; RUN: llc -mtriple=aarch64_be-none-eabi -fast-isel=false < %s | FileCheck %s ; RUN: llc -mtriple=aarch64_be-none-eabi -fast-isel=true < %s | FileCheck %s ; Check narrow argument passing via stack - callee end define i32 @test_narrow_args_callee(i64 %x0, i64 %x1, i64 %x2, i64 %x3, i64 %x4, i64 %x5, i64 %x6, i64 %x7, i8 %c, i16 %s) #0 { entry: %conv = zext i8 %c to i32 %conv1 = sext i16 %s to i32 %add = add nsw i32 %conv1, %conv ; CHECK-LABEL: test_narrow_args_callee: ; CHECK-DAG: ldrb w{{[0-9]}}, [sp, #7] ; CHECK-DAG: ldr{{s?}}h w{{[0-9]}}, [sp, #14] ret i32 %add } ; Check narrow argument passing via stack - caller end define i32 @test_narrow_args_caller() #0 { entry: %call = tail call i32 @test_narrow_args_callee(i64 undef, i64 undef, i64 undef, i64 undef, i64 undef, i64 undef, i64 undef, i64 undef, i8 8, i16 9) ; CHECK-LABEL: test_narrow_args_caller: ; CHECK-DAG: strh w{{[0-9]}}, [sp, #14] ; CHECK-DAG: strb w{{[0-9]}}, [sp, #7] ret i32 %call } define float @test_block_addr([8 x float], [1 x float] %in) { ; CHECK-LABEL: test_block_addr: ; CHECK: ldr s0, [sp] %val = extractvalue [1 x float] %in, 0 ret float %val } define void @test_block_addr_callee() { ; CHECK-LABEL: test_block_addr_callee: ; CHECK: sub sp, sp, #32 ; CHECK: str {{[a-z0-9]+}}, [sp, #16] ; CHECK: bl test_block_addr %val = insertvalue [1 x float] undef, float 0.0, 0 call float @test_block_addr([8 x float] undef, [1 x float] %val) ret void }