/* * arch/arm/mach-sunxi/arisc/hwmsgbox/hwmsgbox.c * * Copyright (c) 2012 Allwinner. * 2012-10-01 Written by superm (superm@allwinnertech.com). * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "hwmsgbox_i.h" /* spinlock for syn and asyn channel */ static spinlock_t syn_channel_lock; static spinlock_t asyn_channel_lock; static uintptr_t base; /** * initialize hwmsgbox. * @para: none. * * returns: 0 if initialize hwmsgbox succeeded, others if failed. */ int arisc_hwmsgbox_init(void) { base = dts_cfg.msgbox.base; /* initialize syn and asyn spinlock */ //writel(0xffffffff, base + AW_MSGBOX_IRQ_STATUS_REG(AW_HWMSG_QUEUE_USER_AC327)); //writel(0x0, base + AW_MSGBOX_IRQ_EN_REG(AW_HWMSG_QUEUE_USER_AC327)); return 0; } /** * exit hwmsgbox. * @para: none. * * returns: 0 if exit hwmsgbox succeeded, others if failed. */ int arisc_hwmsgbox_exit(void) { return 0; } /** * send one message to another processor by hwmsgbox. * @pmessage: the pointer of sended message frame. * @timeout: the wait time limit when message fifo is full, it is valid only when parameter mode = HWMSG_SEND_WAIT_TIMEOUT. * * returns: 0 if send message succeeded, other if failed. */ int arisc_hwmsgbox_send_message(struct arisc_message *pmessage, unsigned int timeout) { volatile uint32_t value; if (pmessage == NULL) { return -EINVAL; } if (pmessage->attr & ARISC_MESSAGE_ATTR_HARDSYN) { /* use ac327 hwsyn transmit channel */ spin_lock(&syn_channel_lock); while (readl(base + AW_MSGBOX_FIFO_STATUS_REG(ARISC_HWMSGBOX_AC327_SYN_TX_CH)) == 1); value = arisc_message_map_to_cpus(pmessage); ARISC_INF("ac327 send hard syn message : %x\n", (unsigned int)value); writel(value, base + AW_MSGBOX_MSG_REG(ARISC_HWMSGBOX_AC327_SYN_TX_CH)); /* hwsyn messsage must feedback use syn rx channel */ while (readl(base + AW_MSGBOX_MSG_STATUS_REG(ARISC_HWMSGBOX_AC327_SYN_RX_CH)) == 0); /* check message valid */ if (value != (readl(base + AW_MSGBOX_MSG_REG(ARISC_HWMSGBOX_AC327_SYN_RX_CH)))) { ARISC_ERR("hard syn message error [%x, %x]\n", (uint32_t)value, (uint32_t)(readl(base + AW_MSGBOX_MSG_REG(ARISC_HWMSGBOX_AC327_SYN_RX_CH)))); spin_unlock(&syn_channel_lock); return -EINVAL; } ARISC_INF("ac327 hard syn message [%x, %x] feedback\n", (unsigned int)value, (unsigned int)pmessage->type); /* if error call the callback function. by superm */ if(pmessage->result != 0) { ARISC_ERR("message process error\n"); ARISC_ERR("message addr : %llx\n", pmessage); ARISC_ERR("message state : %x\n", pmessage->state); ARISC_ERR("message attr : %x\n", pmessage->attr); ARISC_ERR("message type : %x\n", pmessage->type); ARISC_ERR("message result : %x\n", pmessage->result); if (pmessage->cb.handler == NULL) { ARISC_WRN("callback not install\n"); } else { /* call callback function */ ARISC_WRN("call the callback function\n"); (*(pmessage->cb.handler))(pmessage->cb.arg); } } spin_unlock(&syn_channel_lock); return 0; } /* use ac327 asyn transmit channel */ spin_lock(&asyn_channel_lock); while (readl(base + AW_MSGBOX_FIFO_STATUS_REG(ARISC_HWMSGBOX_ARISC_ASYN_RX_CH)) == 1); /* write message to message-queue fifo */ value = arisc_message_map_to_cpus(pmessage); ARISC_INF("ac327 send message : %x\n", (unsigned int)value); writel(value, base + AW_MSGBOX_MSG_REG(ARISC_HWMSGBOX_ARISC_ASYN_RX_CH)); spin_unlock(&asyn_channel_lock); return 0; } int arisc_hwmsgbox_feedback_message(struct arisc_message *pmessage, unsigned int timeout) { volatile unsigned long value; if (pmessage->attr & ARISC_MESSAGE_ATTR_HARDSYN) { /* use ac327 hard syn receiver channel */ spin_lock(&syn_channel_lock); while (readl(base + AW_MSGBOX_FIFO_STATUS_REG(ARISC_HWMSGBOX_ARISC_SYN_RX_CH)) == 1); value = arisc_message_map_to_cpus(pmessage); ARISC_INF("arisc feedback hard syn message : %x\n", (unsigned int)value); writel(value, base + AW_MSGBOX_MSG_REG(ARISC_HWMSGBOX_ARISC_SYN_RX_CH)); spin_unlock(&syn_channel_lock); return 0; } /* invalid syn message */ return -EINVAL; } /** * enbale the receiver interrupt of message-queue. * @queue: the number of message-queue which we want to enable interrupt. * @user: the user which we want to enable interrupt. * * returns: 0 if enable interrupt succeeded, others if failed. */ int arisc_hwmsgbox_enable_receiver_int(int queue, int user) { volatile unsigned int value; value = readl(base + AW_MSGBOX_IRQ_EN_REG(user)); value &= ~(0x1 << (queue * 2)); value |= (0x1 << (queue * 2)); writel(value, base + AW_MSGBOX_IRQ_EN_REG(user)); return 0; } /** * disbale the receiver interrupt of message-queue. * @queue: the number of message-queue which we want to enable interrupt. * @user: the user which we want to enable interrupt. * * returns: 0 if disable interrupt succeeded, others if failed. */ int arisc_hwmsgbox_disable_receiver_int(int queue, int user) { volatile unsigned int value; value = readl(base + AW_MSGBOX_IRQ_EN_REG(user)); value &= ~(0x1 << (queue * 2)); writel(value, base + AW_MSGBOX_IRQ_EN_REG(user)); return 0; } /** * query the receiver interrupt pending of message-queue. * @queue: the number of message-queue which we want to query. * @user: the user which we want to query. * * returns: 0 if query pending succeeded, others if failed. */ int arisc_hwmsgbox_query_receiver_pending(int queue, int user) { volatile unsigned long value; value = readl(base + (AW_MSGBOX_IRQ_STATUS_REG(user))); return value & (0x1 << (queue * 2)); } /** * clear the receiver interrupt pending of message-queue. * @queue: the number of message-queue which we want to clear. * @user: the user which we want to clear. * * returns: 0 if clear pending succeeded, others if failed. */ int arisc_hwmsgbox_clear_receiver_pending(int queue, int user) { writel((0x1 << (queue * 2)), base + AW_MSGBOX_IRQ_STATUS_REG(user)); return 0; } /** * query message of hwmsgbox by hand, mainly for. * @para: none. * * returns: the point of message, NULL if timeout. */ struct arisc_message *arisc_hwmsgbox_query_message(void) { struct arisc_message *pmessage = NULL; /* query ac327 asyn received channel */ if (readl(base + AW_MSGBOX_MSG_STATUS_REG(ARISC_HWMSGBOX_ARISC_ASYN_TX_CH))) { volatile unsigned long value; value = readl(base + AW_MSGBOX_MSG_REG(ARISC_HWMSGBOX_ARISC_ASYN_TX_CH)); pmessage = arisc_message_map_to_cpux(value); if (arisc_message_valid(pmessage)) { /* message state switch */ if (pmessage->state == ARISC_MESSAGE_PROCESSED) { /* ARISC_MESSAGE_PROCESSED->ARISC_MESSAGE_FEEDBACKED */ pmessage->state = ARISC_MESSAGE_FEEDBACKED; } else { /* ARISC_MESSAGE_INITIALIZED->ARISC_MESSAGE_RECEIVED */ pmessage->state = ARISC_MESSAGE_RECEIVED; } } else { ARISC_ERR("invalid asyn message received: pmessage = 0x%llx. \n", pmessage); return NULL; } /* clear pending */ arisc_hwmsgbox_clear_receiver_pending(ARISC_HWMSGBOX_ARISC_ASYN_TX_CH, AW_HWMSG_QUEUE_USER_AC327); return pmessage; } /* query ac327 syn received channel */ if (readl(base + AW_MSGBOX_MSG_STATUS_REG(ARISC_HWMSGBOX_ARISC_SYN_TX_CH))) { volatile unsigned long value; value = readl(base + AW_MSGBOX_MSG_REG(ARISC_HWMSGBOX_ARISC_SYN_TX_CH)); pmessage = arisc_message_map_to_cpux(value); if (arisc_message_valid(pmessage)) { /* message state switch */ if (pmessage->state == ARISC_MESSAGE_PROCESSED) { /* ARISC_MESSAGE_PROCESSED->ARISC_MESSAGE_FEEDBACKED */ pmessage->state = ARISC_MESSAGE_FEEDBACKED; } else { /* ARISC_MESSAGE_INITIALIZED->ARISC_MESSAGE_RECEIVED */ pmessage->state = ARISC_MESSAGE_RECEIVED; } } else { ARISC_ERR("invalid syn message received: pmessage = 0x%llx. \n", pmessage); arisc_hwmsgbox_clear_receiver_pending(ARISC_HWMSGBOX_ARISC_SYN_TX_CH, AW_HWMSG_QUEUE_USER_AC327); return NULL; } arisc_hwmsgbox_clear_receiver_pending(ARISC_HWMSGBOX_ARISC_SYN_TX_CH, AW_HWMSG_QUEUE_USER_AC327); return pmessage; } /* no valid message now */ return NULL; } int arisc_hwmsgbox_standby_suspend(void) { /* enable arisc asyn tx interrupt */ //arisc_hwmsgbox_disable_receiver_int(ARISC_HWMSGBOX_ARISC_ASYN_TX_CH, AW_HWMSG_QUEUE_USER_AC327); /* enable arisc syn tx interrupt */ //arisc_hwmsgbox_disable_receiver_int(ARISC_HWMSGBOX_ARISC_SYN_TX_CH, AW_HWMSG_QUEUE_USER_AC327); return 0; } int arisc_hwmsgbox_standby_resume(void) { /* enable arisc asyn tx interrupt */ //arisc_hwmsgbox_enable_receiver_int(ARISC_HWMSGBOX_ARISC_ASYN_TX_CH, AW_HWMSG_QUEUE_USER_AC327); /* enable arisc syn tx interrupt */ //arisc_hwmsgbox_enable_receiver_int(ARISC_HWMSGBOX_ARISC_SYN_TX_CH, AW_HWMSG_QUEUE_USER_AC327); return 0; }