# Checks that the tool is able to read section groups with ELF. RUN: obj2yaml %p/Inputs/sectionGroup.elf.x86-64 > %t1.sectiongroup.yaml RUN: FileCheck %s --check-prefix ELF-GROUP < %t1.sectiongroup.yaml RUN: yaml2obj %t1.sectiongroup.yaml -o %t2.o.elf RUN: llvm-readobj -sections %t2.o.elf | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=SECTIONS #ELF-GROUP: - Name: .group #ELF-GROUP: Type: SHT_GROUP #ELF-GROUP: Link: .symtab #ELF-GROUP: Info: a #ELF-GROUP: Members: #ELF-GROUP: - SectionOrType: GRP_COMDAT #ELF-GROUP: - SectionOrType: .rodata.a #SECTIONS: Format: ELF64-x86-64 #SECTIONS: Arch: x86_64 #SECTIONS: AddressSize: 64bit #SECTIONS: Section { #SECTIONS: Index: 1 #SECTIONS: Name: .group (21) #SECTIONS: Type: SHT_GROUP (0x11) #SECTIONS: Flags [ (0x0) #SECTIONS: ] #SECTIONS: Address: 0x0 #SECTIONS: Size: 8 #SECTIONS: AddressAlignment: 4 #SECTIONS: EntrySize: 4 #SECTIONS: }