path: root/test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test')
8 files changed, 6658 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/PowerPC/build-vector-tests.ll b/test/CodeGen/PowerPC/build-vector-tests.ll
index fd1f4589870..16b562bfb9f 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/PowerPC/build-vector-tests.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/PowerPC/build-vector-tests.ll
@@ -3508,13 +3508,13 @@ entry:
; P9LE: xxmrghd
; P9LE-NEXT: xvcvdpsxds v2
; P9LE-NEXT: blr
-; P8BE: lfsx
-; P8BE: lfsx
+; P8BE: lfs
+; P8BE: lfs
; P8BE: xxmrghd
; P8BE-NEXT: xvcvdpsxds v2
; P8BE-NEXT: blr
-; P8LE: lfsx
-; P8LE: lfsx
+; P8LE: lfs
+; P8LE: lfs
; P8LE: xxmrghd
; P8LE-NEXT: xvcvdpsxds v2
; P8LE-NEXT: blr
@@ -3546,13 +3546,13 @@ entry:
; P9LE: xxmrghd
; P9LE-NEXT: xvcvdpsxds v2
; P9LE-NEXT: blr
-; P8BE: lfsx
-; P8BE: lfsx
+; P8BE: lfs
+; P8BE: lfs
; P8BE: xxmrghd
; P8BE-NEXT: xvcvdpsxds v2
; P8BE-NEXT: blr
-; P8LE: lfsx
-; P8LE: lfsx
+; P8LE: lfs
+; P8LE: lfs
; P8LE: xxmrghd
; P8LE-NEXT: xvcvdpsxds v2
; P8LE-NEXT: blr
@@ -3591,13 +3591,13 @@ entry:
; P9LE-NEXT: blr
; P8BE: sldi
; P8BE: lfsux
-; P8BE: lfsx
+; P8BE: lfs
; P8BE: xxmrghd
; P8BE-NEXT: xvcvdpsxds v2
; P8BE-NEXT: blr
; P8LE: sldi
; P8LE: lfsux
-; P8LE: lfsx
+; P8LE: lfs
; P8LE: xxmrghd
; P8LE-NEXT: xvcvdpsxds v2
; P8LE-NEXT: blr
@@ -3636,13 +3636,13 @@ entry:
; P9LE-NEXT: blr
; P8BE: sldi
; P8BE: lfsux
-; P8BE: lfsx
+; P8BE: lfs
; P8BE: xxmrghd
; P8BE-NEXT: xvcvdpsxds v2
; P8BE-NEXT: blr
; P8LE: sldi
; P8LE: lfsux
-; P8LE: lfsx
+; P8LE: lfs
; P8LE: xxmrghd
; P8LE-NEXT: xvcvdpsxds v2
; P8LE-NEXT: blr
@@ -3693,11 +3693,11 @@ entry:
; P9LE-NEXT: xscvdpsxds
; P9LE-NEXT: xxspltd v2
; P9LE-NEXT: blr
-; P8BE: lfsx
+; P8BE: lfs
; P8BE-NEXT: xscvdpsxds
; P8BE-NEXT: xxspltd v2
; P8BE-NEXT: blr
-; P8LE: lfsx
+; P8LE: lfs
; P8LE-NEXT: xscvdpsxds
; P8LE-NEXT: xxspltd v2
; P8LE-NEXT: blr
@@ -4412,13 +4412,13 @@ entry:
; P9LE: xxmrghd
; P9LE-NEXT: xvcvdpuxds v2
; P9LE-NEXT: blr
-; P8BE: lfsx
-; P8BE: lfsx
+; P8BE: lfs
+; P8BE: lfs
; P8BE: xxmrghd
; P8BE-NEXT: xvcvdpuxds v2
; P8BE-NEXT: blr
-; P8LE: lfsx
-; P8LE: lfsx
+; P8LE: lfs
+; P8LE: lfs
; P8LE: xxmrghd
; P8LE-NEXT: xvcvdpuxds v2
; P8LE-NEXT: blr
@@ -4450,13 +4450,13 @@ entry:
; P9LE: xxmrghd
; P9LE-NEXT: xvcvdpuxds v2
; P9LE-NEXT: blr
-; P8BE: lfsx
-; P8BE: lfsx
+; P8BE: lfs
+; P8BE: lfs
; P8BE: xxmrghd
; P8BE-NEXT: xvcvdpuxds v2
; P8BE-NEXT: blr
-; P8LE: lfsx
-; P8LE: lfsx
+; P8LE: lfs
+; P8LE: lfs
; P8LE: xxmrghd
; P8LE-NEXT: xvcvdpuxds v2
; P8LE-NEXT: blr
@@ -4495,13 +4495,13 @@ entry:
; P9LE-NEXT: blr
; P8BE: sldi
; P8BE: lfsux
-; P8BE: lfsx
+; P8BE: lfs
; P8BE: xxmrghd
; P8BE-NEXT: xvcvdpuxds v2
; P8BE-NEXT: blr
; P8LE: sldi
; P8LE: lfsux
-; P8LE: lfsx
+; P8LE: lfs
; P8LE: xxmrghd
; P8LE-NEXT: xvcvdpuxds v2
; P8LE-NEXT: blr
@@ -4540,13 +4540,13 @@ entry:
; P9LE-NEXT: blr
; P8BE: sldi
; P8BE: lfsux
-; P8BE: lfsx
+; P8BE: lfs
; P8BE: xxmrghd
; P8BE-NEXT: xvcvdpuxds v2
; P8BE-NEXT: blr
; P8LE: sldi
; P8LE: lfsux
-; P8LE: lfsx
+; P8LE: lfs
; P8LE: xxmrghd
; P8LE-NEXT: xvcvdpuxds v2
; P8LE-NEXT: blr
@@ -4597,11 +4597,11 @@ entry:
; P9LE-NEXT: xscvdpuxds
; P9LE-NEXT: xxspltd v2
; P9LE-NEXT: blr
-; P8BE: lfsx
+; P8BE: lfs
; P8BE-NEXT: xscvdpuxds
; P8BE-NEXT: xxspltd v2
; P8BE-NEXT: blr
-; P8LE: lfsx
+; P8LE: lfs
; P8LE-NEXT: xscvdpuxds
; P8LE-NEXT: xxspltd v2
; P8LE-NEXT: blr
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/PowerPC/convert-rr-to-ri-instrs-R0-special-handling.mir b/test/CodeGen/PowerPC/convert-rr-to-ri-instrs-R0-special-handling.mir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..754f83825a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGen/PowerPC/convert-rr-to-ri-instrs-R0-special-handling.mir
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+# RUN: llc -start-after ppc-mi-peepholes -ppc-late-peephole %s -o - | FileCheck %s
+--- |
+ ; ModuleID = 'a.ll'
+ source_filename = "a.c"
+ target datalayout = "e-m:e-i64:64-n32:64"
+ target triple = "powerpc64le-unknown-linux-gnu"
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define signext i32 @unsafeAddR0R3(i32 signext %a, i32 signext %b) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %add = add nsw i32 %b, %a
+ ret i32 %add
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define signext i32 @unsafeAddR3R0(i32 signext %a, i32 signext %b) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %add = add nsw i32 %b, %a
+ ret i32 %add
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define signext i32 @safeAddR0R3(i32 signext %a, i32 signext %b) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %add = add nsw i32 %b, %a
+ ret i32 %add
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define signext i32 @safeAddR3R0(i32 signext %a, i32 signext %b) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %add = add nsw i32 %b, %a
+ ret i32 %add
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readonly
+ define i64 @unsafeLDXR3R0(i64* nocapture readonly %ptr, i64 %off) local_unnamed_addr #1 {
+ entry:
+ %0 = bitcast i64* %ptr to i8*
+ %add.ptr = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %0, i64 %off
+ %1 = bitcast i8* %add.ptr to i64*
+ %2 = load i64, i64* %1, align 8, !tbaa !3
+ ret i64 %2
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readonly
+ define i64 @safeLDXZeroR3(i64* nocapture readonly %ptr, i64 %off) local_unnamed_addr #1 {
+ entry:
+ %0 = bitcast i64* %ptr to i8*
+ %add.ptr = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %0, i64 %off
+ %1 = bitcast i8* %add.ptr to i64*
+ %2 = load i64, i64* %1, align 8, !tbaa !3
+ ret i64 %2
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readonly
+ define i64 @safeLDXR3R0(i64* nocapture readonly %ptr, i64 %off) local_unnamed_addr #1 {
+ entry:
+ %0 = bitcast i64* %ptr to i8*
+ %add.ptr = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %0, i64 %off
+ %1 = bitcast i8* %add.ptr to i64*
+ %2 = load i64, i64* %1, align 8, !tbaa !3
+ ret i64 %2
+ }
+ attributes #0 = { norecurse nounwind readnone "correctly-rounded-divide-sqrt-fp-math"="false" "disable-tail-calls"="false" "less-precise-fpmad"="false" "no-frame-pointer-elim"="false" "no-infs-fp-math"="false" "no-jump-tables"="false" "no-nans-fp-math"="false" "no-signed-zeros-fp-math"="false" "no-trapping-math"="false" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "target-cpu"="ppc64le" "target-features"="+altivec,+bpermd,+crypto,+direct-move,+extdiv,+htm,+power8-vector,+vsx,-power9-vector,-qpx" "unsafe-fp-math"="false" "use-soft-float"="false" }
+ attributes #1 = { norecurse nounwind readonly "correctly-rounded-divide-sqrt-fp-math"="false" "disable-tail-calls"="false" "less-precise-fpmad"="false" "no-frame-pointer-elim"="false" "no-infs-fp-math"="false" "no-jump-tables"="false" "no-nans-fp-math"="false" "no-signed-zeros-fp-math"="false" "no-trapping-math"="false" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "target-cpu"="ppc64le" "target-features"="+altivec,+bpermd,+crypto,+direct-move,+extdiv,+htm,+power8-vector,+vsx,-power9-vector,-qpx" "unsafe-fp-math"="false" "use-soft-float"="false" }
+ !llvm.module.flags = !{!0, !1}
+ !llvm.ident = !{!2}
+ !0 = !{i32 1, !"wchar_size", i32 4}
+ !1 = !{i32 7, !"PIC Level", i32 2}
+ !2 = !{!"clang version 6.0.0 (trunk 318832)"}
+ !3 = !{!4, !4, i64 0}
+ !4 = !{!"long long", !5, i64 0}
+ !5 = !{!"omnipotent char", !6, i64 0}
+ !6 = !{!"Simple C/C++ TBAA"}
+name: unsafeAddR0R3
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x0, %x4
+ %1:g8rc = COPY %x4
+ %0:g8rc = COPY %x0
+ %2:gprc = LI 44
+ %3:gprc = COPY %1.sub_32
+ %4:gprc = ADD4 killed %r0, killed %2
+ ; CHECK: li 3, 44
+ ; CHECK: add 3, 0, 3
+ %5:g8rc = EXTSW_32_64 killed %4
+ %x3 = COPY %5
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: unsafeAddR3R0
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x0, %x4
+ %1:g8rc = COPY %x4
+ %0:g8rc = COPY %x0
+ %2:gprc = COPY %0.sub_32
+ %3:gprc = LI 44
+ %4:gprc = ADD4 killed %3, killed %r0
+ ; CHECK: li 3, 44
+ ; CHECK: add 3, 3, 0
+ %5:g8rc = EXTSW_32_64 killed %4
+ %x3 = COPY %5
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: safeAddR0R3
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1:g8rc = COPY %x4
+ %0:g8rc = COPY %x3
+ %2:gprc = COPY %0.sub_32
+ %r0 = LI 44
+ %4:gprc = ADD4 killed %r0, killed %2
+ ; CHECK: addi 3, 3, 44
+ %5:g8rc = EXTSW_32_64 killed %4
+ %x3 = COPY %5
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: safeAddR3R0
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1:g8rc = COPY %x4
+ %0:g8rc = COPY %x3
+ %2:gprc = COPY %0.sub_32
+ %r0 = LI 44
+ %4:gprc = ADD4 killed %2, killed %r0
+ ; CHECK: addi 3, 3, 44
+ %5:g8rc = EXTSW_32_64 killed %4
+ %x3 = COPY %5
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: unsafeLDXR3R0
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x0', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x0, %x4
+ %1:g8rc = COPY %x4
+ %0:g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0 = LI8 44
+ %2:g8rc = LDX %0, %x0 :: (load 8 from %ir.1, !tbaa !3)
+ ; CHECK: li 3, 44
+ ; CHECK: ldx 3, 3, 0
+ %x3 = COPY %2
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: safeLDXZeroR3
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1:g8rc = LI8 44
+ %0:g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0 = LI8 44
+ %2:g8rc = LDX %zero8, %1 :: (load 8 from %ir.1, !tbaa !3)
+ ; CHECK: ld 3, 44(0)
+ %x3 = COPY %2
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: safeLDXR3R0
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %x0 = LI8 44
+ %0:g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0 = COPY %x3
+ %2:g8rc = LDX %0, %x0 :: (load 8 from %ir.1, !tbaa !3)
+ ; CHECK: ld 3, 44(3)
+ %x3 = COPY %2
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/PowerPC/convert-rr-to-ri-instrs.mir b/test/CodeGen/PowerPC/convert-rr-to-ri-instrs.mir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c4783de4a18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGen/PowerPC/convert-rr-to-ri-instrs.mir
@@ -0,0 +1,6129 @@
+# RUN: llc -run-pass ppc-mi-peepholes -ppc-convert-rr-to-ri %s -o - | FileCheck %s
+# RUN: llc -start-after ppc-mi-peepholes -ppc-late-peephole %s -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-LATE
+--- |
+ ; ModuleID = 'convert-rr-to-ri-instrs.ll'
+ source_filename = "convert-rr-to-ri-instrs.c"
+ target datalayout = "e-m:e-i64:64-n32:64"
+ target triple = "powerpc64le-unknown-linux-gnu"
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define signext i32 @testADD4(i32 signext %a, i32 signext %b) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %add = add nsw i32 %a, 33
+ %add1 = add nsw i32 %add, %b
+ ret i32 %add1
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define i64 @testADD8(i64 %a, i64 %b) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %add = add nsw i64 %a, 33
+ %add1 = add nsw i64 %add, %b
+ ret i64 %add1
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define i128 @testADDC(i128 %a, i128 %b) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %add = add nsw i128 %b, %a
+ ret i128 %add
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define i128 @testADDC8(i128 %a, i128 %b) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %add = add nsw i128 %b, %a
+ ret i128 %add
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define i64 @testADDCo(i64 %a, i64 %b) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %add = add nsw i64 %b, %a
+ %cmp = icmp eq i64 %add, 0
+ %neg = sext i1 %cmp to i64
+ %retval.0 = xor i64 %add, %neg
+ ret i64 %retval.0
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define signext i32 @testADDI(i32 signext %a) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %add = add nsw i32 %a, 44
+ ret i32 %add
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define signext i32 @testADDI8(i32 signext %a) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %add = add nsw i32 %a, 44
+ ret i32 %add
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define signext i32 @testANDo(i64 %a, i64 %b) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %and = and i64 %b, %a
+ %tobool = icmp eq i64 %and, 0
+ %cond = select i1 %tobool, i64 %b, i64 %a
+ %conv = trunc i64 %cond to i32
+ ret i32 %conv
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define i64 @testAND8o(i64 %a, i64 %b) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %and = and i64 %b, %a
+ %tobool = icmp eq i64 %and, 0
+ %cond = select i1 %tobool, i64 %b, i64 %a
+ ret i64 %cond
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define i64 @testCMPD(i64 %a, i64 %b) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %cmp = icmp sgt i64 %a, %b
+ %add = select i1 %cmp, i64 0, i64 %a
+ %cond = add nsw i64 %add, %b
+ ret i64 %cond
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define i64 @testCMPDI(i64 %a, i64 %b) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %cmp = icmp sgt i64 %a, 87
+ %add = select i1 %cmp, i64 0, i64 %a
+ %cond = add nsw i64 %add, %b
+ ret i64 %cond
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define i64 @testCMPDI_F(i64 %a, i64 %b) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %cmp = icmp sgt i64 %a, 87
+ %add = select i1 %cmp, i64 0, i64 %a
+ %cond = add nsw i64 %add, %b
+ ret i64 %cond
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define i64 @testCMPLD(i64 %a, i64 %b) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %cmp = icmp ugt i64 %a, %b
+ %add = select i1 %cmp, i64 0, i64 %a
+ %cond = add i64 %add, %b
+ ret i64 %cond
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define i64 @testCMPLDI(i64 %a, i64 %b) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %cmp = icmp ugt i64 %a, 87
+ %add = select i1 %cmp, i64 0, i64 %a
+ %cond = add i64 %add, %b
+ ret i64 %cond
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define signext i32 @testCMPW(i32 signext %a, i32 signext %b) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %cmp = icmp sgt i32 %a, %b
+ %add = select i1 %cmp, i32 0, i32 %a
+ %cond = add nsw i32 %add, %b
+ ret i32 %cond
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define signext i32 @testCMPWI(i32 signext %a, i32 signext %b) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %cmp = icmp sgt i32 %a, 87
+ %add = select i1 %cmp, i32 0, i32 %a
+ %cond = add nsw i32 %add, %b
+ ret i32 %cond
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define zeroext i32 @testCMPLW(i32 zeroext %a, i32 zeroext %b) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %cmp = icmp ugt i32 %a, %b
+ %add = select i1 %cmp, i32 0, i32 %a
+ %cond = add i32 %add, %b
+ ret i32 %cond
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define zeroext i32 @testCMPLWI(i32 zeroext %a, i32 zeroext %b) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %cmp = icmp ugt i32 %a, 87
+ %add = select i1 %cmp, i32 0, i32 %a
+ %cond = add i32 %add, %b
+ ret i32 %cond
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readonly
+ define zeroext i8 @testLBZUX(i8* nocapture readonly %ptr, i32 zeroext %idx) local_unnamed_addr #1 {
+ entry:
+ %add = add i32 %idx, 1
+ %idxprom = zext i32 %add to i64
+ %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %ptr, i64 %idxprom
+ %0 = load i8, i8* %arrayidx, align 1, !tbaa !3
+ %conv = zext i8 %0 to i32
+ %add1 = add i32 %idx, 2
+ %idxprom2 = zext i32 %add1 to i64
+ %arrayidx3 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %ptr, i64 %idxprom2
+ %1 = load i8, i8* %arrayidx3, align 1, !tbaa !3
+ %conv4 = zext i8 %1 to i32
+ %add5 = add nuw nsw i32 %conv4, %conv
+ %conv6 = trunc i32 %add5 to i8
+ ret i8 %conv6
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readonly
+ define zeroext i8 @testLBZX(i8* nocapture readonly %ptr, i32 zeroext %idx) local_unnamed_addr #1 {
+ entry:
+ %add = add i32 %idx, 1
+ %idxprom = zext i32 %add to i64
+ %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %ptr, i64 %idxprom
+ %0 = load i8, i8* %arrayidx, align 1, !tbaa !3
+ %conv = zext i8 %0 to i32
+ %add1 = add i32 %idx, 2
+ %idxprom2 = zext i32 %add1 to i64
+ %arrayidx3 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %ptr, i64 %idxprom2
+ %1 = load i8, i8* %arrayidx3, align 1, !tbaa !3
+ %conv4 = zext i8 %1 to i32
+ %add5 = add nuw nsw i32 %conv4, %conv
+ %conv6 = trunc i32 %add5 to i8
+ ret i8 %conv6
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readonly
+ define zeroext i16 @testLHZUX(i16* nocapture readonly %ptr, i32 zeroext %idx) local_unnamed_addr #1 {
+ entry:
+ %add = add i32 %idx, 1
+ %idxprom = zext i32 %add to i64
+ %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds i16, i16* %ptr, i64 %idxprom
+ %0 = load i16, i16* %arrayidx, align 2, !tbaa !6
+ %conv = zext i16 %0 to i32
+ %add1 = add i32 %idx, 2
+ %idxprom2 = zext i32 %add1 to i64
+ %arrayidx3 = getelementptr inbounds i16, i16* %ptr, i64 %idxprom2
+ %1 = load i16, i16* %arrayidx3, align 2, !tbaa !6
+ %conv4 = zext i16 %1 to i32
+ %add5 = add nuw nsw i32 %conv4, %conv
+ %conv6 = trunc i32 %add5 to i16
+ ret i16 %conv6
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readonly
+ define zeroext i16 @testLHZX(i16* nocapture readonly %ptr, i32 zeroext %idx) local_unnamed_addr #1 {
+ entry:
+ %add = add i32 %idx, 1
+ %idxprom = zext i32 %add to i64
+ %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds i16, i16* %ptr, i64 %idxprom
+ %0 = load i16, i16* %arrayidx, align 2, !tbaa !6
+ %conv = zext i16 %0 to i32
+ %add1 = add i32 %idx, 2
+ %idxprom2 = zext i32 %add1 to i64
+ %arrayidx3 = getelementptr inbounds i16, i16* %ptr, i64 %idxprom2
+ %1 = load i16, i16* %arrayidx3, align 2, !tbaa !6
+ %conv4 = zext i16 %1 to i32
+ %add5 = add nuw nsw i32 %conv4, %conv
+ %conv6 = trunc i32 %add5 to i16
+ ret i16 %conv6
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readonly
+ define signext i16 @testLHAUX(i16* nocapture readonly %ptr, i32 zeroext %idx) local_unnamed_addr #1 {
+ entry:
+ %add = add i32 %idx, 1
+ %idxprom = zext i32 %add to i64
+ %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds i16, i16* %ptr, i64 %idxprom
+ %0 = load i16, i16* %arrayidx, align 2, !tbaa !6
+ %conv9 = zext i16 %0 to i32
+ %add1 = add i32 %idx, 2
+ %idxprom2 = zext i32 %add1 to i64
+ %arrayidx3 = getelementptr inbounds i16, i16* %ptr, i64 %idxprom2
+ %1 = load i16, i16* %arrayidx3, align 2, !tbaa !6
+ %conv410 = zext i16 %1 to i32
+ %add5 = add nuw nsw i32 %conv410, %conv9
+ %conv6 = trunc i32 %add5 to i16
+ ret i16 %conv6
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readonly
+ define signext i16 @testLHAX(i16* nocapture readonly %ptr, i32 zeroext %idx) local_unnamed_addr #1 {
+ entry:
+ %add = add i32 %idx, 1
+ %idxprom = zext i32 %add to i64
+ %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds i16, i16* %ptr, i64 %idxprom
+ %0 = load i16, i16* %arrayidx, align 2, !tbaa !6
+ %conv9 = zext i16 %0 to i32
+ %add1 = add i32 %idx, 2
+ %idxprom2 = zext i32 %add1 to i64
+ %arrayidx3 = getelementptr inbounds i16, i16* %ptr, i64 %idxprom2
+ %1 = load i16, i16* %arrayidx3, align 2, !tbaa !6
+ %conv410 = zext i16 %1 to i32
+ %add5 = add nuw nsw i32 %conv410, %conv9
+ %conv6 = trunc i32 %add5 to i16
+ ret i16 %conv6
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readonly
+ define zeroext i32 @testLWZUX(i32* nocapture readonly %ptr, i32 zeroext %idx) local_unnamed_addr #1 {
+ entry:
+ %add = add i32 %idx, 1
+ %idxprom = zext i32 %add to i64
+ %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %ptr, i64 %idxprom
+ %0 = load i32, i32* %arrayidx, align 4, !tbaa !8
+ %add1 = add i32 %idx, 2
+ %idxprom2 = zext i32 %add1 to i64
+ %arrayidx3 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %ptr, i64 %idxprom2
+ %1 = load i32, i32* %arrayidx3, align 4, !tbaa !8
+ %add4 = add i32 %1, %0
+ ret i32 %add4
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readonly
+ define zeroext i32 @testLWZX(i32* nocapture readonly %ptr, i32 zeroext %idx) local_unnamed_addr #1 {
+ entry:
+ %add = add i32 %idx, 1
+ %idxprom = zext i32 %add to i64
+ %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %ptr, i64 %idxprom
+ %0 = load i32, i32* %arrayidx, align 4, !tbaa !8
+ %add1 = add i32 %idx, 2
+ %idxprom2 = zext i32 %add1 to i64
+ %arrayidx3 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %ptr, i64 %idxprom2
+ %1 = load i32, i32* %arrayidx3, align 4, !tbaa !8
+ %add4 = add i32 %1, %0
+ ret i32 %add4
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readonly
+ define i64 @testLWAX(i32* nocapture readonly %ptr, i32 zeroext %idx) local_unnamed_addr #1 {
+ entry:
+ %add = add i32 %idx, 1
+ %idxprom = zext i32 %add to i64
+ %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %ptr, i64 %idxprom
+ %0 = load i32, i32* %arrayidx, align 4, !tbaa !8
+ %conv = sext i32 %0 to i64
+ %add1 = add i32 %idx, 2
+ %idxprom2 = zext i32 %add1 to i64
+ %arrayidx3 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %ptr, i64 %idxprom2
+ %1 = load i32, i32* %arrayidx3, align 4, !tbaa !8
+ %conv4 = sext i32 %1 to i64
+ %add5 = add nsw i64 %conv4, %conv
+ ret i64 %add5
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readonly
+ define i64 @testLDUX(i64* nocapture readonly %ptr, i32 zeroext %idx) local_unnamed_addr #1 {
+ entry:
+ %add = add i32 %idx, 1
+ %idxprom = zext i32 %add to i64
+ %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds i64, i64* %ptr, i64 %idxprom
+ %0 = load i64, i64* %arrayidx, align 8, !tbaa !10
+ %add1 = add i32 %idx, 2
+ %idxprom2 = zext i32 %add1 to i64
+ %arrayidx3 = getelementptr inbounds i64, i64* %ptr, i64 %idxprom2
+ %1 = load i64, i64* %arrayidx3, align 8, !tbaa !10
+ %add4 = add i64 %1, %0
+ ret i64 %add4
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readonly
+ define i64 @testLDX(i64* nocapture readonly %ptr, i32 zeroext %idx) local_unnamed_addr #1 {
+ entry:
+ %add = add i32 %idx, 1
+ %idxprom = zext i32 %add to i64
+ %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds i64, i64* %ptr, i64 %idxprom
+ %0 = load i64, i64* %arrayidx, align 8, !tbaa !10
+ %add1 = add i32 %idx, 2
+ %idxprom2 = zext i32 %add1 to i64
+ %arrayidx3 = getelementptr inbounds i64, i64* %ptr, i64 %idxprom2
+ %1 = load i64, i64* %arrayidx3, align 8, !tbaa !10
+ %add4 = add i64 %1, %0
+ ret i64 %add4
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readonly
+ define double @testLFDUX(double* nocapture readonly %ptr, i32 zeroext %idx) local_unnamed_addr #2 {
+ entry:
+ %add = add i32 %idx, 1
+ %idxprom = zext i32 %add to i64
+ %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds double, double* %ptr, i64 %idxprom
+ %0 = load double, double* %arrayidx, align 8, !tbaa !12
+ %add1 = add i32 %idx, 2
+ %idxprom2 = zext i32 %add1 to i64
+ %arrayidx3 = getelementptr inbounds double, double* %ptr, i64 %idxprom2
+ %1 = load double, double* %arrayidx3, align 8, !tbaa !12
+ %add4 = fadd double %0, %1
+ ret double %add4
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readonly
+ define double @testLFDX(double* nocapture readonly %ptr, i32 zeroext %idx) local_unnamed_addr #2 {
+ entry:
+ %add = add i32 %idx, 1
+ %idxprom = zext i32 %add to i64
+ %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds double, double* %ptr, i64 %idxprom
+ %0 = load double, double* %arrayidx, align 8, !tbaa !12
+ %add1 = add i32 %idx, 2
+ %idxprom2 = zext i32 %add1 to i64
+ %arrayidx3 = getelementptr inbounds double, double* %ptr, i64 %idxprom2
+ %1 = load double, double* %arrayidx3, align 8, !tbaa !12
+ %add4 = fadd double %0, %1
+ ret double %add4
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readonly
+ define <4 x float> @testLFSUX(float* nocapture readonly %ptr, i32 signext %idx) local_unnamed_addr #2 {
+ entry:
+ %idxprom = sext i32 %idx to i64
+ %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %ptr, i64 %idxprom
+ %0 = load float, float* %arrayidx, align 4, !tbaa !14
+ %conv = fptoui float %0 to i32
+ %vecinit = insertelement <4 x i32> undef, i32 %conv, i32 0
+ %1 = bitcast float* %ptr to i8*
+ %2 = shl i64 %idxprom, 2
+ %uglygep = getelementptr i8, i8* %1, i64 %2
+ %uglygep2 = getelementptr i8, i8* %uglygep, i64 4
+ %3 = bitcast i8* %uglygep2 to float*
+ %4 = load float, float* %3, align 4, !tbaa !14
+ %conv3 = fptoui float %4 to i32
+ %vecinit4 = insertelement <4 x i32> %vecinit, i32 %conv3, i32 1
+ %uglygep5 = getelementptr i8, i8* %uglygep, i64 8
+ %5 = bitcast i8* %uglygep5 to float*
+ %6 = load float, float* %5, align 4, !tbaa !14
+ %conv8 = fptoui float %6 to i32
+ %vecinit9 = insertelement <4 x i32> %vecinit4, i32 %conv8, i32 2
+ %uglygep8 = getelementptr i8, i8* %uglygep, i64 12
+ %7 = bitcast i8* %uglygep8 to float*
+ %8 = load float, float* %7, align 4, !tbaa !14
+ %conv13 = fptoui float %8 to i32
+ %vecinit14 = insertelement <4 x i32> %vecinit9, i32 %conv13, i32 3
+ %9 = bitcast <4 x i32> %vecinit14 to <4 x float>
+ ret <4 x float> %9
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readonly
+ define float @testLFSX(float* nocapture readonly %ptr, i32 zeroext %idx) local_unnamed_addr #2 {
+ entry:
+ %add = add i32 %idx, 1
+ %idxprom = zext i32 %add to i64
+ %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %ptr, i64 %idxprom
+ %0 = load float, float* %arrayidx, align 4, !tbaa !14
+ %add1 = add i32 %idx, 2
+ %idxprom2 = zext i32 %add1 to i64
+ %arrayidx3 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %ptr, i64 %idxprom2
+ %1 = load float, float* %arrayidx3, align 4, !tbaa !14
+ %add4 = fadd float %0, %1
+ ret float %add4
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readonly
+ define double @testLXSDX(double* nocapture readonly %ptr, i32 zeroext %idx) local_unnamed_addr #1 {
+ entry:
+ %add = add i32 %idx, 1
+ %idxprom = zext i32 %add to i64
+ %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds double, double* %ptr, i64 %idxprom
+ %0 = load double, double* %arrayidx, align 8, !tbaa !12
+ %add1 = add i32 %idx, 2
+ %idxprom2 = zext i32 %add1 to i64
+ %arrayidx3 = getelementptr inbounds double, double* %ptr, i64 %idxprom2
+ %1 = load double, double* %arrayidx3, align 8, !tbaa !12
+ %add4 = fadd double %0, %1
+ ret double %add4
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readonly
+ define float @testLXSSPX(float* nocapture readonly %ptr, i32 zeroext %idx) local_unnamed_addr #1 {
+ entry:
+ %add = add i32 %idx, 1
+ %idxprom = zext i32 %add to i64
+ %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %ptr, i64 %idxprom
+ %0 = load float, float* %arrayidx, align 4, !tbaa !14
+ %add1 = add i32 %idx, 2
+ %idxprom2 = zext i32 %add1 to i64
+ %arrayidx3 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %ptr, i64 %idxprom2
+ %1 = load float, float* %arrayidx3, align 4, !tbaa !14
+ %add4 = fadd float %0, %1
+ ret float %add4
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readonly
+ define <4 x i32> @testLXVX(<4 x i32>* nocapture readonly %ptr, i32 zeroext %idx) local_unnamed_addr #1 {
+ entry:
+ %add = add i32 %idx, 1
+ %idxprom = zext i32 %add to i64
+ %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds <4 x i32>, <4 x i32>* %ptr, i64 %idxprom
+ %0 = load <4 x i32>, <4 x i32>* %arrayidx, align 16, !tbaa !3
+ %add1 = add i32 %idx, 2
+ %idxprom2 = zext i32 %add1 to i64
+ %arrayidx3 = getelementptr inbounds <4 x i32>, <4 x i32>* %ptr, i64 %idxprom2
+ %1 = load <4 x i32>, <4 x i32>* %arrayidx3, align 16, !tbaa !3
+ %add4 = add <4 x i32> %1, %0
+ ret <4 x i32> %add4
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define signext i32 @testOR(i32 signext %a, i32 signext %b) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %or = or i32 %b, %a
+ ret i32 %or
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define i64 @testOR8(i64 %a, i64 %b) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %or = or i64 %b, %a
+ ret i64 %or
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define signext i32 @testORI(i32 signext %a) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %or = or i32 %a, 88
+ ret i32 %or
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define i64 @testORI8(i64 %a) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %or = or i64 %a, 99
+ ret i64 %or
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define i64 @testRLDCL(i64 %a, i64 %b) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %and = and i64 %b, 63
+ %shl = shl i64 %a, %and
+ %sub = sub nsw i64 64, %and
+ %shr = lshr i64 %a, %sub
+ %or = or i64 %shr, %shl
+ ret i64 %or
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define i64 @testRLDCLo(i64 %a, i64 %b) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %and = and i64 %b, 63
+ %shl = shl i64 %a, %and
+ %sub = sub nsw i64 64, %and
+ %shr = lshr i64 %a, %sub
+ %or = or i64 %shr, %shl
+ %tobool = icmp eq i64 %or, 0
+ %cond = select i1 %tobool, i64 %and, i64 %a
+ ret i64 %cond
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define i64 @testRLDCR(i64 %a, i64 %b) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %and = and i64 %b, 63
+ %shl = shl i64 %a, %and
+ %sub = sub nsw i64 64, %and
+ %shr = lshr i64 %a, %sub
+ %or = or i64 %shr, %shl
+ ret i64 %or
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define i64 @testRLDCRo(i64 %a, i64 %b) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %and = and i64 %b, 63
+ %shl = shl i64 %a, %and
+ %sub = sub nsw i64 64, %and
+ %shr = lshr i64 %a, %sub
+ %or = or i64 %shr, %shl
+ %tobool = icmp eq i64 %or, 0
+ %cond = select i1 %tobool, i64 %and, i64 %a
+ ret i64 %cond
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define i64 @testRLDICL(i64 %a) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %shr = lshr i64 %a, 11
+ %and = and i64 %shr, 16777215
+ ret i64 %and
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define i64 @testRLDICLo(i64 %a, i64 %b) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %shr = lshr i64 %a, 11
+ %and = and i64 %shr, 16777215
+ %tobool = icmp eq i64 %and, 0
+ %cond = select i1 %tobool, i64 %b, i64 %and
+ ret i64 %cond
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define zeroext i32 @testRLWINM(i32 zeroext %a) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %shl = shl i32 %a, 4
+ %and = and i32 %shl, 4080
+ ret i32 %and
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define i64 @testRLWINM8(i64 %a) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %shl = shl i64 %a, 4
+ %and = and i64 %shl, 4080
+ ret i64 %and
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define zeroext i32 @testRLWINMo(i32 zeroext %a, i32 zeroext %b) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %and = and i32 %a, 255
+ %tobool = icmp eq i32 %and, 0
+ %cond = select i1 %tobool, i32 %b, i32 %a
+ ret i32 %cond
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define i64 @testRLWINM8o(i64 %a, i64 %b) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ = trunc i64 %a to i32
+ %0 = shl i32, 4
+ %conv = and i32 %0, 4080
+ %tobool = icmp eq i32 %conv, 0
+ %conv1 = zext i32 %conv to i64
+ %cond = select i1 %tobool, i64 %b, i64 %conv1
+ ret i64 %cond
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define i64 @testSLD(i64 %a, i64 %b) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %shl = shl i64 %a, %b
+ ret i64 %shl
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define i64 @testSLDo(i64 %a, i64 %b) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %shl = shl i64 %a, %b
+ %tobool = icmp eq i64 %shl, 0
+ %cond = select i1 %tobool, i64 %b, i64 %a
+ ret i64 %cond
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define i64 @testSRD(i64 %a, i64 %b) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %shr = lshr i64 %a, %b
+ ret i64 %shr
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define i64 @testSRDo(i64 %a, i64 %b) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %shr = lshr i64 %a, %b
+ %tobool = icmp eq i64 %shr, 0
+ %cond = select i1 %tobool, i64 %b, i64 %a
+ ret i64 %cond
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define zeroext i32 @testSLW(i32 zeroext %a, i32 zeroext %b) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %shl = shl i32 %a, %b
+ ret i32 %shl
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define zeroext i32 @testSLWo(i32 zeroext %a, i32 zeroext %b) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %shl = shl i32 %a, %b
+ %tobool = icmp eq i32 %shl, 0
+ %cond = select i1 %tobool, i32 %b, i32 %a
+ ret i32 %cond
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define zeroext i32 @testSRW(i32 zeroext %a, i32 zeroext %b) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %shr = lshr i32 %a, %b
+ ret i32 %shr
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define zeroext i32 @testSRWo(i32 zeroext %a, i32 zeroext %b) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %shr = lshr i32 %a, %b
+ %tobool = icmp eq i32 %shr, 0
+ %cond = select i1 %tobool, i32 %b, i32 %a
+ ret i32 %cond
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define signext i32 @testSRAW(i32 signext %a, i32 signext %b) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %shr = ashr i32 %a, %b
+ ret i32 %shr
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define signext i32 @testSRAWo(i32 signext %a, i32 signext %b) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %shr = ashr i32 %a, %b
+ %tobool = icmp eq i32 %shr, 0
+ %cond = select i1 %tobool, i32 %b, i32 %shr
+ ret i32 %cond
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define i64 @testSRAD(i64 %a, i64 %b) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %shr = ashr i64 %a, %b
+ ret i64 %shr
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define i64 @testSRADo(i64 %a, i64 %b) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %shr = ashr i64 %a, %b
+ %tobool = icmp eq i64 %shr, 0
+ %cond = select i1 %tobool, i64 %b, i64 %shr
+ ret i64 %cond
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind
+ define void @testSTBUX(i8* nocapture %ptr, i8 zeroext %a, i32 zeroext %idx) local_unnamed_addr #3 {
+ entry:
+ %add = add i32 %idx, 1
+ %idxprom = zext i32 %add to i64
+ %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %ptr, i64 %idxprom
+ store i8 %a, i8* %arrayidx, align 1, !tbaa !3
+ %add1 = add i32 %idx, 2
+ %idxprom2 = zext i32 %add1 to i64
+ %arrayidx3 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %ptr, i64 %idxprom2
+ store i8 %a, i8* %arrayidx3, align 1, !tbaa !3
+ ret void
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind
+ define void @testSTBX(i8* nocapture %ptr, i8 zeroext %a, i32 zeroext %idx) local_unnamed_addr #3 {
+ entry:
+ %add = add i32 %idx, 1
+ %idxprom = zext i32 %add to i64
+ %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %ptr, i64 %idxprom
+ store i8 %a, i8* %arrayidx, align 1, !tbaa !3
+ %add1 = add i32 %idx, 2
+ %idxprom2 = zext i32 %add1 to i64
+ %arrayidx3 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %ptr, i64 %idxprom2
+ store i8 %a, i8* %arrayidx3, align 1, !tbaa !3
+ ret void
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind
+ define void @testSTHUX(i16* nocapture %ptr, i16 zeroext %a, i32 zeroext %idx) local_unnamed_addr #3 {
+ entry:
+ %add = add i32 %idx, 1
+ %idxprom = zext i32 %add to i64
+ %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds i16, i16* %ptr, i64 %idxprom
+ store i16 %a, i16* %arrayidx, align 2, !tbaa !6
+ %add1 = add i32 %idx, 2
+ %idxprom2 = zext i32 %add1 to i64
+ %arrayidx3 = getelementptr inbounds i16, i16* %ptr, i64 %idxprom2
+ store i16 %a, i16* %arrayidx3, align 2, !tbaa !6
+ ret void
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind
+ define void @testSTHX(i16* nocapture %ptr, i16 zeroext %a, i32 zeroext %idx) local_unnamed_addr #3 {
+ entry:
+ %add = add i32 %idx, 1
+ %idxprom = zext i32 %add to i64
+ %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds i16, i16* %ptr, i64 %idxprom
+ store i16 %a, i16* %arrayidx, align 1, !tbaa !3
+ %add1 = add i32 %idx, 2
+ %idxprom2 = zext i32 %add1 to i64
+ %arrayidx3 = getelementptr inbounds i16, i16* %ptr, i64 %idxprom2
+ store i16 %a, i16* %arrayidx3, align 1, !tbaa !3
+ ret void
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind
+ define void @testSTWUX(i32* nocapture %ptr, i32 zeroext %a, i32 zeroext %idx) local_unnamed_addr #3 {
+ entry:
+ %add = add i32 %idx, 1
+ %idxprom = zext i32 %add to i64
+ %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %ptr, i64 %idxprom
+ store i32 %a, i32* %arrayidx, align 4, !tbaa !8
+ %add1 = add i32 %idx, 2
+ %idxprom2 = zext i32 %add1 to i64
+ %arrayidx3 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %ptr, i64 %idxprom2
+ store i32 %a, i32* %arrayidx3, align 4, !tbaa !8
+ ret void
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind
+ define void @testSTWX(i32* nocapture %ptr, i32 zeroext %a, i32 zeroext %idx) local_unnamed_addr #3 {
+ entry:
+ %add = add i32 %idx, 1
+ %idxprom = zext i32 %add to i64
+ %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %ptr, i64 %idxprom
+ store i32 %a, i32* %arrayidx, align 4, !tbaa !8
+ %add1 = add i32 %idx, 2
+ %idxprom2 = zext i32 %add1 to i64
+ %arrayidx3 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %ptr, i64 %idxprom2
+ store i32 %a, i32* %arrayidx3, align 4, !tbaa !8
+ ret void
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind
+ define void @testSTDUX(i64* nocapture %ptr, i64 %a, i32 zeroext %idx) local_unnamed_addr #3 {
+ entry:
+ %add = add i32 %idx, 1
+ %idxprom = zext i32 %add to i64
+ %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds i64, i64* %ptr, i64 %idxprom
+ store i64 %a, i64* %arrayidx, align 8, !tbaa !10
+ %add1 = add i32 %idx, 2
+ %idxprom2 = zext i32 %add1 to i64
+ %arrayidx3 = getelementptr inbounds i64, i64* %ptr, i64 %idxprom2
+ store i64 %a, i64* %arrayidx3, align 8, !tbaa !10
+ ret void
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind
+ define void @testSTDX(i64* nocapture %ptr, i64 %a, i32 zeroext %idx) local_unnamed_addr #3 {
+ entry:
+ %add = add i32 %idx, 1
+ %idxprom = zext i32 %add to i64
+ %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds i64, i64* %ptr, i64 %idxprom
+ store i64 %a, i64* %arrayidx, align 8, !tbaa !10
+ %add1 = add i32 %idx, 2
+ %idxprom2 = zext i32 %add1 to i64
+ %arrayidx3 = getelementptr inbounds i64, i64* %ptr, i64 %idxprom2
+ store i64 %a, i64* %arrayidx3, align 8, !tbaa !10
+ ret void
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readonly
+ define void @testSTFSX(float* nocapture %ptr, float %a, i32 zeroext %idx) local_unnamed_addr #2 {
+ entry:
+ %add = add i32 %idx, 1
+ %idxprom = zext i32 %add to i64
+ %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %ptr, i64 %idxprom
+ store float %a, float* %arrayidx, align 4, !tbaa !14
+ %add1 = add i32 %idx, 2
+ %idxprom2 = zext i32 %add1 to i64
+ %arrayidx3 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %ptr, i64 %idxprom2
+ store float %a, float* %arrayidx3, align 4, !tbaa !14
+ ret void
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readonly
+ define void @testSTFSUX(float* nocapture %ptr, float %a, i32 zeroext %idx) local_unnamed_addr #2 {
+ entry:
+ %add = add i32 %idx, 1
+ %idxprom = zext i32 %add to i64
+ %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %ptr, i64 %idxprom
+ store float %a, float* %arrayidx, align 4, !tbaa !14
+ %add1 = add i32 %idx, 2
+ %idxprom2 = zext i32 %add1 to i64
+ %arrayidx3 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %ptr, i64 %idxprom2
+ store float %a, float* %arrayidx3, align 4, !tbaa !14
+ ret void
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readonly
+ define void @testSTFDX(double* nocapture %ptr, double %a, i32 zeroext %idx) local_unnamed_addr #2 {
+ entry:
+ %add = add i32 %idx, 1
+ %idxprom = zext i32 %add to i64
+ %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds double, double* %ptr, i64 %idxprom
+ store double %a, double* %arrayidx, align 8, !tbaa !12
+ %add1 = add i32 %idx, 2
+ %idxprom2 = zext i32 %add1 to i64
+ %arrayidx3 = getelementptr inbounds double, double* %ptr, i64 %idxprom2
+ store double %a, double* %arrayidx3, align 8, !tbaa !12
+ ret void
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readonly
+ define void @testSTFDUX(double* nocapture %ptr, double %a, i32 zeroext %idx) local_unnamed_addr #2 {
+ entry:
+ %add = add i32 %idx, 1
+ %idxprom = zext i32 %add to i64
+ %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds double, double* %ptr, i64 %idxprom
+ store double %a, double* %arrayidx, align 8, !tbaa !12
+ %add1 = add i32 %idx, 2
+ %idxprom2 = zext i32 %add1 to i64
+ %arrayidx3 = getelementptr inbounds double, double* %ptr, i64 %idxprom2
+ store double %a, double* %arrayidx3, align 8, !tbaa !12
+ ret void
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind
+ define void @testSTXSSPX(float* nocapture %ptr, float %a, i32 zeroext %idx) local_unnamed_addr #3 {
+ entry:
+ %idxprom = zext i32 %idx to i64
+ %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %ptr, i64 %idxprom
+ store float %a, float* %arrayidx, align 4, !tbaa !14
+ ret void
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind
+ define void @testSTXSDX(double* nocapture %ptr, double %a, i32 zeroext %idx) local_unnamed_addr #3 {
+ entry:
+ %idxprom = zext i32 %idx to i64
+ %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds double, double* %ptr, i64 %idxprom
+ store double %a, double* %arrayidx, align 8, !tbaa !12
+ ret void
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind
+ define void @testSTXVX(<4 x i32>* nocapture %ptr, <4 x i32> %a, i32 zeroext %idx) local_unnamed_addr #3 {
+ entry:
+ %idxprom = zext i32 %idx to i64
+ %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds <4 x i32>, <4 x i32>* %ptr, i64 %idxprom
+ store <4 x i32> %a, <4 x i32>* %arrayidx, align 16, !tbaa !3
+ ret void
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define i128 @testSUBFC(i128 %a, i128 %b) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %sub = sub nsw i128 %a, %b
+ ret i128 %sub
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define i128 @testSUBFC8(i128 %a, i128 %b) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %sub = sub nsw i128 %a, %b
+ ret i128 %sub
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define signext i32 @testXOR(i32 signext %a, i32 signext %b) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %xor = xor i32 %b, %a
+ ret i32 %xor
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define i64 @testXOR8(i64 %a, i64 %b) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %xor = xor i64 %b, %a
+ ret i64 %xor
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define signext i32 @testXORI(i32 signext %a) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %xor = xor i32 %a, 17
+ ret i32 %xor
+ }
+ ; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone
+ define i64 @testXOR8I(i64 %a) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
+ entry:
+ %xor = xor i64 %a, 17
+ ret i64 %xor
+ }
+ attributes #0 = { norecurse nounwind readnone "correctly-rounded-divide-sqrt-fp-math"="false" "disable-tail-calls"="false" "less-precise-fpmad"="false" "no-frame-pointer-elim"="false" "no-infs-fp-math"="false" "no-jump-tables"="false" "no-nans-fp-math"="false" "no-signed-zeros-fp-math"="false" "no-trapping-math"="false" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "target-cpu"="pwr9" "target-features"="+altivec,+bpermd,+crypto,+direct-move,+extdiv,+htm,+power8-vector,+power9-vector,+vsx,-qpx" "unsafe-fp-math"="false" "use-soft-float"="false" }
+ attributes #1 = { norecurse nounwind readonly "correctly-rounded-divide-sqrt-fp-math"="false" "disable-tail-calls"="false" "less-precise-fpmad"="false" "no-frame-pointer-elim"="false" "no-infs-fp-math"="false" "no-jump-tables"="false" "no-nans-fp-math"="false" "no-signed-zeros-fp-math"="false" "no-trapping-math"="false" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "target-cpu"="pwr9" "target-features"="+altivec,+bpermd,+crypto,+direct-move,+extdiv,+htm,+power8-vector,+power9-vector,+vsx,-qpx" "unsafe-fp-math"="false" "use-soft-float"="false" }
+ attributes #2 = { norecurse nounwind readonly "correctly-rounded-divide-sqrt-fp-math"="false" "disable-tail-calls"="false" "less-precise-fpmad"="false" "no-frame-pointer-elim"="false" "no-infs-fp-math"="false" "no-jump-tables"="false" "no-nans-fp-math"="false" "no-signed-zeros-fp-math"="false" "no-trapping-math"="false" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "target-cpu"="pwr9" "target-features"="+altivec,+bpermd,+crypto,+direct-move,+extdiv,+htm,+power8-vector,+power9-vector,-vsx,-qpx" "unsafe-fp-math"="false" "use-soft-float"="false" }
+ attributes #3 = { norecurse nounwind "correctly-rounded-divide-sqrt-fp-math"="false" "disable-tail-calls"="false" "less-precise-fpmad"="false" "no-frame-pointer-elim"="false" "no-infs-fp-math"="false" "no-jump-tables"="false" "no-nans-fp-math"="false" "no-signed-zeros-fp-math"="false" "no-trapping-math"="false" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "target-cpu"="pwr9" "target-features"="+altivec,+bpermd,+crypto,+direct-move,+extdiv,+htm,+power8-vector,+power9-vector,+vsx,-qpx" "unsafe-fp-math"="false" "use-soft-float"="false" }
+ !llvm.module.flags = !{!0, !1}
+ !llvm.ident = !{!2}
+ !0 = !{i32 1, !"wchar_size", i32 4}
+ !1 = !{i32 7, !"PIC Level", i32 2}
+ !2 = !{!"clang version 6.0.0 (trunk 316067)"}
+ !3 = !{!4, !4, i64 0}
+ !4 = !{!"omnipotent char", !5, i64 0}
+ !5 = !{!"Simple C/C++ TBAA"}
+ !6 = !{!7, !7, i64 0}
+ !7 = !{!"short", !4, i64 0}
+ !8 = !{!9, !9, i64 0}
+ !9 = !{!"int", !4, i64 0}
+ !10 = !{!11, !11, i64 0}
+ !11 = !{!"long long", !4, i64 0}
+ !12 = !{!13, !13, i64 0}
+ !13 = !{!"double", !4, i64 0}
+ !14 = !{!15, !15, i64 0}
+ !15 = !{!"float", !4, i64 0}
+name: testADD4
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testADD4
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %2 = LI 33
+ %3 = COPY %0.sub_32
+ %4 = ADD4 killed %3, %2
+ %5 = ADD4 killed %2, killed %4
+ ; CHECK: ADDI killed %3, 33
+ ; CHECK: ADDI killed %4, 33
+ ; CHECK-LATE: addi 3, 3, 33
+ ; CHECK-LATE: addi 3, 3, 33
+ %6 = EXTSW_32_64 killed %5
+ %x3 = COPY %6
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testADD8
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testADD8
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = LI8 33
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %2 = ADD8 %0, %1
+ %3 = ADD8 killed %1, killed %2
+ ; CHECK: ADDI8 %0, 33
+ ; CHECK: ADDI8 killed %2, 33
+ ; CHECK-LATE: addi 3, 3, 33
+ ; CHECK-LATE: addi 3, 3, 33
+ %x3 = COPY %3
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testADDC
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testADDC
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 7, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 8, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ - { reg: '%x5', virtual-reg: '%2' }
+ - { reg: '%x6', virtual-reg: '%3' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4, %x5, %x6
+ %3 = COPY %x6
+ %2 = COPY %x5
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %4 = COPY %0.sub_32
+ %5 = LI 55
+ %6 = ADDC %5, %4, implicit-def %carry
+ ; CHECK: ADDIC %4, 55, implicit-def %carry
+ ; CHECK-LATE: addic 3, 3, 55
+ %7 = ADDE8 %3, %1, implicit-def dead %carry, implicit %carry
+ %8 = EXTSW_32_64 %6
+ %x3 = COPY %8
+ %x4 = COPY %7
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3, implicit %x4
+name: testADDC8
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testADDC8
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ - { reg: '%x5', virtual-reg: '%2' }
+ - { reg: '%x6', virtual-reg: '%3' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4, %x5, %x6
+ %3 = COPY %x6
+ %2 = COPY %x5
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = LI8 777
+ %4 = ADDC8 %2, %0, implicit-def %carry
+ ; CHECK: ADDIC8 %2, 777, implicit-def %carry
+ ; CHECK-LATE: addic 3, 5, 777
+ %5 = ADDE8 %3, %1, implicit-def dead %carry, implicit %carry
+ %x3 = COPY %4
+ %x4 = COPY %5
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3, implicit %x4
+name: testADDCo
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testADDCo
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: crrc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: crbitrc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 7, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 8, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = LI 433
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %2 = COPY %0.sub_32
+ %3 = ADDCo %1, %2, implicit-def %cr0, implicit-def %carry
+ ; CHECK: ADDICo %2, 433, implicit-def %cr0, implicit-def %carry
+ ; CHECK-LATE: addic. 3, 3, 433
+ %4 = COPY killed %cr0
+ %5 = COPY %4.sub_eq
+ %6 = LI8 0
+ %7 = LI8 -1
+ %8 = ISEL8 %7, %6, %5
+ %x3 = COPY %8
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testADDI
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testADDI
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %1 = LI 77
+ %2 = ADDI killed %1, 44
+ %3 = EXTSW_32_64 killed %2
+ ; CHECK: LI 121
+ ; CHECK-LATE: li 3, 121
+ %x3 = COPY %3
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testADDI8
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testADDI8
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %1 = LI8 333
+ %2 = ADDI8 killed %1, 44
+ ; CHECK: LI8 377
+ ; CHECK-LATE: li 3, 377
+ %3 = EXTSW killed %2
+ %x3 = COPY %3
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testANDo
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testANDo
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: crrc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = LI 78
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %2 = COPY %0.sub_32
+ %3 = ANDo %1, %2, implicit-def %cr0
+ ; CHECK: ANDIo %2, 78, implicit-def %cr0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: andi. 5, 3, 78
+ %4 = COPY killed %cr0
+ %5 = ISEL %2, %1, %4.sub_eq
+ %6 = EXTSW_32_64 killed %5
+ %x3 = COPY %6
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testAND8o
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testAND8o
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: crrc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = LI8 321
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %2 = AND8o %1, %0, implicit-def %cr0
+ ; CHECK: ANDIo8 %0, 321, implicit-def %cr0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: andi. 5, 3, 321
+ %3 = COPY killed %cr0
+ %4 = ISEL8 %1, %0, %3.sub_eq
+ %x3 = COPY %4
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testCMPD
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testCMPD
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: crrc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = LI8 65533
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %2 = CMPD %0, %1
+ ; CHECK: CMPDI %0, -3
+ ; CHECK-LATE: cmpdi 3, -3
+ %4 = ISEL8 %zero8, %0, %2.sub_gt
+ %5 = ADD8 killed %4, %1
+ %x3 = COPY %5
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testCMPDI
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testCMPDI
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: crrc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = LI8 89
+ %2 = CMPDI %0, 87
+ %4 = ISEL8 %zero8, %0, %2.sub_gt
+ ; CHECK: LI8 0
+ %5 = ADD8 killed %4, %1
+ %x3 = COPY %5
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testCMPDI_F
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testCMPDI_F
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: crrc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = LI8 87
+ %2 = CMPDI %0, 87
+ %4 = ISEL8 %zero8, %0, %2.sub_gt
+ ; CHECK: COPY %0
+ %5 = ADD8 killed %4, %1
+ %x3 = COPY %5
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testCMPLD
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testCMPLD
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: crrc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = LI8 99
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %2 = CMPLD %0, %1
+ ; CHECK: CMPLDI %0, 99
+ ; CHECK-LATE: cmpldi 3, 99
+ %4 = ISEL8 %zero8, %0, %2.sub_gt
+ %5 = ADD8 killed %4, %1
+ %x3 = COPY %5
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testCMPLDI
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testCMPLDI
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: crrc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = LI8 65534
+ %2 = CMPLDI %0, 65535
+ %4 = ISEL8 %zero8, %0, %2.sub_gt
+ ; CHECK: COPY %0
+ %5 = ADD8 killed %4, %1
+ %x3 = COPY %5
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testCMPW
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testCMPW
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: crrc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 7, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 8, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %2 = LI -1
+ %3 = COPY %0.sub_32
+ %4 = CMPW %3, %2
+ ; CHECK: CMPWI %3, -1
+ %6 = ISEL %zero, %3, %4.sub_gt
+ %7 = ADD4 killed %6, %2
+ %8 = EXTSW_32_64 killed %7
+ %x3 = COPY %8
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testCMPWI
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testCMPWI
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: crrc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 7, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 8, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %2 = COPY %1.sub_32
+ %3 = LI -3
+ %4 = CMPWI %3, 87
+ %6 = ISEL %zero, %3, %4.sub_gt
+ ; CHECK: COPY %3
+ %7 = ADD4 killed %6, killed %2
+ %8 = EXTSW_32_64 killed %7
+ %x3 = COPY %8
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testCMPLW
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testCMPLW
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: crrc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 7, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 8, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 9, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 10, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %2 = LI 32767
+ %3 = COPY %0.sub_32
+ %4 = CMPLW %3, %2
+ ; CHECK: CMPLWI %3, 32767
+ ; CHECK-LATE: cmplwi 3, 32767
+ %6 = ISEL %zero, %3, %4.sub_gt
+ %7 = ADD4 killed %6, %2
+ %8 = INSERT_SUBREG %9, killed %7, 1
+ %10 = RLDICL killed %8, 0, 32
+ %x3 = COPY %10
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testCMPLWI
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testCMPLWI
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: crrc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 7, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 8, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 9, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 10, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %2 = COPY %1.sub_32
+ %3 = LI -3
+ %4 = CMPLWI %3, 87
+ %6 = ISEL %zero, %3, %4.sub_gt
+ ; CHECK: LI 0
+ %7 = ADD4 killed %6, killed %2
+ %8 = INSERT_SUBREG %9, killed %7, 1
+ %10 = RLDICL killed %8, 0, 32
+ %x3 = COPY %10
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testLBZUX
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testLBZUX
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 7, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 8, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 9, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 10, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 11, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 12, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 13, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 14, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 15, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 16, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 17, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %2 = COPY %1.sub_32
+ %3 = ADDI %2, 1
+ %4 = INSERT_SUBREG %5, killed %3, 1
+ %6 = RLDICL killed %4, 0, 32
+ %7 = LBZX %0, killed %6 :: (load 1 from %ir.arrayidx, !tbaa !3)
+ %8 = ADDI %2, 2
+ %9 = INSERT_SUBREG %10, killed %8, 1
+ %11 = LI8 -15
+ %12,%17 = LBZUX %0, killed %11 :: (load 1 from %ir.arrayidx3, !tbaa !3)
+ ; CHECK: LBZU -15, %0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: lbzu 5, -15(3)
+ %13 = ADD4 killed %12, killed %7
+ %14 = INSERT_SUBREG %15, killed %13, 1
+ %16 = RLWINM8 killed %14, 0, 24, 31
+ %x3 = COPY %16
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testLBZX
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testLBZX
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 7, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 8, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 9, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 10, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 11, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 12, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 13, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 14, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 15, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 16, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = LI8 45
+ %2 = COPY %1.sub_32
+ %3 = ADDI %2, 1
+ %4 = INSERT_SUBREG %5, killed %3, 1
+ %6 = RLDICL killed %4, 0, 32
+ %7 = LBZX %0, killed %6 :: (load 1 from %ir.arrayidx, !tbaa !3)
+ ; CHECK: LBZ 45, killed %6
+ ; CHECK-LATE: lbz 5, 45(5)
+ %8 = ADDI %2, 2
+ %9 = INSERT_SUBREG %10, killed %8, 1
+ %11 = RLDICL killed %9, 0, 32
+ %12 = LBZX %0, killed %11 :: (load 1 from %ir.arrayidx3, !tbaa !3)
+ ; CHECK: LBZ 45, killed %11
+ ; CHECK-LATE: lbz 3, 45(4)
+ %13 = ADD4 killed %12, killed %7
+ %14 = INSERT_SUBREG %15, killed %13, 1
+ %16 = RLWINM8 killed %14, 0, 24, 31
+ %x3 = COPY %16
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testLHZUX
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testLHZUX
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 7, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 8, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 9, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 10, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 11, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 12, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 13, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 14, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 15, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 16, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 17, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %2 = COPY %1.sub_32
+ %3 = ADDI %2, 1
+ %4 = INSERT_SUBREG %5, killed %3, 1
+ %6 = RLDIC killed %4, 1, 31
+ %7 = LHZX %0, killed %6 :: (load 2 from %ir.arrayidx, !tbaa !6)
+ %8 = ADDI %2, 2
+ %9 = INSERT_SUBREG %10, killed %8, 1
+ %11 = LI8 31440
+ %12,%17 = LHZUX %0, killed %11 :: (load 2 from %ir.arrayidx3, !tbaa !6)
+ ; CHECK: LHZU 31440, %0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: lhzu 5, 31440(3)
+ %13 = ADD4 killed %12, killed %7
+ %14 = INSERT_SUBREG %15, killed %13, 1
+ %16 = RLWINM8 killed %14, 0, 16, 31
+ %x3 = COPY %16
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testLHZX
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testLHZX
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 7, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 8, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 9, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 10, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 11, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 12, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 13, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 14, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 15, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 16, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %2 = COPY %1.sub_32
+ %3 = ADDI %2, 1
+ %4 = INSERT_SUBREG %5, killed %3, 1
+ %6 = RLDIC killed %4, 1, 31
+ %7 = LHZX %0, killed %6 :: (load 2 from %ir.arrayidx, !tbaa !6)
+ %8 = ADDI %2, 2
+ %9 = INSERT_SUBREG %10, killed %8, 1
+ %11 = LI8 882
+ %12 = LHZX %0, killed %11 :: (load 2 from %ir.arrayidx3, !tbaa !6)
+ ; CHECK: LHZ 882, %0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: lhz 3, 882(3)
+ %13 = ADD4 killed %12, killed %7
+ %14 = INSERT_SUBREG %15, killed %13, 1
+ %16 = RLWINM8 killed %14, 0, 16, 31
+ %x3 = COPY %16
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testLHAUX
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testLHAUX
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 7, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 8, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 9, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 10, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 11, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 12, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 13, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 14, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 15, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 16, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 17, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %2 = COPY %1.sub_32
+ %3 = ADDI %2, 1
+ %4 = INSERT_SUBREG %5, killed %3, 1
+ %6 = RLDIC %4, 1, 31
+ %7 = LHZX %0, killed %6 :: (load 2 from %ir.arrayidx, !tbaa !6)
+ %8 = ADDI %2, 2
+ %9 = INSERT_SUBREG %10, killed %8, 1
+ %11 = LI8 400
+ %12,%17 = LHAUX %0, killed %11 :: (load 2 from %ir.arrayidx3, !tbaa !6)
+ ; CHECK: LHAU 400, %0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: lhau 5, 400(3)
+ %13 = ADD4 killed %12, killed %7
+ %14 = INSERT_SUBREG %15, killed %13, 1
+ %16 = EXTSH8 killed %14
+ %x3 = COPY %16
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testLHAX
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testLHAX
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 7, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 8, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 9, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 10, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 11, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 12, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 13, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 14, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 15, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 16, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %2 = COPY %1.sub_32
+ %3 = ADDI %2, 1
+ %4 = INSERT_SUBREG %5, killed %3, 1
+ %6 = LI8 -999
+ %7 = LHAX %0, killed %6 :: (load 2 from %ir.arrayidx, !tbaa !6)
+ ; CHECK: LHA -999, %0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: lha 4, -999(3)
+ %8 = ADDI %2, 2
+ %9 = INSERT_SUBREG %10, killed %8, 1
+ %11 = LI8 999
+ %12 = LHAX %0, killed %11 :: (load 2 from %ir.arrayidx3, !tbaa !6)
+ ; CHECK: LHA 999, %0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: lha 3, 999(3)
+ %13 = ADD4 killed %12, killed %7
+ %14 = INSERT_SUBREG %15, killed %13, 1
+ %16 = EXTSH8 killed %14
+ %x3 = COPY %16
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testLWZUX
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testLWZUX
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 7, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 8, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 9, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 10, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 11, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 12, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 13, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 14, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 15, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 16, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 17, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 18, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %2 = COPY %1.sub_32
+ %3 = ADDI %2, 1
+ %4 = INSERT_SUBREG %5, killed %3, 1
+ %6 = LI8 889
+ %7,%17 = LWZUX %0, killed %6 :: (load 4 from %ir.arrayidx, !tbaa !8)
+ ; CHECK: LWZU 889, %0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: lwzu 5, 889(4)
+ %8 = ADDI %2, 2
+ %9 = INSERT_SUBREG %10, killed %8, 1
+ %11 = LI8 -2
+ %12,%18 = LWZUX %0, killed %11 :: (load 4 from %ir.arrayidx3, !tbaa !8)
+ ; CHECK: LWZU -2, %0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: lwzu 4, -2(3)
+ %13 = ADD4 killed %12, killed %7
+ %14 = INSERT_SUBREG %15, killed %13, 1
+ %16 = RLDICL killed %14, 0, 32
+ %x3 = COPY %16
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testLWZX
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testLWZX
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 7, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 8, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 9, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 10, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 11, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 12, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 13, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 14, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 15, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 16, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = LI8 1000
+ %2 = COPY %1.sub_32
+ %3 = ADDI %2, 1
+ %4 = INSERT_SUBREG %5, killed %3, 1
+ %6 = RLDIC %4, 2, 30
+ %7 = LWZX %0, killed %6 :: (load 4 from %ir.arrayidx, !tbaa !8)
+ ; CHECK: LWZ 1000, killed %6
+ ; CHECK-LATE: lwz 5, 1000(5)
+ %8 = ADDI %2, 2
+ %9 = INSERT_SUBREG %10, killed %8, 1
+ %11 = RLDIC %9, 2, 30
+ %12 = LWZX %0, killed %11 :: (load 4 from %ir.arrayidx3, !tbaa !8)
+ ; CHECK: LWZ 1000, killed %11
+ ; CHECK-LATE: lwz 3, 1000(4)
+ %13 = ADD4 killed %12, killed %7
+ %14 = INSERT_SUBREG %15, killed %13, 1
+ %16 = RLDICL killed %14, 0, 32
+ %x3 = COPY %16
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testLWAX
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testLWAX
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 7, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 8, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 9, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 10, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 11, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 12, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 13, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = LI8 444
+ %2 = COPY %1.sub_32
+ %3 = ADDI %2, 1
+ %4 = INSERT_SUBREG %5, killed %3, 1
+ %6 = RLDIC %4, 2, 30
+ %7 = LWAX %0, killed %6 :: (load 4 from %ir.arrayidx, !tbaa !8)
+ ; CHECK: LWA 444, killed %6
+ ; CHECK-LATE: lwa 5, 444(5)
+ %8 = ADDI %2, 2
+ %9 = INSERT_SUBREG %10, killed %8, 1
+ %11 = RLDIC %9, 2, 30
+ %12 = LWAX %0, killed %11 :: (load 4 from %ir.arrayidx3, !tbaa !8)
+ ; CHECK: LWA 444, killed %11
+ ; CHECK-LATE: lwa 3, 444(4)
+ %13 = ADD8 killed %12, killed %7
+ %x3 = COPY %13
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testLDUX
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testLDUX
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 7, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 8, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 9, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 10, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 11, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 12, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 13, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 14, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 15, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %2 = COPY %1.sub_32
+ %3 = ADDI %2, 1
+ %4 = INSERT_SUBREG %5, killed %3, 1
+ %6 = LI8 100
+ %7,%14 = LDUX %0, killed %6 :: (load 8 from %ir.arrayidx, !tbaa !10)
+ ; CHECK: LDU 100, %0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: ldu 5, 100(4)
+ %8 = ADDI %2, 2
+ %9 = INSERT_SUBREG %10, killed %8, 1
+ %11 = LI8 200
+ %12,%15 = LDUX %0, killed %11 :: (load 8 from %ir.arrayidx3, !tbaa !10)
+ ; CHECK: LDU 200, %0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: ldu 4, 200(3)
+ %13 = ADD8 killed %12, killed %7
+ %x3 = COPY %13
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testLDX
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testLDX
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 7, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 8, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 9, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 10, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 11, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 12, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 13, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %2 = COPY %1.sub_32
+ %3 = ADDI %2, 1
+ %4 = INSERT_SUBREG %5, killed %3, 1
+ %6 = LI8 120
+ %7 = LDX %0, killed %6 :: (load 8 from %ir.arrayidx, !tbaa !10)
+ ; CHECK: LD 120, %0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: ld 4, 120(3)
+ %8 = ADDI %2, 2
+ %9 = INSERT_SUBREG %10, killed %8, 1
+ %11 = LI8 280
+ %12 = LDX %0, killed %11 :: (load 8 from %ir.arrayidx3, !tbaa !10)
+ ; CHECK: LD 280, %0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: ld 12, 280(3)
+ %13 = ADD8 killed %12, killed %7
+ %x3 = COPY %13
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testLFDUX
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testLFDUX
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 7, class: f8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 8, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 9, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 10, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 11, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 12, class: f8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 13, class: f8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 14, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 15, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %2 = COPY %1.sub_32
+ %3 = ADDI %2, 1
+ %4 = INSERT_SUBREG %5, killed %3, 1
+ %6 = LI8 440
+ %7,%14 = LFDUX %0, killed %6 :: (load 8 from %ir.arrayidx, !tbaa !12)
+ ; CHECK: LFDU 440, %0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: lfdu 0, 440(4)
+ %8 = ADDI %2, 2
+ %9 = INSERT_SUBREG %10, killed %8, 1
+ %11 = LI8 16
+ %12,%15 = LFDUX %0, killed %11 :: (load 8 from %ir.arrayidx3, !tbaa !12)
+ ; CHECK: LFDU 16, %0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: lfdu 1, 16(3)
+ %13 = FADD killed %7, killed %12, implicit %rm
+ %f1 = COPY %13
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %f1
+name: testLFDX
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testLFDX
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 7, class: f8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 8, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 9, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 10, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 11, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 12, class: f8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 13, class: f8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = LI8 -20
+ %2 = COPY %1.sub_32
+ %3 = ADDI %2, 1
+ %4 = INSERT_SUBREG %5, killed %3, 1
+ %6 = RLDIC %4, 3, 29
+ %7 = LFDX %0, killed %6 :: (load 8 from %ir.arrayidx, !tbaa !12)
+ ; CHECK: LFD -20, killed %6
+ ; CHECK-LATE: lfd 0, -20(5)
+ %8 = ADDI %2, 2
+ %9 = INSERT_SUBREG %10, killed %8, 1
+ %11 = RLDIC %9, 3, 29
+ %12 = LFDX %0, killed %11 :: (load 8 from %ir.arrayidx3, !tbaa !12)
+ ; CHECK: LFD -20, killed %11
+ ; CHECK-LATE: lfd 1, -20(4)
+ %13 = FADD killed %7, killed %12, implicit %rm
+ %f1 = COPY %13
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %f1
+name: testLFSUX
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testLFSUX
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: f8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: f8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 7, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 8, class: f8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 9, class: f8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 10, class: f8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 11, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 12, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 13, class: f8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 14, class: f8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 15, class: f8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 16, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 17, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 18, class: f8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 19, class: f8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 20, class: f8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 21, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 22, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 23, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 24, class: vrrc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 16
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+ - { id: 0, name: '', type: default, offset: 0, size: 16, alignment: 16,
+ stack-id: 0, callee-saved-register: '', callee-saved-restored: true,
+ local-offset: -16, di-variable: '', di-expression: '', di-location: '' }
+ - { id: 1, name: '', type: default, offset: 0, size: 4, alignment: 4,
+ stack-id: 0, callee-saved-register: '', callee-saved-restored: true,
+ local-offset: -20, di-variable: '', di-expression: '', di-location: '' }
+ - { id: 2, name: '', type: default, offset: 0, size: 4, alignment: 4,
+ stack-id: 0, callee-saved-register: '', callee-saved-restored: true,
+ local-offset: -24, di-variable: '', di-expression: '', di-location: '' }
+ - { id: 3, name: '', type: default, offset: 0, size: 4, alignment: 4,
+ stack-id: 0, callee-saved-register: '', callee-saved-restored: true,
+ local-offset: -28, di-variable: '', di-expression: '', di-location: '' }
+ - { id: 4, name: '', type: default, offset: 0, size: 4, alignment: 4,
+ stack-id: 0, callee-saved-register: '', callee-saved-restored: true,
+ local-offset: -32, di-variable: '', di-expression: '', di-location: '' }
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %2 = LI8 72
+ %3, %4 = LFSUX %0, killed %2 :: (load 4 from %ir.arrayidx, !tbaa !14)
+ ; CHECK: LFSU 72, %0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: lfsu 0, 72(3)
+ %5 = FCTIWUZ killed %3, implicit %rm
+ %6 = ADDI8 %stack.4, 0
+ STFIWX killed %5, %zero8, killed %6
+ %7 = LWZ 0, %stack.4 :: (load 4 from %stack.4)
+ %8 = LFS 4, %4 :: (load 4 from %ir.3, !tbaa !14)
+ %10 = FCTIWUZ %8, implicit %rm
+ %11 = ADDI8 %stack.1, 0
+ STFIWX killed %10, %zero8, killed %11
+ %12 = LWZ 0, %stack.1 :: (load 4 from %stack.1)
+ %13 = LFS 8, %4 :: (load 4 from %ir.5, !tbaa !14)
+ %15 = FCTIWUZ %13, implicit %rm
+ %16 = ADDI8 %stack.2, 0
+ STFIWX killed %15, %zero8, killed %16
+ %17 = LWZ 0, %stack.2 :: (load 4 from %stack.2)
+ %18 = LFS 12, %4 :: (load 4 from %ir.7, !tbaa !14)
+ %20 = FCTIWUZ %18, implicit %rm
+ %21 = ADDI8 %stack.3, 0
+ STFIWX killed %20, %zero8, killed %21
+ %22 = LWZ 0, %stack.3 :: (load 4 from %stack.3)
+ STW killed %7, 0, %stack.0 :: (store 4 into %stack.0, align 16)
+ STW killed %22, 12, %stack.0 :: (store 4 into %stack.0 + 12)
+ STW killed %17, 8, %stack.0 :: (store 4 into %stack.0 + 8, align 8)
+ STW killed %12, 4, %stack.0 :: (store 4 into %stack.0 + 4)
+ %23 = ADDI8 %stack.0, 0
+ %24 = LVX %zero8, killed %23 :: (load 16 from %stack.0)
+ %v2 = COPY %24
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %v2
+name: testLFSX
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testLFSX
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 7, class: f4rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 8, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 9, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 10, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 11, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 12, class: f4rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 13, class: f4rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %2 = COPY %1.sub_32
+ %3 = ADDI %2, 1
+ %4 = INSERT_SUBREG %5, killed %3, 1
+ %6 = LI8 88
+ %7 = LFSX %0, killed %6 :: (load 4 from %ir.arrayidx, !tbaa !14)
+ ; CHECK: LFS 88, %0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: lfs 0, 88(3)
+ %8 = ADDI %2, 2
+ %9 = INSERT_SUBREG %10, killed %8, 1
+ %11 = LI8 -88
+ %12 = LFSX %0, killed %11 :: (load 4 from %ir.arrayidx3, !tbaa !14)
+ ; CHECK: LFS -88, %0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: lfs 1, -88(3)
+ %13 = FADDS killed %7, killed %12, implicit %rm
+ %f1 = COPY %13
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %f1
+name: testLXSDX
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testLXSDX
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 7, class: vsfrc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 8, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 9, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 10, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 11, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 12, class: vsfrc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 13, class: vsfrc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %2 = COPY %1.sub_32
+ %3 = ADDI %2, 1
+ %4 = INSERT_SUBREG %5, killed %3, 1
+ %6 = LI8 100
+ %7 = LXSDX %0, killed %6, implicit %rm :: (load 8 from %ir.arrayidx, !tbaa !12)
+ ; CHECK: LXSD 100, %0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: lxsd 0, 100(3)
+ %8 = ADDI %2, 2
+ %9 = INSERT_SUBREG %10, killed %8, 1
+ %11 = LI8 -120
+ %12 = LXSDX %0, killed %11, implicit %rm :: (load 8 from %ir.arrayidx3, !tbaa !12)
+ ; CHECK: LXSD -120, %0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: lxsd 1, -120(3)
+ %13 = XSADDDP killed %7, killed %12, implicit %rm
+ %f1 = COPY %13
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %f1
+name: testLXSSPX
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testLXSSPX
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 7, class: vssrc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 8, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 9, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 10, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 11, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 12, class: vssrc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 13, class: vssrc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %2 = COPY %1.sub_32
+ %3 = ADDI %2, 1
+ %4 = INSERT_SUBREG %5, killed %3, 1
+ %6 = LI8 96
+ %7 = LXSSPX %0, killed %6 :: (load 4 from %ir.arrayidx, !tbaa !14)
+ ; CHECK: LXSSP 96, %0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: lxssp 0, 96(3)
+ %8 = ADDI %2, 2
+ %9 = INSERT_SUBREG %10, killed %8, 1
+ %11 = LI8 -92
+ %12 = LXSSPX %0, killed %11 :: (load 4 from %ir.arrayidx3, !tbaa !14)
+ ; CHECK: LXSSP -92, %0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: lxssp 1, -92(3)
+ %13 = XSADDSP killed %7, killed %12
+ %f1 = COPY %13
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %f1
+name: testLXVX
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testLXVX
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 7, class: vrrc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 8, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 9, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 10, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 11, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 12, class: vrrc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 13, class: vrrc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %2 = COPY %1.sub_32
+ %3 = ADDI %2, 1
+ %4 = INSERT_SUBREG %5, killed %3, 1
+ %6 = LI8 32
+ %7 = LXVX %0, killed %6 :: (load 16 from %ir.arrayidx, !tbaa !3)
+ ; CHECK: LXV 32, %0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: lxv 34, 32(3)
+ %8 = ADDI %2, 2
+ %9 = INSERT_SUBREG %10, killed %8, 1
+ %11 = LI8 -16
+ %12 = LXVX %0, killed %11 :: (load 16 from %ir.arrayidx3, !tbaa !3)
+ ; CHECK: LXV -16, %0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: lxv 35, -16(3)
+ %13 = VADDUWM killed %12, killed %7
+ %v2 = COPY %13
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %v2
+name: testOR
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testOR
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = LI 99
+ %3 = COPY %1.sub_32
+ %2 = OR %0, %3
+ ; CHECK: ORI %3, 99
+ ; CHECK-LATE: ori 3, 4, 99
+ %x3 = EXTSW_32_64 %2
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testOR8
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testOR8
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = LI8 777
+ %2 = OR8 %1, %0
+ ; CHECK: ORI8 %1, 777
+ ; CHECK-LATE: ori 3, 4, 777
+ %x3 = COPY %2
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testORI
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testORI
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3
+ %0 = LI 777
+ %1 = ORI %0, 88
+ ; CHECK: LI 857
+ ; CHECK-LATE: li 3, 857
+ %x3 = EXTSW_32_64 %1
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testORI8
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testORI8
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3
+ %0 = LI8 8721
+ %1 = ORI8 %0, 99
+ ; CHECK: LI8 8819
+ ; CHECK-LATE: li 3, 8819
+ %x3 = COPY %1
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testRLDCL
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testRLDCL
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %2 = COPY %1.sub_32
+ %3 = LI 14
+ %4 = RLDCL %0, killed %3, 0
+ ; CHECK: RLDICL %0, 14, 0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: rotldi 3, 3, 14
+ %x3 = COPY %4
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testRLDCLo
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testRLDCLo
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: crrc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %2 = RLDICL %1, 0, 58
+ %3 = LI 37
+ %4 = RLDCLo %0, killed %3, 0, implicit-def %cr0
+ ; CHECK: RLDICLo %0, 37, 0, implicit-def %cr0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: rldicl. 5, 3, 37, 0
+ %5 = COPY killed %cr0
+ %6 = ISEL8 %2, %0, %5.sub_eq
+ %x3 = COPY %6
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testRLDCR
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testRLDCR
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %2 = COPY %1.sub_32
+ %3 = LI 0
+ %4 = RLDCR %0, killed %3, 0
+ ; CHECK: RLDICR %0, 0, 0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: rldicr 3, 3, 0, 0
+ %x3 = COPY %4
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testRLDCRo
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testRLDCRo
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: crrc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %2 = RLDICL %1, 0, 58
+ %3 = LI 18
+ %4 = RLDCRo %0, killed %3, 0, implicit-def %cr0
+ ; CHECK: RLDICRo %0, 18, 0, implicit-def %cr0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: rldicr. 5, 3, 18, 0
+ %5 = COPY killed %cr0
+ %6 = ISEL8 %2, %0, %5.sub_eq
+ %x3 = COPY %6
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testRLDICL
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testRLDICL
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3
+ %0 = LI8 -1
+ %1 = RLDICL %0, 53, 49
+ ; CHECK: LI8 32767
+ ; CHECK-LATE: li 3, 32767
+ %x3 = COPY %1
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testRLDICLo
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testRLDICLo
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: crrc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = LI8 -1
+ %2 = RLDICLo %0, 53, 48, implicit-def %cr0
+ ; CHECK: ANDIo8 %0, 65535
+ ; CHECK-LATE: li 3, -1
+ ; CHECK-LATE: andi. 3, 3, 65535
+ %3 = COPY killed %cr0
+ %4 = ISEL8 %1, %2, %3.sub_eq
+ %x3 = COPY %4
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testRLWINM
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testRLWINM
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %1 = COPY %0.sub_32
+ %2 = LI 17
+ %4 = RLWINM killed %2, 4, 20, 27
+ ; CHECK: LI 272
+ ; CHECK-LATE: li 3, 272
+ %x3 = EXTSW_32_64 %4
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testRLWINM8
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testRLWINM8
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3
+ %0 = LI8 234
+ %1 = RLWINM8 %0, 4, 20, 27
+ ; CHECK: LI8 3744
+ ; CHECK-LATE: li 3, 3744
+ %x3 = COPY %1
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testRLWINMo
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testRLWINMo
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: crrc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 7, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 8, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 9, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %2 = COPY %1.sub_32
+ %3 = LI -22
+ %4 = RLWINMo %3, 0, 24, 31, implicit-def %cr0
+ ; CHECK: ANDIo %3, 234
+ ; CHECK-LATE: li 3, -22
+ ; CHECK-LATE: andi. 5, 3, 234
+ %5 = COPY killed %cr0
+ %6 = ISEL %2, %3, %5.sub_eq
+ %7 = INSERT_SUBREG %8, killed %6, 1
+ %9 = RLDICL killed %7, 0, 32
+ %x3 = COPY %9
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testRLWINM8o
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testRLWINM8o
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 7, class: crrc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 8, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %2 = LI8 -18
+ %3 = RLWINM8o %2, 4, 20, 27, implicit-def %cr0
+ ; CHECK: ANDIo8 %2, 3808
+ ; CHECK-LATE: li 3, -18
+ ; CHECK-LATE: andi. 3, 3, 3808
+ %7 = COPY killed %cr0
+ %6 = RLDICL killed %3, 0, 32
+ %8 = ISEL8 %1, %6, %7.sub_eq
+ %x3 = COPY %8
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testSLD
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testSLD
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %2 = LI 13
+ %3 = SLD %0, killed %2
+ ; CHECK: RLDICR %0, 13, 50
+ ; CHECK-LATE: sldi 3, 3, 13
+ %x3 = COPY %3
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testSLDo
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testSLDo
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: crrc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %2 = LI 17
+ %3 = SLDo %0, killed %2, implicit-def %cr0
+ ; CHECK: RLDICRo %0, 17, 46, implicit-def %cr0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: rldicr. 5, 3, 17, 46
+ %4 = COPY killed %cr0
+ %5 = ISEL8 %1, %0, %4.sub_eq
+ %x3 = COPY %5
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testSRD
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testSRD
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %2 = LI 4
+ %3 = SRD %0, killed %2
+ ; CHECK: RLDICL %0, 60, 4
+ ; CHECK-LATE: rldicl 3, 3, 60, 4
+ %x3 = COPY %3
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testSRDo
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testSRDo
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: crrc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %2 = LI 17
+ %3 = SRDo %0, killed %2, implicit-def %cr0
+ ; CHECK: RLDICLo %0, 47, 17, implicit-def %cr0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: rldicl. 5, 3, 47, 17
+ %4 = COPY killed %cr0
+ %5 = ISEL8 %1, %0, %4.sub_eq
+ %x3 = COPY %5
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testSLW
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testSLW
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 7, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 8, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %2 = COPY %1.sub_32
+ %5 = LI 21
+ %8 = SLW killed %2, killed %5
+ ; CHECK: RLWINM killed %2, 21, 0, 10
+ ; CHECK-LATE: slwi 3, 4, 21
+ %x3 = EXTSW_32_64 %8
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testSLWo
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testSLWo
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: crrc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 7, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 8, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 9, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %2 = LI 11
+ %3 = COPY %0.sub_32
+ %4 = SLWo %3, %2, implicit-def %cr0
+ ; CHECK: RLWINMo %3, 11, 0, 20, implicit-def %cr0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: rlwinm. 5, 3, 11, 0, 20
+ %5 = COPY killed %cr0
+ %6 = ISEL %2, %3, %5.sub_eq
+ %7 = INSERT_SUBREG %8, killed %6, 1
+ %9 = RLDICL killed %7, 0, 32
+ %x3 = COPY %9
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testSRW
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testSRW
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 7, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 8, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %2 = LI 8
+ %5 = COPY %0.sub_32
+ %8 = SRW killed %5, killed %2
+ ; CHECK: RLWINM killed %5, 24, 8, 31
+ ; CHECK-LATE: srwi 3, 3, 8
+ %x3 = EXTSW_32_64 %8
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testSRWo
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testSRWo
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: crrc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 7, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 8, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 9, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %2 = LI 7
+ %3 = COPY %0.sub_32
+ %4 = SRWo %3, %2, implicit-def %cr0
+ ; CHECK: RLWINMo %3, 25, 7, 31
+ ; CHECK-LATE: rlwinm. 5, 3, 25, 7, 31
+ %5 = COPY killed %cr0
+ %6 = ISEL %2, %3, %5.sub_eq
+ %7 = INSERT_SUBREG %8, killed %6, 1
+ %9 = RLDICL killed %7, 0, 32
+ %x3 = COPY %9
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testSRAW
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testSRAW
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %2 = LI 15
+ %3 = COPY %0.sub_32
+ %4 = SRAW killed %3, killed %2, implicit-def dead %carry
+ ; CHECK: SRAWI killed %3, 15, implicit-def dead %carry
+ ; CHECK-LATE: srawi 3, 3, 15
+ %5 = EXTSW_32_64 killed %4
+ %x3 = COPY %5
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testSRAWo
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testSRAWo
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: crrc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 7, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %2 = LI 8
+ %3 = COPY %0.sub_32
+ %4 = SRAWo killed %3, %2, implicit-def dead %carry, implicit-def %cr0
+ ; CHECK: SRAWIo killed %3, 8, implicit-def dead %carry, implicit-def %cr0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: srawi. 3, 3, 8
+ %5 = COPY killed %cr0
+ %6 = ISEL %2, %4, %5.sub_eq
+ %7 = EXTSW_32_64 killed %6
+ %x3 = COPY %7
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testSRAD
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testSRAD
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %2 = LI 44
+ %3 = SRAD %0, killed %2, implicit-def dead %carry
+ ; CHECK: SRADI %0, 44, implicit-def dead %carry
+ ; CHECK-LATE: sradi 3, 3, 44
+ %x3 = COPY %3
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testSRADo
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testSRADo
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: crrc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %2 = LI 61
+ %3 = SRADo %0, killed %2, implicit-def dead %carry, implicit-def %cr0
+ ; CHECK: SRADIo %0, 61, implicit-def dead %carry, implicit-def %cr0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: sradi. 3, 3, 61
+ %4 = COPY killed %cr0
+ %5 = ISEL8 %1, %3, %4.sub_eq
+ %x3 = COPY %5
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testSTBUX
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testSTBUX
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 7, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 8, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 9, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 10, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 11, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 12, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 13, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 14, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ - { reg: '%x5', virtual-reg: '%2' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4, %x5
+ %2 = COPY %x5
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %3 = COPY %1.sub_32
+ %4 = COPY %2.sub_32
+ %5 = ADDI %4, 1
+ %6 = INSERT_SUBREG %7, killed %5, 1
+ %8 = LI8 966
+ %13 = STBUX %3, %0, killed %8 :: (store 1 into %ir.arrayidx, !tbaa !3)
+ ; CHECK: STBU %3, 966, %0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: 4, 966(5)
+ %9 = ADDI %4, 2
+ %10 = INSERT_SUBREG %11, killed %9, 1
+ %12 = LI8 777
+ %14 = STBUX %3, %0, killed %12 :: (store 1 into %ir.arrayidx3, !tbaa !3)
+ ; CHECK: STBU %3, 777, %0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: 4, 777(3)
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm
+name: testSTBX
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testSTBX
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 7, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 8, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 9, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 10, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 11, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 12, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ - { reg: '%x5', virtual-reg: '%2' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4, %x5
+ %2 = COPY %x5
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = LI8 975
+ %3 = COPY %1.sub_32
+ %4 = COPY %2.sub_32
+ %5 = ADDI %4, 1
+ %6 = INSERT_SUBREG %7, killed %5, 1
+ %8 = RLDICL killed %6, 0, 32
+ STBX %3, %0, killed %8 :: (store 1 into %ir.arrayidx, !tbaa !3)
+ ; CHECK: STB %3, 975, killed %8
+ ; CHECK-LATE: stb 4, 975(6)
+ %9 = ADDI %4, 2
+ %10 = INSERT_SUBREG %11, killed %9, 1
+ %12 = RLDICL killed %10, 0, 32
+ STBX %3, %0, killed %12 :: (store 1 into %ir.arrayidx3, !tbaa !3)
+ ; CHECK: STB %3, 975, killed %12
+ ; CHECK-LATE: stb 4, 975(5)
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm
+name: testSTHUX
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testSTHUX
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 7, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 8, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 9, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 10, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 11, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 12, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 13, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 14, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ - { reg: '%x5', virtual-reg: '%2' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4, %x5
+ %2 = COPY %x5
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %3 = COPY %1.sub_32
+ %4 = COPY %2.sub_32
+ %5 = ADDI %4, 1
+ %6 = INSERT_SUBREG %7, killed %5, 1
+ %8 = LI8 32000
+ %13 = STHUX %3, %0, killed %8 :: (store 2 into %ir.arrayidx, !tbaa !6)
+ ; CHECK: STHU %3, 32000, %0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: sthu 4, 32000(5)
+ %9 = ADDI %4, 2
+ %10 = INSERT_SUBREG %11, killed %9, 1
+ %12 = LI8 -761
+ %14 = STHUX %3, %0, killed %12 :: (store 2 into %ir.arrayidx3, !tbaa !6)
+ ; CHECK: STHU %3, -761, %0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: sthu 4, -761(3)
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm
+name: testSTHX
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testSTHX
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 7, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 8, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 9, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 10, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 11, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 12, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ - { reg: '%x5', virtual-reg: '%2' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4, %x5
+ %2 = COPY %x5
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %3 = COPY %1.sub_32
+ %4 = COPY %2.sub_32
+ %5 = ADDI %4, 1
+ %6 = INSERT_SUBREG %7, killed %5, 1
+ %8 = LI8 900
+ STHX %3, %0, killed %8 :: (store 1 into %ir.arrayidx, !tbaa !3)
+ ; CHECK: STH %3, 900, %0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: sth 4, 900(3)
+ %9 = ADDI %4, 2
+ %10 = INSERT_SUBREG %11, killed %9, 1
+ %12 = LI8 -900
+ STHX %3, %0, killed %12 :: (store 1 into %ir.arrayidx3, !tbaa !3)
+ ; CHECK: STH %3, -900, %0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: sth 4, -900(3)
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm
+name: testSTWUX
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testSTWUX
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 7, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 8, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 9, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 10, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 11, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 12, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 13, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 14, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ - { reg: '%x5', virtual-reg: '%2' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4, %x5
+ %2 = COPY %x5
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %3 = COPY %1.sub_32
+ %4 = COPY %2.sub_32
+ %5 = ADDI %4, 1
+ %6 = INSERT_SUBREG %7, killed %5, 1
+ %8 = LI8 111
+ %13 = STWUX %3, %0, killed %8 :: (store 4 into %ir.arrayidx, !tbaa !8)
+ ; CHECK: STWU %3, 111, %0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: stwu 4, 111(5)
+ %9 = ADDI %4, 2
+ %10 = INSERT_SUBREG %11, killed %9, 1
+ %12 = LI8 0
+ %14 = STWUX %3, %0, killed %12 :: (store 4 into %ir.arrayidx3, !tbaa !8)
+ ; CHECK: STWU %3, 0, %0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: stwu 4, 0(3)
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm
+name: testSTWX
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testSTWX
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 7, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 8, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 9, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 10, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 11, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 12, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ - { reg: '%x5', virtual-reg: '%2' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4, %x5
+ %2 = COPY %x5
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %3 = COPY %1.sub_32
+ %4 = COPY %2.sub_32
+ %5 = ADDI %4, 1
+ %6 = INSERT_SUBREG %7, killed %5, 1
+ %8 = LI8 2
+ STWX %3, %0, killed %8 :: (store 4 into %ir.arrayidx, !tbaa !8)
+ ; CHECK: STW %3, 2, %0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: stw 4, 2(3)
+ %9 = ADDI %4, 2
+ %10 = INSERT_SUBREG %11, killed %9, 1
+ %12 = LI8 99
+ STWX %3, %0, killed %12 :: (store 4 into %ir.arrayidx3, !tbaa !8)
+ ; CHECK: STW %3, 99, %0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: stw 4, 99(3)
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm
+name: testSTDUX
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testSTDUX
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 7, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 8, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 9, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 10, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 11, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 12, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 13, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ - { reg: '%x5', virtual-reg: '%2' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4, %x5
+ %2 = COPY %x5
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %3 = COPY %2.sub_32
+ %4 = ADDI %3, 1
+ %5 = INSERT_SUBREG %6, killed %4, 1
+ %7 = LI8 444
+ %12 = STDUX %1, %0, killed %7 :: (store 8 into %ir.arrayidx, !tbaa !10)
+ ; CHECK: STDU %1, 444, %0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: stdu 4, 444(5)
+ %8 = ADDI %3, 2
+ %9 = INSERT_SUBREG %10, killed %8, 1
+ %11 = LI8 -8
+ %13 = STDUX %1, %0, killed %11 :: (store 8 into %ir.arrayidx3, !tbaa !10)
+ ; CHECK: STDU %1, -8, %0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: stdu 4, -8(3)
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm
+name: testSTDX
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testSTDX
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 7, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 8, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 9, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 10, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 11, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ - { reg: '%x5', virtual-reg: '%2' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4, %x5
+ %2 = COPY %x5
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = LI8 1000
+ %3 = COPY %2.sub_32
+ %4 = ADDI %3, 1
+ %5 = INSERT_SUBREG %6, killed %4, 1
+ %7 = LI8 900
+ STDX %1, %0, killed %7 :: (store 8 into %ir.arrayidx, !tbaa !10)
+ ; CHECK: STD %1, 1000, killed %7
+ ; CHECK-LATE: 4, 1000(5)
+ %8 = ADDI %3, 2
+ %9 = INSERT_SUBREG %10, killed %8, 1
+ %11 = LI8 -900
+ STDX %1, %0, killed %11 :: (store 8 into %ir.arrayidx3, !tbaa !10)
+ ; CHECK: STD %1, 1000, killed %11
+ ; CHECK-LATE: 4, 1000(6)
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm
+name: testSTFSX
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testSTFSX
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: f4rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 7, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 8, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 9, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 10, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 11, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%f1', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ - { reg: '%x5', virtual-reg: '%2' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %f1, %x5
+ %2 = COPY %x5
+ %1 = COPY %f1
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %3 = COPY %2.sub_32
+ %4 = ADDI %3, 1
+ %5 = INSERT_SUBREG %6, killed %4, 1
+ %7 = LI8 400
+ STFSX %1, %0, killed %7 :: (store 4 into %ir.arrayidx, !tbaa !14)
+ ; CHECK: STFS %1, 400, %0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: stfs 1, 400(3)
+ %8 = ADDI %3, 2
+ %9 = INSERT_SUBREG %10, killed %8, 1
+ %11 = LI8 -401
+ STFSX %1, %0, killed %11 :: (store 4 into %ir.arrayidx3, !tbaa !14)
+ ; CHECK: STFS %1, -401, %0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: stfs 1, -401(3)
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm
+name: testSTFSUX
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testSTFSUX
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: f4rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 7, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 8, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 9, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 10, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 11, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 12, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 13, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%f1', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ - { reg: '%x5', virtual-reg: '%2' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %f1, %x5
+ %2 = COPY %x5
+ %1 = COPY %f1
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %3 = COPY %2.sub_32
+ %4 = ADDI %3, 1
+ %5 = INSERT_SUBREG %6, killed %4, 1
+ %7 = LI8 111
+ %12 = STFSUX %1, %0, killed %7 :: (store 4 into %ir.arrayidx, !tbaa !14)
+ ; CHECK: STFSU %1, 111, %0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: stfsu 1, 111(4)
+ %8 = ADDI %3, 2
+ %9 = INSERT_SUBREG %10, killed %8, 1
+ %11 = LI8 987
+ %13 = STFSUX %1, %0, killed %11 :: (store 4 into %ir.arrayidx3, !tbaa !14)
+ ; CHECK: STFSU %1, 987, %0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: stfsu 1, 987(3)
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm
+name: testSTFDX
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testSTFDX
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: f8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 7, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 8, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 9, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 10, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 11, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%f1', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ - { reg: '%x5', virtual-reg: '%2' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %f1, %x5
+ %2 = COPY %x5
+ %1 = COPY %f1
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %3 = COPY %2.sub_32
+ %4 = ADDI %3, 1
+ %5 = INSERT_SUBREG %6, killed %4, 1
+ %7 = LI8 876
+ STFDX %1, %0, killed %7 :: (store 8 into %ir.arrayidx, !tbaa !12)
+ ; CHECK: STFD %1, 876, %0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: stfd 1, 876(3)
+ %8 = ADDI %3, 2
+ %9 = INSERT_SUBREG %10, killed %8, 1
+ %11 = LI8 -873
+ STFDX %1, %0, killed %11 :: (store 8 into %ir.arrayidx3, !tbaa !12)
+ ; CHECK: STFD %1, -873, %0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: stfd 1, -873(3)
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm
+name: testSTFDUX
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testSTFDUX
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: f8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc_and_gprc_nor0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 7, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 8, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 9, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 10, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 11, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 12, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 13, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%f1', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ - { reg: '%x5', virtual-reg: '%2' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %f1, %x5
+ %2 = COPY %x5
+ %1 = COPY %f1
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %3 = COPY %2.sub_32
+ %4 = ADDI %3, 1
+ %5 = INSERT_SUBREG %6, killed %4, 1
+ %7 = LI8 -9038
+ %12 = STFDUX %1, %0, killed %7 :: (store 8 into %ir.arrayidx, !tbaa !12)
+ ; CHECK: STFDU %1, -9038, %0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: stfdu 1, -9038(4)
+ %8 = ADDI %3, 2
+ %9 = INSERT_SUBREG %10, killed %8, 1
+ %11 = LI8 6477
+ %13 = STFDUX %1, %0, killed %11 :: (store 8 into %ir.arrayidx3, !tbaa !12)
+ ; CHECK: STFDU %1, 6477, %0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: stfdu 1, 6477(3)
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm
+name: testSTXSSPX
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testSTXSSPX
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: vssrc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%f1', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ - { reg: '%x5', virtual-reg: '%2' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %f1, %x5
+ %2 = COPY %x5
+ %1 = COPY %f1
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %3 = LI8 444
+ STXSSPX %1, %0, killed %3 :: (store 4 into %ir.arrayidx, !tbaa !14)
+ ; CHECK: STXSSP %1, 444, %0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: stxssp 1, 444(3)
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm
+name: testSTXSDX
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testSTXSDX
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: vsfrc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%f1', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ - { reg: '%x5', virtual-reg: '%2' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %f1, %x5
+ %2 = COPY %x5
+ %1 = COPY %f1
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %3 = LI8 4
+ STXSDX %1, %0, killed %3, implicit %rm :: (store 8 into %ir.arrayidx, !tbaa !12)
+ ; CHECK: STXSD %1, 4, %0
+ ; CHECK-LATE: stxsd 1, 4(3)
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm
+name: testSTXVX
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testSTXVX
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: vrrc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%v2', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ - { reg: '%x7', virtual-reg: '%2' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %v2, %x7
+ %2 = COPY %x7
+ %1 = COPY %v2
+ %0 = LI8 16
+ %3 = RLDICR %2, 4, 59
+ STXVX %1, %0, killed %3 :: (store 16 into %ir.arrayidx, !tbaa !3)
+ ; CHECK: STXV %1, 16, killed %3
+ ; CHECK-LATE: stxv 34, 16(4)
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm
+name: testSUBFC
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testSUBFC
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 6, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 7, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 8, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ - { reg: '%x5', virtual-reg: '%2' }
+ - { reg: '%x6', virtual-reg: '%3' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4, %x5, %x6
+ %3 = COPY %x6
+ %2 = COPY %x5
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %6 = COPY %3.sub_32
+ %7 = COPY %2.sub_32
+ %8 = COPY %1.sub_32
+ %0 = LI 55
+ %4 = SUBFC %7, %0, implicit-def %carry
+ ; CHECK: SUBFIC %7, 55
+ ; CHECK-LATE: subfic 3, 5, 55
+ %5 = SUBFE %6, %8, implicit-def dead %carry, implicit %carry
+ %x3 = EXTSW_32_64 %4
+ %x4 = EXTSW_32_64 %5
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3, implicit %x4
+name: testSUBFC8
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testSUBFC8
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 4, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 5, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ - { reg: '%x5', virtual-reg: '%2' }
+ - { reg: '%x6', virtual-reg: '%3' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4, %x5, %x6
+ %3 = COPY %x6
+ %2 = COPY %x5
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = LI8 7635
+ %4 = SUBFC8 %2, %0, implicit-def %carry
+ ; CHECK: SUBFIC8 %2, 7635
+ ; CHECK-LATE: subfic 3, 5, 7635
+ %5 = SUBFE8 %3, %1, implicit-def dead %carry, implicit %carry
+ %x3 = COPY %4
+ %x4 = COPY %5
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3, implicit %x4
+name: testXOR
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testXOR
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 3, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = LI 10101
+ %0 = COPY %x3
+ %3 = COPY %0.sub_32
+ %2 = XOR %1, %3
+ ; CHECK: XORI %3, 10101
+ ; CHECK-LATE: 3, 3, 10101
+ %x3 = EXTSW_32_64 %2
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testXOR8
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testXOR8
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 2, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ - { reg: '%x4', virtual-reg: '%1' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3, %x4
+ %1 = COPY %x4
+ %0 = LI8 5535
+ %2 = XOR8 %1, %0
+ ; CHECK: XORI8 %1, 5535
+ ; CHECK-LATE: xori 3, 4, 5535
+ %x3 = COPY %2
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testXORI
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testXORI
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3
+ %0 = LI 871
+ %1 = XORI %0, 17
+ ; CHECK: LI 886
+ ; CHECK-LATE: li 3, 886
+ %x3 = EXTSW_32_64 %1
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
+name: testXOR8I
+# CHECK-ALL: name: testXOR8I
+alignment: 4
+exposesReturnsTwice: false
+legalized: false
+regBankSelected: false
+selected: false
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+ - { id: 0, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { id: 1, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
+ - { reg: '%x3', virtual-reg: '%0' }
+ isFrameAddressTaken: false
+ isReturnAddressTaken: false
+ hasStackMap: false
+ hasPatchPoint: false
+ stackSize: 0
+ offsetAdjustment: 0
+ maxAlignment: 0
+ adjustsStack: false
+ hasCalls: false
+ stackProtector: ''
+ maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
+ hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
+ hasVAStart: false
+ hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
+ savePoint: ''
+ restorePoint: ''
+body: |
+ bb.0.entry:
+ liveins: %x3
+ %0 = LI8 453
+ %1 = XORI8 %0, 17
+ ; CHECK: LI8 468
+ ; CHECK-LATE: li 3, 468
+ %x3 = COPY %1
+ BLR8 implicit %lr8, implicit %rm, implicit %x3
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/PowerPC/fast-isel-call.ll b/test/CodeGen/PowerPC/fast-isel-call.ll
index c89aa2b3655..231f29e6e4d 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/PowerPC/fast-isel-call.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/PowerPC/fast-isel-call.ll
@@ -37,9 +37,13 @@ define void @foo(i8 %a, i16 %b) nounwind {
;; A few test to check materialization
%5 = call i32 @t2(i8 zeroext 255)
-; ELF64: clrldi {{[0-9]+}}, {{[0-9]+}}, 56
+; ELF64: li 3, 255
+; ELF64-NOT: clrldi
%6 = call i32 @t4(i16 zeroext 65535)
-; ELF64: clrldi {{[0-9]+}}, {{[0-9]+}}, 48
+; ELF64: lis 3, 0
+; ELF64: ori 3, 3, 65535
+; ELF64: clrldi 3, 3, 48
+; ELF64: bl t4
ret void
@@ -66,12 +70,8 @@ entry:
; ELF64: li 6, 28
; ELF64: li 7, 40
; ELF64: li 8, 186
-; ELF64: clrldi 3, 3, 56
-; ELF64: clrldi 4, 4, 56
-; ELF64: clrldi 5, 5, 56
-; ELF64: clrldi 6, 6, 56
-; ELF64: clrldi 7, 7, 56
-; ELF64: clrldi 8, 8, 56
+; ELF64-NOT: clrldi
+; ELF64: bl bar
ret i32 0
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/PowerPC/setcc-logic.ll b/test/CodeGen/PowerPC/setcc-logic.ll
index b17869f312c..d27538fb8d5 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/PowerPC/setcc-logic.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/PowerPC/setcc-logic.ll
@@ -418,9 +418,9 @@ define <4 x i1> @any_sign_bits_clear_vec(<4 x i32> %P, <4 x i32> %Q) {
define zeroext i1 @ne_neg1_and_ne_zero(i64 %x) {
; CHECK-LABEL: ne_neg1_and_ne_zero:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
-; CHECK-NEXT: li 4, 1
; CHECK-NEXT: addi 3, 3, 1
-; CHECK-NEXT: subfc 3, 3, 4
+; CHECK-NEXT: li 4, 1
+; CHECK-NEXT: subfic 3, 3, 1
; CHECK-NEXT: subfe 3, 4, 4
; CHECK-NEXT: neg 3, 3
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/PowerPC/simplifyConstCmpToISEL.ll b/test/CodeGen/PowerPC/simplifyConstCmpToISEL.ll
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3988d9c8d5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGen/PowerPC/simplifyConstCmpToISEL.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/
+; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=powerpc64le-unknown-unknown -mcpu=pwr8 \
+; RUN: -ppc-convert-rr-to-ri -verify-machineinstrs | FileCheck %s
+define void @test(i32 zeroext %parts) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: test:
+; CHECK: # %bb.0: # %cond.end.i
+; CHECK-NEXT: cmplwi 0, 3, 1
+; CHECK-NEXT: bnelr+ 0
+; CHECK-NEXT: # %bb.1: #
+; CHECK-NEXT: ld 3, 0(3)
+; CHECK-NEXT: std 3, 0(3)
+ br label %cond.end.i
+cond.end.i: ; preds = %entry
+ %cmp18.i = icmp eq i32 %parts, 1
+ br i1 %cmp18.i, label, label %test3.exit.split
+ ; preds = %cond.end.i
+ %0 = icmp eq i32 %parts, 1
+ br label
+ ; preds =
+ br i1 %0, label, label
+ ; preds =
+ br label
+ ; preds =,
+ %niter = phi i64 [ undef, ], [ %niter.nsub.1, ]
+ = icmp uge i64 undef, 0
+ br label
+ ; preds =,
+ = phi i64 [ 0, ], [, ]
+ %1 = load i64, i64* undef, align 8
+ = icmp eq i64, 0
+ = select i1, i64 %1, i64 0
+ %storemerge269 = sub i64, 0
+ store i64 %storemerge269, i64* undef, align 8
+ unreachable
+test3.exit.split: ; preds = %cond.end.i
+ ret void
+ ; preds =
+ = zext i1 to i64
+ %niter.nsub.1 = add i64 %niter, -2
+ %niter.ncmp.1 = icmp eq i64 %niter.nsub.1, 0
+ br i1 %niter.ncmp.1, label, label
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/PowerPC/unaligned.ll b/test/CodeGen/PowerPC/unaligned.ll
index 2d1fd80e5c4..c9f65f243b1 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/PowerPC/unaligned.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/PowerPC/unaligned.ll
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ entry:
; CHECK: @foo6
-; CHECK-DAG: stdx
+; CHECK-DAG: std
; CHECK: stdx
; For VSX on P7, unaligned loads and stores are preferable to aligned
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/PowerPC/variable_elem_vec_extracts.ll b/test/CodeGen/PowerPC/variable_elem_vec_extracts.ll
index 98862cd049a..89a248dc053 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/PowerPC/variable_elem_vec_extracts.ll
+++ b/test/CodeGen/PowerPC/variable_elem_vec_extracts.ll
@@ -70,9 +70,9 @@ entry:
; CHECK-LABEL: @getf
; CHECK-P7-LABEL: @getf
-; CHECK: li [[IMMREG:[0-9]+]], 3
-; CHECK: xor [[TRUNCREG:[0-9]+]], [[IMMREG]], 5
-; CHECK: lvsl [[SHMSKREG:[0-9]+]], 0, [[TRUNCREG]]
+; CHECK: xori [[TRUNCREG:[0-9]+]], 5, 3
+; CHECK: sldi [[SHIFTREG:[0-9]+]], [[TRUNCREG]], 2
+; CHECK: lvsl [[SHMSKREG:[0-9]+]], 0, [[SHIFTREG]]
; CHECK: vperm {{[0-9]+}}, 2, 2, [[SHMSKREG]]
; CHECK: xscvspdpn 1,
; CHECK-P7-DAG: rlwinm [[ELEMOFFREG:[0-9]+]], 5, 2, 28, 29