# Build for the experimental deadlock detector runtime library. include_directories(../..) set(DD_CFLAGS ${SANITIZER_COMMON_CFLAGS}) append_rtti_flag(OFF DD_CFLAGS) set(DD_SOURCES dd_rtl.cc dd_interceptors.cc ) set(DD_LINKLIBS) append_list_if(COMPILER_RT_HAS_LIBDL dl DD_LINKLIBS) append_list_if(COMPILER_RT_HAS_LIBRT rt DD_LINKLIBS) append_list_if(COMPILER_RT_HAS_LIBPTHREAD pthread DD_LINKLIBS) add_custom_target(dd) # Deadlock detector is currently supported on 64-bit Linux only. if(CAN_TARGET_x86_64 AND UNIX AND NOT APPLE AND NOT ANDROID) set(arch "x86_64") add_compiler_rt_runtime(clang_rt.dd STATIC ARCHS ${arch} SOURCES ${DD_SOURCES} $ $ $ CFLAGS ${DD_CFLAGS} PARENT_TARGET dd) add_compiler_rt_object_libraries(RTDD ARCHS ${arch} SOURCES ${DD_SOURCES} CFLAGS ${DD_CFLAGS}) add_compiler_rt_runtime(clang_rt.dyndd SHARED ARCHS ${arch} SOURCES $ $ $ $ LINK_LIBS ${DD_LINKLIBS} PARENT_TARGET dd) endif() add_dependencies(compiler-rt dd)