# Tests the data flow tracer. REQUIRES: linux UNSUPPORTED: aarch64 # Build the tracer and the test. RUN: %no_fuzzer_cpp_compiler -c -fno-sanitize=all -fsanitize=dataflow %S/../../lib/fuzzer/dataflow/DataFlow.cpp -o %t-DataFlow.o RUN: %no_fuzzer_cpp_compiler -fno-sanitize=all -fsanitize=dataflow -fsanitize-coverage=trace-pc-guard,pc-table,func,trace-cmp %S/OnlySomeBytesTest.cpp %t-DataFlow.o -o %t-DFT RUN: %cpp_compiler %S/OnlySomeBytesTest.cpp -o %t-Fuzz # Prepare the inputs. RUN: rm -rf %t/* RUN: mkdir -p %t/IN RUN: echo -n 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567891234 > %t/IN/6 RUN: cat %t/IN/6 %t/IN/6 %t/IN/6 %t/IN/6 > %t/IN/8 RUN: cat %t/IN/8 %t/IN/8 %t/IN/8 %t/IN/8 > %t/IN/10 RUN: cat %t/IN/10 %t/IN/10 %t/IN/10 %t/IN/10 > %t/IN/12 # %t/IN/12 is 4096 bytes-long. RUN: %t-Fuzz -focus_function=f0 -runs=0 %t/IN 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=NO_FOCUSED_INPUT NO_FOCUSED_INPUT: INFO: 0/2 inputs touch the focus function RUN: (echo -n ABC; cat %t/IN/12) > %t/IN/ABC RUN: %t-Fuzz -focus_function=f0 -runs=0 %t/IN 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=ONE_FOCUSED_INPUT ONE_FOCUSED_INPUT: INFO: 1/3 inputs touch the focus function RUN: rm -rf %t/IN_DFT RUN: %libfuzzer_src/scripts/collect_data_flow.py %t-DFT %t/IN %t/IN_DFT > /dev/null 2>&1 # Repeat twice to make sure that the inputs with DFT are not removed from the corpus. RUN: %t-Fuzz -focus_function=f0 -data_flow_trace=%t/IN_DFT -runs=100 %t/IN 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=HAVE_DFT RUN: %t-Fuzz -focus_function=f0 -data_flow_trace=%t/IN_DFT -runs=100 %t/IN 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=HAVE_DFT HAVE_DFT: INFO: 1/{{.*}} inputs have the Data Flow Trace # Collect DFT, then use it. RUN: rm -rf %t/C && mkdir %t/C && cp %t/IN/* %t/C RUN: rm -rf %t/C_DFT && %libfuzzer_src/scripts/collect_data_flow.py %t-DFT %t/C %t/C_DFT > /dev/null 2>&1 RUN: not %t-Fuzz -focus_function=f0 -data_flow_trace=%t/C_DFT -seed=1 -runs=1000000 -use_value_profile=3 %t/C 2> %t/log RUN: grep BINGO %t/log