path: root/test/
diff options
authorZachary Turner <>2017-09-21 22:16:40 +0000
committerZachary Turner <>2017-09-21 22:16:40 +0000
commit9d2ff1041101e9f6692c7d92c25bb69c3a9a6a02 (patch)
tree44b6190e3392bb77ab7ca68b4d002f7251d5e59c /test/
parent5b211046b6dcdb48d6e67936af6fe1fd99b0e2c5 (diff)
Resubmit "[lit] Refactor out some more common lit configuration code."
There were two issues, one Python 3 specific related to Unicode, and another which is that the tool substitution for lld no longer rejected matches where a / preceded the tool name. git-svn-id: 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
Diffstat (limited to 'test/')
1 files changed, 30 insertions, 98 deletions
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 87e2a06e387..28e770d6308 100644
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import subprocess
import lit.util
import lit.formats
from lit.llvm import llvm_config
+from lit.llvm import ToolFilter
# name: The name of this test suite. = 'LLVM'
@@ -134,108 +135,39 @@ else:
# The regex is a pre-assertion to avoid matching a preceding
# dot, hyphen, carat, or slash (.foo, -foo, etc.). Some patterns
# also have a post-assertion to not match a trailing hyphen (foo-).
-NOJUNK = r"(?<!\.|-|\^|/|<)"
-def find_tool_substitution(pattern):
- # Extract the tool name from the pattern. This relies on the tool
- # name being surrounded by \b word match operators. If the
- # pattern starts with "| ", include it in the string to be
- # substituted.
- tool_match = re.match(r"^(\\)?((\| )?)\W+b([0-9A-Za-z-_]+)\\b\W*$",
- pattern)
- tool_pipe =
- tool_name =
- # Did the user specify the tool path + arguments? This allows things like
- # llvm-lit "-Dllc=llc -enable-misched -verify-machineinstrs"
- tool_path = lit_config.params.get(tool_name)
- if tool_path is None:
- tool_path = lit.util.which(tool_name, config.llvm_tools_dir)
- if tool_path is None:
- return tool_name, tool_path, tool_pipe
- if (tool_name == "llc" and
- 'LLVM_ENABLE_MACHINE_VERIFIER' in os.environ and
- os.environ['LLVM_ENABLE_MACHINE_VERIFIER'] == "1"):
- tool_path += " -verify-machineinstrs"
- if (tool_name == "llvm-go"):
- tool_path += " go=" + config.go_executable
- return tool_name, tool_path, tool_pipe
-for pattern in [r"\bbugpoint\b(?!-)",
- NOJUNK + r"\bllc\b",
- r"\blli\b",
- r"\bllvm-ar\b",
- r"\bllvm-as\b",
- r"\bllvm-bcanalyzer\b",
- r"\bllvm-config\b",
- r"\bllvm-cov\b",
- r"\bllvm-cxxdump\b",
- r"\bllvm-cvtres\b",
- r"\bllvm-diff\b",
- r"\bllvm-dis\b",
- r"\bllvm-dsymutil\b",
- r"\bllvm-dwarfdump\b",
- r"\bllvm-extract\b",
- r"\bllvm-isel-fuzzer\b",
- r"\bllvm-lib\b",
- r"\bllvm-link\b",
- r"\bllvm-lto\b",
- r"\bllvm-lto2\b",
- r"\bllvm-mc\b",
- r"\bllvm-mcmarkup\b",
- r"\bllvm-modextract\b",
- r"\bllvm-nm\b",
- r"\bllvm-objcopy\b",
- r"\bllvm-objdump\b",
- r"\bllvm-pdbutil\b",
- r"\bllvm-profdata\b",
- r"\bllvm-ranlib\b",
- r"\bllvm-readobj\b",
- r"\bllvm-rtdyld\b",
- r"\bllvm-size\b",
- r"\bllvm-split\b",
- r"\bllvm-strings\b",
- r"\bllvm-tblgen\b",
- r"\bllvm-c-test\b",
- r"\bllvm-cxxfilt\b",
- r"\bllvm-xray\b",
- NOJUNK + r"\bllvm-symbolizer\b",
- NOJUNK + r"\bopt\b",
- r"\bFileCheck\b",
- r"\bobj2yaml\b",
- NOJUNK + r"\bsancov\b",
- NOJUNK + r"\bsanstats\b",
- r"\byaml2obj\b",
- r"\byaml-bench\b",
- r"\bverify-uselistorder\b",
- # Handle these specially as they are strings searched
- # for during testing.
- r"\| \bcount\b",
- r"\| \bnot\b"]:
- tool_name, tool_path, tool_pipe = find_tool_substitution(pattern)
- if not tool_path:
- # Warn, but still provide a substitution.
- lit_config.note('Did not find ' + tool_name + ' in ' + config.llvm_tools_dir)
- tool_path = config.llvm_tools_dir + '/' + tool_name
- config.substitutions.append((pattern, tool_pipe + tool_path))
+JUNKCHARS = r".-^/<"
+required_tools = [
+ 'lli', 'llvm-ar', 'llvm-as', 'llvm-bcanalyzer', 'llvm-config', 'llvm-cov',
+ 'llvm-cxxdump', 'llvm-cvtres', 'llvm-diff', 'llvm-dis', 'llvm-dsymutil',
+ 'llvm-dwarfdump', 'llvm-extract', 'llvm-isel-fuzzer', 'llvm-lib',
+ 'llvm-link', 'llvm-lto', 'llvm-lto2', 'llvm-mc', 'llvm-mcmarkup',
+ 'llvm-modextract', 'llvm-nm', 'llvm-objcopy', 'llvm-objdump',
+ 'llvm-pdbutil', 'llvm-profdata', 'llvm-ranlib', 'llvm-readobj',
+ 'llvm-rtdyld', 'llvm-size', 'llvm-split', 'llvm-strings', 'llvm-tblgen',
+ 'llvm-c-test', 'llvm-cxxfilt', 'llvm-xray', 'yaml2obj', 'obj2yaml',
+ 'FileCheck', 'yaml-bench', 'verify-uselistorder',
+ ToolFilter('bugpoint', post='-'),
+ ToolFilter('llc', pre=JUNKCHARS),
+ ToolFilter('llvm-symbolizer', pre=JUNKCHARS),
+ ToolFilter('opt', JUNKCHARS),
+ ToolFilter('sancov', pre=JUNKCHARS),
+ ToolFilter('sanstats', pre=JUNKCHARS),
+ # Handle these specially as they are strings searched for during testing.
+ ToolFilter(r'\| \bcount\b', verbatim=True),
+ ToolFilter(r'\| \bnot\b', verbatim=True)]
+llvm_config.add_tool_substitutions(required_tools, config.llvm_tools_dir)
# For tools that are optional depending on the config, we won't warn
# if they're missing.
-for pattern in [r"\bllvm-go\b",
- r"\bllvm-mt\b",
- r"\bKaleidoscope-Ch3\b",
- r"\bKaleidoscope-Ch4\b",
- r"\bKaleidoscope-Ch5\b",
- r"\bKaleidoscope-Ch6\b",
- r"\bKaleidoscope-Ch7\b",
- r"\bKaleidoscope-Ch8\b"]:
- tool_name, tool_path, tool_pipe = find_tool_substitution(pattern)
- if not tool_path:
- # Provide a substitution anyway, for the sake of consistent errors.
- tool_path = config.llvm_tools_dir + '/' + tool_name
- config.substitutions.append((pattern, tool_pipe + tool_path))
+optional_tools = [
+ 'llvm-go', 'llvm-mt', 'Kaleidoscope-Ch3', 'Kaleidoscope-Ch4',
+ 'Kaleidoscope-Ch5', 'Kaleidoscope-Ch6', 'Kaleidoscope-Ch7',
+ 'Kaleidoscope-Ch8']
+llvm_config.add_tool_substitutions(optional_tools, config.llvm_tools_dir,
+ warn_missing=False)
### Targets