! { dg-do run } ! PR 21875 : Test formatted input/output to/from character arrays. ! Contributed by Jerry DeLisle . program arrayio_1 implicit none integer :: i(6),j,k character(12) :: r(12,2) = '0123456789AB' ! Write to and read from a whole character array i = (/(j,j=1,6)/) write(r,'(3(2x,i4/)/3(3x,i6/))') i i = 0 read(r,'(3(2x,i4/)/3(3x,i6/))') i if (any(i.ne.(/(j,j=1,6)/))) STOP 1 do j=1,12 do k=1,2 if ((j.gt.8.and.k.eq.1).or.(k.eq.2)) then if (r(j,k).ne.'0123456789AB') STOP 2 end if end do end do ! Write to a portion of a character array r = '0123456789AB' write(r(3:9,1),'(6(i12/))') i if (r(2,1).ne.'0123456789AB') STOP 3 do j=3,8 if (iachar(trim(adjustl(r(j,1))))-46.ne.j) STOP 4 end do if (r(9,1).ne.' ') STOP 5 end program arrayio_1