; RUN: llc -aarch64-use-tbi -mtriple=arm64-apple-ios8.0.0 < %s \ ; RUN: | FileCheck --check-prefix=TBI --check-prefix=BOTH %s ; RUN: llc -aarch64-use-tbi -mtriple=arm64-apple-ios7.1.0 < %s \ ; RUN: | FileCheck --check-prefix=NO_TBI --check-prefix=BOTH %s ; BOTH-LABEL:ld_and32: ; TBI-NOT: and x ; NO_TBI: and x define i32 @ld_and32(i64 %p) { %and = and i64 %p, 72057594037927935 %cast = inttoptr i64 %and to i32* %load = load i32, i32* %cast ret i32 %load } ; load (r & MASK) + 4 ; BOTH-LABEL:ld_and_plus_offset: ; TBI-NOT: and x ; NO_TBI: and x define i32 @ld_and_plus_offset(i64 %p) { %and = and i64 %p, 72057594037927935 %cast = inttoptr i64 %and to i32* %gep = getelementptr i32, i32* %cast, i64 4 %load = load i32, i32* %gep ret i32 %load } ; load (r & WIDER_MASK) ; BOTH-LABEL:ld_and32_wider: ; TBI-NOT: and x ; NO_TBI: and x define i32 @ld_and32_wider(i64 %p) { %and = and i64 %p, 1152921504606846975 %cast = inttoptr i64 %and to i32* %load = load i32, i32* %cast ret i32 %load } ; BOTH-LABEL:ld_and64: ; TBI-NOT: and x ; NO_TBI: and x define i64 @ld_and64(i64 %p) { %and = and i64 %p, 72057594037927935 %cast = inttoptr i64 %and to i64* %load = load i64, i64* %cast ret i64 %load } ; BOTH-LABEL:st_and32: ; TBI-NOT: and x ; NO_TBI: and x define void @st_and32(i64 %p, i32 %v) { %and = and i64 %p, 72057594037927935 %cast = inttoptr i64 %and to i32* store i32 %v, i32* %cast ret void } ; load (x1 + x2) & MASK ; BOTH-LABEL:ld_ro: ; TBI-NOT: and x ; NO_TBI: and x define i32 @ld_ro(i64 %a, i64 %b) { %p = add i64 %a, %b %and = and i64 %p, 72057594037927935 %cast = inttoptr i64 %and to i32* %load = load i32, i32* %cast ret i32 %load } ; load (r1 & MASK) + r2 ; BOTH-LABEL:ld_ro2: ; TBI-NOT: and x ; NO_TBI: and x define i32 @ld_ro2(i64 %a, i64 %b) { %and = and i64 %a, 72057594037927935 %p = add i64 %and, %b %cast = inttoptr i64 %p to i32* %load = load i32, i32* %cast ret i32 %load } ; load (r1 & MASK) | r2 ; BOTH-LABEL:ld_indirect_and: ; TBI-NOT: and x ; NO_TBI: and x define i32 @ld_indirect_and(i64 %r1, i64 %r2) { %and = and i64 %r1, 72057594037927935 %p = or i64 %and, %r2 %cast = inttoptr i64 %p to i32* %load = load i32, i32* %cast ret i32 %load } ; BOTH-LABEL:ld_and32_narrower: ; BOTH: and x define i32 @ld_and32_narrower(i64 %p) { %and = and i64 %p, 36028797018963967 %cast = inttoptr i64 %and to i32* %load = load i32, i32* %cast ret i32 %load } ; BOTH-LABEL:ld_and8: ; BOTH: and x define i32 @ld_and8(i64 %base, i8 %off) { %off_masked = and i8 %off, 63 %off_64 = zext i8 %off_masked to i64 %p = add i64 %base, %off_64 %cast = inttoptr i64 %p to i32* %load = load i32, i32* %cast ret i32 %load }