; RUN: llc -mtriple=aarch64-none-linux-gnu < %s -o - | FileCheck %s ; The following functions test the use case where an X constraint is used to ; add a dependency between an assembly instruction (vmsr in this case) and ; another instruction. In each function, we use a different type for the ; X constraint argument. ; ; We can something similar from the following C code: ; double f1(double f, int pscr_value) { ; asm volatile("msr fpsr,%1" : "=X" ((f)): "r" (pscr_value)); ; return f+f; ; } ; CHECK-LABEL: f1 ; CHECK: msr FPSR ; CHECK: fadd d define double @f1(double %f, i32 %pscr_value) { entry: %f.addr = alloca double, align 8 store double %f, double* %f.addr, align 8 call void asm sideeffect "msr fpsr,$1", "=*X,r"(double* nonnull %f.addr, i32 %pscr_value) nounwind %0 = load double, double* %f.addr, align 8 %add = fadd double %0, %0 ret double %add } ; int f2(int f, int pscr_value) { ; asm volatile("msr fpsr,$1" : "=X" ((f)): "r" (pscr_value)); ; return f*f; ; } ; CHECK-LABEL: f2 ; CHECK: msr FPSR ; CHECK: mul define i32 @f2(i32 %f, i32 %pscr_value) { entry: %f.addr = alloca i32, align 4 store i32 %f, i32* %f.addr, align 4 call void asm sideeffect "msr fpsr,$1", "=*X,r"(i32* nonnull %f.addr, i32 %pscr_value) nounwind %0 = load i32, i32* %f.addr, align 4 %mul = mul i32 %0, %0 ret i32 %mul } ; typedef signed char int8_t; ; typedef __attribute__((neon_vector_type(8))) int8_t int8x8_t; ; void f3 (void) ; { ; int8x8_t vector_res_int8x8; ; unsigned int fpscr; ; asm volatile ("msr fpsr,$1" : "=X" ((vector_res_int8x8)) : "r" (fpscr)); ; return vector_res_int8x8 * vector_res_int8x8; ; } ; CHECK-LABEL: f3 ; CHECK: msr FPSR ; CHECK: mul define <8 x i8> @f3() { entry: %vector_res_int8x8 = alloca <8 x i8>, align 8 %0 = getelementptr inbounds <8 x i8>, <8 x i8>* %vector_res_int8x8, i32 0, i32 0 call void asm sideeffect "msr fpsr,$1", "=*X,r"(<8 x i8>* nonnull %vector_res_int8x8, i32 undef) nounwind %1 = load <8 x i8>, <8 x i8>* %vector_res_int8x8, align 8 %mul = mul <8 x i8> %1, %1 ret <8 x i8> %mul } ; We can emit integer constants. ; We can get this from: ; void f() { ; int x = 2; ; asm volatile ("add x0, x0, %0" : : "X" (x)); ; } ; ; CHECK-LABEL: f4 ; CHECK: add x0, x0, #2 define void @f4() { entry: tail call void asm sideeffect "add x0, x0, $0", "X"(i32 2) ret void } ; We can emit function labels. This is equivalent to the following C code: ; void f(void) { ; void (*x)(void) = &foo; ; asm volatile ("bl %0" : : "X" (x)); ; } ; CHECK-LABEL: f5 ; CHECK: bl f4 define void @f5() { entry: tail call void asm sideeffect "bl $0", "X"(void ()* nonnull @f4) ret void } declare void @foo(...) ; This tests the behavior of the X constraint when used on functions pointers, ; or functions with a cast. In the first asm call we figure out that this ; is a function pointer and emit the label. However, in the second asm call ; we can't see through the bitcast and we end up having to lower this constraint ; to something else. This is not ideal, but it is a correct behaviour according ; to the definition of the X constraint. ; ; In this case (and other cases where we could have emitted something else), ; what we're doing with the X constraint is not particularly useful either, ; since the user could have used "r" in this situation for the same effect. ; CHECK-LABEL: f6 ; CHECK: bl foo ; CHECK: br x define void @f6() nounwind { entry: tail call void asm sideeffect "bl $0", "X"(void (...)* @foo) nounwind tail call void asm sideeffect "br $0", "X"(void (...)* bitcast (void ()* @f4 to void (...)*)) nounwind ret void } ; The following IR can be generated from C code with a function like: ; void a() { ; void* a = &&A; ; asm volatile ("bl %0" : : "X" (a)); ; A: ; return; ; } ; ; Ideally this would give the block address of bb, but it requires us to see ; through blockaddress, which we can't do at the moment. This might break some ; existing use cases where a user would expect to get a block label and instead ; gets the block address in a register. However, note that according to the ; "no constraints" definition this behaviour is correct (although not very nice). ; CHECK-LABEL: f7 ; CHECK: bl define void @f7() { call void asm sideeffect "br $0", "X"( i8* blockaddress(@f7, %bb) ) br label %bb bb: ret void } ; If we use a constraint "=*X", we should get a store back to *%x (in x0). ; CHECK-LABEL: f8 ; CHECK: add [[Dest:x[0-9]+]], x0, x0 ; CHECK: str [[Dest]], [x0] define void @f8(i64 *%x) { entry: tail call void asm sideeffect "add $0, x0, x0", "=*X"(i64 *%x) ret void }