; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=arm64-eabi | FileCheck %s ; ARM64ISelLowering.cpp was creating a new (floating-point) load for efficiency ; but not updating chain-successors of the old one. As a result, the two memory ; operations in this function both ended up direct successors to the EntryToken ; and could be reordered. @var = global i32 0, align 4 define float @foo() { ; CHECK-LABEL: foo: ; Load must come before we clobber @var ; CHECK: adrp x[[VARBASE:[0-9]+]], {{_?var}} ; CHECK: ldr [[SREG:s[0-9]+]], [x[[VARBASE]], ; CHECK: str wzr, [x[[VARBASE]], %val = load i32, i32* @var, align 4 store i32 0, i32* @var, align 4 %fltval = sitofp i32 %val to float ret float %fltval }