; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/update_llc_test_checks.py ; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=i686-unknown-unknown -mattr=-sse2 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=X32 ; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=i686-unknown-unknown -mattr=+sse2 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=X32-SSE2 ; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=i686-unknown-unknown -mattr=+avx2 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=X32-AVX2 ; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=x86_64-unknown-unknown -mattr=-sse2 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=X64 ; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=x86_64-unknown-unknown -mattr=+sse2 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=X64-SSE2 ; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=x86_64-unknown-unknown -mattr=+avx2 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=X64-AVX2 define i32 @PR15215_bad(<4 x i32> %input) { ; X32-LABEL: PR15215_bad: ; X32: # %bb.0: # %entry ; X32-NEXT: movb {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %al ; X32-NEXT: movb {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %cl ; X32-NEXT: movb {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %dl ; X32-NEXT: movb {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %ah ; X32-NEXT: addb %ah, %ah ; X32-NEXT: andb $1, %dl ; X32-NEXT: orb %ah, %dl ; X32-NEXT: shlb $2, %dl ; X32-NEXT: addb %cl, %cl ; X32-NEXT: andb $1, %al ; X32-NEXT: orb %cl, %al ; X32-NEXT: andb $3, %al ; X32-NEXT: orb %dl, %al ; X32-NEXT: movzbl %al, %eax ; X32-NEXT: andl $15, %eax ; X32-NEXT: retl ; ; X32-SSE2-LABEL: PR15215_bad: ; X32-SSE2: # %bb.0: # %entry ; X32-SSE2-NEXT: pslld $31, %xmm0 ; X32-SSE2-NEXT: psrad $31, %xmm0 ; X32-SSE2-NEXT: movmskps %xmm0, %eax ; X32-SSE2-NEXT: retl ; ; X32-AVX2-LABEL: PR15215_bad: ; X32-AVX2: # %bb.0: # %entry ; X32-AVX2-NEXT: vpslld $31, %xmm0, %xmm0 ; X32-AVX2-NEXT: vpsrad $31, %xmm0, %xmm0 ; X32-AVX2-NEXT: vmovmskps %xmm0, %eax ; X32-AVX2-NEXT: retl ; ; X64-LABEL: PR15215_bad: ; X64: # %bb.0: # %entry ; X64-NEXT: addb %cl, %cl ; X64-NEXT: andb $1, %dl ; X64-NEXT: orb %cl, %dl ; X64-NEXT: shlb $2, %dl ; X64-NEXT: addb %sil, %sil ; X64-NEXT: andb $1, %dil ; X64-NEXT: orb %sil, %dil ; X64-NEXT: andb $3, %dil ; X64-NEXT: orb %dl, %dil ; X64-NEXT: movzbl %dil, %eax ; X64-NEXT: andl $15, %eax ; X64-NEXT: retq ; ; X64-SSE2-LABEL: PR15215_bad: ; X64-SSE2: # %bb.0: # %entry ; X64-SSE2-NEXT: pslld $31, %xmm0 ; X64-SSE2-NEXT: psrad $31, %xmm0 ; X64-SSE2-NEXT: movmskps %xmm0, %eax ; X64-SSE2-NEXT: retq ; ; X64-AVX2-LABEL: PR15215_bad: ; X64-AVX2: # %bb.0: # %entry ; X64-AVX2-NEXT: vpslld $31, %xmm0, %xmm0 ; X64-AVX2-NEXT: vpsrad $31, %xmm0, %xmm0 ; X64-AVX2-NEXT: vmovmskps %xmm0, %eax ; X64-AVX2-NEXT: retq entry: %0 = trunc <4 x i32> %input to <4 x i1> %1 = bitcast <4 x i1> %0 to i4 %2 = zext i4 %1 to i32 ret i32 %2 } define i32 @PR15215_good(<4 x i32> %input) { ; X32-LABEL: PR15215_good: ; X32: # %bb.0: # %entry ; X32-NEXT: pushl %esi ; X32-NEXT: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ; X32-NEXT: .cfi_offset %esi, -8 ; X32-NEXT: movzbl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %eax ; X32-NEXT: andl $1, %eax ; X32-NEXT: movzbl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %ecx ; X32-NEXT: andl $1, %ecx ; X32-NEXT: movzbl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %edx ; X32-NEXT: andl $1, %edx ; X32-NEXT: movzbl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %esi ; X32-NEXT: andl $1, %esi ; X32-NEXT: leal (%eax,%ecx,2), %eax ; X32-NEXT: leal (%eax,%edx,4), %eax ; X32-NEXT: leal (%eax,%esi,8), %eax ; X32-NEXT: popl %esi ; X32-NEXT: retl ; ; X32-SSE2-LABEL: PR15215_good: ; X32-SSE2: # %bb.0: # %entry ; X32-SSE2-NEXT: pushl %esi ; X32-SSE2-NEXT: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ; X32-SSE2-NEXT: .cfi_offset %esi, -8 ; X32-SSE2-NEXT: movd %xmm0, %eax ; X32-SSE2-NEXT: andl $1, %eax ; X32-SSE2-NEXT: pshufd {{.*#+}} xmm1 = xmm0[1,1,2,3] ; X32-SSE2-NEXT: movd %xmm1, %ecx ; X32-SSE2-NEXT: andl $1, %ecx ; X32-SSE2-NEXT: pshufd {{.*#+}} xmm1 = xmm0[2,3,0,1] ; X32-SSE2-NEXT: movd %xmm1, %edx ; X32-SSE2-NEXT: andl $1, %edx ; X32-SSE2-NEXT: pshufd {{.*#+}} xmm0 = xmm0[3,1,2,3] ; X32-SSE2-NEXT: movd %xmm0, %esi ; X32-SSE2-NEXT: andl $1, %esi ; X32-SSE2-NEXT: leal (%eax,%ecx,2), %eax ; X32-SSE2-NEXT: leal (%eax,%edx,4), %eax ; X32-SSE2-NEXT: leal (%eax,%esi,8), %eax ; X32-SSE2-NEXT: popl %esi ; X32-SSE2-NEXT: retl ; ; X32-AVX2-LABEL: PR15215_good: ; X32-AVX2: # %bb.0: # %entry ; X32-AVX2-NEXT: pushl %esi ; X32-AVX2-NEXT: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ; X32-AVX2-NEXT: .cfi_offset %esi, -8 ; X32-AVX2-NEXT: vmovd %xmm0, %eax ; X32-AVX2-NEXT: andl $1, %eax ; X32-AVX2-NEXT: vpextrd $1, %xmm0, %ecx ; X32-AVX2-NEXT: andl $1, %ecx ; X32-AVX2-NEXT: vpextrd $2, %xmm0, %edx ; X32-AVX2-NEXT: andl $1, %edx ; X32-AVX2-NEXT: vpextrd $3, %xmm0, %esi ; X32-AVX2-NEXT: andl $1, %esi ; X32-AVX2-NEXT: leal (%eax,%ecx,2), %eax ; X32-AVX2-NEXT: leal (%eax,%edx,4), %eax ; X32-AVX2-NEXT: leal (%eax,%esi,8), %eax ; X32-AVX2-NEXT: popl %esi ; X32-AVX2-NEXT: retl ; ; X64-LABEL: PR15215_good: ; X64: # %bb.0: # %entry ; X64-NEXT: # kill: def %ecx killed %ecx def %rcx ; X64-NEXT: # kill: def %edx killed %edx def %rdx ; X64-NEXT: # kill: def %esi killed %esi def %rsi ; X64-NEXT: # kill: def %edi killed %edi def %rdi ; X64-NEXT: andl $1, %edi ; X64-NEXT: andl $1, %esi ; X64-NEXT: andl $1, %edx ; X64-NEXT: andl $1, %ecx ; X64-NEXT: leal (%rdi,%rsi,2), %eax ; X64-NEXT: leal (%rax,%rdx,4), %eax ; X64-NEXT: leal (%rax,%rcx,8), %eax ; X64-NEXT: retq ; ; X64-SSE2-LABEL: PR15215_good: ; X64-SSE2: # %bb.0: # %entry ; X64-SSE2-NEXT: movd %xmm0, %eax ; X64-SSE2-NEXT: andl $1, %eax ; X64-SSE2-NEXT: pshufd {{.*#+}} xmm1 = xmm0[1,1,2,3] ; X64-SSE2-NEXT: movd %xmm1, %ecx ; X64-SSE2-NEXT: andl $1, %ecx ; X64-SSE2-NEXT: pshufd {{.*#+}} xmm1 = xmm0[2,3,0,1] ; X64-SSE2-NEXT: movd %xmm1, %edx ; X64-SSE2-NEXT: andl $1, %edx ; X64-SSE2-NEXT: pshufd {{.*#+}} xmm0 = xmm0[3,1,2,3] ; X64-SSE2-NEXT: movd %xmm0, %esi ; X64-SSE2-NEXT: andl $1, %esi ; X64-SSE2-NEXT: leal (%rax,%rcx,2), %eax ; X64-SSE2-NEXT: leal (%rax,%rdx,4), %eax ; X64-SSE2-NEXT: leal (%rax,%rsi,8), %eax ; X64-SSE2-NEXT: retq ; ; X64-AVX2-LABEL: PR15215_good: ; X64-AVX2: # %bb.0: # %entry ; X64-AVX2-NEXT: vmovd %xmm0, %eax ; X64-AVX2-NEXT: andl $1, %eax ; X64-AVX2-NEXT: vpextrd $1, %xmm0, %ecx ; X64-AVX2-NEXT: andl $1, %ecx ; X64-AVX2-NEXT: vpextrd $2, %xmm0, %edx ; X64-AVX2-NEXT: andl $1, %edx ; X64-AVX2-NEXT: vpextrd $3, %xmm0, %esi ; X64-AVX2-NEXT: andl $1, %esi ; X64-AVX2-NEXT: leal (%rax,%rcx,2), %eax ; X64-AVX2-NEXT: leal (%rax,%rdx,4), %eax ; X64-AVX2-NEXT: leal (%rax,%rsi,8), %eax ; X64-AVX2-NEXT: retq entry: %0 = trunc <4 x i32> %input to <4 x i1> %1 = extractelement <4 x i1> %0, i32 0 %e1 = select i1 %1, i32 1, i32 0 %2 = extractelement <4 x i1> %0, i32 1 %e2 = select i1 %2, i32 2, i32 0 %3 = extractelement <4 x i1> %0, i32 2 %e3 = select i1 %3, i32 4, i32 0 %4 = extractelement <4 x i1> %0, i32 3 %e4 = select i1 %4, i32 8, i32 0 %5 = or i32 %e1, %e2 %6 = or i32 %5, %e3 %7 = or i32 %6, %e4 ret i32 %7 }