; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple aarch64-unknown-unknown -aarch64-neon-syntax=apple -asm-verbose=false | FileCheck %s target datalayout = "e-m:o-i64:64-i128:128-n32:64-S128" ; Test the (concat_vectors (bitcast (scalar)), ..) pattern. define <8 x i8> @test_concat_scalar_v2i8_to_v8i8_dup(i32 %x) #0 { entry: ; CHECK-LABEL: test_concat_scalar_v2i8_to_v8i8_dup: ; CHECK-NEXT: dup.4h v0, w0 ; CHECK-NEXT: ret %t = trunc i32 %x to i16 %0 = bitcast i16 %t to <2 x i8> %1 = shufflevector <2 x i8> %0, <2 x i8> undef, <8 x i32> ret <8 x i8> %1 } define <8 x i8> @test_concat_scalar_v4i8_to_v8i8_dup(i32 %x) #0 { entry: ; CHECK-LABEL: test_concat_scalar_v4i8_to_v8i8_dup: ; CHECK-NEXT: dup.2s v0, w0 ; CHECK-NEXT: ret %0 = bitcast i32 %x to <4 x i8> %1 = shufflevector <4 x i8> %0, <4 x i8> undef, <8 x i32> ret <8 x i8> %1 } define <8 x i16> @test_concat_scalar_v2i16_to_v8i16_dup(i32 %x) #0 { entry: ; CHECK-LABEL: test_concat_scalar_v2i16_to_v8i16_dup: ; CHECK-NEXT: dup.4s v0, w0 ; CHECK-NEXT: ret %0 = bitcast i32 %x to <2 x i16> %1 = shufflevector <2 x i16> %0, <2 x i16> undef, <8 x i32> ret <8 x i16> %1 } define <8 x i8> @test_concat_scalars_2x_v2i8_to_v8i8(i32 %x, i32 %y) #0 { entry: ; CHECK-LABEL: test_concat_scalars_2x_v2i8_to_v8i8: ; CHECK-NEXT: fmov s0, w0 ; CHECK-NEXT: mov.h v0[1], w1 ; CHECK-NEXT: mov.h v0[3], w1 ; CHECK-NEXT: ret %tx = trunc i32 %x to i16 %ty = trunc i32 %y to i16 %bx = bitcast i16 %tx to <2 x i8> %by = bitcast i16 %ty to <2 x i8> %r = shufflevector <2 x i8> %bx, <2 x i8> %by, <8 x i32> ret <8 x i8> %r } define <8 x i8> @test_concat_scalars_2x_v4i8_to_v8i8_dup(i32 %x, i32 %y) #0 { entry: ; CHECK-LABEL: test_concat_scalars_2x_v4i8_to_v8i8_dup: ; CHECK-NEXT: fmov s0, w1 ; CHECK-NEXT: mov.s v0[1], w0 ; CHECK-NEXT: ret %bx = bitcast i32 %x to <4 x i8> %by = bitcast i32 %y to <4 x i8> %r = shufflevector <4 x i8> %bx, <4 x i8> %by, <8 x i32> ret <8 x i8> %r } define <8 x i16> @test_concat_scalars_2x_v2i16_to_v8i16_dup(i32 %x, i32 %y) #0 { entry: ; CHECK-LABEL: test_concat_scalars_2x_v2i16_to_v8i16_dup: ; CHECK-NEXT: fmov s0, w0 ; CHECK-NEXT: mov.s v0[1], w1 ; CHECK-NEXT: mov.s v0[2], w1 ; CHECK-NEXT: mov.s v0[3], w0 ; CHECK-NEXT: ret %bx = bitcast i32 %x to <2 x i16> %by = bitcast i32 %y to <2 x i16> %r = shufflevector <2 x i16> %bx, <2 x i16> %by, <8 x i32> ret <8 x i16> %r } ; Also make sure we minimize bitcasts. ; This is a pretty artificial testcase: make sure we bitcast to floating-point ; if any of the scalars is floating-point. define <8 x i8> @test_concat_scalars_mixed_2x_v2i8_to_v8i8(float %dummy, i32 %x, half %y) #0 { entry: ; CHECK-LABEL: test_concat_scalars_mixed_2x_v2i8_to_v8i8: ; CHECK-NEXT: fmov s[[X:[0-9]+]], w0 ; CHECK-NEXT: mov.16b v0, v[[X]] ; CHECK-NEXT: mov.h v0[1], v1[0] ; CHECK-NEXT: mov.h v0[2], v[[X]][0] ; CHECK-NEXT: mov.h v0[3], v1[0] ; CHECK-NEXT: ret %t = trunc i32 %x to i16 %0 = bitcast i16 %t to <2 x i8> %y0 = bitcast half %y to <2 x i8> %1 = shufflevector <2 x i8> %0, <2 x i8> %y0, <8 x i32> ret <8 x i8> %1 } define <2 x float> @test_concat_scalars_fp_2x_v2i8_to_v8i8(float %dummy, half %x, half %y) #0 { entry: ; CHECK-LABEL: test_concat_scalars_fp_2x_v2i8_to_v8i8: ; CHECK-NEXT: mov.16b v0, v1 ; CHECK-NEXT: mov.h v0[1], v2[0] ; CHECK-NEXT: mov.h v0[2], v1[0] ; CHECK-NEXT: mov.h v0[3], v2[0] ; CHECK-NEXT: ret %0 = bitcast half %x to <2 x i8> %y0 = bitcast half %y to <2 x i8> %1 = shufflevector <2 x i8> %0, <2 x i8> %y0, <8 x i32> %2 = bitcast <8 x i8> %1 to <2 x float> ret <2 x float> %2 } define <4 x float> @test_concat_scalar_fp_v2i16_to_v16i8_dup(float %x) #0 { entry: ; CHECK-LABEL: test_concat_scalar_fp_v2i16_to_v16i8_dup: ; CHECK-NEXT: dup.4s v0, v0[0] ; CHECK-NEXT: ret %0 = bitcast float %x to <2 x i16> %1 = shufflevector <2 x i16> %0, <2 x i16> undef, <8 x i32> %2 = bitcast <8 x i16> %1 to <4 x float> ret <4 x float> %2 } attributes #0 = { nounwind }