path: root/test/CodeGen/Mips/i32k.ll
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-10-15[mips][mips16] MIPS16 is not a CPU/Architecture but is an ASE.Daniel Sanders
2015-04-16[opaque pointer type] Add textual IR support for explicit type parameter to t...David Blaikie
2015-03-13[opaque pointer type] Add textual IR support for explicit type parameter to g...David Blaikie
2013-11-28Check in conditional branches for constant islands. Still need to finishReed Kotler
2013-10-12For Mips16, start to consolidate all forms of 32 bit literal loading so thatReed Kotler
2012-10-26implement large (>16 bit) constant loading.Reed Kotler