, x1
+ ldr w0, [x0, x1]
+ cmn w0, #1
+ bne .L1344
+ .loc 5 323 0
+ ldrh w3, [x19, 2456]
+ ldr x2, [x19, 2320]
+ strh wzr, [x2, x3, lsl 1]
+ .loc 5 324 0
+ strh w0, [x19, 2456]
+ .loc 5 325 0
+ ldr w0, [x19, 2808]
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ str w0, [x19, 2808]
+ .loc 5 326 0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 3976]
+ add x0, x0, x1
+ ldr w0, [x0, 4]
+ lsr w0, w0, 10
+ bl FtlBbmMapBadBlock
+ .loc 5 327 0
+ bl FtlBbmTblFlush
+ .loc 5 328 0
+ bl FtlGcPageVarInit
+ .loc 5 339 0
+ mov w0, 1
+ .loc 5 342 0
+ ldr x19, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 32
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 5 331 0 discriminator 2
+ ldr x0, [x3, 16]
+ .loc 5 332 0 discriminator 2
+ ldr w1, [x3, 4]
+ ldp w2, w0, [x0, 8]
+ bl FtlGcUpdatePage
+ .loc 5 321 0 discriminator 2
+ add w10, w10, 1
+ and w10, w10, 65535
+ b .L1343
+ .loc 5 341 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ b .L1342
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size Ftl_gc_temp_data_write_back, .-Ftl_gc_temp_data_write_back
+ .align 2
+ .global Ftl_get_new_temp_ppa
+ .type Ftl_get_new_temp_ppa, %function
+ .loc 5 300 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -32]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32
+ .cfi_offset 29, -32
+ .cfi_offset 30, -24
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -16
+ .cfi_offset 20, -8
+ .loc 5 301 0
+ adrp x19, .LANCHOR0
+ add x0, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ add x1, x0, 2456
+ ldrh w2, [x0, 2456]
+ mov w0, 65535
+ cmp w2, w0
+ beq .L1351
+ .loc 5 301 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w0, [x1, 4]
+ cbnz w0, .L1352
+ .loc 5 302 0 is_stmt 1
+ bl FtlCacheWriteBack
+ .loc 5 304 0
+ add x20, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 5 303 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ bl FtlGcFreeTempBlock
+ .loc 5 304 0
+ add x0, x20, 2456
+ strb wzr, [x0, 8]
+ .loc 5 305 0
+ bl allocate_data_superblock
+ .loc 5 306 0
+ strh wzr, [x20, 3284]
+ .loc 5 307 0
+ strh wzr, [x20, 3296]
+ .loc 5 308 0
+ bl l2p_flush
+ .loc 5 309 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ bl FtlEctTblFlush
+ .loc 5 310 0
+ bl FtlVpcTblFlush
+ .loc 5 312 0
+ add x0, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ add x0, x0, 2456
+ bl get_new_active_ppa
+ .loc 5 313 0
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 32
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size Ftl_get_new_temp_ppa, .-Ftl_get_new_temp_ppa
+ .align 2
+ .global rk_ftl_garbage_collect
+ .type rk_ftl_garbage_collect, %function
+ .loc 5 470 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -128]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 128
+ .cfi_offset 29, -128
+ .cfi_offset 30, -120
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -112
+ .cfi_offset 20, -104
+ .loc 5 478 0
+ adrp x19, .LANCHOR0
+ add x1, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 5 470 0
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ stp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ stp x25, x26, [sp, 64]
+ stp x27, x28, [sp, 80]
+ .cfi_offset 21, -96
+ .cfi_offset 22, -88
+ .cfi_offset 23, -80
+ .cfi_offset 24, -72
+ .cfi_offset 25, -64
+ .cfi_offset 26, -56
+ .cfi_offset 27, -48
+ .cfi_offset 28, -40
+ .loc 5 478 0
+ ldr w2, [x1, 3952]
+ cbnz w2, .L1426
+ .loc 5 481 0
+ ldrh w2, [x1, 2336]
+ cmp w2, 47
+ bls .L1426
+ mov w23, w0
+ .loc 5 485 0
+ adrp x0, .LANCHOR2+4
+ ldrh w2, [x0, #:lo12:.LANCHOR2+4]
+ mov w0, 65535
+ cmp w2, w0
+ bne .L1356
+ .loc 5 489 0
+ add x0, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ mov w2, 65535
+ ldrh w1, [x0, 3314]
+ cmp w1, w2
+ bne .L1357
+ .loc 5 496 0
+ add x21, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 5 497 0
+ mov w20, 65535
+ .loc 5 496 0
+ ldr w1, [x21, 3228]
+ .loc 5 497 0
+ ldrh w0, [x21, 2664]
+ .loc 5 496 0
+ add w1, w1, 1
+ add w1, w1, w23, lsl 7
+ str w1, [x21, 3228]
+ .loc 5 497 0
+ cmp w0, w20
+ bne .L1360
+ ldrh w20, [x21, 2456]
+ cmp w20, w0
+ bne .L1429
+ ldrh w22, [x21, 3312]
+ cmp w22, w20
+ bne .L1360
+ .loc 5 498 0
+ ldrh w0, [x21, 2352]
+ mov w2, 1024
+ cmp w0, 24
+ mov w0, 5120
+ csel w0, w0, w2, cc
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bls .L1432
+ .loc 5 502 0
+ adrp x0, .LANCHOR3+76
+ .loc 5 501 0
+ str wzr, [x21, 3228]
+ .loc 5 502 0
+ strh wzr, [x0, #:lo12:.LANCHOR3+76]
+ .loc 5 503 0
+ bl GetSwlReplaceBlock
+ and w20, w0, 65535
+ .loc 5 504 0
+ cmp w20, w22
+ bne .L1433
+ .loc 5 505 0
+ ldrh w1, [x21, 2352]
+ ldrh w0, [x21, 3226]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bcs .L1363
+ .loc 5 506 0
+ mov w0, 64
+ bl List_get_gc_head_node
+ and w0, w0, 65535
+ .loc 5 507 0
+ cmp w0, w20
+ beq .L1365
+ .loc 5 508 0
+ ldr x1, [x21, 2320]
+ ubfiz x0, x0, 1, 16
+ ldrh w0, [x1, x0]
+ cmp w0, 7
+ bhi .L1366
+ .loc 5 509 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ bl List_get_gc_head_node
+ and w22, w0, 65535
+ .loc 5 510 0
+ mov w0, 128
+ strh w0, [x21, 3226]
+ .loc 5 520 0
+ cmp w22, w20
+ beq .L1365
+ .loc 5 521 0
+ add x0, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ubfiz x1, x22, 1, 32
+ mov w20, w22
+ ldr x3, [x0, 2296]
+ ldr x2, [x0, 2320]
+ ldrh w5, [x0, 3224]
+ ldrh w4, [x3, x1]
+ ldrh w3, [x2, x1]
+ mov w1, w22
+ ldrh w2, [x0, 2352]
+ adrp x0, .LC100
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC100
+ bl printk
+ b .L1365
+ .loc 5 485 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w1, [x1, 2456]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ beq .L1359
+ .loc 5 486 0
+ mov w0, 1
+ bl FtlGcFreeTempBlock
+ cbz w0, .L1359
+ .loc 5 487 0
+ mov w0, 1
+ b .L1354
+ .loc 5 489 0
+ ldrh w3, [x0, 3312]
+ cmp w3, w2
+ bne .L1358
+ .loc 5 490 0
+ strh w1, [x0, 3312]
+ .loc 5 491 0
+ mov w1, -1
+ strh w1, [x0, 3314]
+ b .L1358
+ .loc 5 512 0
+ mov w0, 64
+ .loc 5 516 0
+ strh w0, [x21, 3226]
+ .loc 5 523 0
+ bl FtlGcReFreshBadBlk
+ .loc 5 527 0
+ cmp w23, 0
+ mov w0, 65535
+ ccmp w20, w0, 0, eq
+ bne .L1368
+ .loc 5 528 0
+ add x1, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrh w0, [x1, 2352]
+ cmp w0, 24
+ bhi .L1434
+ .loc 5 530 0
+ cmp w0, 16
+ ldrh w21, [x1, 82]
+ bls .L1370
+ .loc 5 531 0
+ lsr w21, w21, 5
+ .loc 5 539 0
+ add x1, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrh w2, [x1, 3224]
+ cmp w2, w0
+ bcs .L1373
+ .loc 5 540 0
+ ldrh w0, [x1, 2456]
+ mov w2, 65535
+ cmp w0, w2
+ bne .L1374
+ ldrh w2, [x1, 3312]
+ cmp w2, w0
+ bne .L1374
+ .loc 5 542 0
+ adrp x0, .LANCHOR3+76
+ ldrh w0, [x0, #:lo12:.LANCHOR3+76]
+ cbnz w0, .L1375
+ ldr w2, [x1, 2520]
+ ldr w3, [x1, 2516]
+ add w2, w2, w2, lsl 1
+ cmp w3, w2, lsr 2
+ bcs .L1376
+ .loc 5 543 0
+ add x2, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrh w1, [x2, 2640]
+ add w1, w1, w1, lsl 1
+ asr w1, w1, 2
+ strh w1, [x2, 3224]
+ .loc 5 546 0
+ add x19, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ str wzr, [x19, 3236]
+ .loc 5 758 0
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ ldp x25, x26, [sp, 64]
+ ldp x27, x28, [sp, 80]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 128
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 27
+ .cfi_restore 28
+ .cfi_restore 25
+ .cfi_restore 26
+ .cfi_restore 23
+ .cfi_restore 24
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 5 516 0
+ mov w0, 80
+ b .L1458
+ .loc 5 504 0
+ mov w22, w20
+ b .L1362
+ .loc 5 473 0
+ mov w20, w0
+ b .L1360
+ mov w20, w22
+ b .L1360
+ .loc 5 532 0
+ cmp w0, 12
+ bls .L1371
+ .loc 5 533 0
+ lsr w21, w21, 4
+ b .L1369
+ .loc 5 535 0
+ mov w1, w21
+ cmp w0, 9
+ lsr w21, w21, 2
+ csel w21, w21, w1, cs
+ b .L1369
+ .loc 5 529 0
+ mov w21, 1
+ b .L1369
+ .loc 5 545 0
+ mov w2, 18
+ strh w2, [x1, 3224]
+ b .L1377
+ .loc 5 549 0
+ add x1, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrh w0, [x1, 2640]
+ add w0, w0, w0, lsl 1
+ asr w0, w0, 2
+ strh w0, [x1, 3224]
+ .loc 5 551 0
+ add x0, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrh w0, [x0, 3316]
+ cbz w0, .L1435
+ .loc 5 552 0
+ add w21, w21, 32
+ and w21, w21, 65535
+ .loc 5 551 0
+ mov w20, 65535
+ .loc 5 597 0
+ add x0, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ mov w2, 65535
+ ldrh w1, [x0, 2664]
+ cmp w1, w2
+ bne .L1388
+ .loc 5 598 0
+ cmp w20, w1
+ beq .L1389
+ .loc 5 599 0
+ strh w20, [x0, 2664]
+ .loc 5 610 0
+ add x5, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 5 611 0
+ mov w1, 65535
+ ldrh w0, [x5, 2664]
+ .loc 5 610 0
+ strb wzr, [x5, 2672]
+ .loc 5 611 0
+ cmp w0, w1
+ beq .L1388
+ .loc 5 612 0
+ bl IsBlkInGcList
+ cbz w0, .L1393
+ .loc 5 613 0
+ mov w0, -1
+ strh w0, [x5, 2664]
+ .loc 5 615 0
+ add x22, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ mov w0, 65535
+ add x23, x22, 2664
+ ldrh w1, [x22, 2664]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ beq .L1388
+ .loc 5 616 0
+ mov x0, x23
+ bl make_superblock
+ .loc 5 619 0
+ adrp x0, .LANCHOR3
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ .loc 5 620 0
+ ldrh w2, [x22, 2664]
+ ldr x1, [x22, 2320]
+ .loc 5 617 0
+ strh wzr, [x22, 2666]
+ .loc 5 618 0
+ strb wzr, [x22, 2670]
+ .loc 5 619 0
+ strh wzr, [x0, 78]
+ .loc 5 620 0
+ ldrh w1, [x1, x2, lsl 1]
+ strh w1, [x0, 80]
+ .loc 5 625 0
+ add x0, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrh w1, [x0, 2664]
+ ldrh w2, [x0, 2360]
+ cmp w2, w1
+ beq .L1394
+ ldrh w0, [x0, 2408]
+ cmp w0, w1
+ beq .L1394
+ .loc 5 664 0
+ adrp x24, .LANCHOR1
+ add x24, x24, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ add x24, x24, 648
+ .loc 5 631 0
+ add x22, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ mov w0, 65535
+ ldrh w23, [x22, 2664]
+ cmp w23, w0
+ bne .L1396
+ .loc 5 645 0
+ mov w25, 2
+ .loc 5 632 0
+ str wzr, [x22, 3236]
+ .loc 5 635 0
+ ldrh w5, [x22, 3232]
+ mov w0, w5
+ bl List_get_gc_head_node
+ and w6, w0, 65535
+ strh w6, [x22, 2664]
+ .loc 5 636 0
+ cmp w6, w23
+ bne .L1398
+ .loc 5 637 0
+ strh wzr, [x22, 3232]
+ .loc 5 638 0
+ mov w0, 8
+ b .L1354
+ .loc 5 557 0
+ add x5, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrh w1, [x5, 2456]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bne .L1438
+ ldrh w0, [x5, 3312]
+ cmp w0, w1
+ bne .L1438
+ cmp w20, w0
+ bne .L1438
+ ldrh w0, [x5, 2664]
+ cmp w0, w20
+ beq .L1380
+ .loc 5 556 0
+ mov w21, 1
+ b .L1379
+ .loc 5 560 0
+ ldrh w7, [x5, 2352]
+ adrp x21, .LANCHOR3
+ ldrh w0, [x5, 3224]
+ .loc 5 558 0
+ str wzr, [x5, 3236]
+ .loc 5 560 0
+ cmp w0, w7
+ bcs .L1381
+ .loc 5 561 0
+ add x0, x21, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ ldrh w0, [x0, 76]
+ cbnz w0, .L1382
+ ldr w0, [x5, 2520]
+ ldr w1, [x5, 2516]
+ add w0, w0, w0, lsl 1
+ cmp w1, w0, lsr 2
+ bcs .L1383
+ .loc 5 562 0
+ add x19, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 2640]
+ add w0, w0, w0, lsl 1
+ asr w0, w0, 2
+ strh w0, [x19, 3224]
+ .loc 5 566 0
+ bl FtlReadRefresh
+ .loc 5 734 0
+ add x21, x21, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ b .L1460
+ .loc 5 564 0
+ mov w0, 18
+ strh w0, [x5, 3224]
+ b .L1384
+ .loc 5 572 0
+ add x21, x21, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ ldrh w0, [x21, 76]
+ cbnz w0, .L1438
+ .loc 5 573 0
+ ldrh w6, [x5, 2640]
+ add w0, w6, w6, lsl 1
+ asr w0, w0, 2
+ strh w0, [x5, 3224]
+ .loc 5 574 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ bl List_get_gc_head_node
+ .loc 5 575 0
+ ldr x1, [x5, 2320]
+ ubfiz x0, x0, 1, 16
+ ldrh w2, [x5, 12]
+ ldrh w1, [x1, x0]
+ ldrh w0, [x5, 84]
+ mul w0, w0, w2
+ mov w2, 2
+ sdiv w0, w0, w2
+ cmp w1, w0
+ ble .L1386
+ .loc 5 576 0
+ sub w6, w6, #1
+ .loc 5 575 0
+ cmp w7, w6
+ blt .L1386
+ .loc 5 578 0
+ bl FtlReadRefresh
+ .loc 5 734 0
+ ldrh w0, [x21, 76]
+ b .L1354
+ .loc 5 584 0
+ cbnz w1, .L1438
+ .loc 5 586 0
+ add x19, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 5 585 0
+ mov w0, -1
+ bl decrement_vpc_count
+ .loc 5 586 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 2352]
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ b .L1354
+ .loc 5 600 0
+ ldrh w1, [x0, 3312]
+ cmp w1, w20
+ beq .L1390
+ .loc 5 604 0
+ ldr x2, [x0, 2320]
+ ubfiz x1, x1, 1, 16
+ ldrh w1, [x2, x1]
+ cbnz w1, .L1391
+ .loc 5 605 0
+ mov w1, -1
+ strh w1, [x0, 3312]
+ .loc 5 606 0
+ add x0, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrh w1, [x0, 3312]
+ strh w1, [x0, 2664]
+ .loc 5 607 0
+ mov w1, -1
+ strh w1, [x0, 3312]
+ b .L1390
+ .loc 5 626 0
+ add x19, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ mov w0, -1
+ strh w0, [x19, 2664]
+ .loc 5 652 0
+ adrp x0, .LANCHOR3+76
+ ldrh w0, [x0, #:lo12:.LANCHOR3+76]
+ b .L1354
+ .loc 5 640 0
+ mov w0, w6
+ bl IsBlkInGcList
+ add w5, w5, 1
+ cbz w0, .L1399
+ .loc 5 641 0
+ strh w5, [x22, 3232]
+ b .L1397
+ .loc 5 645 0
+ ldrh w4, [x22, 12]
+ ubfiz x1, x6, 1, 16
+ ldrh w0, [x22, 82]
+ .loc 5 644 0
+ and w5, w5, 65535
+ .loc 5 645 0
+ ldr x2, [x22, 2320]
+ .loc 5 644 0
+ strh w5, [x22, 3232]
+ .loc 5 645 0
+ mul w0, w0, w4
+ ldrh w3, [x2, x1]
+ sdiv w4, w0, w25
+ cmp w3, w4
+ bgt .L1401
+ .loc 5 646 0
+ cmp w5, 48
+ bls .L1402
+ cmp w3, 8
+ bls .L1402
+ ldrh w3, [x22, 3284]
+ cmp w3, 35
+ bhi .L1402
+ .loc 5 647 0
+ strh wzr, [x22, 3232]
+ .loc 5 649 0
+ ldrh w1, [x2, x1]
+ cmp w0, w1
+ bgt .L1403
+ cmp w20, w23
+ bne .L1403
+ .loc 5 650 0
+ add x19, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ mov w0, -1
+ .loc 5 651 0
+ strh wzr, [x19, 3232]
+ .loc 5 650 0
+ strh w0, [x19, 2664]
+ b .L1461
+ .loc 5 655 0
+ cbnz w1, .L1404
+ .loc 5 656 0
+ mov w0, -1
+ bl decrement_vpc_count
+ .loc 5 657 0
+ ldrh w0, [x22, 3232]
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ strh w0, [x22, 3232]
+ b .L1397
+ .loc 5 660 0
+ add x0, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ strb wzr, [x0, 2672]
+ .loc 5 662 0
+ ldrh w0, [x0, 2360]
+ cmp w0, w6
+ bne .L1405
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 662
+ mov x1, x24
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 5 663 0
+ add x0, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrh w1, [x0, 2664]
+ ldrh w0, [x0, 2408]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bne .L1406
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 663
+ mov x1, x24
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 5 664 0
+ add x0, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrh w1, [x0, 2664]
+ ldrh w0, [x0, 2456]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bne .L1407
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 664
+ mov x1, x24
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 5 665 0
+ add x23, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ add x22, x23, 2664
+ mov x0, x22
+ bl make_superblock
+ .loc 5 666 0
+ adrp x0, .LANCHOR3
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ .loc 5 667 0
+ ldrh w2, [x23, 2664]
+ ldr x1, [x23, 2320]
+ .loc 5 666 0
+ strh wzr, [x0, 78]
+ .loc 5 667 0
+ ldrh w1, [x1, x2, lsl 1]
+ strh w1, [x0, 80]
+ .loc 5 668 0
+ strh wzr, [x23, 2666]
+ .loc 5 669 0
+ strb wzr, [x23, 2670]
+ .loc 5 675 0
+ bl FtlReadRefresh
+ .loc 5 678 0
+ add x0, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ mov w1, 1
+ .loc 5 679 0
+ ldrh w26, [x0, 82]
+ .loc 5 678 0
+ str w1, [x0, 3952]
+ .loc 5 680 0
+ ldrh w0, [x0, 2666]
+ add w1, w0, w21
+ cmp w1, w26
+ ble .L1408
+ .loc 5 681 0
+ sub w21, w26, w0
+ and w21, w21, 65535
+ .loc 5 693 0
+ mov w25, 0
+ .loc 5 683 0
+ cmp w21, w25, uxth
+ bls .L1417
+ .loc 5 685 0
+ add x0, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 5 688 0
+ mov w23, 0
+ add x3, x0, 2680
+ mov w1, 0
+ .loc 5 687 0
+ mov w6, 65535
+ .loc 5 688 0
+ ldrh w4, [x0, 2666]
+ .loc 5 685 0
+ ldrh w7, [x0, 12]
+ .loc 5 688 0
+ add w4, w4, w25
+ b .L1418
+ .loc 5 686 0
+ ldrh w2, [x3]
+ .loc 5 687 0
+ cmp w2, w6
+ beq .L1410
+ .loc 5 688 0
+ ldr x5, [x0, 3272]
+ ubfiz x8, x23, 5, 16
+ .loc 5 689 0
+ add w23, w23, 1
+ .loc 5 688 0
+ orr w2, w4, w2, lsl 10
+ add x5, x5, x8
+ .loc 5 689 0
+ and w23, w23, 65535
+ .loc 5 688 0
+ str w2, [x5, 4]
+ .loc 5 685 0
+ add w1, w1, 1
+ add x3, x3, 2
+ and w1, w1, 65535
+ cmp w1, w7
+ bne .L1411
+ .loc 5 693 0
+ add x22, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ mov w1, w23
+ mov x27, 0
+ ldrb w2, [x22, 2672]
+ ldr x0, [x22, 3272]
+ bl FlashReadPages
+ ubfiz x0, x23, 5, 16
+ str x0, [x29, 104]
+ .loc 5 695 0
+ ldr x0, [x29, 104]
+ cmp x27, x0
+ bne .L1416
+ add w25, w25, 1
+ b .L1409
+ .loc 5 696 0
+ ldr x0, [x22, 3272]
+ add x1, x0, x27
+ .loc 5 697 0
+ ldr w0, [x0, x27]
+ cmn w0, #1
+ beq .L1413
+ .loc 5 696 0
+ ldr x23, [x1, 16]
+ .loc 5 697 0
+ mov w0, 61589
+ ldrh w1, [x23]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bne .L1413
+ .loc 5 699 0
+ ldr w28, [x23, 8]
+ .loc 5 700 0
+ cmn w28, #1
+ bne .L1414
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 700
+ mov x1, x24
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 5 701 0
+ mov w2, 0
+ add x1, x29, 124
+ mov w0, w28
+ bl log2phys
+ .loc 5 702 0
+ ldr x0, [x22, 3272]
+ ldr w1, [x29, 124]
+ add x0, x0, x27
+ ldr w2, [x0, 4]
+ cmp w2, w1
+ bne .L1413
+ .loc 5 704 0
+ adrp x28, .LANCHOR3
+ add x2, x28, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ .loc 5 705 0
+ ldr w0, [x0, 24]
+ .loc 5 704 0
+ ldrh w1, [x2, 78]
+ add w1, w1, 1
+ strh w1, [x2, 78]
+ .loc 5 705 0
+ ldr x2, [x22, 3976]
+ ldr w1, [x22, 3240]
+ add x1, x2, x1, lsl 5
+ str x1, [x29, 96]
+ str w0, [x1, 24]
+ .loc 5 706 0
+ bl Ftl_get_new_temp_ppa
+ ldr x1, [x29, 96]
+ str w0, [x1, 4]
+ .loc 5 707 0
+ ldr w0, [x22, 3240]
+ ldr x1, [x22, 3976]
+ add x0, x1, x0, lsl 5
+ ldr x1, [x22, 3272]
+ add x1, x1, x27
+ ldr x2, [x1, 8]
+ str x2, [x0, 8]
+ .loc 5 708 0
+ ldr x1, [x1, 16]
+ str x1, [x0, 16]
+ .loc 5 709 0
+ ldr w0, [x29, 124]
+ .loc 5 716 0
+ mov w1, 1
+ .loc 5 709 0
+ str w0, [x23, 12]
+ .loc 5 710 0
+ ldrh w0, [x22, 2456]
+ strh w0, [x23, 2]
+ .loc 5 713 0
+ ldr w0, [x22, 2560]
+ str w0, [x23, 4]
+ .loc 5 715 0
+ ldr w0, [x22, 3240]
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ str w0, [x22, 3240]
+ .loc 5 716 0
+ ldr x0, [x22, 3272]
+ add x0, x0, x27
+ bl FtlGcBufAlloc
+ .loc 5 717 0
+ ldrb w1, [x22, 2463]
+ ldr w0, [x22, 3240]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ beq .L1415
+ ldrh w0, [x22, 2460]
+ cbnz w0, .L1413
+ .loc 5 718 0
+ bl Ftl_gc_temp_data_write_back
+ cbz w0, .L1413
+ .loc 5 719 0
+ add x19, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 5 720 0
+ add x28, x28, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ .loc 5 719 0
+ str wzr, [x19, 3952]
+ .loc 5 720 0
+ ldrh w0, [x28, 76]
+ b .L1354
+ add x27, x27, 32
+ b .L1412
+ .loc 5 727 0
+ add x1, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrh w0, [x1, 2666]
+ add w21, w21, w0
+ and w21, w21, 65535
+ strh w21, [x1, 2666]
+ .loc 5 729 0
+ cmp w26, w21
+ adrp x21, .LANCHOR3
+ bls .L1419
+ add x0, x21, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ ldrh w1, [x0, 78]
+ ldrh w0, [x0, 80]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bne .L1420
+ .loc 5 731 0
+ add x22, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldr w0, [x22, 3240]
+ cbz w0, .L1421
+ .loc 5 732 0
+ bl Ftl_gc_temp_data_write_back
+ cbz w0, .L1421
+ .loc 5 733 0
+ str wzr, [x22, 3952]
+ b .L1459
+ .loc 5 737 0
+ add x0, x21, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ ldrh w0, [x0, 78]
+ cbnz w0, .L1422
+ add x1, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrh w0, [x1, 2664]
+ ldr x2, [x1, 2320]
+ lsl x0, x0, 1
+ ldrh w3, [x2, x0]
+ cbz w3, .L1422
+ .loc 5 739 0
+ strh wzr, [x2, x0]
+ .loc 5 740 0
+ ldrh w0, [x1, 2664]
+ bl update_vpc_list
+ .loc 5 741 0
+ bl FtlCacheWriteBack
+ .loc 5 742 0
+ bl l2p_flush
+ .loc 5 743 0
+ bl FtlVpcTblFlush
+ .loc 5 745 0
+ add x0, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ mov w1, -1
+ strh w1, [x0, 2664]
+ .loc 5 747 0
+ add x1, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrh w0, [x1, 2352]
+ cmp w0, 2
+ bhi .L1423
+ .loc 5 749 0
+ ldrh w21, [x1, 82]
+ b .L1395
+ .loc 5 754 0
+ add x21, x21, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ .loc 5 752 0
+ str wzr, [x1, 3952]
+ .loc 5 754 0
+ ldrh w1, [x21, 76]
+ .loc 5 755 0
+ cmp w1, 0
+ csinc w0, w1, w0, ne
+ b .L1354
+ .loc 5 479 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ b .L1354
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size rk_ftl_garbage_collect, .-rk_ftl_garbage_collect
+ .align 2
+ .global sftl_gc
+ .type sftl_gc, %function
+ .loc 5 761 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
+ .cfi_offset 29, -16
+ .cfi_offset 30, -8
+ .loc 5 762 0
+ mov w1, 1
+ mov w0, w1
+ .loc 5 761 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ .loc 5 762 0
+ bl rk_ftl_garbage_collect
+ .loc 5 763 0
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 16
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size sftl_gc, .-sftl_gc
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlRead
+ .type FtlRead, %function
+ .loc 3 813 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -160]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 160
+ .cfi_offset 29, -160
+ .cfi_offset 30, -152
+ and w0, w0, 255
+ .loc 3 823 0
+ cmp w0, 16
+ .loc 3 813 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -144
+ .cfi_offset 20, -136
+ mov w19, w1
+ stp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ .cfi_offset 23, -112
+ .cfi_offset 24, -104
+ mov x23, x3
+ stp x27, x28, [sp, 80]
+ .cfi_offset 27, -80
+ .cfi_offset 28, -72
+ mov w27, w2
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ stp x25, x26, [sp, 64]
+ .cfi_offset 21, -128
+ .cfi_offset 22, -120
+ .cfi_offset 25, -96
+ .cfi_offset 26, -88
+ .loc 3 823 0
+ bne .L1465
+ .loc 3 824 0
+ mov x2, x3
+ mov w1, w27
+ add w0, w19, 256
+ bl FtlVendorPartRead
+ mov w21, w0
+ .loc 3 900 0
+ mov w0, w21
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ ldp x25, x26, [sp, 64]
+ ldp x27, x28, [sp, 80]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 160
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 27
+ .cfi_restore 28
+ .cfi_restore 25
+ .cfi_restore 26
+ .cfi_restore 23
+ .cfi_restore 24
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 3 829 0
+ add w0, w1, w2
+ str w0, [x29, 128]
+ adrp x0, .LANCHOR0
+ add x25, x0, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ add w2, w1, w2
+ str x0, [x29, 96]
+ ldr w1, [x25, 120]
+ cmp w2, w1
+ bhi .L1485
+ .loc 3 829 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ adrp x0, .LANCHOR2
+ ldr w21, [x0, #:lo12:.LANCHOR2]
+ cmn w21, #1
+ beq .L1464
+ .loc 3 832 0 is_stmt 1
+ bl FtlCacheWriteBack
+ .loc 3 839 0
+ mov w28, 0
+ .loc 3 834 0
+ ldrh w0, [x25, 38]
+ .loc 3 835 0
+ add w1, w19, w27
+ sub w24, w1, #1
+ .loc 3 814 0
+ mov w21, 0
+ .loc 3 827 0
+ stp wzr, wzr, [x29, 132]
+ .loc 3 819 0
+ str wzr, [x29, 140]
+ .loc 3 834 0
+ udiv w26, w19, w0
+ .loc 3 835 0
+ udiv w24, w24, w0
+ .loc 3 840 0
+ ldr w0, [x25, 2524]
+ .loc 3 834 0
+ mov w20, w26
+ .loc 3 836 0
+ sub w22, w24, w26
+ add w22, w22, 1
+ .loc 3 840 0
+ add w0, w0, w22
+ str w0, [x25, 2524]
+ .loc 3 841 0
+ cbnz w22, .L1483
+ .loc 3 897 0
+ ldr x0, [x29, 96]
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrh w1, [x0, 3316]
+ cbnz w1, .L1484
+ .loc 3 897 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w0, [x0, 2352]
+ cmp w0, 31
+ bhi .L1464
+ .loc 3 898 0 is_stmt 1
+ mov w1, 1
+ mov w0, 0
+ bl rk_ftl_garbage_collect
+ b .L1464
+ .loc 3 842 0
+ add x1, x29, 156
+ mov w2, 0
+ mov w0, w20
+ bl log2phys
+ .loc 3 843 0
+ ldr w1, [x29, 156]
+ cmn w1, #1
+ bne .L1468
+ mov w5, 0
+ .loc 3 844 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w0, [x25, 38]
+ cmp w5, w0
+ bcc .L1471
+ .loc 3 871 0
+ add w20, w20, 1
+ .loc 3 873 0
+ subs w22, w22, #1
+ beq .L1476
+ .loc 3 873 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w0, [x25, 12]
+ cmp w28, w0, lsl 2
+ bne .L1467
+ .loc 3 874 0 is_stmt 1
+ cbz w28, .L1467
+ .loc 3 875 0
+ ldr x0, [x25, 3968]
+ mov w1, w28
+ mov w2, 0
+ bl FlashReadPages
+ .loc 3 882 0
+ ldr w0, [x29, 132]
+ lsl w0, w0, 9
+ str w0, [x29, 112]
+ .loc 3 879 0
+ ldr w0, [x29, 140]
+ lsl w0, w0, 9
+ str x0, [x29, 120]
+ ldr w0, [x29, 136]
+ lsl w0, w0, 9
+ str w0, [x29, 116]
+ ubfiz x0, x28, 5, 32
+ mov x28, 0
+ str x0, [x29, 104]
+ .loc 3 877 0
+ ldr x0, [x25, 3968]
+ add x0, x0, x28
+ ldr w1, [x0, 24]
+ cmp w26, w1
+ bne .L1478
+ .loc 3 878 0
+ ldr x1, [x0, 8]
+ ldr x0, [x25, 3944]
+ cmp x1, x0
+ bne .L1479
+ .loc 3 879 0
+ ldr x0, [x29, 120]
+ ldr w2, [x29, 116]
+ add x1, x1, x0
+ mov x0, x23
+ .loc 3 882 0
+ bl ftl_memcpy
+ .loc 3 884 0
+ ldr x0, [x25, 3968]
+ add x1, x0, x28
+ ldr w2, [x0, x28]
+ cmn w2, #1
+ bne .L1480
+ .loc 3 885 0
+ ldr w0, [x25, 2784]
+ .loc 3 886 0
+ mov w21, w2
+ .loc 3 885 0
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ str w0, [x25, 2784]
+ .loc 3 888 0
+ ldr w0, [x1]
+ cmp w0, 256
+ bne .L1481
+ .loc 3 889 0
+ ldr w0, [x1, 4]
+ lsr w0, w0, 10
+ bl P2V_block_in_plane
+ .loc 3 890 0
+ bl FtlGcRefreshBlock
+ .loc 3 876 0 discriminator 2
+ ldr x0, [x29, 104]
+ add x28, x28, 32
+ cmp x0, x28
+ bne .L1482
+ .loc 3 893 0
+ mov w28, 0
+ b .L1467
+ .loc 3 845 0
+ madd w0, w20, w0, w5
+ .loc 3 846 0
+ cmp w19, w0
+ bhi .L1470
+ .loc 3 846 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldr w1, [x29, 128]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bls .L1470
+ .loc 3 847 0 is_stmt 1
+ sub w0, w0, w19
+ str w5, [x29, 120]
+ lsl w0, w0, 9
+ mov w2, 512
+ mov w1, 0
+ add x0, x23, x0
+ bl ftl_memset
+ ldr w5, [x29, 120]
+ .loc 3 844 0 discriminator 2
+ add w5, w5, 1
+ b .L1469
+ .loc 3 850 0
+ ldr x0, [x25, 3968]
+ ubfiz x2, x28, 5, 32
+ .loc 3 851 0
+ cmp w20, w26
+ .loc 3 850 0
+ add x0, x0, x2
+ str w1, [x0, 4]
+ ldrh w0, [x25, 38]
+ .loc 3 851 0
+ bne .L1473
+ .loc 3 852 0
+ ldr x1, [x25, 3968]
+ ldr x5, [x25, 3944]
+ add x1, x1, x2
+ str x5, [x1, 8]
+ .loc 3 853 0
+ udiv w5, w19, w0
+ msub w3, w5, w0, w19
+ str w3, [x29, 140]
+ .loc 3 854 0
+ sub w5, w0, w3
+ cmp w27, w5
+ csel w3, w27, w5, ls
+ str w3, [x29, 136]
+ .loc 3 856 0
+ cmp w3, w0
+ bne .L1474
+ .loc 3 857 0
+ str x23, [x1, 8]
+ .loc 3 866 0
+ ldr x0, [x25, 3968]
+ ldr x1, [x25, 3936]
+ add x2, x0, x2
+ ldrh w0, [x25, 92]
+ .loc 3 867 0
+ str w20, [x2, 24]
+ .loc 3 866 0
+ mul w0, w0, w28
+ .loc 3 868 0
+ add w28, w28, 1
+ .loc 3 866 0
+ and x0, x0, 4294967292
+ add x0, x1, x0
+ str x0, [x2, 16]
+ b .L1472
+ .loc 3 858 0
+ cmp w20, w24
+ bne .L1475
+ .loc 3 859 0
+ ldr x5, [x25, 3968]
+ ldr x1, [x25, 3928]
+ add x5, x5, x2
+ .loc 3 860 0
+ ldr w3, [x29, 128]
+ .loc 3 859 0
+ str x1, [x5, 8]
+ .loc 3 860 0
+ mul w1, w20, w0
+ sub w3, w3, w1
+ str w3, [x29, 132]
+ .loc 3 861 0
+ cmp w0, w3
+ bne .L1474
+ .loc 3 862 0
+ sub w1, w1, w19
+ lsl w1, w1, 9
+ add x1, x23, x1
+ str x1, [x5, 8]
+ b .L1474
+ .loc 3 864 0
+ ldr x1, [x25, 3968]
+ mul w0, w0, w20
+ add x1, x1, x2
+ sub w0, w0, w19
+ lsl w0, w0, 9
+ add x0, x23, x0
+ str x0, [x1, 8]
+ b .L1474
+ .loc 3 880 0
+ cmp w24, w1
+ bne .L1479
+ .loc 3 881 0
+ ldr x1, [x0, 8]
+ ldr x0, [x25, 3928]
+ cmp x1, x0
+ bne .L1479
+ .loc 3 882 0
+ ldrh w0, [x25, 38]
+ ldr w2, [x29, 112]
+ mul w0, w0, w24
+ sub w0, w0, w19
+ lsl w0, w0, 9
+ add x0, x23, x0
+ b .L1495
+ .loc 3 830 0
+ mov w21, -1
+ b .L1464
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlRead, .-FtlRead
+ .align 2
+ .global sftl_read
+ .type sftl_read, %function
+ .loc 3 1201 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
+ .cfi_offset 29, -16
+ .cfi_offset 30, -8
+ .loc 3 1202 0
+ mov x3, x2
+ mov w2, w1
+ mov w1, w0
+ .loc 3 1201 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ .loc 3 1202 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ .loc 3 1201 0
+ .loc 3 1202 0
+ bl FtlRead
+ .loc 3 1204 0
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 16
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size sftl_read, .-sftl_read
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlWrite
+ .type FtlWrite, %function
+ .loc 3 959 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -224]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 224
+ .cfi_offset 29, -224
+ .cfi_offset 30, -216
+ and w0, w0, 255
+ .loc 3 967 0
+ cmp w0, 16
+ .loc 3 959 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ .cfi_offset 23, -176
+ .cfi_offset 24, -168
+ mov w23, w1
+ stp x25, x26, [sp, 64]
+ .cfi_offset 25, -160
+ .cfi_offset 26, -152
+ mov w26, w2
+ stp x27, x28, [sp, 80]
+ .cfi_offset 27, -144
+ .cfi_offset 28, -136
+ mov x27, x3
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -208
+ .cfi_offset 20, -200
+ .cfi_offset 21, -192
+ .cfi_offset 22, -184
+ .loc 3 967 0
+ bne .L1499
+ .loc 3 968 0
+ mov x2, x3
+ mov w1, w26
+ add w0, w23, 256
+ bl FtlVendorPartWrite
+ .loc 3 1150 0
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ ldp x25, x26, [sp, 64]
+ ldp x27, x28, [sp, 80]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 224
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 27
+ .cfi_restore 28
+ .cfi_restore 25
+ .cfi_restore 26
+ .cfi_restore 23
+ .cfi_restore 24
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 3 971 0
+ add w3, w1, w2
+ adrp x20, .LANCHOR0
+ add x2, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldr w0, [x2, 120]
+ cmp w3, w0
+ bhi .L1541
+ .loc 3 971 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR2
+ str x1, [x29, 136]
+ ldr w0, [x1, #:lo12:.LANCHOR2]
+ cmn w0, #1
+ beq .L1498
+ .loc 3 975 0 is_stmt 1
+ ldrh w1, [x2, 38]
+ .loc 3 974 0
+ adrp x4, .LANCHOR3
+ .loc 3 976 0
+ sub w3, w3, #1
+ .loc 3 974 0
+ add x5, x4, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ mov w0, 2048
+ str x4, [x29, 104]
+ .loc 3 975 0
+ udiv w22, w23, w1
+ .loc 3 974 0
+ str w0, [x5, 84]
+ .loc 3 976 0
+ udiv w0, w3, w1
+ .loc 3 980 0
+ ldr x3, [x5, -104]
+ .loc 3 977 0
+ sub w24, w0, w22
+ .loc 3 976 0
+ str w0, [x29, 148]
+ .loc 3 979 0
+ ldr w0, [x2, 2532]
+ .loc 3 977 0
+ add w25, w24, 1
+ .loc 3 979 0
+ add w0, w0, w25
+ str w0, [x2, 2532]
+ .loc 3 980 0
+ cbz x3, .L1501
+ .loc 3 981 0
+ ldr w0, [x3, 24]
+ cmp w22, w0
+ beq .L1502
+ .loc 3 982 0
+ bl FtlCacheWriteBack
+ .loc 3 1005 0
+ ldr x0, [x29, 136]
+ add x19, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LANCHOR2
+ ldr w0, [x0, 8]
+ cbz w0, .L1543
+ .loc 3 1005 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 2364]
+ add x0, x19, 2360
+ .loc 3 1006 0 is_stmt 1 discriminator 1
+ add x19, x19, 2408
+ cmp w1, 0
+ csel x19, x19, x0, eq
+ .loc 3 1009 0
+ adrp x0, .LANCHOR1
+ mov w21, w22
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ add x0, x0, 672
+ str x0, [x29, 160]
+ .loc 3 1008 0
+ cbz w25, .L1539
+ .loc 3 1009 0
+ add x0, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrb w1, [x19, 6]
+ ldrh w0, [x0, 12]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bcc .L1506
+ .loc 3 1009 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldr x1, [x29, 160]
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 1009
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 3 1010 0 is_stmt 1
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 4]
+ cbnz w0, .L1507
+ .loc 3 1011 0
+ bl FtlCacheWriteBack
+ .loc 3 1013 0
+ add x0, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ add x1, x0, 2360
+ cmp x19, x1
+ bne .L1508
+ .loc 3 1014 0
+ add x0, x0, 2408
+ ldrh w1, [x0, 4]
+ cbnz w1, .L1509
+ .loc 3 1015 0
+ bl allocate_new_data_superblock
+ .loc 3 1016 0
+ ldr x0, [x29, 136]
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LANCHOR2
+ str wzr, [x0, 8]
+ .loc 3 1018 0
+ add x19, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ add x24, x19, 2360
+ .loc 3 1020 0
+ add x19, x19, 2408
+ .loc 3 1018 0
+ mov x0, x24
+ bl allocate_new_data_superblock
+ .loc 3 1019 0
+ ldr x0, [x29, 136]
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LANCHOR2
+ ldr w0, [x0, 8]
+ .loc 3 1020 0
+ cmp w0, 0
+ csel x19, x19, x24, ne
+ .loc 3 1030 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 4]
+ cbnz w0, .L1507
+ .loc 3 1031 0
+ mov x0, x19
+ bl allocate_new_data_superblock
+ .loc 3 1040 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 4]
+ .loc 3 1038 0
+ ldrb w1, [x19, 7]
+ cmp w0, w25
+ csel w0, w0, w25, ls
+ lsl w1, w1, 2
+ cmp w0, w1
+ csel w0, w0, w1, ls
+ str w0, [x29, 132]
+ .loc 3 1042 0
+ add x0, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrb w1, [x19, 6]
+ ldrh w0, [x0, 12]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bcc .L1511
+ .loc 3 1042 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldr x1, [x29, 160]
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 1042
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 3 1065 0 is_stmt 1 discriminator 1
+ str xzr, [x29, 168]
+ .loc 3 1043 0 discriminator 1
+ ldr w1, [x29, 132]
+ ldr w28, [x29, 168]
+ cmp w28, w1
+ bcc .L1533
+ mov x28, x1
+ .loc 3 1124 0
+ ldr x0, [x29, 104]
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ ldr x0, [x0, -104]
+ cbz x0, .L1534
+ .loc 3 1126 0
+ sub w25, w25, #1
+ .loc 3 1127 0
+ subs w28, w28, #1
+ bne .L1534
+ .loc 3 1134 0
+ ldr w0, [x29, 148]
+ .loc 3 1136 0
+ add x20, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 3 1134 0
+ sub w1, w0, w22
+ mov w0, 0
+ bl rk_ftl_garbage_collect
+ .loc 3 1136 0
+ ldrh w0, [x20, 2352]
+ cmp w0, 15
+ bhi .L1536
+ .loc 3 1138 0
+ mov w21, 65535
+ .loc 3 1140 0
+ mov w19, 128
+ .loc 3 1138 0
+ ldrh w0, [x20, 2664]
+ cmp w0, w21
+ bne .L1540
+ .loc 3 1138 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w0, [x20, 3312]
+ cmp w0, w21
+ bne .L1540
+ .loc 3 1139 0 is_stmt 1
+ mov w0, 0
+ bl List_get_gc_head_node
+ bl FtlGcRefreshBlock
+ .loc 3 1142 0
+ mov w1, 1
+ .loc 3 1140 0
+ strh w19, [x20, 3226]
+ .loc 3 1142 0
+ mov w0, w1
+ .loc 3 1141 0
+ strh w19, [x20, 3224]
+ .loc 3 1142 0
+ bl rk_ftl_garbage_collect
+ .loc 3 1143 0
+ mov w1, 1
+ mov w0, 0
+ bl rk_ftl_garbage_collect
+ .loc 3 1144 0
+ ldrh w0, [x20, 2352]
+ cmp w0, 8
+ bls .L1559
+ b .L1536
+ .loc 3 984 0
+ ldr w0, [x2, 2536]
+ .loc 3 989 0
+ ldr x3, [x3, 8]
+ .loc 3 984 0
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ str w0, [x2, 2536]
+ .loc 3 985 0
+ msub w0, w22, w1, w23
+ .loc 3 986 0
+ sub w1, w1, w0
+ cmp w26, w1
+ .loc 3 989 0
+ lsl w0, w0, 9
+ csel w19, w26, w1, ls
+ add x0, x3, x0
+ lsl w21, w19, 9
+ mov x1, x27
+ mov w2, w21
+ bl ftl_memcpy
+ .loc 3 991 0
+ cbnz w24, .L1503
+ .loc 3 992 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ b .L1498
+ .loc 3 993 0
+ sub w26, w26, w19
+ .loc 3 994 0
+ add w23, w23, w19
+ .loc 3 995 0
+ add x27, x27, x21
+ .loc 3 996 0
+ add w22, w22, 1
+ .loc 3 997 0
+ bl FtlCacheWriteBack
+ mov w25, w24
+ b .L1501
+ .loc 3 1003 0
+ add x19, x19, 2360
+ b .L1504
+ .loc 3 1024 0
+ ldr x0, [x29, 136]
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LANCHOR2
+ str wzr, [x0, 8]
+ .loc 3 1025 0
+ ldrh w0, [x1, 4]
+ cbnz w0, .L1546
+ .loc 3 1026 0
+ mov x0, x19
+ bl allocate_new_data_superblock
+ b .L1510
+ mov x19, x1
+ b .L1507
+ .loc 3 1044 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 4]
+ cbz w0, .L1513
+ .loc 3 1048 0
+ add x1, x29, 188
+ mov w2, 0
+ mov w0, w21
+ bl log2phys
+ .loc 3 1049 0
+ mov x0, x19
+ bl get_new_active_ppa
+ .loc 3 1051 0
+ add x3, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldr x1, [x29, 168]
+ .loc 3 1052 0
+ str x3, [x29, 152]
+ lsl x24, x1, 5
+ .loc 3 1051 0
+ ldr x1, [x3, 3984]
+ .loc 3 1052 0
+ ldrh w2, [x3, 92]
+ .loc 3 1051 0
+ add x1, x1, x24
+ str w0, [x1, 4]
+ .loc 3 1052 0
+ mul w28, w28, w2
+ ldr x0, [x3, 3984]
+ and x1, x28, 4294967292
+ str x1, [x29, 120]
+ add x0, x0, x24
+ ldr x1, [x3, 3936]
+ ldr x3, [x29, 120]
+ str x1, [x29, 112]
+ add x28, x1, x3
+ .loc 3 1053 0
+ str w21, [x0, 24]
+ .loc 3 1052 0
+ str x28, [x0, 16]
+ .loc 3 1056 0
+ mov w1, 0
+ mov x0, x28
+ bl ftl_memset
+ .loc 3 1058 0
+ ldr w0, [x29, 148]
+ cmp w21, w22
+ ldr x3, [x29, 152]
+ ccmp w21, w0, 4, ne
+ bne .L1514
+ .loc 3 1059 0
+ cmp w21, w22
+ bne .L1515
+ .loc 3 1060 0
+ ldrh w2, [x3, 38]
+ udiv w0, w23, w2
+ msub w0, w0, w2, w23
+ str w0, [x29, 144]
+ .loc 3 1061 0
+ sub w2, w2, w0
+ cmp w2, w26
+ csel w0, w2, w26, ls
+ str w0, [x29, 152]
+ .loc 3 1069 0
+ add x0, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldr w2, [x29, 152]
+ ldrh w1, [x0, 38]
+ cmp w2, w1
+ bne .L1517
+ .loc 3 1071 0
+ ldr x0, [x0, 3984]
+ .loc 3 1070 0
+ cmp w21, w22
+ .loc 3 1071 0
+ add x24, x0, x24
+ .loc 3 1070 0
+ bne .L1518
+ .loc 3 1071 0
+ str x27, [x24, 8]
+ .loc 3 1116 0
+ add x0, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrb w1, [x19, 6]
+ ldrh w0, [x0, 12]
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bcc .L1530
+ .loc 3 1116 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldr x1, [x29, 160]
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 1116
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 3 1117 0 is_stmt 1
+ ldp x1, x2, [x29, 112]
+ mov w0, -3947
+ strh w0, [x1, x2]
+ .loc 3 1118 0
+ add x1, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldr w0, [x1, 2560]
+ .loc 3 1119 0
+ stp w0, w21, [x28, 4]
+ .loc 3 1122 0
+ add w21, w21, 1
+ .loc 3 1118 0
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ cmn w0, #1
+ csel w0, w0, wzr, ne
+ str w0, [x1, 2560]
+ .loc 3 1120 0
+ ldr w0, [x29, 188]
+ str w0, [x28, 12]
+ .loc 3 1121 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19]
+ strh w0, [x28, 2]
+ ldr x0, [x29, 168]
+ add x0, x0, 1
+ str x0, [x29, 168]
+ b .L1512
+ .loc 3 1066 0
+ ldrh w0, [x3, 38]
+ add w2, w23, w26
+ .loc 3 1065 0
+ str wzr, [x29, 144]
+ .loc 3 1066 0
+ msub w2, w21, w0, w2
+ and w0, w2, 65535
+ str w0, [x29, 152]
+ b .L1516
+ .loc 3 1073 0
+ ldr w0, [x29, 152]
+ .loc 3 1114 0
+ mul w0, w0, w21
+ sub w0, w0, w23
+ lsl w0, w0, 9
+ add x0, x27, x0
+ str x0, [x24, 8]
+ b .L1519
+ .loc 3 1077 0
+ ldr x1, [x0, 3984]
+ .loc 3 1076 0
+ cmp w21, w22
+ .loc 3 1077 0
+ add x1, x1, x24
+ .loc 3 1076 0
+ bne .L1520
+ .loc 3 1077 0
+ ldr x0, [x0, 3944]
+ .loc 3 1079 0
+ str x0, [x1, 8]
+ .loc 3 1081 0
+ ldr w0, [x29, 188]
+ cmn w0, #1
+ beq .L1522
+ .loc 3 1085 0
+ add x3, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 3 1083 0
+ str w0, [x29, 196]
+ .loc 3 1084 0
+ str w21, [x29, 216]
+ .loc 3 1087 0
+ mov w2, 0
+ .loc 3 1085 0
+ str x3, [x29, 96]
+ ldr x0, [x3, 3984]
+ add x0, x0, x24
+ .loc 3 1086 0
+ ldp x1, x0, [x0, 8]
+ stp x1, x0, [x29, 200]
+ .loc 3 1087 0
+ mov w1, 1
+ add x0, x29, 192
+ bl FlashReadPages
+ .loc 3 1088 0
+ ldr w0, [x29, 192]
+ ldr x3, [x29, 96]
+ cmn w0, #1
+ bne .L1523
+ .loc 3 1089 0
+ ldr w0, [x3, 2784]
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ str w0, [x3, 2784]
+ ldr w0, [x29, 152]
+ .loc 3 1101 0
+ cmp w21, w22
+ lsl w2, w0, 9
+ .loc 3 1102 0
+ add x0, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 3 1101 0
+ bne .L1527
+ .loc 3 1102 0
+ ldr x1, [x0, 3984]
+ ldr w0, [x29, 144]
+ add x1, x1, x24
+ lsl w0, w0, 9
+ ldr x3, [x1, 8]
+ mov x1, x27
+ add x0, x3, x0
+ bl ftl_memcpy
+ .loc 3 1106 0
+ ldr w0, [x29, 148]
+ cmp w21, w0
+ bne .L1519
+ .loc 3 1107 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 4]
+ cbz w0, .L1519
+ .loc 3 1108 0
+ ldr x0, [x29, 104]
+ add x1, x0, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ add x0, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldr x0, [x0, 3984]
+ .loc 3 1109 0
+ str x19, [x1, 64]
+ .loc 3 1108 0
+ add x24, x0, x24
+ str x24, [x1, -104]
+ b .L1519
+ .loc 3 1079 0
+ ldr x0, [x0, 3928]
+ b .L1561
+ .loc 3 1091 0
+ ldr w0, [x28, 8]
+ cmp w21, w0
+ beq .L1525
+ .loc 3 1092 0
+ ldr w0, [x3, 2784]
+ .loc 3 1093 0
+ mov w2, w21
+ .loc 3 1092 0
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ str w0, [x3, 2784]
+ .loc 3 1093 0
+ adrp x0, .LC101
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC101
+ ldr w1, [x28, 8]
+ bl printk
+ .loc 3 1095 0
+ ldr w0, [x28, 8]
+ cmp w21, w0
+ beq .L1526
+ .loc 3 1095 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldr x1, [x29, 160]
+ mov w2, 1095
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ b .L1526
+ .loc 3 1098 0 is_stmt 1
+ add x1, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldr x0, [x1, 3984]
+ ldrh w2, [x1, 90]
+ mov w1, 0
+ add x0, x0, x24
+ ldr x0, [x0, 8]
+ bl ftl_memset
+ b .L1526
+ .loc 3 1104 0
+ ldrh w1, [x0, 38]
+ ldr x0, [x0, 3984]
+ add x0, x0, x24
+ mul w1, w1, w21
+ ldr x0, [x0, 8]
+ sub w1, w1, w23
+ lsl w1, w1, 9
+ add x1, x27, x1
+ bl ftl_memcpy
+ b .L1528
+ .loc 3 1114 0
+ ldr x0, [x3, 3984]
+ add x24, x0, x24
+ ldrh w0, [x3, 38]
+ b .L1562
+ .loc 3 1130 0
+ add x0, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ mov x3, x19
+ mov w2, 0
+ mov w1, w28
+ ldr x0, [x0, 3984]
+ bl FtlProgPages
+ .loc 3 1131 0
+ cmp w25, w28
+ bcs .L1537
+ .loc 3 1131 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldr x1, [x29, 160]
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 1131
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 3 1132 0 is_stmt 1
+ sub w25, w25, w28
+ b .L1505
+ .loc 3 972 0
+ mov w0, -1
+ b .L1498
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlWrite, .-FtlWrite
+ .align 2
+ .global sftl_write
+ .type sftl_write, %function
+ .loc 3 1207 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
+ .cfi_offset 29, -16
+ .cfi_offset 30, -8
+ .loc 3 1208 0
+ mov x3, x2
+ mov w2, w1
+ mov w1, w0
+ .loc 3 1207 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ .loc 3 1208 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ .loc 3 1207 0
+ .loc 3 1208 0
+ bl FtlWrite
+ .loc 3 1209 0
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 16
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size sftl_write, .-sftl_write
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlLoadSysInfo
+ .type FtlLoadSysInfo, %function
+ .loc 2 1360 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -64]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64
+ .cfi_offset 29, -64
+ .cfi_offset 30, -56
+ .loc 2 1368 0
+ mov w1, 0
+ .loc 2 1360 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -48
+ .cfi_offset 20, -40
+ .loc 2 1365 0
+ adrp x20, .LANCHOR0
+ add x19, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 1360 0
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ .cfi_offset 21, -32
+ .cfi_offset 22, -24
+ .loc 2 1365 0
+ add x21, x19, 3360
+ .loc 2 1360 0
+ stp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ .cfi_offset 23, -16
+ .cfi_offset 24, -8
+ .loc 2 1365 0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 2288]
+ str x0, [x21, 8]
+ .loc 2 1366 0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 3392]
+ str x0, [x21, 16]
+ .loc 2 1368 0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 2320]
+ ldrh w2, [x19, 20]
+ lsl w2, w2, 1
+ bl ftl_memset
+ .loc 2 1369 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 2648]
+ mov w1, 65535
+ cmp w0, w1
+ bne .L1566
+ .loc 2 1370 0
+ mov w0, -1
+ .loc 2 1463 0
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 64
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 23
+ .cfi_restore 24
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ add x23, x19, 2648
+ .loc 2 1372 0
+ mov w1, 1
+ bl FtlGetLastWrittenPage
+ sxth w22, w0
+ .loc 2 1373 0
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ .loc 2 1382 0
+ mov w24, 61604
+ .loc 2 1373 0
+ strh w0, [x23, 2]
+ .loc 2 1381 0
+ mov w23, 19539
+ movk w23, 0x4654, lsl 16
+ .loc 2 1375 0
+ tbz w22, #31, .L1571
+ .loc 2 1388 0
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR1
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 1388
+ add x1, x1, 688
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 1390 0
+ add x1, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrh w0, [x1, 20]
+ ldrh w1, [x1, 90]
+ add x0, x0, 24
+ cmp x1, x0, lsl 1
+ bcs .L1573
+ .loc 2 1390 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR1
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 1390
+ add x1, x1, 688
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 1392 0 is_stmt 1
+ add x19, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ mov w2, 48
+ add x21, x19, 2592
+ mov x0, x21
+ ldr x1, [x19, 3368]
+ bl ftl_memcpy
+ .loc 2 1393 0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 2320]
+ ldrh w2, [x19, 20]
+ ldr x1, [x19, 3368]
+ lsl w2, w2, 1
+ add x1, x1, 48
+ bl ftl_memcpy
+ .loc 2 1394 0
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 20]
+ ldr x0, [x19, 3368]
+ lsr w2, w1, 3
+ ubfiz x1, x1, 1, 16
+ add x1, x1, 48
+ add w2, w2, 4
+ and x1, x1, -4
+ add x1, x0, x1
+ ldr x0, [x20, #:lo12:.LANCHOR0]
+ bl ftl_memcpy
+ .loc 2 1396 0
+ ldr w1, [x19, 2592]
+ mov w0, 19539
+ movk w0, 0x4654, lsl 16
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bne .L1574
+ .loc 2 1399 0
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 2600]
+ .loc 2 1400 0
+ ldrb w2, [x19, 2602]
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 34]
+ .loc 2 1399 0
+ strh w1, [x19, 2654]
+ .loc 2 1400 0
+ cmp w2, w0
+ bne .L1574
+ .loc 2 1403 0
+ adrp x0, .LANCHOR3+88
+ .loc 2 1405 0
+ ldrh w2, [x19, 38]
+ .loc 2 1406 0
+ ldrh w3, [x19, 12]
+ .loc 2 1403 0
+ str w1, [x0, #:lo12:.LANCHOR3+88]
+ .loc 2 1404 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 82]
+ mul w0, w0, w1
+ str w0, [x19, 2520]
+ .loc 2 1405 0
+ mul w0, w2, w0
+ .loc 2 1406 0
+ ldr w2, [x19, 24]
+ .loc 2 1405 0
+ str w0, [x19, 120]
+ .loc 2 1406 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 142]
+ .loc 2 1412 0
+ cmp w1, w2
+ .loc 2 1406 0
+ sub w0, w2, w0
+ sub w0, w0, w1
+ udiv w0, w0, w3
+ strh w0, [x19, 2640]
+ .loc 2 1412 0
+ bls .L1575
+ .loc 2 1412 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ adrp x1, .LANCHOR1
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR1
+ adrp x0, .LC1
+ mov w2, 1412
+ add x1, x1, 688
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
+ bl printk
+ .loc 2 1414 0 is_stmt 1
+ add x0, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 1419 0
+ mov w3, -1
+ .loc 2 1415 0
+ ldrh w2, [x0, 2608]
+ .loc 2 1414 0
+ ldrh w4, [x0, 2606]
+ strh w4, [x0, 2360]
+ .loc 2 1415 0
+ lsr w5, w2, 6
+ .loc 2 1416 0
+ and w2, w2, 63
+ strb w2, [x0, 2366]
+ .loc 2 1417 0
+ ldrb w2, [x0, 2603]
+ strb w2, [x0, 2368]
+ .loc 2 1424 0
+ ldrh w2, [x0, 2610]
+ strh w2, [x0, 2408]
+ .loc 2 1425 0
+ ldrh w2, [x0, 2612]
+ .loc 2 1415 0
+ strh w5, [x0, 2362]
+ .loc 2 1419 0
+ strh w3, [x0, 2664]
+ .loc 2 1425 0
+ lsr w5, w2, 6
+ .loc 2 1426 0
+ and w2, w2, 63
+ strb w2, [x0, 2414]
+ .loc 2 1427 0
+ ldrb w2, [x0, 2604]
+ strb w2, [x0, 2416]
+ .loc 2 1429 0
+ ldrh w2, [x0, 2614]
+ strh w2, [x0, 2456]
+ .loc 2 1430 0
+ ldrh w2, [x0, 2616]
+ .loc 2 1425 0
+ strh w5, [x0, 2410]
+ .loc 2 1420 0
+ strh wzr, [x0, 2666]
+ .loc 2 1430 0
+ lsr w5, w2, 6
+ .loc 2 1431 0
+ and w2, w2, 63
+ strb w2, [x0, 2462]
+ .loc 2 1432 0
+ ldrb w2, [x0, 2605]
+ strb w2, [x0, 2464]
+ .loc 2 1439 0
+ ldr w2, [x0, 2624]
+ str w2, [x0, 2564]
+ .loc 2 1421 0
+ strb wzr, [x0, 2670]
+ .loc 2 1422 0
+ strb wzr, [x0, 2672]
+ .loc 2 1430 0
+ strh w5, [x0, 2458]
+ .loc 2 1436 0
+ str wzr, [x0, 2524]
+ .loc 2 1435 0
+ str wzr, [x0, 2532]
+ .loc 2 1437 0
+ str wzr, [x0, 2540]
+ .loc 2 1434 0
+ str wzr, [x0, 2544]
+ .loc 2 1440 0
+ str wzr, [x0, 2568]
+ .loc 2 1441 0
+ str wzr, [x0, 2580]
+ .loc 2 1444 0
+ ldr w2, [x0, 2556]
+ ldr w1, [x0, 2632]
+ .loc 2 1442 0
+ str wzr, [x0, 2536]
+ .loc 2 1444 0
+ cmp w1, w2
+ bls .L1576
+ .loc 2 1445 0
+ str w1, [x0, 2556]
+ .loc 2 1447 0
+ add x0, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldr w2, [x0, 2560]
+ ldr w1, [x0, 2628]
+ cmp w1, w2
+ bls .L1577
+ .loc 2 1448 0
+ str w1, [x0, 2560]
+ .loc 2 1450 0
+ mov w0, 65535
+ cmp w4, w0
+ beq .L1578
+ .loc 2 1451 0
+ add x0, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ add x0, x0, 2360
+ bl make_superblock
+ .loc 2 1453 0
+ add x1, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ add x0, x1, 2408
+ ldrh w2, [x1, 2408]
+ mov w1, 65535
+ cmp w2, w1
+ beq .L1579
+ .loc 2 1454 0
+ bl make_superblock
+ .loc 2 1456 0
+ add x1, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ add x0, x1, 2456
+ ldrh w2, [x1, 2456]
+ mov w1, 65535
+ cmp w2, w1
+ beq .L1580
+ .loc 2 1457 0
+ bl make_superblock
+ .loc 2 1459 0
+ add x20, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ mov w1, 65535
+ add x0, x20, 2664
+ ldrh w2, [x20, 2664]
+ cmp w2, w1
+ beq .L1581
+ .loc 2 1460 0
+ bl make_superblock
+ .loc 2 1462 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ b .L1565
+ .loc 2 1376 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 2648]
+ .loc 2 1378 0
+ mov w2, 1
+ mov w1, w2
+ .loc 2 1376 0
+ orr w0, w22, w0, lsl 10
+ str w0, [x21, 4]
+ .loc 2 1377 0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 2288]
+ str x0, [x21, 8]
+ .loc 2 1378 0
+ mov x0, x21
+ bl FlashReadPages
+ .loc 2 1381 0
+ ldr w0, [x21]
+ cmn w0, #1
+ beq .L1569
+ .loc 2 1382 0 discriminator 1
+ ldr x0, [x19, 2288]
+ .loc 2 1381 0 discriminator 1
+ ldr w0, [x0]
+ cmp w0, w23
+ bne .L1569
+ .loc 2 1383 0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 3392]
+ ldrh w0, [x0]
+ .loc 2 1382 0
+ cmp w0, w24
+ beq .L1570
+ sub w22, w22, #1
+ sxth w22, w22
+ b .L1568
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlLoadSysInfo, .-FtlLoadSysInfo
+ .align 2
+ .global FtlSysBlkInit
+ .type FtlSysBlkInit, %function
+ .loc 2 2306 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -64]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64
+ .cfi_offset 29, -64
+ .cfi_offset 30, -56
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -48
+ .cfi_offset 20, -40
+ .loc 2 2312 0
+ adrp x20, .LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 2306 0
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ .loc 2 2312 0
+ add x19, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .cfi_offset 21, -32
+ .cfi_offset 22, -24
+ .loc 2 2310 0
+ adrp x21, .LANCHOR3
+ add x0, x21, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ .loc 2 2306 0
+ stp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ .cfi_offset 23, -16
+ .cfi_offset 24, -8
+ .loc 2 2310 0
+ strh wzr, [x0, -80]
+ .loc 2 2312 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 16]
+ bl FtlFreeSysBlkQueueInit
+ .loc 2 2313 0
+ bl FtlScanSysBlk
+ .loc 2 2314 0
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 2648]
+ mov w0, 65535
+ cmp w1, w0
+ bne .L1588
+ .loc 2 2315 0
+ mov w24, -1
+ .loc 2 2398 0
+ mov w0, w24
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x23, x24, [sp, 48]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 64
+ .cfi_remember_state
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 23
+ .cfi_restore 24
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_restore_state
+ .loc 2 2317 0
+ bl FtlLoadSysInfo
+ mov w24, w0
+ cbnz w0, .L1590
+ .loc 2 2320 0
+ bl FtlLoadMapInfo
+ .loc 2 2321 0
+ bl FtlLoadVonderInfo
+ .loc 2 2322 0
+ bl Ftl_load_ext_data
+ .loc 2 2324 0
+ bl FtlLoadEctTbl
+ .loc 2 2325 0
+ bl FtlFreeSysBLkSort
+ .loc 2 2327 0
+ bl SupperBlkListInit
+ .loc 2 2328 0
+ bl FtlPowerLostRecovery
+ .loc 2 2330 0
+ mov w0, 1
+ bl FtlUpdateVaildLpn
+ ldr x1, [x19, 2504]
+ .loc 2 2332 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ ldrh w3, [x19, 118]
+ add x1, x1, 4
+ cmp w0, w3
+ bge .L1596
+ .loc 2 2333 0
+ ldr w2, [x1], 16
+ tbz w2, #31, .L1592
+ .loc 2 2336 0
+ add x1, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 2338 0
+ cmp w0, w3
+ .loc 2 2336 0
+ ldrh w2, [x1, 2620]
+ add w2, w2, 1
+ strh w2, [x1, 2620]
+ .loc 2 2338 0
+ bge .L1602
+ .loc 2 2339 0
+ add x19, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 2 2359 0
+ add x21, x21, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ .loc 2 2339 0
+ add x23, x19, 2360
+ .loc 2 2340 0
+ add x22, x19, 2408
+ .loc 2 2339 0
+ mov x0, x23
+ bl FtlSuperblockPowerLostFix
+ .loc 2 2340 0
+ mov x0, x22
+ bl FtlSuperblockPowerLostFix
+ .loc 2 2346 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 2360]
+ ldr x2, [x19, 2320]
+ ldrh w3, [x19, 2364]
+ lsl x0, x0, 1
+ ldrh w1, [x2, x0]
+ sub w1, w1, w3
+ strh w1, [x2, x0]
+ .loc 2 2348 0
+ strb wzr, [x19, 2366]
+ .loc 2 2347 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 82]
+ strh w0, [x19, 2362]
+ .loc 2 2352 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 2408]
+ ldr x2, [x19, 2320]
+ .loc 2 2349 0
+ strh wzr, [x19, 2364]
+ .loc 2 2352 0
+ lsl x0, x0, 1
+ ldrh w3, [x19, 2412]
+ ldrh w1, [x2, x0]
+ sub w1, w1, w3
+ strh w1, [x2, x0]
+ .loc 2 2354 0
+ strb wzr, [x19, 2414]
+ .loc 2 2353 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 82]
+ strh w0, [x19, 2410]
+ .loc 2 2359 0
+ sub x0, x21, #240
+ .loc 2 2355 0
+ strh wzr, [x19, 2412]
+ .loc 2 2359 0
+ bl FtlMapBlkWriteDump_data
+ .loc 2 2360 0
+ sub x0, x21, #168
+ bl FtlMapBlkWriteDump_data
+ .loc 2 2372 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 2622]
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ strh w0, [x19, 2622]
+ .loc 2 2373 0
+ bl l2p_flush
+ .loc 2 2374 0
+ bl FtlVpcTblFlush
+ .loc 2 2375 0
+ bl FtlVpcTblFlush
+ b .L1597
+ .loc 2 2332 0
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ b .L1591
+ .loc 2 2338 0
+ add x0, x21, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ ldrh w0, [x0, -80]
+ cbnz w0, .L1593
+ .loc 2 2379 0
+ add x19, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ mov w1, 65535
+ add x22, x19, 2360
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 2360]
+ cmp w0, w1
+ beq .L1598
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 2364]
+ cbnz w1, .L1598
+ .loc 2 2380 0
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 2412]
+ .loc 2 2381 0
+ add x21, x19, 2408
+ .loc 2 2380 0
+ cbnz w1, .L1598
+ .loc 2 2382 0
+ bl FtlGcRefreshBlock
+ .loc 2 2383 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 2408]
+ bl FtlGcRefreshBlock
+ .loc 2 2384 0
+ mov x0, x22
+ bl allocate_new_data_superblock
+ .loc 2 2385 0
+ mov x0, x21
+ bl allocate_new_data_superblock
+ .loc 2 2390 0
+ add x20, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrh w0, [x20, 2620]
+ tst x0, 31
+ bne .L1587
+ .loc 2 2391 0
+ bl FtlVpcCheckAndModify
+ b .L1587
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size FtlSysBlkInit, .-FtlSysBlkInit
+ .align 2
+ .global ftl_low_format
+ .type ftl_low_format, %function
+ .loc 3 623 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -64]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64
+ .cfi_offset 29, -64
+ .cfi_offset 30, -56
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -48
+ .cfi_offset 20, -40
+ .loc 3 629 0
+ adrp x20, .LANCHOR0
+ add x0, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 3 623 0
+ stp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ str x23, [sp, 48]
+ .cfi_offset 21, -32
+ .cfi_offset 22, -24
+ .cfi_offset 23, -16
+ .loc 3 629 0
+ str wzr, [x0, 2556]
+ .loc 3 630 0
+ str wzr, [x0, 2560]
+ .loc 3 631 0
+ ldrh w0, [x0, 16]
+ bl FtlFreeSysBlkQueueInit
+ .loc 3 632 0
+ bl FtlLoadBbt
+ cbz w0, .L1605
+ .loc 3 633 0
+ bl FtlMakeBbt
+ .loc 3 637 0 discriminator 1
+ mov w4, 23752
+ .loc 3 635 0 discriminator 1
+ add x1, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 3 623 0 discriminator 1
+ mov w0, 0
+ .loc 3 637 0 discriminator 1
+ movk w4, 0xa0f, lsl 16
+ .loc 3 635 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w2, [x1, 38]
+ cmp w0, w2, lsl 7
+ blt .L1607
+ .loc 3 642 0
+ ldrh w21, [x1, 20]
+ add x22, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 3 641 0
+ mov w19, 0
+ .loc 3 642 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w0, [x22, 22]
+ cmp w0, w21
+ bhi .L1609
+ .loc 3 645 0
+ ldrh w0, [x22, 12]
+ sub w1, w19, #3
+ cmp w1, w0, lsl 1
+ bge .L1610
+ .loc 3 656 0
+ add x19, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 3 641 0
+ mov w21, 0
+ mov w22, 0
+ .loc 3 656 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 20]
+ cmp w0, w22
+ bhi .L1615
+ .loc 3 661 0
+ ldrh w2, [x19, 12]
+ ldr w1, [x19, 24]
+ .loc 3 658 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 22]
+ str w0, [x19, 3920]
+ .loc 3 661 0
+ udiv w4, w1, w2
+ .loc 3 662 0
+ ubfx x3, x4, 5, 16
+ .loc 3 661 0
+ str w4, [x19, 2520]
+ .loc 3 662 0
+ add w0, w3, 36
+ strh w0, [x19, 2640]
+ .loc 3 663 0
+ mov w0, 24
+ mul w0, w2, w0
+ cmp w21, w0
+ ble .L1616
+ .loc 3 664 0
+ sub w1, w1, w21
+ udiv w1, w1, w2
+ str w1, [x19, 2520]
+ .loc 3 665 0
+ lsr w1, w1, 5
+ add w1, w1, 24
+ strh w1, [x19, 2640]
+ .loc 3 668 0
+ add x0, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ ldrh w1, [x0, 74]
+ cbz w1, .L1618
+ .loc 3 669 0
+ ldrh w5, [x0, 2640]
+ add w5, w5, w1, lsr 1
+ strh w5, [x0, 2640]
+ .loc 3 670 0
+ mul w5, w1, w2
+ cmp w21, w5
+ bge .L1618
+ .loc 3 672 0
+ add w1, w1, 32
+ .loc 3 671 0
+ str w4, [x0, 2520]
+ .loc 3 672 0
+ add w1, w3, w1
+ strh w1, [x0, 2640]
+ .loc 3 677 0
+ add x19, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ adrp x22, .LANCHOR3
+ .loc 3 694 0
+ add x21, x19, 2360
+ .loc 3 689 0
+ mov w23, -1
+ .loc 3 677 0
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 2640]
+ ldr w0, [x19, 2520]
+ sub w0, w0, w1
+ add x1, x22, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ mul w0, w0, w2
+ str w0, [x1, 88]
+ .loc 3 678 0
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 82]
+ mul w0, w1, w0
+ .loc 3 679 0
+ ldrh w1, [x19, 38]
+ .loc 3 678 0
+ str w0, [x19, 2520]
+ .loc 3 679 0
+ mul w0, w1, w0
+ str w0, [x19, 120]
+ .loc 3 684 0
+ bl FtlBbmTblFlush
+ .loc 3 687 0
+ ldr x0, [x19, 2320]
+ mov w1, 0
+ ldrh w2, [x19, 22]
+ lsl w2, w2, 1
+ bl ftl_memset
+ .loc 3 697 0
+ mov w0, 1
+ strb w0, [x21, 8]
+ .loc 3 698 0
+ ldr x0, [x20, #:lo12:.LANCHOR0]
+ mov w1, 255
+ ldrh w2, [x19, 20]
+ .loc 3 689 0
+ strh w23, [x19, 2664]
+ .loc 3 690 0
+ strh wzr, [x19, 2666]
+ .loc 3 691 0
+ strb wzr, [x19, 2670]
+ .loc 3 698 0
+ lsr w2, w2, 3
+ .loc 3 692 0
+ strb wzr, [x19, 2672]
+ .loc 3 694 0
+ strh wzr, [x21, 2]
+ .loc 3 695 0
+ strb wzr, [x21, 6]
+ .loc 3 696 0
+ strh wzr, [x19, 2360]
+ .loc 3 688 0
+ str wzr, [x19, 2516]
+ .loc 3 698 0
+ bl ftl_memset
+ .loc 3 701 0
+ mov x0, x21
+ bl make_superblock
+ .loc 3 702 0
+ ldrb w1, [x21, 7]
+ ldrh w0, [x21]
+ cbnz w1, .L1621
+ .loc 3 705 0
+ ldr x1, [x19, 2320]
+ ubfiz x0, x0, 1, 16
+ strh w23, [x1, x0]
+ .loc 3 706 0
+ ldrh w0, [x21]
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ strh w0, [x21]
+ .loc 3 707 0
+ b .L1620
+ .loc 3 636 0 discriminator 3
+ ldr x5, [x1, 3944]
+ ubfiz x3, x0, 2, 16
+ mvn w2, w0
+ orr w2, w0, w2, lsl 16
+ .loc 3 635 0 discriminator 3
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ and w0, w0, 65535
+ .loc 3 636 0 discriminator 3
+ str w2, [x5, x3]
+ .loc 3 637 0 discriminator 3
+ ldr x2, [x1, 3928]
+ str w4, [x2, x3]
+ b .L1606
+ .loc 3 643 0 discriminator 3
+ mov w0, w21
+ mov w1, 1
+ .loc 3 642 0 discriminator 3
+ add w21, w21, 1
+ .loc 3 643 0 discriminator 3
+ bl FtlLowFormatEraseBlock
+ add w19, w19, w0
+ .loc 3 642 0 discriminator 3
+ and w21, w21, 65535
+ .loc 3 643 0 discriminator 3
+ and w19, w19, 65535
+ b .L1608
+ .loc 3 647 0
+ udiv w0, w19, w0
+ ldr w19, [x22, 112]
+ .loc 3 650 0
+ add x21, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 3 647 0
+ add w0, w0, w19
+ bl FtlSysBlkNumInit
+ .loc 3 648 0
+ ldrh w0, [x22, 16]
+ bl FtlFreeSysBlkQueueInit
+ .loc 3 650 0
+ ldrh w19, [x22, 20]
+ .loc 3 650 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
+ ldrh w0, [x21, 22]
+ cmp w0, w19
+ bls .L1614
+ .loc 3 651 0 is_stmt 1 discriminator 3
+ mov w0, w19
+ .loc 3 650 0 discriminator 3
+ add w19, w19, 1
+ .loc 3 651 0 discriminator 3
+ mov w1, 1
+ .loc 3 650 0 discriminator 3
+ and w19, w19, 65535
+ .loc 3 651 0 discriminator 3
+ bl FtlLowFormatEraseBlock
+ b .L1612
+ .loc 3 657 0 discriminator 3
+ mov w0, w22
+ mov w1, 0
+ .loc 3 656 0 discriminator 3
+ add w22, w22, 1
+ .loc 3 657 0 discriminator 3
+ bl FtlLowFormatEraseBlock
+ add w21, w21, w0
+ .loc 3 656 0 discriminator 3
+ and w22, w22, 65535
+ .loc 3 657 0 discriminator 3
+ and w21, w21, 65535
+ b .L1611
+ .loc 3 709 0
+ ldr w1, [x19, 2556]
+ .loc 3 710 0
+ ubfiz x0, x0, 1, 16
+ .loc 3 709 0
+ str w1, [x21, 12]
+ add w1, w1, 1
+ str w1, [x19, 2556]
+ .loc 3 710 0
+ ldr x1, [x19, 2320]
+ ldrh w2, [x21, 4]
+ strh w2, [x1, x0]
+ .loc 3 712 0
+ add x0, x19, 2408
+ strh wzr, [x19, 2410]
+ .loc 3 714 0
+ ldrh w1, [x21]
+ .loc 3 721 0
+ mov w21, -1
+ .loc 3 713 0
+ strb wzr, [x19, 2414]
+ .loc 3 714 0
+ add w1, w1, 1
+ strh w1, [x19, 2408]
+ .loc 3 715 0
+ mov w1, 1
+ strb w1, [x19, 2416]
+ .loc 3 717 0
+ add x19, x20, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ mov x20, x0
+ mov x0, x20
+ bl make_superblock
+ .loc 3 718 0
+ ldrb w1, [x20, 7]
+ ldrh w0, [x20]
+ cbnz w1, .L1623
+ .loc 3 721 0
+ ldr x1, [x19, 2320]
+ ubfiz x0, x0, 1, 16
+ strh w21, [x1, x0]
+ .loc 3 722 0
+ ldrh w0, [x20]
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ strh w0, [x20]
+ .loc 3 723 0
+ b .L1622
+ .loc 3 725 0
+ ldr w1, [x19, 2556]
+ .loc 3 726 0
+ ubfiz x0, x0, 1, 16
+ .loc 3 725 0
+ str w1, [x20, 12]
+ .loc 3 727 0
+ mov w4, -1
+ .loc 3 725 0
+ add w1, w1, 1
+ str w1, [x19, 2556]
+ .loc 3 726 0
+ ldr x1, [x19, 2320]
+ .loc 3 733 0
+ add x22, x22, :lo12:.LANCHOR3
+ .loc 3 726 0
+ ldrh w2, [x20, 4]
+ strh w2, [x1, x0]
+ .loc 3 727 0
+ strh w4, [x19, 2456]
+ .loc 3 730 0
+ bl FtlFreeSysBlkQueueOut
+ strh w0, [x19, 2648]
+ .loc 3 733 0
+ ldr w0, [x22, 88]
+ strh w0, [x19, 2654]
+ .loc 3 734 0
+ ldr w0, [x19, 2556]
+ str w0, [x19, 2656]
+ add w0, w0, 1
+ .loc 3 732 0
+ strh w4, [x19, 2652]
+ .loc 3 731 0
+ strh wzr, [x19, 2650]
+ .loc 3 734 0
+ str w0, [x19, 2556]
+ .loc 3 735 0
+ bl FtlVpcTblFlush
+ .loc 3 736 0
+ bl FtlSysBlkInit
+ cbnz w0, .L1624
+ .loc 3 737 0
+ adrp x0, .LANCHOR2
+ mov w1, 1
+ str w1, [x0, #:lo12:.LANCHOR2]
+ .loc 3 739 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ ldr x23, [sp, 48]
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 64
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 23
+ .cfi_restore 21
+ .cfi_restore 22
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size ftl_low_format, .-ftl_low_format
+ .align 2
+ .global sftl_init
+ .type sftl_init, %function
+ .loc 3 743 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -32]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32
+ .cfi_offset 29, -32
+ .cfi_offset 30, -24
+ .loc 3 749 0
+ adrp x1, .LC70
+ add x1, x1, :lo12:.LC70
+ .loc 3 746 0
+ mov w0, -1
+ .loc 3 743 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ stp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ .cfi_offset 19, -16
+ .cfi_offset 20, -8
+ .loc 3 746 0
+ adrp x20, .LANCHOR2
+ .loc 3 753 0
+ adrp x19, .LANCHOR0
+ add x19, x19, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
+ .loc 3 746 0
+ str w0, [x20, #:lo12:.LANCHOR2]
+ .loc 3 749 0
+ adrp x0, .LC71
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC71
+ bl printk
+ .loc 3 750 0
+ adrp x0, g_nand_phy_info
+ add x0, x0, :lo12:g_nand_phy_info
+ bl FtlConstantsInit
+ .loc 3 751 0
+ bl FtlMemInit
+ .loc 3 752 0
+ bl FtlVariablesInit
+ .loc 3 753 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 16]
+ bl FtlFreeSysBlkQueueInit
+ .loc 3 756 0
+ bl FtlLoadBbt
+ cbnz w0, .L1633
+ .loc 3 767 0
+ bl FtlSysBlkInit
+ cbnz w0, .L1633
+ .loc 3 779 0
+ mov w0, 1
+ str w0, [x20, #:lo12:.LANCHOR2]
+ .loc 3 783 0
+ ldrh w0, [x19, 2352]
+ cmp w0, 15
+ bhi .L1633
+ mov w19, 8129
+ .loc 3 786 0 discriminator 3
+ mov w1, 1
+ mov w0, 0
+ bl rk_ftl_garbage_collect
+ .loc 3 785 0 discriminator 3
+ subs w19, w19, #1
+ bne .L1632
+ .loc 3 794 0
+ mov w0, 0
+ ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16]
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 32
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_restore 19
+ .cfi_restore 20
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size sftl_init, .-sftl_init
+ .align 2
+ .global ftl_memcmp
+ .type ftl_memcmp, %function
+ .loc 1 211 0
+ .cfi_startproc
+ stp x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
+ .cfi_offset 29, -16
+ .cfi_offset 30, -8
+ .loc 1 212 0
+ uxtw x2, w2
+ .loc 1 211 0
+ add x29, sp, 0
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 29
+ .loc 1 212 0
+ bl memcmp
+ .loc 1 213 0
+ ldp x29, x30, [sp], 16
+ .cfi_restore 30
+ .cfi_restore 29
+ .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size ftl_memcmp, .-ftl_memcmp
+ .global ftl_temp_buf
+ .global gc_ink_free_return_value
+ .global check_vpc_table
+ .global FtlUpdateVaildLpnCount
+ .global g_ect_tbl_power_up_flush
+ .global power_up_flag
+ .global gFtlInitStatus
+ .global DeviceCapacity
+ .global g_power_lost_recovery_flag
+ .global c_mlc_erase_count_value
+ .global g_recovery_ppa_tbl
+ .global g_recovery_page_min_ver
+ .global g_recovery_page_num
+ .global g_cur_erase_blk
+ .global g_gc_skip_write_count
+ .global g_gc_head_data_block_count
+ .global g_gc_head_data_block
+ .global g_ftl_nand_free_count
+ .global g_in_swl_replace
+ .global g_in_gc_progress
+ .global g_max_erase_count
+ .global g_totle_sys_slc_erase_count
+ .global g_totle_slc_erase_count
+ .global g_min_erase_count
+ .global g_totle_avg_erase_count
+ .global g_totle_mlc_erase_count
+ .global g_totle_l2p_write_count
+ .global g_totle_cache_write_count
+ .global g_tmp_data_superblock_id
+ .global g_totle_read_page_count
+ .global g_totle_discard_page_count
+ .global g_totle_read_sector
+ .global g_totle_write_sector
+ .global g_totle_write_page_count
+ .global g_totle_gc_page_count
+ .global g_gc_blk_index
+ .global g_gc_merge_free_blk_threshold
+ .global g_gc_free_blk_threshold
+ .global g_gc_bad_block_temp_tbl
+ .global g_gc_bad_block_gc_index
+ .global g_gc_bad_block_temp_num
+ .global g_gc_next_blk_1
+ .global g_gc_next_blk
+ .global g_gc_cur_blk_max_valid_pages
+ .global g_gc_cur_blk_valid_pages
+ .global g_gc_page_offset
+ .global g_gc_blk_num
+ .global p_gc_blk_tbl
+ .global p_gc_page_info
+ .global g_sys_ext_data
+ .global g_sys_save_data
+ .global gp_last_act_superblock
+ .global g_gc_superblock
+ .global g_gc_temp_superblock
+ .global g_buffer_superblock
+ .global g_active_superblock
+ .global g_num_data_superblocks
+ .global g_num_free_superblocks
+ .global p_data_block_list_tail
+ .global p_data_block_list_head
+ .global p_free_data_block_list_head
+ .global p_data_block_list_table
+ .global g_l2p_last_update_region_id
+ .global p_l2p_map_buf
+ .global p_l2p_ram_map
+ .global g_totle_vendor_block
+ .global p_vendor_region_ppn_table
+ .global p_vendor_block_ver_table
+ .global p_vendor_block_valid_page_count
+ .global p_vendor_block_table
+ .global g_totle_map_block
+ .global p_map_region_ppn_table
+ .global p_map_block_ver_table
+ .global p_map_block_valid_page_count
+ .global p_map_block_table
+ .global p_blk_mode_table
+ .global p_valid_page_count_check_table
+ .global p_valid_page_count_table
+ .global g_totle_swl_count
+ .global p_swl_mul_table
+ .global p_erase_count_table
+ .global g_ect_tbl_info_size
+ .global gp_ect_tbl_info
+ .global g_gc_num_req
+ .global c_gc_page_buf_num
+ .global gp_gc_page_buf_info
+ .global p_gc_data_buf
+ .global p_gc_spare_buf
+ .global p_io_spare_buf
+ .global p_io_data_buf_1
+ .global p_io_data_buf_0
+ .global p_sys_spare_buf
+ .global p_vendor_data_buf
+ .global p_sys_data_buf_1
+ .global p_sys_data_buf
+ .global p_plane_order_table
+ .global g_req_cache
+ .global req_gc_dst
+ .global req_gc
+ .global req_erase
+ .global req_prgm
+ .global req_read
+ .global req_sys
+ .global gVendorBlkInfo
+ .global gL2pMapInfo
+ .global gSysFreeQueue
+ .global gSysInfo
+ .global gBbtInfo
+ .global g_MaxLbn
+ .global g_VaildLpn
+ .global g_MaxLpn
+ .global g_MaxLbaSector
+ .global g_GlobalDataVersion
+ .global g_GlobalSysVersion
+ .global ftl_gc_temp_power_lost_recovery_flag
+ .global c_ftl_nand_max_data_blks
+ .global c_ftl_nand_data_op_blks_per_plane
+ .global c_ftl_nand_data_blks_per_plane
+ .global c_ftl_nand_max_sys_blks
+ .global c_ftl_nand_init_sys_blks_per_plane
+ .global c_ftl_nand_sys_blks_per_plane
+ .global c_ftl_vendor_part_size
+ .global c_ftl_nand_max_vendor_blks
+ .global c_ftl_nand_max_map_blks
+ .global c_ftl_nand_map_blks_per_plane
+ .global c_ftl_nand_vendor_region_num
+ .global c_ftl_nand_l2pmap_ram_region_num
+ .global c_ftl_nand_map_region_num
+ .global c_ftl_nand_totle_phy_blks
+ .global c_ftl_nand_reserved_blks
+ .global c_ftl_nand_byte_pre_oob
+ .global c_ftl_nand_byte_pre_page
+ .global c_ftl_nand_sec_pre_page_shift
+ .global c_ftl_nand_sec_pre_page
+ .global c_ftl_nand_page_pre_super_blk
+ .global c_ftl_nand_page_pre_slc_blk
+ .global c_ftl_nand_page_pre_blk
+ .global c_ftl_nand_bbm_buf_size
+ .global c_ftl_nand_ext_blk_pre_plane
+ .global c_ftl_nand_blk_pre_plane
+ .global c_ftl_nand_planes_num
+ .global c_ftl_nand_blks_per_die_shift
+ .global c_ftl_nand_blks_per_die
+ .global c_ftl_nand_planes_per_die
+ .global c_ftl_nand_die_num
+ .global c_ftl_nand_type
+ .section .rodata
+ .align 3
+ .set .LANCHOR1,. + 0
+ .type __func__.3775, %object
+ .size __func__.3775, 17
+ .string "INSERT_DATA_LIST"
+ .zero 7
+ .type __func__.3770, %object
+ .size __func__.3770, 17
+ .string "INSERT_FREE_LIST"
+ .zero 7
+ .type __func__.3805, %object
+ .size __func__.3805, 17
+ .string "List_remove_node"
+ .zero 7
+ .type __func__.3837, %object
+ .size __func__.3837, 22
+ .string "List_update_data_list"
+ .zero 2
+ .type __func__.3878, %object
+ .size __func__.3878, 26
+ .string "ftl_map_blk_alloc_new_blk"
+ .zero 6
+ .type __func__.3942, %object
+ .size __func__.3942, 22
+ .string "select_l2p_ram_region"
+ .zero 2
+ .type __func__.4265, %object
+ .size __func__.4265, 16
+ .string "make_superblock"
+ .type __func__.4439, %object
+ .size __func__.4439, 19
+ .string "get_new_active_ppa"
+ .zero 5
+ .type __func__.4679, %object
+ .size __func__.4679, 15
+ .string "FlashReadPages"
+ .zero 1
+ .type __func__.4696, %object
+ .size __func__.4696, 15
+ .string "FlashProgPages"
+ .zero 1
+ .type __func__.3388, %object
+ .size __func__.3388, 11
+ .string "FtlMemInit"
+ .zero 5
+ .type __func__.3604, %object
+ .size __func__.3604, 14
+ .string "FtlBbt2Bitmap"
+ .zero 2
+ .type __func__.3846, %object
+ .size __func__.3846, 16
+ .string "load_l2p_region"
+ .type __func__.3903, %object
+ .size __func__.3903, 31
+ .string "Ftl_write_map_blk_to_last_page"
+ .zero 1
+ .type __func__.3917, %object
+ .size __func__.3917, 16
+ .string "FtlMapWritePage"
+ .type __func__.3889, %object
+ .size __func__.3889, 15
+ .string "ftl_map_blk_gc"
+ .zero 1
+ .type __func__.3959, %object
+ .size __func__.3959, 9
+ .string "log2phys"
+ .zero 7
+ .type __func__.4174, %object
+ .size __func__.4174, 16
+ .string "FtlReUsePrevPpa"
+ .type __func__.4054, %object
+ .size __func__.4054, 14
+ .string "FtlScanSysBlk"
+ .zero 2
+ .type __func__.4286, %object
+ .size __func__.4286, 18
+ .string "SupperBlkListInit"
+ .zero 6
+ .type __func__.4327, %object
+ .size __func__.4327, 14
+ .string "ftl_check_vpc"
+ .zero 2
+ .type __func__.4411, %object
+ .size __func__.4411, 25
+ .string "allocate_data_superblock"
+ .zero 7
+ .type __func__.4452, %object
+ .size __func__.4452, 16
+ .string "update_vpc_list"
+ .type __func__.4459, %object
+ .size __func__.4459, 20
+ .string "decrement_vpc_count"
+ .zero 4
+ .type __func__.4208, %object
+ .size __func__.4208, 22
+ .string "FtlRecoverySuperblock"
+ .zero 2
+ .type __func__.3647, %object
+ .size __func__.3647, 11
+ .string "FtlLoadBbt"
+ .zero 5
+ .type __func__.4032, %object
+ .size __func__.4032, 15
+ .string "FtlVpcTblFlush"
+ .zero 1
+ .type __func__.4311, %object
+ .size __func__.4311, 21
+ .string "FtlVpcCheckAndModify"
+ .zero 3
+ .type __func__.4432, %object
+ .size __func__.4432, 29
+ .string "allocate_new_data_superblock"
+ .zero 3
+ .type __func__.3512, %object
+ .size __func__.3512, 13
+ .string "FtlProgPages"
+ .zero 3
+ .type __func__.4529, %object
+ .size __func__.4529, 19
+ .string "FtlGcFreeTempBlock"
+ .zero 5
+ .type __func__.4635, %object
+ .size __func__.4635, 23
+ .string "rk_ftl_garbage_collect"
+ .zero 1
+ .type __func__.3540, %object
+ .size __func__.3540, 9
+ .string "FtlWrite"
+ .zero 7
+ .type __func__.4111, %object
+ .size __func__.4111, 15
+ .string "FtlLoadSysInfo"
+ .data
+ .align 2
+ .set .LANCHOR2,. + 0
+ .type gFtlInitStatus, %object
+ .size gFtlInitStatus, 4
+ .word -1
+ .type ftl_gc_temp_block_bops_scan_page_addr, %object
+ .size ftl_gc_temp_block_bops_scan_page_addr, 2
+ .hword -1
+ .zero 2
+ .type power_up_flag, %object
+ .size power_up_flag, 4
+ .word 1
+ .bss
+ .align 3
+ .set .LANCHOR0,. + 0
+ .set .LANCHOR3,. + 4352
+ .type p_blk_mode_table, %object
+ .size p_blk_mode_table, 8
+ .zero 8
+ .type c_ftl_nand_sys_blks_per_plane, %object
+ .size c_ftl_nand_sys_blks_per_plane, 4
+ .zero 4
+ .type c_ftl_nand_planes_num, %object
+ .size c_ftl_nand_planes_num, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .zero 2
+ .type c_ftl_nand_max_sys_blks, %object
+ .size c_ftl_nand_max_sys_blks, 4
+ .zero 4
+ .type c_ftl_nand_data_blks_per_plane, %object
+ .size c_ftl_nand_data_blks_per_plane, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .type c_ftl_nand_blk_pre_plane, %object
+ .size c_ftl_nand_blk_pre_plane, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .type c_ftl_nand_max_data_blks, %object
+ .size c_ftl_nand_max_data_blks, 4
+ .zero 4
+ .type c_ftl_nand_totle_phy_blks, %object
+ .size c_ftl_nand_totle_phy_blks, 4
+ .zero 4
+ .type c_ftl_nand_type, %object
+ .size c_ftl_nand_type, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .type c_ftl_nand_die_num, %object
+ .size c_ftl_nand_die_num, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .type c_ftl_nand_planes_per_die, %object
+ .size c_ftl_nand_planes_per_die, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .type c_ftl_nand_sec_pre_page, %object
+ .size c_ftl_nand_sec_pre_page, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .type p_plane_order_table, %object
+ .size p_plane_order_table, 32
+ .zero 32
+ .type c_mlc_erase_count_value, %object
+ .size c_mlc_erase_count_value, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .type c_ftl_nand_ext_blk_pre_plane, %object
+ .size c_ftl_nand_ext_blk_pre_plane, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .type c_ftl_vendor_part_size, %object
+ .size c_ftl_vendor_part_size, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .type c_ftl_nand_blks_per_die, %object
+ .size c_ftl_nand_blks_per_die, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .type c_ftl_nand_blks_per_die_shift, %object
+ .size c_ftl_nand_blks_per_die_shift, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .type c_ftl_nand_page_pre_blk, %object
+ .size c_ftl_nand_page_pre_blk, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .type c_ftl_nand_page_pre_slc_blk, %object
+ .size c_ftl_nand_page_pre_slc_blk, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .type c_ftl_nand_page_pre_super_blk, %object
+ .size c_ftl_nand_page_pre_super_blk, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .type c_ftl_nand_sec_pre_page_shift, %object
+ .size c_ftl_nand_sec_pre_page_shift, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .type c_ftl_nand_byte_pre_page, %object
+ .size c_ftl_nand_byte_pre_page, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .type c_ftl_nand_byte_pre_oob, %object
+ .size c_ftl_nand_byte_pre_oob, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .type c_ftl_nand_reserved_blks, %object
+ .size c_ftl_nand_reserved_blks, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .type DeviceCapacity, %object
+ .size DeviceCapacity, 4
+ .zero 4
+ .type c_ftl_nand_max_vendor_blks, %object
+ .size c_ftl_nand_max_vendor_blks, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .type c_ftl_nand_vendor_region_num, %object
+ .size c_ftl_nand_vendor_region_num, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .type c_ftl_nand_map_blks_per_plane, %object
+ .size c_ftl_nand_map_blks_per_plane, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .zero 2
+ .type c_ftl_nand_max_map_blks, %object
+ .size c_ftl_nand_max_map_blks, 4
+ .zero 4
+ .type c_ftl_nand_init_sys_blks_per_plane, %object
+ .size c_ftl_nand_init_sys_blks_per_plane, 4
+ .zero 4
+ .type c_ftl_nand_map_region_num, %object
+ .size c_ftl_nand_map_region_num, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .type c_ftl_nand_l2pmap_ram_region_num, %object
+ .size c_ftl_nand_l2pmap_ram_region_num, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .type g_MaxLbaSector, %object
+ .size g_MaxLbaSector, 4
+ .zero 4
+ .type g_totle_vendor_block, %object
+ .size g_totle_vendor_block, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .zero 2
+ .type p_vendor_block_table, %object
+ .size p_vendor_block_table, 8
+ .zero 8
+ .type gBbtInfo, %object
+ .size gBbtInfo, 96
+ .zero 96
+ .type gSysFreeQueue, %object
+ .size gSysFreeQueue, 2056
+ .zero 2056
+ .type p_sys_data_buf, %object
+ .size p_sys_data_buf, 8
+ .zero 8
+ .type p_erase_count_table, %object
+ .size p_erase_count_table, 8
+ .zero 8
+ .type p_data_block_list_table, %object
+ .size p_data_block_list_table, 8
+ .zero 8
+ .type p_data_block_list_head, %object
+ .size p_data_block_list_head, 8
+ .zero 8
+ .type p_valid_page_count_table, %object
+ .size p_valid_page_count_table, 8
+ .zero 8
+ .type p_data_block_list_tail, %object
+ .size p_data_block_list_tail, 8
+ .zero 8
+ .type g_num_data_superblocks, %object
+ .size g_num_data_superblocks, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .zero 6
+ .type p_free_data_block_list_head, %object
+ .size p_free_data_block_list_head, 8
+ .zero 8
+ .type g_num_free_superblocks, %object
+ .size g_num_free_superblocks, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .zero 6
+ .type g_active_superblock, %object
+ .size g_active_superblock, 48
+ .zero 48
+ .type g_buffer_superblock, %object
+ .size g_buffer_superblock, 48
+ .zero 48
+ .type g_gc_temp_superblock, %object
+ .size g_gc_temp_superblock, 48
+ .zero 48
+ .type p_l2p_ram_map, %object
+ .size p_l2p_ram_map, 8
+ .zero 8
+ .type g_l2p_last_update_region_id, %object
+ .size g_l2p_last_update_region_id, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .type FtlUpdateVaildLpnCount, %object
+ .size FtlUpdateVaildLpnCount, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .type g_VaildLpn, %object
+ .size g_VaildLpn, 4
+ .zero 4
+ .type g_MaxLpn, %object
+ .size g_MaxLpn, 4
+ .zero 4
+ .type g_totle_read_page_count, %object
+ .size g_totle_read_page_count, 4
+ .zero 4
+ .type g_totle_discard_page_count, %object
+ .size g_totle_discard_page_count, 4
+ .zero 4
+ .type g_totle_write_page_count, %object
+ .size g_totle_write_page_count, 4
+ .zero 4
+ .type g_totle_cache_write_count, %object
+ .size g_totle_cache_write_count, 4
+ .zero 4
+ .type g_totle_l2p_write_count, %object
+ .size g_totle_l2p_write_count, 4
+ .zero 4
+ .type g_totle_gc_page_count, %object
+ .size g_totle_gc_page_count, 4
+ .zero 4
+ .type g_totle_write_sector, %object
+ .size g_totle_write_sector, 4
+ .zero 4
+ .type g_totle_read_sector, %object
+ .size g_totle_read_sector, 4
+ .zero 4
+ .type g_GlobalSysVersion, %object
+ .size g_GlobalSysVersion, 4
+ .zero 4
+ .type g_GlobalDataVersion, %object
+ .size g_GlobalDataVersion, 4
+ .zero 4
+ .type g_totle_mlc_erase_count, %object
+ .size g_totle_mlc_erase_count, 4
+ .zero 4
+ .type g_totle_slc_erase_count, %object
+ .size g_totle_slc_erase_count, 4
+ .zero 4
+ .type g_totle_avg_erase_count, %object
+ .size g_totle_avg_erase_count, 4
+ .zero 4
+ .type g_totle_sys_slc_erase_count, %object
+ .size g_totle_sys_slc_erase_count, 4
+ .zero 4
+ .type g_max_erase_count, %object
+ .size g_max_erase_count, 4
+ .zero 4
+ .type g_min_erase_count, %object
+ .size g_min_erase_count, 4
+ .zero 4
+ .zero 4
+ .type g_sys_save_data, %object
+ .size g_sys_save_data, 48
+ .zero 48
+ .type c_ftl_nand_data_op_blks_per_plane, %object
+ .size c_ftl_nand_data_op_blks_per_plane, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .zero 6
+ .type gSysInfo, %object
+ .size gSysInfo, 12
+ .zero 12
+ .zero 4
+ .type g_gc_superblock, %object
+ .size g_gc_superblock, 48
+ .zero 48
+ .type g_sys_ext_data, %object
+ .size g_sys_ext_data, 512
+ .zero 512
+ .type g_gc_free_blk_threshold, %object
+ .size g_gc_free_blk_threshold, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .type g_gc_merge_free_blk_threshold, %object
+ .size g_gc_merge_free_blk_threshold, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .type g_gc_skip_write_count, %object
+ .size g_gc_skip_write_count, 4
+ .zero 4
+ .type g_gc_blk_index, %object
+ .size g_gc_blk_index, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .zero 2
+ .type g_in_swl_replace, %object
+ .size g_in_swl_replace, 4
+ .zero 4
+ .type g_gc_num_req, %object
+ .size g_gc_num_req, 4
+ .zero 4
+ .zero 4
+ .type gp_gc_page_buf_info, %object
+ .size gp_gc_page_buf_info, 8
+ .zero 8
+ .type p_gc_data_buf, %object
+ .size p_gc_data_buf, 8
+ .zero 8
+ .type p_gc_spare_buf, %object
+ .size p_gc_spare_buf, 8
+ .zero 8
+ .type req_gc, %object
+ .size req_gc, 8
+ .zero 8
+ .type c_gc_page_buf_num, %object
+ .size c_gc_page_buf_num, 4
+ .zero 4
+ .type g_gc_blk_num, %object
+ .size g_gc_blk_num, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .zero 2
+ .type p_gc_blk_tbl, %object
+ .size p_gc_blk_tbl, 8
+ .zero 8
+ .type g_gc_page_offset, %object
+ .size g_gc_page_offset, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .zero 6
+ .type p_gc_page_info, %object
+ .size p_gc_page_info, 8
+ .zero 8
+ .type g_gc_next_blk, %object
+ .size g_gc_next_blk, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .type g_gc_next_blk_1, %object
+ .size g_gc_next_blk_1, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .type g_gc_bad_block_temp_num, %object
+ .size g_gc_bad_block_temp_num, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .zero 2
+ .type g_gc_bad_block_temp_tbl, %object
+ .size g_gc_bad_block_temp_tbl, 34
+ .zero 34
+ .type g_gc_bad_block_gc_index, %object
+ .size g_gc_bad_block_gc_index, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .zero 4
+ .type req_sys, %object
+ .size req_sys, 32
+ .zero 32
+ .type p_sys_spare_buf, %object
+ .size p_sys_spare_buf, 8
+ .zero 8
+ .type check_spare_buf, %object
+ .size check_spare_buf, 512
+ .zero 512
+ .type req_erase, %object
+ .size req_erase, 8
+ .zero 8
+ .type g_cur_erase_blk, %object
+ .size g_cur_erase_blk, 4
+ .zero 4
+ .zero 4
+ .type p_io_data_buf_1, %object
+ .size p_io_data_buf_1, 8
+ .zero 8
+ .type p_io_spare_buf, %object
+ .size p_io_spare_buf, 8
+ .zero 8
+ .type p_io_data_buf_0, %object
+ .size p_io_data_buf_0, 8
+ .zero 8
+ .type g_in_gc_progress, %object
+ .size g_in_gc_progress, 4
+ .zero 4
+ .type g_gc_head_data_block, %object
+ .size g_gc_head_data_block, 4
+ .zero 4
+ .type g_gc_head_data_block_count, %object
+ .size g_gc_head_data_block_count, 4
+ .zero 4
+ .zero 4
+ .type req_read, %object
+ .size req_read, 8
+ .zero 8
+ .type req_gc_dst, %object
+ .size req_gc_dst, 8
+ .zero 8
+ .type req_prgm, %object
+ .size req_prgm, 8
+ .zero 8
+ .type p_sys_data_buf_1, %object
+ .size p_sys_data_buf_1, 8
+ .zero 8
+ .type p_vendor_data_buf, %object
+ .size p_vendor_data_buf, 8
+ .zero 8
+ .type g_ect_tbl_info_size, %object
+ .size g_ect_tbl_info_size, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .zero 6
+ .type p_swl_mul_table, %object
+ .size p_swl_mul_table, 8
+ .zero 8
+ .type gp_ect_tbl_info, %object
+ .size gp_ect_tbl_info, 8
+ .zero 8
+ .type p_valid_page_count_check_table, %object
+ .size p_valid_page_count_check_table, 8
+ .zero 8
+ .type p_map_block_table, %object
+ .size p_map_block_table, 8
+ .zero 8
+ .type p_map_block_valid_page_count, %object
+ .size p_map_block_valid_page_count, 8
+ .zero 8
+ .type p_vendor_block_valid_page_count, %object
+ .size p_vendor_block_valid_page_count, 8
+ .zero 8
+ .type p_vendor_block_ver_table, %object
+ .size p_vendor_block_ver_table, 8
+ .zero 8
+ .type p_vendor_region_ppn_table, %object
+ .size p_vendor_region_ppn_table, 8
+ .zero 8
+ .type p_map_region_ppn_table, %object
+ .size p_map_region_ppn_table, 8
+ .zero 8
+ .type p_map_block_ver_table, %object
+ .size p_map_block_ver_table, 8
+ .zero 8
+ .type p_l2p_map_buf, %object
+ .size p_l2p_map_buf, 8
+ .zero 8
+ .type c_ftl_nand_bbm_buf_size, %object
+ .size c_ftl_nand_bbm_buf_size, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .zero 6
+ .type gL2pMapInfo, %object
+ .size gL2pMapInfo, 64
+ .zero 64
+ .type g_totle_map_block, %object
+ .size g_totle_map_block, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .zero 6
+ .type gVendorBlkInfo, %object
+ .size gVendorBlkInfo, 64
+ .zero 64
+ .type g_req_cache, %object
+ .size g_req_cache, 8
+ .zero 8
+ .type g_tmp_data_superblock_id, %object
+ .size g_tmp_data_superblock_id, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .zero 2
+ .type g_totle_swl_count, %object
+ .size g_totle_swl_count, 4
+ .zero 4
+ .type ftl_gc_temp_power_lost_recovery_flag, %object
+ .size ftl_gc_temp_power_lost_recovery_flag, 4
+ .zero 4
+ .type g_recovery_page_min_ver, %object
+ .size g_recovery_page_min_ver, 4
+ .zero 4
+ .type g_power_lost_recovery_flag, %object
+ .size g_power_lost_recovery_flag, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .zero 2
+ .type g_recovery_page_num, %object
+ .size g_recovery_page_num, 4
+ .zero 4
+ .type g_recovery_ppa_tbl, %object
+ .size g_recovery_ppa_tbl, 128
+ .zero 128
+ .type g_ect_tbl_power_up_flush, %object
+ .size g_ect_tbl_power_up_flush, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .zero 6
+ .type gp_last_act_superblock, %object
+ .size gp_last_act_superblock, 8
+ .zero 8
+ .type gc_discard_updated, %object
+ .size gc_discard_updated, 4
+ .zero 4
+ .type gc_ink_free_return_value, %object
+ .size gc_ink_free_return_value, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .type g_gc_cur_blk_valid_pages, %object
+ .size g_gc_cur_blk_valid_pages, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .type g_gc_cur_blk_max_valid_pages, %object
+ .size g_gc_cur_blk_max_valid_pages, 2
+ .zero 2
+ .zero 2
+ .type g_ftl_nand_free_count, %object
+ .size g_ftl_nand_free_count, 4
+ .zero 4
+ .type g_MaxLbn, %object
+ .size g_MaxLbn, 4
+ .zero 4
+ .zero 4
+ .type ftl_temp_buf, %object
+ .size ftl_temp_buf, 4096
+ .zero 4096
+ .type check_buf, %object
+ .size check_buf, 4096
+ .zero 4096
+ .type check_vpc_table, %object
+ .size check_vpc_table, 16384
+ .zero 16384
+ .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1
+ .string "phyBlk = 0x%x die = %d block_in_die = 0x%x 0x%8x\n"
+ .string "\n!!!!! error @ func:%s - line:%d\n"
+ .string "FLASH INFO:\n"
+ .string "Device Capacity: %d MB\n"
+ .string "FTL INFO:\n"
+ .string "g_MaxLpn = 0x%x\n"
+ .string "g_VaildLpn = 0x%x\n"
+ .string "read_page_count = 0x%x\n"
+ .string "discard_page_count = 0x%x\n"
+ .string "write_page_count = 0x%x\n"
+ .string "cache_write_count = 0x%x\n"
+ .string "l2p_write_count = 0x%x\n"
+ .string "gc_page_count = 0x%x\n"
+ .string "totle_write = %d MB\n"
+ .string "totle_read = %d MB\n"
+ .string "GSV = 0x%x\n"
+ .string "GDV = 0x%x\n"
+ .string "bad blk num = %d\n"
+ .string "free_superblocks = 0x%x\n"
+ .string "mlc_EC = 0x%x\n"
+ .string "slc_EC = 0x%x\n"
+ .string "avg_EC = 0x%x\n"
+ .string "sys_EC = 0x%x\n"
+ .string "max_EC = 0x%x\n"
+ .string "min_EC = 0x%x\n"
+ .string "PLT = 0x%x\n"
+ .string "POT = 0x%x\n"
+ .string "MaxSector = 0x%x\n"
+ .string "init_sys_blks_pp = 0x%x\n"
+ .string "sys_blks_pp = 0x%x\n"
+ .string "free sysblock = 0x%x\n"
+ .string "data_blks_pp = 0x%x\n"
+ .string "data_op_blks_pp = 0x%x\n"
+ .string "max_data_blks = 0x%x\n"
+ .string " = 0x%x\n"
+ .string " = 0x%x\n"
+ .string " = 0x%x\n"
+ .string "ACT.plane = 0x%x\n"
+ .string " = 0x%x\n"
+ .string "ACT.mode = 0x%x\n"
+ .string "ACT.a_pages = 0x%x\n"
+ .string "ACT VPC = 0x%x\n"
+ .string " = 0x%x\n"
+ .string "BUF.plane = 0x%x\n"
+ .string " = 0x%x\n"
+ .string "BUF.mode = 0x%x\n"
+ .string "BUF.a_pages = 0x%x\n"
+ .string "BUF VPC = 0x%x\n"
+ .string " = 0x%x\n"
+ .string "TMP.plane = 0x%x\n"
+ .string " = 0x%x\n"
+ .string "TMP.mode = 0x%x\n"
+ .string "TMP.a_pages = 0x%x\n"
+ .string " = 0x%x\n"
+ .string "GC.plane = 0x%x\n"
+ .string " = 0x%x\n"
+ .string "GC.mode = 0x%x\n"
+ .string "GC.a_pages = 0x%x\n"
+ .string "WR_CHK = %x %x %x\n"
+ .string "Read Err Cnt = 0x%x\n"
+ .string "Prog Err Cnt = 0x%x\n"
+ .string "gc_free_blk_th= 0x%x\n"
+ .string "gc_merge_free_blk_th= 0x%x\n"
+ .string "gc_skip_write_count= 0x%x\n"
+ .string "gc_blk_index= 0x%x\n"
+ .string "free min EC= 0x%x\n"
+ .string "free max EC= 0x%x\n"
+ .string "GC__SB VPC = 0x%x\n"
+ .string "%d. [0x%x]=0x%x 0x%x 0x%x\n"
+ .string "free %d. [0x%x] 0x%x 0x%x\n"
+ .string "SFTL version: 5.0.43 20180116"
+ .string "%s\n"
+ .string "swblk %x ,avg = %x max= %x vpc= %x,ec=%x ,max ec=%x\n"
+ .string "FtlGcRefreshBlock 0x%x\n"
+ .string "FtlGcMarkBadPhyBlk %d 0x%x\n"
+ .string "prog read error: = %x\n"
+ .string "prog read s error: = %x %x %x\n"
+ .string "prog read d error: = %x %x %x\n"
+ .string "%s error allocating memory. return -1\n"
+ .string "region_id = %x phyAddr = %x\n"
+ .string "spare:"
+ .string "map_ppn:"
+ .string "FtlMapWritePage error = %x \n"
+ .string "FtlMapWritePage error = %x error count = %d\n"
+ .string "ftl_scan_all_data = %x\n"
+ .string "scan lpa = %x ppa= %x\n"
+ .string "lba = %x,addr= %x,spare= %x %x %x %x data=%x %x\n"
+ .string "...%s enter...\n"
+ .string "FtlCheckVpc2 %x = %x %x\n"
+ .string "free blk vpc error %x = %x %x\n"
+ .string "FtlBbmTblFlush id=%x,page=%x,previd=%x cnt=%d\n"
+ .string "FtlBbmTblFlush error:%x\n"
+ .string "FtlBbmTblFlush error = %x error count = %d\n"
+ .string "FtlGcFreeBadSuperBlk 0x%x\n"
+ .string "decrement_vpc_count %x = %d\n"
+ .string "spuer block %x vpn is 0\n "
+ .string "no ect"
+ .string "FtlVpcTblFlush error = %x error count = %d\n"
+ .string "FtlCheckVpc %x = %x %x\n"
+ .string "Ftlwrite decrement_vpc_count %x = %d\n"
+ .string "SWL %x, FSB = %x vpc= %x,ec=%x th=%x\n"
+ .string "FtlWrite: lpa error:%x %x\n"
+ .text
+ .file 6 "include/asm-generic/int-ll64.h"
+ .file 7 "include/linux/types.h"
+ .file 8 "include/linux/init.h"
+ .file 9 "./arch/arm64/include/asm/cachetype.h"
+ .file 10 "include/linux/printk.h"
+ .file 11 "include/linux/kernel.h"
+ .file 12 "drivers/rkflash/rksftl/sftl_inc.h"
+ .file 13 "drivers/rkflash/rksftl/flash_com.h"
+ .file 14 "drivers/rkflash/rksftl/sftl_struct.h"
+ .file 15 "drivers/rkflash/rksftl/sftl_global.h"
+ .file 16 "./arch/arm64/include/asm/string.h"
+ .file 17 "drivers/rkflash/rksftl/typedef.h"
+ .file 18 "<built-in>"
+ .section .debug_info,"",@progbits
+ .4byte 0x74f1
+ .2byte 0x4
+ .4byte .Ldebug_abbrev0
+ .byte 0x8
+ .uleb128 0x1
+ .4byte .LASF660
+ .byte 0x1
+ .4byte .LASF661
+ .4byte .LASF662
+ .8byte .Ltext0
+ .8byte .Letext0-.Ltext0
+ .4byte .Ldebug_line0
+ .uleb128 0x2
+ .byte 0x8
+ .uleb128 0x3
+ .byte 0x4
+ .byte 0x5
+ .string "int"
+ .uleb128 0x4
+ .byte 0x8
+ .byte 0x7
+ .4byte .LASF0
+ .uleb128 0x4
+ .byte 0x8
+ .byte 0x7
+ .4byte .LASF1
+ .uleb128 0x4
+ .byte 0x1
+ .byte 0x8
+ .4byte .LASF2
+ .uleb128 0x5
+ .4byte 0x44
+ .uleb128 0x4
+ .byte 0x4
+ .byte 0x7
+ .4byte .LASF3
+ .uleb128 0x4
+ .byte 0x1
+ .byte 0x6
+ .4byte .LASF4
+ .uleb128 0x4
+ .byte 0x1
+ .byte 0x8
+ .4byte .LASF5
+ .uleb128 0x4
+ .byte 0x2
+ .byte 0x5
+ .4byte .LASF6
+ .uleb128 0x4
+ .byte 0x2
+ .byte 0x7
+ .4byte .LASF7
+ .uleb128 0x4
+ .byte 0x8
+ .byte 0x5
+ .4byte .LASF8
+ .uleb128 0x4
+ .byte 0x8
+ .byte 0x7
+ .4byte .LASF9
+ .uleb128 0x6
+ .string "u8"
+ .byte 0x6
+ .byte 0x10
+ .4byte 0x5e
+ .uleb128 0x6
+ .string "u16"
+ .byte 0x6
+ .byte 0x13
+ .4byte 0x6c
+ .uleb128 0x6
+ .string "s32"
+ .byte 0x6
+ .byte 0x15
+ .4byte 0x2f
+ .uleb128 0x6
+ .string "u32"
+ .byte 0x6
+ .byte 0x16
+ .4byte 0x50
+ .uleb128 0x4
+ .byte 0x8
+ .byte 0x5
+ .4byte .LASF10
+ .uleb128 0x7
+ .byte 0x8
+ .4byte 0x44
+ .uleb128 0x8
+ .4byte .LASF11
+ .byte 0x7
+ .byte 0x1d
+ .4byte 0xc4
+ .uleb128 0x4
+ .byte 0x1
+ .byte 0x2
+ .4byte .LASF12
+ .uleb128 0x8
+ .4byte .LASF13
+ .byte 0x8
+ .byte 0x83
+ .4byte 0xd6
+ .uleb128 0x7
+ .byte 0x8
+ .4byte 0xdc
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .4byte 0x2f
+ .uleb128 0x7
+ .byte 0x8
+ .4byte 0xe7
+ .uleb128 0xa
+ .uleb128 0xb
+ .4byte 0xcb
+ .4byte 0xf3
+ .uleb128 0xc
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0xd
+ .4byte .LASF14
+ .byte 0x8
+ .byte 0x86
+ .4byte 0xe8
+ .uleb128 0xd
+ .4byte .LASF15
+ .byte 0x8
+ .byte 0x86
+ .4byte 0xe8
+ .uleb128 0xd
+ .4byte .LASF16
+ .byte 0x8
+ .byte 0x87
+ .4byte 0xe8
+ .uleb128 0xd
+ .4byte .LASF17
+ .byte 0x8
+ .byte 0x87
+ .4byte 0xe8
+ .uleb128 0xb
+ .4byte 0x44
+ .4byte 0x12a
+ .uleb128 0xc
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0xd
+ .4byte .LASF18
+ .byte 0x8
+ .byte 0x8e
+ .4byte 0x11f
+ .uleb128 0xd
+ .4byte .LASF19
+ .byte 0x8
+ .byte 0x8f
+ .4byte 0xb3
+ .uleb128 0xd
+ .4byte .LASF20
+ .byte 0x8
+ .byte 0x90
+ .4byte 0x50
+ .uleb128 0xd
+ .4byte .LASF21
+ .byte 0x8
+ .byte 0x9c
+ .4byte 0xe1
+ .uleb128 0xd
+ .4byte .LASF22
+ .byte 0x8
+ .byte 0x9e
+ .4byte 0xb9
+ .uleb128 0xd
+ .4byte .LASF23
+ .byte 0x9
+ .byte 0x28
+ .4byte 0x36
+ .uleb128 0xb
+ .4byte 0x4b
+ .4byte 0x177
+ .uleb128 0xc
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0x5
+ .4byte 0x16c
+ .uleb128 0xd
+ .4byte .LASF24
+ .byte 0xa
+ .byte 0xa
+ .4byte 0x177
+ .uleb128 0xd
+ .4byte .LASF25
+ .byte 0xa
+ .byte 0xb
+ .4byte 0x177
+ .uleb128 0xb
+ .4byte 0x2f
+ .4byte 0x19d
+ .uleb128 0xc
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0xd
+ .4byte .LASF26
+ .byte 0xa
+ .byte 0x2e
+ .4byte 0x192
+ .uleb128 0xd
+ .4byte .LASF27
+ .byte 0xa
+ .byte 0x9f
+ .4byte 0x2f
+ .uleb128 0xd
+ .4byte .LASF28
+ .byte 0xa
+ .byte 0xa0
+ .4byte 0x2f
+ .uleb128 0xd
+ .4byte .LASF29
+ .byte 0xa
+ .byte 0xa1
+ .4byte 0x2f
+ .uleb128 0xe
+ .4byte .LASF31
+ .uleb128 0x5
+ .4byte 0x1c9
+ .uleb128 0xf
+ .4byte .LASF30
+ .byte 0xa
+ .2byte 0x1a4
+ .4byte 0x1ce
+ .uleb128 0xe
+ .4byte .LASF32
+ .uleb128 0xf
+ .4byte .LASF33
+ .byte 0xb
+ .2byte 0x104
+ .4byte 0x1df
+ .uleb128 0x10
+ .4byte 0xac
+ .4byte 0x1ff
+ .uleb128 0x11
+ .4byte 0x2f
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0xf
+ .4byte .LASF34
+ .byte 0xb
+ .2byte 0x105
+ .4byte 0x20b
+ .uleb128 0x7
+ .byte 0x8
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+ .byte 0xe
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+ .byte 0xe
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+ .byte 0xe
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+ .byte 0xe
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+ .byte 0xe
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+ .4byte 0x2f3
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+ .4byte .LASF145
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+ .4byte .LASF146
+ .byte 0xe
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+ .4byte .LASF149
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+ .4byte .LASF150
+ .byte 0xe
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+ .4byte .LASF151
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+ .4byte .LASF152
+ .byte 0xe
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+ .4byte .LASF153
+ .byte 0xe
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+ .byte 0xe
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+ .4byte .LASF156
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+ .4byte .LASF157
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+ .byte 0
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+ .byte 0xe
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+ .byte 0
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+ .4byte .LASF168
+ .byte 0xe
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+ .4byte .LASF169
+ .byte 0xe
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+ .byte 0x6
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+ .4byte .LASF170
+ .byte 0xe
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+ .byte 0x7
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+ .4byte .LASF171
+ .byte 0xe
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+ .4byte 0x2dd
+ .byte 0x8
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+ .4byte .LASF172
+ .byte 0xe
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+ .byte 0x9
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+ .4byte .LASF173
+ .byte 0xe
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+ .4byte 0x2dd
+ .byte 0xa
+ .uleb128 0x15
+ .4byte .LASF174
+ .byte 0xe
+ .byte 0xff
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+ .byte 0xb
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+ .4byte .LASF84
+ .byte 0xe
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+ .4byte 0x2f3
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+ .4byte .LASF175
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+ .byte 0x10
+ .byte 0
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+ .4byte .LASF176
+ .byte 0xc
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+ .2byte 0x105
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+ .4byte .LASF177
+ .byte 0xe
+ .2byte 0x107
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+ .2byte 0x108
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+ .2byte 0x10c
+ .4byte 0xc2a
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+ .4byte .LASF60
+ .byte 0xe
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+ .4byte .LASF61
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+ .2byte 0x10f
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+ .4byte .LASF180
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+ .byte 0x10
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+ .byte 0x12
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+ .8byte c_ftl_nand_type
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF182
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x13
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+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte c_ftl_nand_die_num
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF183
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x14
+ .4byte 0x2e8
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+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte c_ftl_nand_planes_per_die
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF184
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x15
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte c_ftl_nand_blks_per_die
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF185
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x16
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte c_ftl_nand_blks_per_die_shift
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF186
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x17
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte c_ftl_nand_planes_num
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF187
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x18
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte c_ftl_nand_blk_pre_plane
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF188
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x19
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte c_ftl_nand_ext_blk_pre_plane
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF189
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x1a
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte c_ftl_nand_bbm_buf_size
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF190
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x1c
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte c_ftl_nand_page_pre_blk
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF191
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x1d
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte c_ftl_nand_page_pre_slc_blk
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF192
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x1e
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+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte c_ftl_nand_page_pre_super_blk
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF193
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x1f
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte c_ftl_nand_sec_pre_page
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF194
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x20
+ .4byte 0x2e8
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+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte c_ftl_nand_sec_pre_page_shift
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF195
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x24
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+ .byte 0x3
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+ .4byte .LASF196
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x25
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+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte c_ftl_nand_byte_pre_oob
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF197
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x26
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte c_ftl_nand_reserved_blks
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF198
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x27
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte c_ftl_nand_totle_phy_blks
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF199
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x29
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte c_ftl_nand_map_region_num
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF200
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x2a
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte c_ftl_nand_l2pmap_ram_region_num
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF201
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x2c
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte c_ftl_nand_vendor_region_num
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF202
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x2e
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte c_ftl_nand_map_blks_per_plane
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF203
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x2f
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte c_ftl_nand_max_map_blks
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF204
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x30
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte c_ftl_nand_max_vendor_blks
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF205
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x31
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte c_ftl_vendor_part_size
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF206
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x32
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte c_ftl_nand_sys_blks_per_plane
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF207
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x33
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte c_ftl_nand_init_sys_blks_per_plane
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF208
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x34
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte c_ftl_nand_max_sys_blks
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF209
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x35
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte c_ftl_nand_data_blks_per_plane
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF210
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x36
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte c_ftl_nand_data_op_blks_per_plane
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF211
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x37
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte c_ftl_nand_max_data_blks
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF212
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x38
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte ftl_gc_temp_power_lost_recovery_flag
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF213
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x3a
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_GlobalSysVersion
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF214
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x3b
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_GlobalDataVersion
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF215
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x3c
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_MaxLbaSector
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF216
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x3d
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_MaxLpn
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF217
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x3e
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_VaildLpn
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF218
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x3f
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_MaxLbn
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF219
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x41
+ .4byte 0x4a0
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte gBbtInfo
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF220
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x42
+ .4byte 0x526
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
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+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF221
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x43
+ .4byte 0xac3
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
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+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF222
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x44
+ .4byte 0x56e
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte gL2pMapInfo
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF223
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x45
+ .4byte 0x56e
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte gVendorBlkInfo
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF224
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x46
+ .4byte 0x314
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte req_sys
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF225
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x47
+ .4byte 0xfdb
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
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+ .uleb128 0x7
+ .byte 0x8
+ .4byte 0x314
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF226
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x48
+ .4byte 0xfdb
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte req_prgm
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF227
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x49
+ .4byte 0xfdb
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte req_erase
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF228
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x4a
+ .4byte 0xfdb
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte req_gc
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF229
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x4b
+ .4byte 0xfdb
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte req_gc_dst
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF230
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x4d
+ .4byte 0xfdb
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_req_cache
+ .uleb128 0xb
+ .4byte 0x2dd
+ .4byte 0x105a
+ .uleb128 0x17
+ .4byte 0x3d
+ .byte 0x1f
+ .byte 0
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+ .4byte .LASF231
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x4f
+ .4byte 0x104a
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte p_plane_order_table
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF232
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x51
+ .4byte 0x520
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte p_sys_data_buf
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF233
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x52
+ .4byte 0x520
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte p_sys_data_buf_1
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF234
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x53
+ .4byte 0x520
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte p_vendor_data_buf
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF235
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x54
+ .4byte 0x520
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte p_sys_spare_buf
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF236
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x55
+ .4byte 0x520
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte p_io_data_buf_0
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF237
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x56
+ .4byte 0x520
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte p_io_data_buf_1
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF238
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x57
+ .4byte 0x520
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte p_io_spare_buf
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF239
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x58
+ .4byte 0x520
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte p_gc_spare_buf
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF240
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x59
+ .4byte 0x520
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte p_gc_data_buf
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF241
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x5a
+ .4byte 0x1141
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte gp_gc_page_buf_info
+ .uleb128 0x7
+ .byte 0x8
+ .4byte 0xbf5
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF242
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x5b
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte c_gc_page_buf_num
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF243
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x5c
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_gc_num_req
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF244
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x5d
+ .4byte 0x1186
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte gp_ect_tbl_info
+ .uleb128 0x7
+ .byte 0x8
+ .4byte 0x65a
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF245
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x5e
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_ect_tbl_info_size
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF246
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x5f
+ .4byte 0x617
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte p_erase_count_table
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF247
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x61
+ .4byte 0x617
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte p_swl_mul_table
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF248
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x62
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_totle_swl_count
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF249
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x63
+ .4byte 0x617
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte p_valid_page_count_table
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF250
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x64
+ .4byte 0x617
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte p_valid_page_count_check_table
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF251
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x65
+ .4byte 0x520
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte p_blk_mode_table
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF252
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x67
+ .4byte 0x617
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte p_map_block_table
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF253
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x68
+ .4byte 0x617
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte p_map_block_valid_page_count
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF254
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x69
+ .4byte 0x520
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte p_map_block_ver_table
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF255
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x6a
+ .4byte 0x520
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte p_map_region_ppn_table
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF256
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x6b
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_totle_map_block
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF257
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x6d
+ .4byte 0x617
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte p_vendor_block_table
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF258
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x6e
+ .4byte 0x617
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte p_vendor_block_valid_page_count
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF259
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x6f
+ .4byte 0x520
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte p_vendor_block_ver_table
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF260
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x70
+ .4byte 0x520
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte p_vendor_region_ppn_table
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF261
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x71
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_totle_vendor_block
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF262
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x73
+ .4byte 0x1306
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte p_l2p_ram_map
+ .uleb128 0x7
+ .byte 0x8
+ .4byte 0x61d
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF263
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x74
+ .4byte 0x520
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte p_l2p_map_buf
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF264
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x75
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_l2p_last_update_region_id
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF265
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x7c
+ .4byte 0x134b
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte p_data_block_list_table
+ .uleb128 0x7
+ .byte 0x8
+ .4byte 0xa92
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF266
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x7d
+ .4byte 0x134b
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte p_free_data_block_list_head
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF267
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x7f
+ .4byte 0x134b
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte p_data_block_list_head
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF268
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x80
+ .4byte 0x134b
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte p_data_block_list_tail
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF269
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x81
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_num_free_superblocks
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF270
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x82
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_num_data_superblocks
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF271
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x83
+ .4byte 0xb1e
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_active_superblock
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF272
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x84
+ .4byte 0xb1e
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_buffer_superblock
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF273
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x85
+ .4byte 0xb1e
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_gc_temp_superblock
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF274
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x86
+ .4byte 0xb1e
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_gc_superblock
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF275
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x87
+ .4byte 0x1423
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte gp_last_act_superblock
+ .uleb128 0x7
+ .byte 0x8
+ .4byte 0xb1e
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF276
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x88
+ .4byte 0x83f
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_sys_save_data
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF277
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x89
+ .4byte 0x93c
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_sys_ext_data
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF278
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x8b
+ .4byte 0x1468
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte p_gc_page_info
+ .uleb128 0x7
+ .byte 0x8
+ .4byte 0xbc0
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF279
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x8c
+ .4byte 0x617
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte p_gc_blk_tbl
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF280
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x8d
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_gc_blk_num
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF281
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x8e
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_gc_page_offset
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF282
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x8f
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_gc_cur_blk_valid_pages
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF283
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x90
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_gc_cur_blk_max_valid_pages
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF284
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x91
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_gc_next_blk
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF285
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x92
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_gc_next_blk_1
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF286
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x93
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_gc_bad_block_temp_num
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF287
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x94
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_gc_bad_block_gc_index
+ .uleb128 0xb
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .4byte 0x153b
+ .uleb128 0x17
+ .4byte 0x3d
+ .byte 0x10
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF288
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x95
+ .4byte 0x152b
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_gc_bad_block_temp_tbl
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF289
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x97
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_gc_free_blk_threshold
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF290
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x98
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_gc_merge_free_blk_threshold
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF291
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x99
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_gc_blk_index
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF292
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x9b
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_totle_gc_page_count
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF293
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x9c
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_totle_write_page_count
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF294
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x9d
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_totle_write_sector
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF295
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0x9e
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_totle_read_sector
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF296
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0xa0
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_totle_discard_page_count
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF297
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0xa1
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_totle_read_page_count
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF298
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0xa2
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_tmp_data_superblock_id
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF299
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0xa3
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_totle_cache_write_count
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF300
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0xa4
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_totle_l2p_write_count
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF301
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0xa6
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_totle_mlc_erase_count
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF302
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0xa7
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_totle_avg_erase_count
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF303
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0xa8
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_min_erase_count
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF304
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0xa9
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_totle_slc_erase_count
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF305
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0xaa
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_totle_sys_slc_erase_count
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF306
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0xab
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_max_erase_count
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF307
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0xac
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_in_gc_progress
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF308
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0xad
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_in_swl_replace
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF309
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0xae
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_ftl_nand_free_count
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF310
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0xaf
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_gc_head_data_block
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF311
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0xb0
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_gc_head_data_block_count
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF312
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0xb1
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_gc_skip_write_count
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF313
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0xb2
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_cur_erase_blk
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF314
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0xb4
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_recovery_page_num
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF315
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0xb5
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_recovery_page_min_ver
+ .uleb128 0xb
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .4byte 0x1797
+ .uleb128 0x17
+ .4byte 0x3d
+ .byte 0x1f
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF316
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0xb6
+ .4byte 0x1787
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_recovery_ppa_tbl
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF317
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0xb7
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte c_mlc_erase_count_value
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF318
+ .byte 0xf
+ .byte 0xb8
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_power_lost_recovery_flag
+ .uleb128 0xd
+ .4byte .LASF319
+ .byte 0xc
+ .byte 0x14
+ .4byte 0x363
+ .uleb128 0xd
+ .4byte .LASF320
+ .byte 0xc
+ .byte 0x15
+ .4byte 0x363
+ .uleb128 0xd
+ .4byte .LASF321
+ .byte 0xc
+ .byte 0x16
+ .4byte 0x405
+ .uleb128 0xb
+ .4byte 0xa1
+ .4byte 0x1808
+ .uleb128 0x19
+ .4byte 0x3d
+ .2byte 0x3ff
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0xd
+ .4byte .LASF322
+ .byte 0xc
+ .byte 0x17
+ .4byte 0x17f7
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF323
+ .byte 0x3
+ .byte 0x5
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte DeviceCapacity
+ .uleb128 0x1d
+ .4byte .LASF324
+ .byte 0x3
+ .byte 0x6
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte gFtlInitStatus
+ .uleb128 0xd
+ .4byte .LASF325
+ .byte 0x3
+ .byte 0x6d
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0xd
+ .4byte .LASF326
+ .byte 0x3
+ .byte 0x6e
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0xd
+ .4byte .LASF327
+ .byte 0x3
+ .byte 0x6f
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0xd
+ .4byte .LASF328
+ .byte 0x3
+ .byte 0x70
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0x1e
+ .4byte .LASF329
+ .byte 0x3
+ .2byte 0x3bd
+ .4byte 0x2f
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte power_up_flag
+ .uleb128 0x1f
+ .4byte .LASF333
+ .byte 0x3
+ .2byte 0x480
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte gc_discard_updated
+ .uleb128 0x1e
+ .4byte .LASF330
+ .byte 0x2
+ .2byte 0x35b
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte g_ect_tbl_power_up_flush
+ .uleb128 0x1e
+ .4byte .LASF331
+ .byte 0x2
+ .2byte 0x370
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte FtlUpdateVaildLpnCount
+ .uleb128 0xb
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .4byte 0x18d2
+ .uleb128 0x19
+ .4byte 0x3d
+ .2byte 0x1fff
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0x1e
+ .4byte .LASF332
+ .byte 0x2
+ .2byte 0x8ad
+ .4byte 0x18c1
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte check_vpc_table
+ .uleb128 0x20
+ .4byte .LASF334
+ .byte 0x5
+ .byte 0x6d
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte ftl_gc_temp_block_bops_scan_page_addr
+ .uleb128 0x1e
+ .4byte .LASF335
+ .byte 0x5
+ .2byte 0x1d4
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte gc_ink_free_return_value
+ .uleb128 0x20
+ .4byte .LASF336
+ .byte 0x1
+ .byte 0xe
+ .4byte 0x17f7
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte check_buf
+ .uleb128 0x21
+ .4byte 0x1808
+ .byte 0x1
+ .byte 0xf
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte ftl_temp_buf
+ .uleb128 0xb
+ .4byte 0xa1
+ .4byte 0x1949
+ .uleb128 0x17
+ .4byte 0x3d
+ .byte 0x7f
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0x20
+ .4byte .LASF337
+ .byte 0x1
+ .byte 0x10
+ .4byte 0x1939
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte check_spare_buf
+ .uleb128 0x22
+ .4byte .LASF340
+ .byte 0x1
+ .byte 0xd2
+ .4byte 0x2f
+ .8byte .LFB268
+ .8byte .LFE268-.LFB268
+ .uleb128 0x1
+ .byte 0x9c
+ .4byte 0x19ba
+ .uleb128 0x23
+ .4byte .LASF338
+ .byte 0x1
+ .byte 0xd2
+ .4byte 0x2d
+ .4byte .LLST334
+ .uleb128 0x23
+ .4byte .LASF339
+ .byte 0x1
+ .byte 0xd2
+ .4byte 0x2d
+ .4byte .LLST335
+ .uleb128 0x23
+ .4byte .LASF111
+ .byte 0x1
+ .byte 0xd2
+ .4byte 0x50
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+ .byte 0
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .byte 0x2
+ .2byte 0x2f2
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .4byte .LLST154
+ .uleb128 0x3e
+ .4byte .LASF521
+ .byte 0x2
+ .2byte 0x2f2
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .4byte .LLST155
+ .uleb128 0x3e
+ .4byte .LASF522
+ .byte 0x2
+ .2byte 0x2f2
+ .4byte 0x2e8
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+ .uleb128 0x2e
+ .4byte .LASF357
+ .4byte 0x40af
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte __func__.3959
+ .uleb128 0x41
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+ .byte 0x2
+ .2byte 0x2fb
+ .8byte .L638
+ .uleb128 0x24
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+ .4byte 0x74b8
+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL656
+ .4byte 0x40ff
+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL659
+ .4byte 0x4168
+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL660
+ .4byte 0x45b7
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0xb
+ .4byte 0x4b
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+ .uleb128 0x17
+ .4byte 0x3d
+ .byte 0x8
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0x5
+ .4byte 0x409f
+ .uleb128 0x32
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+ .byte 0x2
+ .2byte 0x2e3
+ .4byte 0x2f
+ .8byte .LFB200
+ .8byte .LFE200-.LFB200
+ .uleb128 0x1
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+ .uleb128 0x3d
+ .string "i"
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+ .2byte 0x2e5
+ .4byte 0x2e8
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+ .4byte 0x3c99
+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL1022
+ .4byte 0x4168
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0x32
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+ .byte 0x2
+ .2byte 0x2bb
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .8byte .LFB199
+ .8byte .LFE199-.LFB199
+ .uleb128 0x1
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+ .4byte 0x4168
+ .uleb128 0x36
+ .string "i"
+ .byte 0x2
+ .2byte 0x2bd
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+ .byte 0x2
+ .2byte 0x2be
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .4byte .LLST50
+ .uleb128 0x35
+ .4byte .LASF527
+ .byte 0x2
+ .2byte 0x2bf
+ .4byte 0x2f3
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+ .4byte .LASF357
+ .4byte 0x35c2
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+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte __func__.3942
+ .uleb128 0x24
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+ .4byte 0x74b8
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0x32
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .4byte 0x2f
+ .8byte .LFB198
+ .8byte .LFE198-.LFB198
+ .uleb128 0x1
+ .byte 0x9c
+ .4byte 0x41b4
+ .uleb128 0x3c
+ .4byte .LASF520
+ .byte 0x2
+ .2byte 0x2b1
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .4byte .LLST150
+ .uleb128 0x35
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+ .byte 0x2
+ .2byte 0x2b3
+ .4byte 0x2f3
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+ .4byte 0x41b4
+ .byte 0
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+ .byte 0x2
+ .2byte 0x276
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+ .8byte .LFB197
+ .8byte .LFE197-.LFB197
+ .uleb128 0x1
+ .byte 0x9c
+ .4byte 0x42a9
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+ .4byte .LASF483
+ .byte 0x2
+ .2byte 0x276
+ .4byte 0x38f1
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+ .uleb128 0x3c
+ .4byte .LASF102
+ .byte 0x2
+ .2byte 0x276
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .4byte .LLST141
+ .uleb128 0x3c
+ .4byte .LASF513
+ .byte 0x2
+ .2byte 0x276
+ .4byte 0x520
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+ .uleb128 0x35
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+ .byte 0x2
+ .2byte 0x278
+ .4byte 0x2f3
+ .uleb128 0x3e
+ .4byte .LASF488
+ .byte 0x2
+ .2byte 0x279
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+ .uleb128 0x3e
+ .4byte .LASF501
+ .byte 0x2
+ .2byte 0x27a
+ .4byte 0x2e8
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+ .uleb128 0x37
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .4byte .LASF357
+ .4byte 0x2742
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte __func__.3917
+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL610
+ .4byte 0x42a9
+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL611
+ .4byte 0x74b8
+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL612
+ .4byte 0x74b8
+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL613
+ .4byte 0x1a1d
+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL616
+ .4byte 0x1bdb
+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL619
+ .4byte 0x74b8
+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL620
+ .4byte 0x74b8
+ .byte 0
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .8byte .LFB196
+ .8byte .LFE196-.LFB196
+ .uleb128 0x1
+ .byte 0x9c
+ .4byte 0x4388
+ .uleb128 0x3c
+ .4byte .LASF483
+ .byte 0x2
+ .2byte 0x246
+ .4byte 0x38f1
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+ .uleb128 0x35
+ .4byte .LASF175
+ .byte 0x2
+ .2byte 0x248
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .uleb128 0x3e
+ .4byte .LASF116
+ .byte 0x2
+ .2byte 0x248
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .4byte .LLST136
+ .uleb128 0x3e
+ .4byte .LASF532
+ .byte 0x2
+ .2byte 0x249
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .4byte .LLST137
+ .uleb128 0x3e
+ .4byte .LASF533
+ .byte 0x2
+ .2byte 0x24a
+ .4byte 0x617
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+ .uleb128 0x3e
+ .4byte .LASF486
+ .byte 0x2
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+ .4byte 0x520
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+ .uleb128 0x35
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+ .byte 0x2
+ .2byte 0x24c
+ .4byte 0x38f7
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+ .4byte 0x4398
+ .uleb128 0x9
+ .byte 0x3
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+ .uleb128 0x24
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+ .4byte 0x74b8
+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL589
+ .4byte 0x49f7
+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL596
+ .4byte 0x1a1d
+ .uleb128 0x24
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+ .4byte 0x1bdb
+ .uleb128 0x24
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+ .4byte 0x439d
+ .byte 0
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+ .4byte 0x4b
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+ .byte 0x1e
+ .byte 0
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+ .byte 0x2
+ .2byte 0x218
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+ .8byte .LFB195
+ .8byte .LFE195-.LFB195
+ .uleb128 0x1
+ .byte 0x9c
+ .4byte 0x4496
+ .uleb128 0x3c
+ .4byte .LASF483
+ .byte 0x2
+ .2byte 0x218
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+ .uleb128 0x3e
+ .4byte .LASF535
+ .byte 0x2
+ .2byte 0x21a
+ .4byte 0x2e8
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+ .uleb128 0x35
+ .4byte .LASF536
+ .byte 0x2
+ .2byte 0x21b
+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .uleb128 0x3e
+ .4byte .LASF116
+ .byte 0x2
+ .2byte 0x21c
+ .4byte 0x2e8
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+ .uleb128 0x3e
+ .4byte .LASF533
+ .byte 0x2
+ .2byte 0x21d
+ .4byte 0x617
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+ .uleb128 0x3e
+ .4byte .LASF486
+ .byte 0x2
+ .2byte 0x21e
+ .4byte 0x520
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+ .uleb128 0x35
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .4byte 0x38f7
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+ .4byte .LASF357
+ .4byte 0x1d08
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+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte __func__.3889
+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL628
+ .4byte 0x44ee
+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL630
+ .4byte 0x4496
+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL632
+ .4byte 0x4b47
+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL634
+ .4byte 0x4496
+ .uleb128 0x24
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+ .4byte 0x1d0d
+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL640
+ .4byte 0x74b8
+ .uleb128 0x24
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+ .4byte 0x41b4
+ .byte 0
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .byte 0x1
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .uleb128 0x35
+ .4byte .LASF538
+ .byte 0x2
+ .2byte 0x205
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+ .uleb128 0x35
+ .4byte .LASF533
+ .byte 0x2
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+ .byte 0
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+ .4byte 0x4b
+ .4byte 0x44e9
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+ .byte 0x19
+ .byte 0
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .8byte .LFB193
+ .8byte .LFE193-.LFB193
+ .uleb128 0x1
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+ .4byte 0x45b7
+ .uleb128 0x3c
+ .4byte .LASF483
+ .byte 0x2
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+ .4byte 0x38f1
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+ .uleb128 0x3e
+ .4byte .LASF533
+ .byte 0x2
+ .2byte 0x1dd
+ .4byte 0x617
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+ .uleb128 0x3e
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .uleb128 0x3e
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .uleb128 0x3e
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .4byte .LASF116
+ .byte 0x2
+ .2byte 0x1e0
+ .4byte 0x2e8
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+ .uleb128 0x35
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .4byte 0x2e8
+ .uleb128 0x3e
+ .4byte .LASF541
+ .byte 0x2
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+ .uleb128 0x3e
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .4byte 0x1a1d
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+ .byte 0
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .uleb128 0x1
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .uleb128 0x3e
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .4byte 0x38f7
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .4byte 0x2f3
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+ .4byte 0x1a1d
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+ .4byte 0x1d0d
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+ .8byte .LVL559
+ .4byte 0x74b8
+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL560
+ .4byte 0x74c3
+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL561
+ .4byte 0x74c3
+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL562
+ .4byte 0x74b8
+ .byte 0
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .byte 0x1
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .uleb128 0x35
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .uleb128 0x35
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+ .byte 0x2
+ .2byte 0x196
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+ .uleb128 0x35
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .uleb128 0x35
+ .4byte .LASF548
+ .byte 0x2
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+ .4byte .LASF549
+ .byte 0x2
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .4byte 0x134b
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .byte 0
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .byte 0
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .8byte .LFE189-.LFB189
+ .uleb128 0x1
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .4byte 0x479c
+ .byte 0
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .8byte .LFB188
+ .8byte .LFE188-.LFB188
+ .uleb128 0x1
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .uleb128 0x3e
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .byte 0
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+ .uleb128 0x1
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .uleb128 0x3c
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .4byte 0x134b
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+ .uleb128 0x35
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .byte 0x10
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .uleb128 0x1
+ .byte 0x51
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .byte 0
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .byte 0x2
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+ .byte 0x3
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+ .4byte 0x1a1d
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+ .byte 0x3
+ .8byte __func__.3388
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+ .8byte .LVL507
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+ .8byte .LVL508
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+ .8byte .LVL252
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+ .4byte 0x74d9
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+ .8byte .LVL254
+ .4byte 0x74d9
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+ .8byte .LVL255
+ .4byte 0x74d9
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+ .8byte .LVL256
+ .4byte 0x74d9
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+ .8byte .LVL257
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+ .8byte .LVL258
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+ .8byte .LVL259
+ .4byte 0x74d9
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+ .8byte .LVL260
+ .4byte 0x74d9
+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL261
+ .4byte 0x74d9
+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL262
+ .4byte 0x74d9
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+ .8byte .LVL263
+ .4byte 0x74d9
+ .uleb128 0x24
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+ .8byte .LVL266
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+ .8byte .LVL267
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+ .byte 0
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+ .8byte .LFE177-.LFB177
+ .uleb128 0x1
+ .byte 0x9c
+ .uleb128 0x5e
+ .4byte 0x4bf4
+ .8byte .LFB178
+ .8byte .LFE178-.LFB178
+ .uleb128 0x1
+ .byte 0x9c
+ .uleb128 0x57
+ .4byte 0x49ad
+ .8byte .LFB184
+ .8byte .LFE184-.LFB184
+ .uleb128 0x1
+ .byte 0x9c
+ .4byte 0x6953
+ .uleb128 0x5c
+ .4byte 0x49b9
+ .4byte .LLST29
+ .uleb128 0x59
+ .4byte 0x49c4
+ .uleb128 0x4c
+ .8byte .LBB177
+ .8byte .LBE177-.LBB177
+ .4byte 0x6945
+ .uleb128 0x48
+ .4byte 0x49b9
+ .uleb128 0x52
+ .8byte .LBB178
+ .8byte .LBE178-.LBB178
+ .uleb128 0x59
+ .4byte 0x6901
+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL95
+ .4byte 0x74b8
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL94
+ .4byte 0x4919
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0x57
+ .4byte 0x49d2
+ .8byte .LFB183
+ .8byte .LFE183-.LFB183
+ .uleb128 0x1
+ .byte 0x9c
+ .4byte 0x69c9
+ .uleb128 0x5c
+ .4byte 0x49de
+ .4byte .LLST33
+ .uleb128 0x59
+ .4byte 0x49e9
+ .uleb128 0x4c
+ .8byte .LBB181
+ .8byte .LBE181-.LBB181
+ .4byte 0x69bb
+ .uleb128 0x48
+ .4byte 0x49de
+ .uleb128 0x52
+ .8byte .LBB182
+ .8byte .LBE182-.LBB182
+ .uleb128 0x59
+ .4byte 0x6977
+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL106
+ .4byte 0x74b8
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL105
+ .4byte 0x48a0
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0x57
+ .4byte 0x4688
+ .8byte .LFB191
+ .8byte .LFE191-.LFB191
+ .uleb128 0x1
+ .byte 0x9c
+ .4byte 0x6aa7
+ .uleb128 0x5c
+ .4byte 0x4699
+ .4byte .LLST44
+ .uleb128 0x59
+ .4byte 0x46a5
+ .uleb128 0x59
+ .4byte 0x46b1
+ .uleb128 0x59
+ .4byte 0x46bd
+ .uleb128 0x59
+ .4byte 0x46c9
+ .uleb128 0x59
+ .4byte 0x46d5
+ .uleb128 0x59
+ .4byte 0x46e1
+ .uleb128 0x59
+ .4byte 0x46ed
+ .uleb128 0x59
+ .4byte 0x46f9
+ .uleb128 0x52
+ .8byte .LBB185
+ .8byte .LBE185-.LBB185
+ .uleb128 0x48
+ .4byte 0x4699
+ .uleb128 0x52
+ .8byte .LBB186
+ .8byte .LBE186-.LBB186
+ .uleb128 0x59
+ .4byte 0x69ed
+ .uleb128 0x59
+ .4byte 0x69f2
+ .uleb128 0x5a
+ .4byte 0x69f7
+ .4byte .LLST45
+ .uleb128 0x59
+ .4byte 0x69fc
+ .uleb128 0x5a
+ .4byte 0x6a01
+ .4byte .LLST46
+ .uleb128 0x5a
+ .4byte 0x6a06
+ .4byte .LLST47
+ .uleb128 0x59
+ .4byte 0x6a0b
+ .uleb128 0x59
+ .4byte 0x6a10
+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL140
+ .4byte 0x74b8
+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL144
+ .4byte 0x480c
+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL145
+ .4byte 0x74b8
+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL146
+ .4byte 0x49ad
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0x57
+ .4byte 0x4496
+ .8byte .LFB194
+ .8byte .LFE194-.LFB194
+ .uleb128 0x1
+ .byte 0x9c
+ .4byte 0x6b35
+ .uleb128 0x5c
+ .4byte 0x44a7
+ .4byte .LLST48
+ .uleb128 0x5a
+ .4byte 0x44b3
+ .4byte .LLST49
+ .uleb128 0x59
+ .4byte 0x44bf
+ .uleb128 0x59
+ .4byte 0x44cb
+ .uleb128 0x4c
+ .8byte .LBB189
+ .8byte .LBE189-.LBB189
+ .4byte 0x6b27
+ .uleb128 0x48
+ .4byte 0x44a7
+ .uleb128 0x52
+ .8byte .LBB190
+ .8byte .LBE190-.LBB190
+ .uleb128 0x59
+ .4byte 0x6acb
+ .uleb128 0x59
+ .4byte 0x6ad4
+ .uleb128 0x59
+ .4byte 0x6ad9
+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL153
+ .4byte 0x74b8
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL155
+ .4byte 0x49f7
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0x57
+ .4byte 0x3d6b
+ .8byte .LFB205
+ .8byte .LFE205-.LFB205
+ .uleb128 0x1
+ .byte 0x9c
+ .4byte 0x6b75
+ .uleb128 0x5c
+ .4byte 0x3d78
+ .4byte .LLST51
+ .uleb128 0x59
+ .4byte 0x3d84
+ .uleb128 0x5d
+ .4byte .Ldebug_ranges0+0x60
+ .uleb128 0x48
+ .4byte 0x3d78
+ .uleb128 0x5d
+ .4byte .Ldebug_ranges0+0x60
+ .uleb128 0x59
+ .4byte 0x6b59
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0x57
+ .4byte 0x3a1f
+ .8byte .LFB211
+ .8byte .LFE211-.LFB211
+ .uleb128 0x1
+ .byte 0x9c
+ .4byte 0x6bb0
+ .uleb128 0x5c
+ .4byte 0x3a2c
+ .4byte .LLST52
+ .uleb128 0x5c
+ .4byte 0x3a38
+ .4byte .LLST53
+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL165
+ .4byte 0x680b
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0x57
+ .4byte 0x3191
+ .8byte .LFB221
+ .8byte .LFE221-.LFB221
+ .uleb128 0x1
+ .byte 0x9c
+ .4byte 0x6c08
+ .uleb128 0x58
+ .4byte 0x319e
+ .uleb128 0x1
+ .byte 0x50
+ .uleb128 0x59
+ .4byte 0x31aa
+ .uleb128 0x52
+ .8byte .LBB199
+ .8byte .LBE199-.LBB199
+ .uleb128 0x48
+ .4byte 0x319e
+ .uleb128 0x52
+ .8byte .LBB200
+ .8byte .LBE200-.LBB200
+ .uleb128 0x5b
+ .4byte 0x6bd2
+ .uleb128 0x1
+ .byte 0x53
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0x57
+ .4byte 0x2a79
+ .8byte .LFB236
+ .8byte .LFE236-.LFB236
+ .uleb128 0x1
+ .byte 0x9c
+ .4byte 0x6c45
+ .uleb128 0x5c
+ .4byte 0x2a8a
+ .4byte .LLST72
+ .uleb128 0x5d
+ .4byte .Ldebug_ranges0+0x90
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+ .4byte 0x2a8a
+ .uleb128 0x24
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+ .4byte 0x49d2
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0x57
+ .4byte 0x2010
+ .8byte .LFB255
+ .8byte .LFE255-.LFB255
+ .uleb128 0x1
+ .byte 0x9c
+ .4byte 0x6c7b
+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL363
+ .4byte 0x4d4b
+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL364
+ .4byte 0x208d
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0x57
+ .4byte 0x1f66
+ .8byte .LFB257
+ .8byte .LFE257-.LFB257
+ .uleb128 0x1
+ .byte 0x9c
+ .4byte 0x6d40
+ .uleb128 0x5b
+ .4byte 0x1f77
+ .uleb128 0x1
+ .byte 0x50
+ .uleb128 0x59
+ .4byte 0x1f83
+ .uleb128 0x59
+ .4byte 0x1f8d
+ .uleb128 0x59
+ .4byte 0x1f99
+ .uleb128 0x2f
+ .4byte .Ldebug_ranges0+0x120
+ .4byte 0x6d24
+ .uleb128 0x59
+ .4byte 0x6c96
+ .uleb128 0x59
+ .4byte 0x6c9d
+ .uleb128 0x5a
+ .4byte 0x6ca2
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+ .uleb128 0x5b
+ .4byte 0x6ca7
+ .uleb128 0x2
+ .byte 0x91
+ .sleb128 -64
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+ .8byte .LBB228
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+ .4byte 0x6d16
+ .uleb128 0x5b
+ .4byte 0x1faa
+ .uleb128 0x3
+ .byte 0x91
+ .sleb128 -96
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+ .4byte 0x1d0d
+ .uleb128 0x24
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+ .4byte 0x4d4b
+ .uleb128 0x24
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+ .4byte 0x208d
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0x24
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+ .byte 0
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+ .uleb128 0x5a
+ .4byte 0x1fb8
+ .4byte .LLST165
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .uleb128 0x57
+ .4byte 0x1ae5
+ .8byte .LFB264
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+ .uleb128 0x1
+ .byte 0x9c
+ .4byte 0x6df9
+ .uleb128 0x5c
+ .4byte 0x1af5
+ .4byte .LLST198
+ .uleb128 0x59
+ .4byte 0x1b00
+ .uleb128 0x59
+ .4byte 0x1b0b
+ .uleb128 0x59
+ .4byte 0x1b16
+ .uleb128 0x52
+ .8byte .LBB240
+ .8byte .LBE240-.LBB240
+ .uleb128 0x48
+ .4byte 0x1af5
+ .uleb128 0x52
+ .8byte .LBB241
+ .8byte .LBE241-.LBB241
+ .uleb128 0x59
+ .4byte 0x6d64
+ .uleb128 0x5b
+ .4byte 0x6d69
+ .uleb128 0x2
+ .byte 0x91
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+ .uleb128 0x5b
+ .4byte 0x6d6e
+ .uleb128 0x3
+ .byte 0x91
+ .sleb128 -96
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+ .4byte 0x1b21
+ .uleb128 0x24
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+ .4byte 0x1a1d
+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL886
+ .4byte 0x1a1d
+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL887
+ .4byte 0x1b39
+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL888
+ .4byte 0x1bdb
+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL889
+ .4byte 0x1b39
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
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+ .4byte 0x1fc6
+ .8byte .LFB256
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+ .uleb128 0x1
+ .byte 0x9c
+ .4byte 0x6ea8
+ .uleb128 0x5c
+ .4byte 0x1fd7
+ .4byte .LLST214
+ .uleb128 0x59
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+ .uleb128 0x59
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+ .uleb128 0x59
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+ .uleb128 0x59
+ .4byte 0x2003
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+ .4byte .Ldebug_ranges0+0x1a0
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+ .4byte 0x1fd7
+ .uleb128 0x5d
+ .4byte .Ldebug_ranges0+0x1a0
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+ .4byte 0x6e1d
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+ .uleb128 0x5a
+ .4byte 0x6e22
+ .4byte .LLST216
+ .uleb128 0x5a
+ .4byte 0x6e27
+ .4byte .LLST217
+ .uleb128 0x5a
+ .4byte 0x6e2c
+ .4byte .LLST218
+ .uleb128 0x24
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+ .4byte 0x2010
+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL973
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+ .uleb128 0x24
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+ .uleb128 0x24
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+ .uleb128 0x24
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+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
+ .byte 0
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+ .8byte .LFB240
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+ .uleb128 0x1
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+ .4byte 0x6f52
+ .uleb128 0x5c
+ .4byte 0x2718
+ .4byte .LLST219
+ .uleb128 0x59
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+ .uleb128 0x4c
+ .8byte .LBB254
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+ .4byte 0x6f44
+ .uleb128 0x48
+ .4byte 0x2718
+ .uleb128 0x52
+ .8byte .LBB255
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+ .uleb128 0x59
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+ .uleb128 0x24
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+ .uleb128 0x24
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+ .uleb128 0x24
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+ .uleb128 0x24
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+ .byte 0
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+ .byte 0
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+ .uleb128 0x1
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+ .4byte 0x6fea
+ .uleb128 0x5d
+ .4byte .Ldebug_ranges0+0x1e0
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+ .4byte 0x3ca7
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+ .4byte 0x3cb3
+ .4byte .LLST222
+ .uleb128 0x5a
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+ .uleb128 0x24
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+ .uleb128 0x24
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+ .byte 0
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+ .uleb128 0x1
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+ .4byte 0x7013
+ .uleb128 0x24
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+ .byte 0
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+ .uleb128 0x1
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+ .4byte 0x7056
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+ .uleb128 0x24
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+ .byte 0
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+ .uleb128 0x1
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+ .4byte 0x7099
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+ .byte 0
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+ .uleb128 0x5c
+ .4byte 0x1e8f
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+ .4byte 0x1e9b
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+ .uleb128 0x59
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+ .uleb128 0x59
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+ .uleb128 0x59
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+ .uleb128 0x59
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+ .uleb128 0x59
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+ .uleb128 0x59
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+ .uleb128 0x59
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+ .uleb128 0x59
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+ .uleb128 0x48
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+ .4byte .Ldebug_ranges0+0x250
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+ .4byte 0x70cb
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+ .uleb128 0x5a
+ .4byte 0x70d0
+ .4byte .LLST291
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+ .4byte 0x70d5
+ .uleb128 0x59
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+ .4byte 0x70df
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+ .4byte 0x70e4
+ .4byte .LLST293
+ .uleb128 0x5a
+ .4byte 0x70e9
+ .4byte .LLST294
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+ .4byte 0x70ee
+ .4byte .LLST295
+ .uleb128 0x5a
+ .4byte 0x70f3
+ .4byte .LLST296
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+ .4byte 0x1f1f
+ .uleb128 0x5f
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+ .uleb128 0x59
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+ .4byte .Ldebug_ranges0+0x290
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+ .8byte .LVL1417
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+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL1451
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+ .8byte .LVL1452
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+ .8byte .LVL1454
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+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL1458
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+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL1459
+ .4byte 0x266c
+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL1460
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+ .8byte .LVL1461
+ .4byte 0x74b8
+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL1462
+ .4byte 0x74b8
+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL1463
+ .4byte 0x309d
+ .uleb128 0x24
+ .8byte .LVL1464
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+ .uleb128 0x24
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+ .string "recovery_flash_mode"
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+ .string "gc_ink_free_return_value"
+ .string "available_pages"
+ .string "mlc_detected_active_page"
+ .string "spperBlk"
+ .string "FlashReadPages"
+ .string "c_ftl_nand_planes_num"
+ .string "sizetype"
+ .string "re_try_next_blk"
+ .string "saved_command_line"
+ .string "P2V_block_in_plane"
+ .string "ftl_memcmp"
+ .string "g_GlobalSysVersion"
+ .string "g_totle_vendor_block"
+ .string "BlkNum"
+ .string "totle_count"
+ .string "lastWritePage"
+ .string "ftl_check_vpc"
+ .string "request"
+ .string "DeviceCapacity"
+ .string "List_remove_node"
+ .string "PowerOnTimes"
+ .string "FtlLoadEctTbl"
+ .string "req_read_temp"
+ .string "plane_per_die"
+ .string "uint32"
+ .string "FtlSuperblockPowerLostFix"
+ .string "gL2pMapInfo"
+ .string "pMapHeader"
+ .string "__func__"
+ .string "prev_ppa_ver"
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+ .string "dump_write_en"
+ .string "max_erase_count"
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+ .string "BOPS_EN"
+ .string "get_new_active_ppa"
+ .string "g_nand_phy_info"
+ .string "FtlGcFreeTempBlock"
+ .string "g_totle_swl_count"
+ .string "tmp_id"
+ .string "sign"
+ .string "req_gc_dst"
+ .string "FtlSysBlkInit"
+ .string "lookup_superblock_id"
+ .string "gc_page_count"
+ .string "tmp_data_count"
+ .string "c_ftl_nand_blk_pre_plane"
+ .string "sec_per_blk"
+ .string "sftl_gc"
+ .string "get_new_gc_superblock"
+ .string "tmp_erase_count"
+ .string "allocate_new_data_superblock"
+ .string "gc_next_superblock"
+ .string "boot_command_line"
+ .string "update_map_block"
+ .string "FtlBbmMapBadBlock"
+ .string "FtlBbtInfoPrint"
+ .string "hex_asc_upper"
+ .string "saved_active_page"
+ .string "re_save_vpndata"
+ .string "region_num"
+ .string "re_save_bbmdata"
+ .string "first_lpa_sctidx"
+ .string "__security_initcall_start"
+ .string "g_totle_slc_erase_count"
+ .string "FtlLoadBbt"
+ .string "check_en"
+ .string "g_MaxLbn"
+ .string "page_addr"
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+ .string "g_nand_ops"
+ .string "ver2"
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+ .string "FtlFreeSysBlkQueueOut"
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+ .string "req_erase"
+ .string "num_lpa"
+ .string "c_ftl_nand_byte_pre_oob"
+ .string "FtlEctTblFlush"
+ .string "ftl_sys_blk_header"
+ .string "ftl_memcpy"
+ .string "g_totle_read_page_count"
+ .string "p_sys_data_buf_1"
+ .string "sysctl_panic_on_stackoverflow"
+ .string "c_ftl_nand_map_region_num"
+ .string "SYSTEM_RESTART"
+ .string "activeFlashMode"
+ .string "read_req"
+ .string "p_vendor_block_table"
+ .string "discard_page_count"
+ .string "vpcTbl"
+ .string "g_buffer_superblock"
+ .string "long int"
+ .string "create_first_buffer_superblock"
+ .string "p_data"
+ .string "c_gc_page_buf_num"
+ .string "Index"
+ .string "gSysFreeQueue"
+ .string "l2p_write_count"
+ .string "absolute_sector"
+ .string "pHead"
+ .string "nand_phy_info"
+ .string "c_ftl_nand_type"
+ .string "FtlUpdateVaildLpnCount"
+ .string "FlashTestBlk"
+ .string "__builtin_strcpy"
+ .string "g_gc_bad_block_gc_index"
+ .string "p_free_data_block_list_head"
+ .string "pBlkVpcTbl"
+ .string "high"
+ .string "is_sys_blk"
+ .string "p_vendor_region_ppn_table"
+ .string "load_l2p_region"
+ .string "flush_l2p_region"
+ .string "panic_blink"
+ .string "num_free_node"
+ .string "block_size"
+ .string "pvForm"
+ .string "c_ftl_vendor_part_size"
+ .string "pTmp"
+ .string "FtlGcMarkBadPhyBlk"
+ .string "ftl_bbt_blk_header"
+ .string "ftl_scan_all_data"
+ .string "spare"
+ .string "INSERT_FREE_LIST"
+ .string "hex_asc"
+ .string "signed char"
+ .string "g_totle_read_sector"
+ .string "nand_req"
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+ .string "gNandPhyInfo"
+ .string "FtlL2PDataInit"
+ .string "action"
+ .string "superblock_id"
+ .string "g_gc_head_data_block"
+ .string "system_state"
+ .string "FtlRead"
+ .string "g_num_free_superblocks"
+ .string "pBbtHeader"
+ .string "unsigned char"
+ .string "pvTo"
+ .string "early_boot_irqs_disabled"
+ .string "c_ftl_nand_vendor_region_num"
+ .string "next_free_active_plane"
+ .string "FtlVendorPartWrite"
+ .string "SYSTEM_BOOTING"
+ .string "regionId"
+ .string "start_lpa"
+ .string "g_in_gc_progress"
+ .string "__con_initcall_start"
+ .string "read_page"
+ .string "g_gc_blk_num"
+ .string "GetSwlReplaceBlock"
+ .string "ftl_sys_info"
+ .string "refresh_start_lpa"
+ .string "FtlPowerLostRecovery"
+ .string "insert_free_list"
+ .string "_Bool"
+ .string "FtlRecoverySuperblock"
+ .string "linux_proc_banner"
+ .string "get_new_id"
+ .string "g_cur_erase_blk"
+ .string "table"
+ .string "value"
+ .string "gSysInfo"
+ .string "gc_page_num"
+ .string "FlashGetBadBlockList"
+ .string "BbtMap"
+ .string "char"
+ .string "FtlSysBlkNumInit"
+ .string "memset"
+ .string "TotleReadBufferCount1"
+ .string "totle_read_sector"
+ .string "TotleReadBufferCount3"
+ .string "FtlSysFlush"
+ .string "p_map_block_ver_table"
+ .string "bufferPageOffset"
+ .string "l2p_region_id"
+ .string "FtlGcUpdatePage"
+ .string "maxFreeBlockEraseCount"
+ .string "re_test_next_page"
+ .string "panic_on_io_nmi"
+ .string "allocate_data_superblock"
+ .string "FtlFreeSysBlkQueueIn"
+ .string "pMapBlkHeader"
+ .string "blk_per_die"
+ .string "TotleReadBufferCount2"
+ .string "num_io"
+ .string "pagePreBlk"
+ .string "activePageOffset"
+ .string "reserved_blk"
+ .string "FtlLoadMapInfo"
+ .string "block_index"
+ .string "FtlPrintInfo"
+ .string "FtlReUsePrevPpa"
+ .string "p_swl_mul_table"
+ .string "insert_data_list"
+ .string "FtlVariablesInit"
+ .string "p_data_block_list_table"
+ .string "ec_mod_count"
+ .string "pNode"
+ .string "g_totle_mlc_erase_count"
+ .string "ftl_cmp_data_ver"
+ .string "g_gc_temp_superblock"
+ .string "p_vendor_block_valid_page_count"
+ .string "FtlScanSysBlk"
+ .string "l2p_addr_tran"
+ .string "g_max_erase_count"
+ .string "c_ftl_nand_init_sys_blks_per_plane"
+ .string "ftl_gc_page_buffer"
+ .string "g_req_cache"
+ .string "FtlConstantsInit"
+ .string "pages"
+ .string "update_vpc_list"
+ .string "rknand_print_hex"
+ .string "p_gc_page"
+ .string "limit"
+ .string "Ftl_get_new_temp_ppa"
+ .string "PowerLostTimes"
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+ .string "g_gc_merge_free_blk_threshold"
+ .string "oops_in_progress"
+ .string "node_id"
+ .string "cache_write_count"
+ .string "g_totle_map_block"
+ .string "printk"
+ .string "phyAddr"
+ .string "c_ftl_nand_planes_per_die"
+ .string "ppnTbl"
+ .string "gc_blk"
+ .string "FtlLoadVonderInfo"
+ .string "List_get_gc_head_node"
+ .string "pSysHeader"
+ .string "scr_ppa"
+ .string "c_ftl_nand_sys_blks_per_plane"
+ .string "FtlFreeSysBLkSort"
+ .string "p_l2p_map_buf"
+ .string "IsBlkInVendorPart"
+ .string "FtlBbtMemInit"
+ .string "gp_gc_page_buf_info"
+ .string "tmp_blk_id"
+ .string "front"
+ .string "p_sys_data_buf"
+ .string "index"
+ .string "lastMapBlk"
+ .string "last_lpa_nscts"
+ .string "g_tmp_data_superblock_id"
+ .string "gp_ect_tbl_info"
+ .string "rknand_proc_ftlread"
+ .string "ftl_free_no_use_map_blk"
+ .string "/home/ldq/rk-linux/kernel-debug"
+ .string "atomic_notifier_head"
+ .string "FtlReadRefresh"
+ .string "c_ftl_nand_blks_per_die"
+ .string "node_data_count"
+ .string "write_count"
+ .string "p_io_spare_buf"
+ .string "current_ppa_ver"
+ .string "long unsigned int"
+ .string "num_planes"
+ .string "res32_0"
+ .string "res32_1"
+ .string "min_ec_id"
+ .string "check"
+ .string "console_printk"
+ .string "strcpy"
+ .string "status"
+ .string "die_num"
+ .string "sftl_init"
+ .string "g_gc_free_blk_threshold"
+ .string "kptr_restrict"
+ .string "FtlLoadFactoryBbt"
+ .string "scan_page_num"
+ .string "min_erase_count"
+ .string "c_ftl_nand_die_num"
+ .string "g_min_erase_count"
+ .string "ftl_sb_update_avl_pages"
+ .string "region_id"
+ .string "ftl_low_format"
+ .string "str2"
+ .string "maxRegion"
+ .string "ftl_temp_buf"
+ .string "progErrorCount"
+ .string "ram_region_id"
+ .string "check_vpc_table"
+ .string "FtlGcPageRecovery"
+ .string "printk_delay_msec"
+ .string "ftl_get_blk_mode"
+ .string "linux_banner"
+ .string "sprintf"
+ .string "ftl_ect_tbl_info"
+ .string "ftl_map_blk_alloc_new_blk"
+ .string "FtlVendorPartRead"
+ .string "FtlWrite"
+ .string "sec_per_page"
+ .string "blk_per_plane"
+ .string "ReInit"
+ .string "result"
+ .string "pBlkVerTbl"
+ .string "req_temp"
+ .string "lastPpa"
+ .string "g_power_lost_recovery_flag"
+ .string "FtlBbt2Bitmap"
+ .string "page_per_blk"
+ .string "recovery_super_page"
+ .string "g_ftl_nand_free_count"
+ .string "die_index"
+ .string "numREQ"
+ .string "ecc_bits"
+ .string "sys_bad_block_cnt"
+ .string "c_ftl_nand_page_pre_super_blk"
+ .string "reversed"
+ .string "read_super_page"
+ .string "panic_timeout"
+ .string "gcTempFlashMode"
+ .string "g_totle_gc_page_count"
+ .string "p_vendor_data_buf"
+ .string "FtlBbmTblFlush"
+ .string "tmp_multiplier_value"
+ .string "lookup_ppa"
+ .string "long long int"
+ .string "g_totle_avg_erase_count"
+ .string "ftl_gc_temp_power_lost_recovery_flag"
+ .string "prev_valid_page_count"
+ .string "FtlGcFreeBadSuperBlk"
+ .string "gBbtInfo"
+ .string "gVendorBlkInfo"
+ .string "p_superblock"
+ .string "p_data_block_list_head"
+ .string "last_page_version"
+ .string "req_gc"
+ .string "FtlDiscard"
+ .string "panic_notifier_list"
+ .string "g_gc_next_blk"
+ .string "add_count"
+ .string "inkDie_write_and_check_en"
+ .string "FtlGetLastWrittenPage"
+ .string "detected_active_page"
+ .string "FtlUpdateVaildLpn"
+ .string "reset_devices"
+ .string "refresh_enable_mode"
+ .string "FtlBbmIsBadBlock"
+ .string "__icache_flags"
+ .string "FtlGcRefreshBlock"
+ .string "fBbtBlk"
+ .string "blkTbl"
+ .string "p_dataHeader"
+ .string "saved_active_plane"
+ .string "bufferFlashMode"
+ .string "count"
+ .string "gcTempPageOffset"
+ .string "addr"
+ .string "GlobalSysVersion"
+ .string "src_ppa"
+ .string "List_pop_index_node"
+ .string "g_num_data_superblocks"
+ .string "error_flag"
+ .string "drivers/rkflash/rksftl/rk_sftl.c"
+ .string "g_in_swl_replace"
+ .string "ftl_superblock_info"
+ .string "unsigned int"
+ .string "pBlkTbl"
+ .string "rear"
+ .string "c_ftl_nand_bbm_buf_size"
+ .string "g_MaxLpn"
+ .string "blk_index"
+ .string "num_data_node"
+ .string "SYSTEM_HALT"
+ .string "g_gc_bad_block_temp_tbl"
+ .string "kmsg_fops"
+ .string "INSERT_DATA_LIST"
+ .string "sctidx"
+ .string "superBlk"
+ .string "flag"
+ .string "g_gc_page_offset"
+ .string "test_mode"
+ .string "g_totle_discard_page_count"
+ .string "g_GlobalDataVersion"
+ .string "debug_flag"
+ .string "gFtlInitStatus"
+ .string "hit_count"
+ .string "prog_page"
+ .string "bufferSuperblockId"
+ .string "FtlLoadSysInfo"
+ .string "readErrorCount"
+ .string "current_plane"
+ .string "page_count"
+ .string "g_gc_superblock"
+ .string "g_active_superblock"
+ .string "offset"
+ .string "p_valid_page_count_table"
+ .string "c_ftl_nand_sec_pre_page_shift"
+ .string "initcall_debug"
+ .string "block"
+ .string "FlashEraseBlocks"
+ .string "page"
+ .string "IsBlkInGcList"
+ .string "str1"
+ .string "nand_type"
+ .string "nscts"
+ .string "ftl_l2p_ram_map_info"
+ .string "g_totle_write_sector"
+ .string "prev_ppa"
+ .string "get_bad_blk_list"
+ .string "g_totle_write_page_count"
+ .string "FtlMemInit"
+ .string "g_totle_l2p_write_count"
+ .string "P2V_plane"
+ .string "bool"
+ .string "p_map_block_valid_page_count"
+ .string "check_buf"
+ .string "node_erase_count"
+ .string "List_pop_head_node"
+ .string "slc_erase_count"
+ .string "minValidPageCount"
+ .string "ven_blk"
+ .string "c_ftl_nand_page_pre_blk"
+ .string "L2PMap"
+ .string "size"
+ .string "List_update_data_list"
+ .string "g_totle_sys_slc_erase_count"
+ .string "maxDieNum"
+ .string "g_gc_num_req"
+ .string "maxLogicBlk"
+ .string "totle_power_on_run_times"
+ .string "log2phys"
+ .string "detected_error_page"
+ .string "spareBuf"
+ .string "c_ftl_nand_blks_per_die_shift"
+ .string "ftl_sys_ext_info"
+ .string "p_l2p_ram_map"
+ .string "maxBlkNum"
+ .string "ftl_malloc"
+ .string "pDataHeader"
+ .string "current_page"
+ .string "erase_blk"
+ .string "SupperBlkListInit"
+ .string "create_first_active_superblock"
+ .string "sys_blk_queue"
+ .string "file_operations"
+ .string "FlashProgPages"
+ .string "ppn_index"
+ .string "long long unsigned int"
+ .string "g_VaildLpn"
+ .string "p_erase_count_table"
+ .string "select_l2p_ram_region"
+ .string "GetFreeBlockMaxEraseCount"
+ .string "prev_multiplier_value"
+ .string "__security_initcall_end"
+ .string "panic_on_oops"
+ .string "g_l2p_last_update_region_id"
+ .string "c_ftl_nand_totle_phy_blks"
+ .string "FtlLowFormatEraseBlock"
+ .string "byte_per_sec"
+ .string "des_ppa"
+ .string "p_map_block_table"
+ .string "prev_node_id"
+ .string "p_gc_data_buf"
+ .string "FtlMapWritePage"
+ .string "p_blk_mode_table"
+ .string "g_gc_cur_blk_valid_pages"
+ .string "FtlFreeSysBlkQueueEmpty"
+ .string "c_ftl_nand_page_pre_slc_blk"
+ .string "nSec"
+ .string "FtlBbtCalcTotleCnt"
+ .string "c_ftl_nand_sec_pre_page"
+ .string "FtlSlcSuperblockCheck"
+ .string "ver1"
+ .string "SlcPartLbaEndSector"
+ .string "c_ftl_nand_max_map_blks"
+ .string "FtlGcReFreshBadBlk"
+ .string "last_mlc_page_version"
+ .string "FtlMapBlkWriteDump_data"
+ .string "g_ect_tbl_info_size"
+ .string "totleEc"
+ .string "GetFreeBlockMinEraseCount"
+ .string "minDataBlockEraseCount"
+ .string "SYSTEM_POWER_OFF"
+ .string "g_MaxLbaSector"
+ .string "version"
+ .string "dmesg_restrict"
+ .string "next_free_active_page"
+ .string "gcTempSuperblockId"
+ .string "first_lpa_nscts"
+ .string "g_totle_cache_write_count"
+ .string "ftl_set_blk_mode"
+ .string "Ftl_load_ext_data"
+ .string "FtlWriteDump_data"
+ .string "max_test_page_num"
+ .string "Ftl_gc_temp_data_write_back"
+ .string "block_in_die"
+ .string "FtlGcBufInit"
+ .string "p_plane_order_table"
+ .string "pMapPpnTbl"
+ .string "free_data_superblock"
+ .string "sys_slc_erase_count"
+ .string "c_ftl_nand_max_vendor_blks"
+ .string "physical_block"
+ .string "FtlVpcCheckAndModify"
+ .string "g_sys_save_data"
+ .string "ftl_bbt_info"
+ .string "free_blk_index"
+ .string "p_valid_page_count_check_table"
+ .string "c_ftl_nand_data_blks_per_plane"
+ .string "rk_ftl_garbage_collect"
+ .string "memcmp"
+ .string "numPages"
+ .string "g_gc_head_data_block_count"
+ .string "p_map_region_ppn_table"
+ .string "l2p_flush"
+ .string "make_superblock"
+ .string "__con_initcall_end"
+ .string "bad_block_cnt"
+ .string "node_multiplier_value"
+ .string "g_ect_tbl_power_up_flush"
+ .string "g_recovery_ppa_tbl"
+ .string "found_lpa"
+ .string "g_sys_ext_data"
+ .string "flash_type"
+ .string "req_num"
+ .string "forceFlush"
+ .string "uint8"
+ .string "power_up_flag"
+ .string "p_gc_blk_tbl"
+ .string "FtlGcBufAlloc"
+ .string "c_ftl_nand_ext_blk_pre_plane"
+ .string "max_gc_page_num"
+ .string "c_ftl_nand_byte_pre_page"
+ .string "update_multiplier_value"
+ .string "flashType"
+ .string "short int"
+ .string "p_gc_spare_buf"
+ .string "sblk"
+ .string "mode"
+ .string "new_id"
+ .string "pNand"
+ .string "SYSTEM_RUNNING"
+ .string "pBuf"
+ .string "write_page_count"
+ .string "bitmap"
+ .string "c_ftl_nand_reserved_blks"
+ .string "sftl_get_density"
+ .string "test_page_step"
+ .string "blkAddr"
+ .string "g_gc_cur_blk_max_valid_pages"
+ .string "g_gc_next_blk_1"
+ .string "target_region"
+ .string "end_lpa"
+ .string "scan_completed"
+ .string "FtlPrintInfo2buf"
+ .string "p_die"
+ .string "p_io_data_buf_0"
+ .string "p_io_data_buf_1"
+ .string "mlc_erase_count"
+ .string "phyBlk"
+ .string "sftl_deinit"
+ .string "pMapBlockInfo"
+ .string "last_refresh_data_times"
+ .string "system_states"
+ .string "totle_write_sector"
+ .string "req_prgm"
+ .string "FtlMakeBbt"
+ .string "in_gc_mode"
+ .string "min_ec"
+ .string "int16"
+ .string "p_gc_page_info"
+ .string "c_ftl_nand_max_sys_blks"
+ .string "max_ec"
+ .string "p_sys_spare_buf"
+ .string "memcpy"
+ .string "prog_error_count"
+ .string "gc_discard_updated"
+ .string "prev_superblock_id"
+ .string "test_page_num"
+ .string "last_refresh_read_count"
+ .string "lookup_ppa_ver"
+ .string "totleBlkNum"
+ .string "sftl_read"
+ .string "FtlFreeSysBlkQueueFull"
+ .string "FtlGcPageVarInit"
+ .string "padding"
+ .string "flash_mode"
+ .string "recovery_cur_page_ver"
+ .string "ftl_map_blk_gc"
+ .string "sftl_write"
+ .string "ftl_map_blk_header"
+ .string "FtlFreeSysBlkQueueInit"
+ .string "late_time_init"
+ .string "mem_size"
+ .string "FtlMapTblRecovery"
+ .string "new_ppa"
+ .string "num_bad_block"
+ .string "lpn_index"
+ .string "c_ftl_nand_l2pmap_ram_region_num"
+ .ascii "GNU C89 6.3.1 20170404 -mlittle-endian -mgeneral-regs-only -"
+ .ascii "mpc-relative-literal-loads -march=armv8-a -mabi=lp64 -g -Os "
+ .ascii "-std=gnu90 -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -fno-pic -fno-as"
+ .ascii "ynchronous-unwind-tables -fno-dele"
+ .string "te-null-pointer-checks -fno-stack-protector -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-optimize-sibling-calls -fno-var-tracking-assignments -fno-strict-overflow -fno-merge-all-constants -fmerge-constants -fstack-check=no -fconserve-stack --param allow-store-data-races=0"
+ .string "sector"
+ .string "num_page"
+ .string "FtlProgPages"
+ .string "FtlGcBufFree"
+ .string "p_data_block_list_tail"
+ .string "current_ppa"
+ .string "p_spare"
+ .string "tmp_blk"
+ .string "g_gc_blk_index"
+ .string "block_in_plane"
+ .string "lastEc"
+ .string "PhyBlk"
+ .string "reserved"
+ .string "g_recovery_page_num"
+ .string "node_valid_page_count"
+ .string "ftl_gc_page_item"
+ .string "read_page_count"
+ .string "decrement_vpc_count"
+ .string "short unsigned int"
+ .string "minValidPageIndex"
+ .string "TotleReadBufferMatchCount"
+ .string "check_spare_buf"
+ .string "tmp_ec"
+ .string "g_gc_skip_write_count"
+ .string "int32"
+ .string "page_per_slc_blk"
+ .string "g_recovery_page_min_ver"
+ .string "req_sys"
+ .string "List_Node"
+ .string "Ftl_log2"
+ .string "all_blk_used_slc_mode"
+ .string "pSuperblock"
+ .string "function_exit"
+ .string "c_ftl_nand_map_blks_per_plane"
+ .string "initcall_t"
+ .string "V2P_block"
+ .string "sysBlksPerPlane"
+ .string "Ftl_save_ext_data"
+ .string "FtlCacheWriteBack"
+ .string "nand_ops"
+ .string "load_bbt"
+ .string "blkNum"
+ .string "page_index"
+ .string "FtlVpcTblFlush"
+ .string "hash"
+ .string "IsInFreeQueue"
+ .string "read_super_page_end"
+ .string "num_req"
+ .string "c_mlc_erase_count_value"
+ .string "pPrev"
+ .string "GlobalDataVersion"
+ .string "panic_on_unrecovered_nmi"
+ .string "next"
+ .string "activeSuperblockId"
+ .string "plane"
+ .string "panic_on_warn"
+ .string "ftl_l2p_map_info"
+ .string "prev"
+ .string "uint16"
+ .string "ftl_memset"
+ .string "Ftl_write_map_blk_to_last_page"
+ .string "crash_kexec_post_notifiers"
+ .string "g_gc_bad_block_temp_num"
+ .string "ftl_sys_save_info"
+ .string "gp_last_act_superblock"
+ .string "erase_flag"
+ .string "blk_id"
+ .string "dump_writed"
+ .string "ftl_gc_temp_block_bops_scan_page_addr"