path: root/lib/LTO/CMakeLists.txt
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-04-13Support: Add a VCSRevision.h header file.Peter Collingbourne
2016-11-17[CMake] NFC. Updating CMake dependency specificationsChris Bieneman
2016-10-19[cmake] Declare LLVM_CMAKE_PATH for use in subprojectsMichal Gorny
2016-08-23[ThinLTO] Add caching to the new LTO APIMehdi Amini
2016-08-11Restore "Resolution-based LTO API."Teresa Johnson
2016-08-11Revert "Resolution-based LTO API."Teresa Johnson
2016-08-11Resolution-based LTO API.Teresa Johnson
2016-05-23[ThinLTO] Refactor module loader handling into new LTO file (NFC)Teresa Johnson
2016-04-16Add SVN version to libLLVMLTOMehdi Amini
2016-04-13Simplify LTOInternalize into UpdateLLVMCompilerUsedMehdi Amini
2016-04-12Refactor the Internalize stage of libLTO in a separate file (NFC)Mehdi Amini
2016-03-09libLTO: add a ThinLTOCodeGenerator on the model of LTOCodeGenerator.Mehdi Amini
2015-02-11Use ADDITIONAL_HEADER_DIRS in all LLVM CMake projects.Zachary Turner
2015-02-01[CMake] LLVMLTO requires Intrinsics.gen since r227685 introduced llvm/Analysi...NAKAMURA Takumi
2013-09-24Move LTO support library to a component, allowing it to be testedPeter Collingbourne