! { dg-do run } ! Tests the patch that implements F2003 automatic allocation and ! reallocation of allocatable arrays on assignment. ! ! Contributed by Paul Thomas ! integer(4), allocatable :: a(:), b(:), c(:,:) integer(4) :: j integer(4) :: src(2:5) = [11,12,13,14] integer(4) :: mat(2:3,5:6) character(4), allocatable :: chr1(:) character(4) :: chr2(2) = ["abcd", "wxyz"] allocate(a(1)) mat = reshape (src, [2,2]) a = [4,3,2,1] if (size(a, 1) .ne. 4) STOP 1 if (any (a .ne. [4,3,2,1])) STOP 2 a = [((42 - i), i = 1, 10)] if (size(a, 1) .ne. 10) STOP 3 if (any (a .ne. [((42 - i), i = 1, 10)])) STOP 4 b = a if (size(b, 1) .ne. 10) STOP 5 if (any (b .ne. a)) STOP 6 a = [4,3,2,1] if (size(a, 1) .ne. 4) STOP 7 if (any (a .ne. [4,3,2,1])) STOP 8 a = b if (size(a, 1) .ne. 10) STOP 9 if (any (a .ne. [((42 - i), i = 1, 10)])) STOP 10 j = 20 a = [(i, i = 1, j)] if (size(a, 1) .ne. j) STOP 11 if (any (a .ne. [(i, i = 1, j)])) STOP 12 a = foo (15) if (size(a, 1) .ne. 15) STOP 13 if (any (a .ne. [((i + 15), i = 1, 15)])) STOP 14 a = src if (lbound(a, 1) .ne. lbound(src, 1)) STOP 15 if (ubound(a, 1) .ne. ubound(src, 1)) STOP 16 if (any (a .ne. [11,12,13,14])) STOP 17 k = 7 a = b(k:8) if (lbound(a, 1) .ne. lbound (b(k:8), 1)) STOP 18 if (ubound(a, 1) .ne. ubound (b(k:8), 1)) STOP 19 if (any (a .ne. [35,34])) STOP 20 c = mat if (any (lbound (c) .ne. lbound (mat))) STOP 21 if (any (ubound (c) .ne. ubound (mat))) STOP 22 if (any (c .ne. mat)) STOP 23 deallocate (c) c = mat(2:,:) if (any (lbound (c) .ne. lbound (mat(2:,:)))) STOP 24 chr1 = chr2(2:1:-1) if (lbound(chr1, 1) .ne. 1) STOP 25 if (any (chr1 .ne. chr2(2:1:-1))) STOP 26 b = c(1, :) + c(2, :) if (lbound(b, 1) .ne. lbound (c(1, :) + c(2, :), 1)) STOP 27 if (any (b .ne. c(1, :) + c(2, :))) STOP 28 contains function foo (n) result(res) integer(4), allocatable, dimension(:) :: res integer(4) :: n allocate (res(n)) res = [((i + 15), i = 1, n)] end function foo end