; RUN: opt -module-summary %s -o %t1.bc ; RUN: opt -module-summary %S/Inputs/personality.ll -o %t2.bc ; RUN: llvm-lto2 run -o %t.o %t1.bc %t2.bc -save-temps \ ; RUN: -r %t2.bc,bar,p \ ; RUN: -r %t2.bc,personality_routine,p \ ; RUN: -r %t2.bc,personality_routine2,p \ ; RUN: -r %t2.bc,personality_routine3,p \ ; RUN: -r %t1.bc,foo,p \ ; RUN: -r %t1.bc,foo2,p \ ; RUN: -r %t1.bc,foo3,p \ ; RUN: -r %t1.bc,personality_routine,l \ ; RUN: -r %t1.bc,personality_routine2,l \ ; RUN: -r %t1.bc,personality_routine3,l \ ; RUN: -r %t1.bc,main,xp \ ; RUN: -r %t1.bc,bar,l ; RUN: llvm-readobj -t %t.o.2 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=BINDING ; BINDING: Symbol { ; BINDING: Name: personality_routine ; BINDING-NEXT: Value: ; BINDING-NEXT: Size: ; BINDING-NEXT: Binding: Global ; BINDING-NEXT: Type: Function ; BINDING-NEXT: Other [ ; BINDING-NEXT: STV_PROTECTED ; BINDING-NEXT: ] ; BINDING-NEXT: Section: .text ; BINDING-NEXT: } ; BINDING-NEXT: Symbol { ; BINDING-NEXT: Name: personality_routine2 ; BINDING-NEXT: Value: ; BINDING-NEXT: Size: ; BINDING-NEXT: Binding: Global ; BINDING-NEXT: Type: Function ; BINDING-NEXT: Other [ ; BINDING-NEXT: STV_PROTECTED ; BINDING-NEXT: ] ; BINDING-NEXT: Section: .text ; BINDING-NEXT: } ; BINDING-NOT: Name: personality_routine3 target datalayout = "e-m:e-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128" target triple = "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" declare protected i32 @personality_routine(i32, i32, i64, i8*, i8*) declare protected i32 @personality_routine2(i32, i32, i64, i8*, i8*) declare protected i32 @personality_routine3(i32, i32, i64, i8*, i8*) declare void @bar() define void @foo() personality i32 (i32, i32, i64, i8*, i8*)* @personality_routine { ret void } define internal void @foo2b() personality i8* bitcast (i32 (i32, i32, i64, i8*, i8*)* @personality_routine2 to i8*) { ret void } define internal void @foo2a() prologue void ()* @foo2b { ret void } define void @foo2() prefix void ()* @foo2a { ret void } define void @foo3() personality i8* bitcast (i32 (i32, i32, i64, i8*, i8*)* @personality_routine3 to i8*) { ret void } define i32 @main() { call void @foo() call void @foo2() call void @bar() ret i32 0 }