// RUN: %clangxx -DOP=n++ -fsanitize=signed-integer-overflow %s -o %t1 && %run %t1 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=PLUS // RUN: %clangxx -DOP=++n -fsanitize=signed-integer-overflow %s -o %t2 && %run %t2 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=PLUS // RUN: %clangxx -DOP=m-- -fsanitize=signed-integer-overflow %s -o %t3 && %run %t3 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=MINUS // RUN: %clangxx -DOP=--m -fsanitize=signed-integer-overflow %s -o %t4 && %run %t4 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=MINUS #include int main() { int n = 0x7ffffffd; n++; n++; int m = -n - 1; OP; // PLUS: incdec-overflow.cpp:[[@LINE-1]]:3: runtime error: signed integer overflow: 2147483647 + 1 cannot be represented in type 'int' // MINUS: incdec-overflow.cpp:[[@LINE-2]]:3: runtime error: signed integer overflow: -2147483648 - 1 cannot be represented in type 'int' }