libc++ Issaquah Status

This is a temporary page; please check the c++1z status here

This page shows the status of the papers and issues that are expected to be adopted in Issaquah.

The groups that have contributed papers:

Paper Status

Paper #GroupPaper NameMeetingStatusFirst released version

Library Working group Issues Status

Issue #Issue NameMeetingStatus
2260Missing requirement for Allocator::pointerKona
2768any_cast and move semanticsKona
2769Redundant const in the return type of any_cast(const any&)Kona
2781Contradictory requirements for std::function and std::reference_wrapperKona
2782scoped_allocator_adaptor constructors must be constrainedKona
2784Resolution to LWG 2484 is missing "otherwise, no effects" and is hard to parseKonaPatch Ready
2785quoted should work with basic_string_viewKonaWe do this already
2786Annex C should mention shared_ptr changes for array supportKonaNothing to do
2787§[file_status.cons] doesn't match class definitionKona
2789Equivalence of contained objectsKona
2794Missing requirements for allocator pointersKona
2795§[global.functions] provides incorrect example of ADL useKonaNothing to do
2804Unconditional constexpr default constructor for istream_iteratorKonaWe do this already
2812Range access is available with <string_view>KonaWe do this already
2824list::sort should say that the order of elements is unspecified if an exception is thrownKona
2826string_view iterators use old wordingKonaNothing to do
2834Resolution LWG 2223 is missing wording about end iteratorsKonaNothing to do
2835LWG 2536 seems to misspecify <tgmath.h>Kona
2837gcd and lcm should support a wider range of input valuesKonaWe do this already
2838is_literal_type specification needs a little cleanupKonaNothing to do
2842in_place_t check for optional::optional(U&&) should decay UKona
2850std::function move constructor does unnecessary workKona
2853Possible inconsistency in specification of erase in [vector.modifiers]Kona
Priority 1 Bugs
2665remove_filename() post condition is incorrectKonaWe do this already
2806Base class of bad_optional_accessKonaWe do this already
2857{variant,optional,any}::emplace should return the constructed valueKona

Comments about the issues

Last Updated: 7-Feb-2017