// RUN: %clang_tsan -O1 %s -o %t && %run %t 2>&1 | FileCheck %s // CHECK-NOT: WARNING // CHECK: OK // This test is failing on powerpc64 (VMA=44). After calling pthread_cancel, // the Thread-specific data destructors are not called, so the destructor // "thread_finalize" (defined in tsan_interceptors.cc) can not set the status // of the thread to "ThreadStatusFinished" failing a check in "SetJoined" // (defined in sanitizer_thread_registry.cc). It might seem a bug on glibc, // however the same version GLIBC-2.17 will not make fail the test on // powerpc64 BE (VMA=46) // XFAIL: powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu #include "test.h" pthread_mutex_t m; pthread_cond_t c; int x; static void my_cleanup(void *arg) { printf("my_cleanup\n"); pthread_mutex_unlock((pthread_mutex_t*)arg); } void *thr1(void *p) { pthread_mutex_lock(&m); pthread_cleanup_push(my_cleanup, &m); barrier_wait(&barrier); while (x == 0) pthread_cond_wait(&c, &m); pthread_cleanup_pop(1); return 0; } int main() { barrier_init(&barrier, 2); pthread_t th; pthread_mutex_init(&m, 0); pthread_cond_init(&c, 0); pthread_create(&th, 0, thr1, 0); barrier_wait(&barrier); sleep(1); // let it block on cond var pthread_cancel(th); pthread_join(th, 0); pthread_mutex_lock(&m); pthread_mutex_unlock(&m); fprintf(stderr, "OK\n"); }