! { dg-do run } ! Tests the fix for PR31564, in which the actual argument to ! the call for set_bound was simplified when it should not be. ! ! Contributed by Michael Richmond ! MODULE cdf_aux_mod TYPE :: the_distribution INTEGER :: parameters(2) END TYPE the_distribution TYPE (the_distribution), PARAMETER :: the_beta = the_distribution((/99,999/)) CONTAINS SUBROUTINE set_bound(arg_name, test) INTEGER, INTENT (IN) :: arg_name, test if (arg_name .ne. test) STOP 1 END SUBROUTINE set_bound END MODULE cdf_aux_mod MODULE cdf_beta_mod CONTAINS SUBROUTINE cdf_beta(which, test) USE cdf_aux_mod INTEGER :: which, test CALL set_bound(the_beta%parameters(which), test) END SUBROUTINE cdf_beta END MODULE cdf_beta_mod use cdf_beta_mod call cdf_beta (1, 99) call cdf_beta (2, 999) end