# Because compiler-rt spends a lot of time setting up custom compile flags, # define a handy helper function for it. The compile flags setting in CMake # has serious issues that make its syntax challenging at best. function(set_target_compile_flags target) foreach(arg ${ARGN}) set(argstring "${argstring} ${arg}") endforeach() set_property(TARGET ${target} PROPERTY COMPILE_FLAGS "${argstring}") endfunction() function(set_target_link_flags target) foreach(arg ${ARGN}) set(argstring "${argstring} ${arg}") endforeach() set_property(TARGET ${target} PROPERTY LINK_FLAGS "${argstring}") endfunction() # Check if a given flag is present in a space-separated flag_string. # Store the result in out_var. function(find_flag_in_string flag_string flag out_var) string(REPLACE " " ";" flag_list "${flag_string}") list(FIND flag_list ${flag} flag_pos) if(NOT flag_pos EQUAL -1) set(${out_var} TRUE PARENT_SCOPE) else() set(${out_var} FALSE PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction() # Set the variable var_PYBOOL to True if var holds a true-ish string, # otherwise set it to False. macro(pythonize_bool var) if (${var}) set(${var}_PYBOOL True) else() set(${var}_PYBOOL False) endif() endmacro() # Appends value to all lists in ARGN, if the condition is true. macro(append_if condition value) if(${condition}) foreach(list ${ARGN}) list(APPEND ${list} ${value}) endforeach() endif() endmacro() # Appends value to all strings in ARGN, if the condition is true. macro(append_string_if condition value) if(${condition}) foreach(str ${ARGN}) set(${str} "${${str}} ${value}") endforeach() endif() endmacro() macro(append_no_rtti_flag list) append_if(COMPILER_RT_HAS_FNO_RTTI_FLAG -fno-rtti ${list}) append_if(COMPILER_RT_HAS_GR_FLAG /GR- ${list}) endmacro()