# Check the various features of the GoogleTest format. # # RUN: not %{lit} -j 1 -v %{inputs}/googletest-format > %t.out # FIXME: Temporarily dump test output so we can debug failing tests on # buildbots. # RUN: cat %t.out # RUN: FileCheck < %t.out %s # # END. # CHECK: -- Testing: # CHECK: PASS: googletest-format :: {{[Dd]ummy[Ss]ub[Dd]ir}}/OneTest.py/FirstTest.subTestA # CHECK: FAIL: googletest-format :: {{[Dd]ummy[Ss]ub[Dd]ir}}/OneTest.py/FirstTest.subTestB # CHECK-NEXT: *** TEST 'googletest-format :: {{[Dd]ummy[Ss]ub[Dd]ir}}/OneTest.py/FirstTest.subTestB' FAILED *** # CHECK-NEXT: I am subTest B, I FAIL # CHECK-NEXT: And I have two lines of output # CHECK: *** # CHECK: PASS: googletest-format :: {{[Dd]ummy[Ss]ub[Dd]ir}}/OneTest.py/ParameterizedTest/0.subTest # CHECK: PASS: googletest-format :: {{[Dd]ummy[Ss]ub[Dd]ir}}/OneTest.py/ParameterizedTest/1.subTest # CHECK: Failing Tests (1) # CHECK: Expected Passes : 3 # CHECK: Unexpected Failures: 1