; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=s390x-linux-gnu | FileCheck %s ; The current function's frame address is the address of ; the optional back chain slot. define i8* @fp0() nounwind { entry: ; CHECK-LABEL: fp0: ; CHECK: la %r2, 0(%r15) ; CHECK: br %r14 %0 = tail call i8* @llvm.frameaddress(i32 0) ret i8* %0 } ; Check that the frame address is correct in a presence ; of a stack frame. define i8* @fp0f() nounwind { entry: ; CHECK-LABEL: fp0f: ; CHECK: aghi %r15, -168 ; CHECK: la %r2, 168(%r15) ; CHECK: aghi %r15, 168 ; CHECK: br %r14 %0 = alloca i64, align 8 %1 = tail call i8* @llvm.frameaddress(i32 0) ret i8* %1 } declare i8* @llvm.frameaddress(i32) nounwind readnone