; RUN: llc -mtriple="arm64-apple-ios" < %s | FileCheck %s ; ; Check that the dead register definition pass is considering implicit defs. ; When rematerializing through truncates, the coalescer may produce instructions ; with dead defs, but live implicit-defs of subregs: ; E.g. dead %x1 = MOVi64imm 2, implicit-def %w1; %x1:GPR64, %w1:GPR32 ; These instructions are live, and their definitions should not be rewritten. ; ; define void @testcase() { ; CHECK: testcase: ; CHECK-NOT: orr xzr, xzr, #0x2 bb1: %tmp1 = tail call float @ceilf(float 2.000000e+00) %tmp2 = fptoui float %tmp1 to i64 br i1 undef, label %bb2, label %bb3 bb2: tail call void @foo() br label %bb3 bb3: %tmp3 = trunc i64 %tmp2 to i32 tail call void @bar(i32 %tmp3) ret void } declare void @foo() declare void @bar(i32) declare float @ceilf(float) nounwind readnone