! { dg-do run } ! Tests the patch to implement the array version of the TRANSFER ! intrinsic (PR17298). ! Contributed by Paul Thomas ! Bigendian test posted by Perseus in comp.lang.fortran on 4 July 2005. ! Original had parameter but this fails, at present, if is_gimple_var with -Ox, x>0 LOGICAL :: bigend integer :: icheck = 1 character(8) :: ch(2) = (/"lmnoPQRS","LMNOpqrs"/) bigend = IACHAR(TRANSFER(icheck,"a")) == 0 ! tests numeric transfers other than original testscase. call test1 () ! tests numeric/character transfers. call test2 () ! Test dummies, automatic objects and assumed character length. call test3 (ch, ch, ch, 8) contains subroutine test1 () real(4) :: a(4, 4) integer(2) :: it(4, 2, 4), jt(32) ! Check multi-dimensional sources and that transfer works as an actual ! argument of reshape. a = reshape ((/(rand (), i = 1, 16)/), (/4,4/)) jt = transfer (a, it) it = reshape (jt, (/4, 2, 4/)) if (any (reshape (transfer (it, a), (/4,4/)) .ne. a)) STOP 1 end subroutine test1 subroutine test2 () integer(4) :: y(4), z(2) character(4) :: ch(4) ! Allow for endian-ness if (bigend) then y = (/(i + 3 + ishft (i + 2, 8) + ishft (i + 1, 16) & + ishft (i, 24), i = 65, 80 , 4)/) else y = (/(i + ishft (i + 1, 8) + ishft (i + 2, 16) & + ishft (i + 3, 24), i = 65, 80 , 4)/) end if ! Check source array sections in both directions. ch = "wxyz" ch(1:2) = transfer (y(2:4:2), ch) if (any (ch(1:2) .ne. (/"EFGH","MNOP"/))) STOP 2 ch = "wxyz" ch(1:2) = transfer (y(4:2:-2), ch) if (any (ch(1:2) .ne. (/"MNOP","EFGH"/))) STOP 3 ! Check that a complete array transfers with size absent. ch = transfer (y, ch) if (any (ch .ne. (/"ABCD","EFGH","IJKL","MNOP"/))) STOP 4 ! Check that a character array section is OK z = transfer (ch(2:3), y) if (any (z .ne. y(2:3))) STOP 5 ! Check dest array sections in both directions. ch = "wxyz" ch(3:4) = transfer (y, ch, 2) if (any (ch(3:4) .ne. (/"ABCD","EFGH"/))) STOP 6 ch = "wxyz" ch(3:2:-1) = transfer (y, ch, 2) if (any (ch(2:3) .ne. (/"EFGH","ABCD"/))) STOP 7 ! Make sure that character to numeric is OK. ch = "wxyz" ch(1:2) = transfer (y, ch, 2) if (any (ch(1:2) .ne. (/"ABCD","EFGH"/))) STOP 8 z = transfer (ch, y, 2) if (any (y(1:2) .ne. z)) STOP 9 end subroutine test2 subroutine test3 (ch1, ch2, ch3, clen) integer clen character(8) :: ch1(:) character(*) :: ch2(2) character(clen) :: ch3(2) character(8) :: cntrl(2) = (/"lmnoPQRS","LMNOpqrs"/) integer(8) :: ic(2) ic = transfer (cntrl, ic) ! Check assumed shape. if (any (ic .ne. transfer (ch1, ic))) STOP 10 ! Check assumed character length. if (any (ic .ne. transfer (ch2, ic))) STOP 11 ! Check automatic character length. if (any (ic .ne. transfer (ch3, ic))) STOP 12 end subroutine test3 end