# -*- Python -*- import os # Setup config name. config.name = 'XRay' + config.name_suffix # Setup source root. config.test_source_root = os.path.dirname(__file__) # Setup default compiler flags use with -fxray-instrument option. clang_xray_cflags = (['-fxray-instrument', config.target_cflags]) clang_xray_cxxflags = config.cxx_mode_flags + clang_xray_cflags def build_invocation(compile_flags): return ' ' + ' '.join([config.clang] + compile_flags) + ' ' # Assume that llvm-xray is in the config.llvm_tools_dir. llvm_xray = os.path.join(config.llvm_tools_dir, 'llvm-xray') # Setup substitutions. config.substitutions.append( ('%clang ', build_invocation([config.target_cflags]))) config.substitutions.append( ('%clangxx ', build_invocation(config.cxx_mode_flags + [config.target_cflags]))) config.substitutions.append( ('%clang_xray ', build_invocation(clang_xray_cflags))) config.substitutions.append( ('%clangxx_xray', build_invocation(clang_xray_cxxflags))) config.substitutions.append( ('%llvm_xray', llvm_xray)) # Default test suffixes. config.suffixes = ['.c', '.cc', '.cpp'] if config.host_os not in ['Linux']: config.unsupported = True elif '64' not in config.host_arch: if 'arm' in config.host_arch: if '-mthumb' in config.target_cflags: config.unsupported = True else: config.unsupported = True # Allow tests to use REQUIRES=stable-runtime. For use when you cannot use XFAIL # e.g. because the test sometimes passes, sometimes fails. if config.target_arch != 'aarch64': config.available_features.add('stable-runtime')