//===-- msan_report.cc ----------------------------------------------------===// // // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // // This file is a part of MemorySanitizer. // // Error reporting. //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "msan.h" #include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_common.h" #include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_mutex.h" #include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_report_decorator.h" #include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_stackdepot.h" #include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_symbolizer.h" using namespace __sanitizer; static StaticSpinMutex report_mu; namespace __msan { static bool PrintsToTtyCached() { static int cached = 0; static bool prints_to_tty; if (!cached) { // Ok wrt threads since we are printing only from one thread. prints_to_tty = PrintsToTty(); cached = 1; } return prints_to_tty; } class Decorator: private __sanitizer::AnsiColorDecorator { public: Decorator() : __sanitizer::AnsiColorDecorator(PrintsToTtyCached()) { } const char *Warning() { return Red(); } const char *Origin() { return Magenta(); } const char *Name() { return Green(); } const char *End() { return Default(); } }; static void PrintStack(const uptr *trace, uptr size) { SymbolizerScope sym_scope; StackTrace::PrintStack(trace, size, true, flags()->strip_path_prefix, 0); } static void DescribeOrigin(u32 origin) { Decorator d; if (flags()->verbosity) Printf(" raw origin id: %d\n", origin); if (const char *so = __msan_get_origin_descr_if_stack(origin)) { char* s = internal_strdup(so); char* sep = internal_strchr(s, '@'); CHECK(sep); *sep = '\0'; Printf("%s", d.Origin()); Printf(" %sUninitialized value was created by an allocation of '%s%s%s'" " in the stack frame of function '%s%s%s'%s\n", d.Origin(), d.Name(), s, d.Origin(), d.Name(), sep + 1, d.Origin(), d.End()); InternalFree(s); } else { uptr size = 0; const uptr *trace = StackDepotGet(origin, &size); Printf(" %sUninitialized value was created by a heap allocation%s\n", d.Origin(), d.End()); PrintStack(trace, size); } } static void ReportSummary(const char *error_type, StackTrace *stack) { if (!stack->size || !IsSymbolizerAvailable()) return; AddressInfo ai; uptr pc = StackTrace::GetPreviousInstructionPc(stack->trace[0]); { SymbolizerScope sym_scope; SymbolizeCode(pc, &ai, 1); } ReportErrorSummary(error_type, StripPathPrefix(ai.file, flags()->strip_path_prefix), ai.line, ai.function); } void ReportUMR(StackTrace *stack, u32 origin) { if (!__msan::flags()->report_umrs) return; GenericScopedLock lock(&report_mu); Decorator d; Printf("%s", d.Warning()); Report(" WARNING: Use of uninitialized value\n"); Printf("%s", d.End()); PrintStack(stack->trace, stack->size); if (origin) { DescribeOrigin(origin); } ReportSummary("use-of-uninitialized-value", stack); } void ReportExpectedUMRNotFound(StackTrace *stack) { GenericScopedLock lock(&report_mu); Printf(" WARNING: Expected use of uninitialized value not found\n"); PrintStack(stack->trace, stack->size); } void ReportAtExitStatistics() { Decorator d; Printf("%s", d.Warning()); Printf("MemorySanitizer: %d warnings reported.\n", msan_report_count); Printf("%s", d.End()); } } // namespace __msan