; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=arm64-eabi -mcpu=cyclone | FileCheck %s ; @b = private unnamed_addr constant [3 x i32] [i32 1768775988, i32 1685481784, i32 1836253201], align 4 ; The important thing for this test is that we need an unaligned load of `l_b' ; ("ldr w2, [x1, #8]" in this case). ; CHECK: adrp x[[PAGE:[0-9]+]], {{l_b@PAGE|.Lb}} ; CHECK: add x[[ADDR:[0-9]+]], x[[PAGE]], {{l_b@PAGEOFF|:lo12:.Lb}} ; CHECK-NEXT: ldr [[VAL:w[0-9]+]], [x[[ADDR]], #8] ; CHECK-NEXT: str [[VAL]], [x0, #8] ; CHECK-NEXT: ldr [[VAL2:x[0-9]+]], [x[[ADDR]]] ; CHECK-NEXT: str [[VAL2]], [x0] define void @foo(i8* %a) { call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %a, i8* bitcast ([3 x i32]* @b to i8*), i64 12, i32 4, i1 false) ret void } declare void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* nocapture, i8* nocapture, i64, i32, i1) nounwind