path: root/lib
diff options
authorMatt Morehouse <>2017-12-04 19:25:59 +0000
committerMatt Morehouse <>2017-12-04 19:25:59 +0000
commitc9d933986ac9833fc9929999b669818be6e60053 (patch)
tree19cd2f04acbe4c2623fd009a89903ac769a291c2 /lib
parent2217d9faa962b3bee8704fbfae796fe342613266 (diff)
[libFuzzer] Encapsulate commands in a class.
Summary: To be more portable (especially w.r.t. platforms without system()), commands should be managed programmatically rather than via string manipulation on the command line. This change introduces Fuzzer::Command, with methods to manage arguments and flags, set output options, and execute the command. Patch By: aarongreen Reviewers: kcc, morehouse Reviewed By: kcc, morehouse Subscribers: llvm-commits, mgorny Differential Revision: git-svn-id: 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
9 files changed, 400 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/lib/fuzzer/CMakeLists.txt b/lib/fuzzer/CMakeLists.txt
index e442b645e..3163ac239 100644
--- a/lib/fuzzer/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/lib/fuzzer/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
+ FuzzerCommand.cpp
diff --git a/lib/fuzzer/FuzzerCommand.h b/lib/fuzzer/FuzzerCommand.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2e674ee39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fuzzer/FuzzerCommand.h
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+//===- FuzzerCommand.h - Interface representing a process -------*- C++ -* ===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// FuzzerCommand represents a command to run in a subprocess. It allows callers
+// to manage command line arguments and output and error streams.
+#include "FuzzerDefs.h"
+#include "FuzzerIO.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+namespace fuzzer {
+class Command final {
+ // This command line flag is used to indicate that the remaining command line
+ // is immutable, meaning this flag effectively marks the end of the mutable
+ // argument list.
+ static inline const char *const ignoreRemainingArgs() {
+ static const char *const kIgnoreRemaining = "-ignore_remaining_args=1";
+ return kIgnoreRemaining;
+ }
+ Command() : CombinedOutAndErr(false) {}
+ explicit Command(const Vector<std::string> &ArgsToAdd)
+ : Args(ArgsToAdd), CombinedOutAndErr(false) {}
+ explicit Command(const Command &Other)
+ : Args(Other.Args), CombinedOutAndErr(Other.CombinedOutAndErr),
+ OutputFile(Other.OutputFile) {}
+ Command &operator=(const Command &Other) {
+ Args = Other.Args;
+ CombinedOutAndErr = Other.CombinedOutAndErr;
+ OutputFile = Other.OutputFile;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ ~Command() {}
+ // Returns true if the given Arg is present in Args. Only checks up to
+ // "-ignore_remaining_args=1".
+ bool hasArgument(const std::string &Arg) const {
+ auto i = endMutableArgs();
+ return std::find(Args.begin(), i, Arg) != i;
+ }
+ // Gets all of the current command line arguments, **including** those after
+ // "-ignore-remaining-args=1".
+ const Vector<std::string> &getArguments() const { return Args; }
+ // Adds the given argument before "-ignore_remaining_args=1", or at the end
+ // if that flag isn't present.
+ void addArgument(const std::string &Arg) {
+ Args.insert(endMutableArgs(), Arg);
+ }
+ // Adds all given arguments before "-ignore_remaining_args=1", or at the end
+ // if that flag isn't present.
+ void addArguments(const Vector<std::string> &ArgsToAdd) {
+ Args.insert(endMutableArgs(), ArgsToAdd.begin(), ArgsToAdd.end());
+ }
+ // Removes the given argument from the command argument list. Ignores any
+ // occurrences after "-ignore_remaining_args=1", if present.
+ void removeArgument(const std::string &Arg) {
+ auto i = endMutableArgs();
+ Args.erase(std::remove(Args.begin(), i, Arg), i);
+ }
+ // Like hasArgument, but checks for "-[Flag]=...".
+ bool hasFlag(const std::string &Flag) {
+ std::string Arg("-" + Flag + "=");
+ auto IsMatch = [&](const std::string &Other) {
+ return, std::string::npos, Other, 0, Arg.length()) == 0;
+ };
+ return std::any_of(Args.begin(), endMutableArgs(), IsMatch);
+ }
+ // Returns the value of the first instance of a given flag, or an empty string
+ // if the flag isn't present. Ignores any occurrences after
+ // "-ignore_remaining_args=1", if present.
+ std::string getFlagValue(const std::string &Flag) {
+ std::string Arg("-" + Flag + "=");
+ auto IsMatch = [&](const std::string &Other) {
+ return, std::string::npos, Other, 0, Arg.length()) == 0;
+ };
+ auto i = endMutableArgs();
+ auto j = std::find_if(Args.begin(), i, IsMatch);
+ std::string result;
+ if (j != i) {
+ result = j->substr(Arg.length());
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ // Like AddArgument, but adds "-[Flag]=[Value]".
+ void addFlag(const std::string &Flag, const std::string &Value) {
+ addArgument("-" + Flag + "=" + Value);
+ }
+ // Like RemoveArgument, but removes "-[Flag]=...".
+ void removeFlag(const std::string &Flag) {
+ std::string Arg("-" + Flag + "=");
+ auto IsMatch = [&](const std::string &Other) {
+ return, std::string::npos, Other, 0, Arg.length()) == 0;
+ };
+ auto i = endMutableArgs();
+ Args.erase(std::remove_if(Args.begin(), i, IsMatch), i);
+ }
+ // Returns whether the command's stdout is being written to an output file.
+ bool hasOutputFile() const { return !OutputFile.empty(); }
+ // Returns the currently set output file.
+ const std::string &getOutputFile() const { return OutputFile; }
+ // Configures the command to redirect its output to the name file.
+ void setOutputFile(const std::string &FileName) { OutputFile = FileName; }
+ // Returns whether the command's stderr is redirected to stdout.
+ bool isOutAndErrCombined() const { return CombinedOutAndErr; }
+ // Sets whether to redirect the command's stderr to its stdout.
+ void combineOutAndErr(bool combine = true) { CombinedOutAndErr = combine; }
+ // Returns a string representation of the command. On many systems this will
+ // be the equivalent command line.
+ std::string toString() const {
+ std::stringstream SS;
+ for (auto arg : getArguments())
+ SS << arg << " ";
+ if (isOutAndErrCombined())
+ SS << "2>&1 ";
+ if (hasOutputFile())
+ SS << ">" << getOutputFile() << " ";
+ std::string result = SS.str();
+ if (!result.empty())
+ result = result.substr(0, result.length() - 1);
+ return result;
+ }
+ Command(Command &&Other) = delete;
+ Command &operator=(Command &&Other) = delete;
+ Vector<std::string>::iterator endMutableArgs() {
+ return std::find(Args.begin(), Args.end(), ignoreRemainingArgs());
+ }
+ Vector<std::string>::const_iterator endMutableArgs() const {
+ return std::find(Args.begin(), Args.end(), ignoreRemainingArgs());
+ }
+ // The command arguments. Args[0] is the command name.
+ Vector<std::string> Args;
+ // True indicates stderr is redirected to stdout.
+ bool CombinedOutAndErr;
+ // If not empty, stdout is redirected to the named file.
+ std::string OutputFile;
+} // namespace fuzzer
diff --git a/lib/fuzzer/FuzzerDriver.cpp b/lib/fuzzer/FuzzerDriver.cpp
index ccb9b0ca7..41eb50e0e 100644
--- a/lib/fuzzer/FuzzerDriver.cpp
+++ b/lib/fuzzer/FuzzerDriver.cpp
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
// FuzzerDriver and flag parsing.
+#include "FuzzerCommand.h"
#include "FuzzerCorpus.h"
#include "FuzzerIO.h"
#include "FuzzerInterface.h"
@@ -206,16 +207,20 @@ static void PulseThread() {
-static void WorkerThread(const std::string &Cmd, std::atomic<unsigned> *Counter,
+static void WorkerThread(const Command &BaseCmd, std::atomic<unsigned> *Counter,
unsigned NumJobs, std::atomic<bool> *HasErrors) {
while (true) {
unsigned C = (*Counter)++;
if (C >= NumJobs) break;
std::string Log = "fuzz-" + std::to_string(C) + ".log";
- std::string ToRun = Cmd + " > " + Log + " 2>&1\n";
- if (Flags.verbosity)
- Printf("%s", ToRun.c_str());
- int ExitCode = ExecuteCommand(ToRun);
+ Command Cmd(BaseCmd);
+ Cmd.setOutputFile(Log);
+ Cmd.combineOutAndErr();
+ if (Flags.verbosity) {
+ std::string CommandLine = Cmd.toString();
+ Printf("%s", CommandLine.c_str());
+ }
+ int ExitCode = ExecuteCommand(Cmd);
if (ExitCode != 0)
*HasErrors = true;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(Mu);
@@ -240,12 +245,14 @@ static int RunInMultipleProcesses(const Vector<std::string> &Args,
unsigned NumWorkers, unsigned NumJobs) {
std::atomic<unsigned> Counter(0);
std::atomic<bool> HasErrors(false);
- std::string Cmd = CloneArgsWithoutX(Args, "jobs", "workers");
+ Command Cmd(Args);
+ Cmd.removeFlag("jobs");
+ Cmd.removeFlag("workers");
Vector<std::thread> V;
std::thread Pulse(PulseThread);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumWorkers; i++)
- V.push_back(std::thread(WorkerThread, Cmd, &Counter, NumJobs, &HasErrors));
+ V.push_back(std::thread(WorkerThread, std::ref(Cmd), &Counter, NumJobs, &HasErrors));
for (auto &T : V)
return HasErrors ? 1 : 0;
@@ -303,20 +310,19 @@ int CleanseCrashInput(const Vector<std::string> &Args,
std::string InputFilePath = Inputs->at(0);
std::string OutputFilePath = Flags.exact_artifact_path;
- std::string BaseCmd =
- CloneArgsWithoutX(Args, "cleanse_crash", "cleanse_crash");
+ Command Cmd(Args);
+ Cmd.removeFlag("cleanse_crash");
- auto InputPos = BaseCmd.find(" " + InputFilePath + " ");
- assert(InputPos != std::string::npos);
- BaseCmd.erase(InputPos, InputFilePath.size() + 1);
+ assert(Cmd.hasArgument(InputFilePath));
+ Cmd.removeArgument(InputFilePath);
auto LogFilePath = DirPlusFile(
TmpDir(), "libFuzzerTemp." + std::to_string(GetPid()) + ".txt");
auto TmpFilePath = DirPlusFile(
TmpDir(), "libFuzzerTemp." + std::to_string(GetPid()) + ".repro");
- auto LogFileRedirect = " > " + LogFilePath + " 2>&1 ";
- auto Cmd = BaseCmd + " " + TmpFilePath + LogFileRedirect;
+ Cmd.addArgument(TmpFilePath);
+ Cmd.setOutputFile(LogFilePath);
+ Cmd.combineOutAndErr();
std::string CurrentFilePath = InputFilePath;
auto U = FileToVector(CurrentFilePath);
@@ -361,22 +367,22 @@ int MinimizeCrashInput(const Vector<std::string> &Args,
std::string InputFilePath = Inputs->at(0);
- auto BaseCmd = SplitBefore(
- "-ignore_remaining_args=1",
- CloneArgsWithoutX(Args, "minimize_crash", "exact_artifact_path"));
- auto InputPos = BaseCmd.first.find(" " + InputFilePath + " ");
- assert(InputPos != std::string::npos);
- BaseCmd.first.erase(InputPos, InputFilePath.size() + 1);
+ Command BaseCmd(Args);
+ BaseCmd.removeFlag("minimize_crash");
+ BaseCmd.removeFlag("exact_artifact_path");
+ assert(BaseCmd.hasArgument(InputFilePath));
+ BaseCmd.removeArgument(InputFilePath);
if (Flags.runs <= 0 && Flags.max_total_time == 0) {
Printf("INFO: you need to specify -runs=N or "
"-max_total_time=N with -minimize_crash=1\n"
"INFO: defaulting to -max_total_time=600\n");
- BaseCmd.first += " -max_total_time=600";
+ BaseCmd.addFlag("max_total_time", "600");
auto LogFilePath = DirPlusFile(
TmpDir(), "libFuzzerTemp." + std::to_string(GetPid()) + ".txt");
- auto LogFileRedirect = " > " + LogFilePath + " 2>&1 ";
+ BaseCmd.setOutputFile(LogFilePath);
+ BaseCmd.combineOutAndErr();
std::string CurrentFilePath = InputFilePath;
while (true) {
@@ -384,10 +390,11 @@ int MinimizeCrashInput(const Vector<std::string> &Args,
Printf("CRASH_MIN: minimizing crash input: '%s' (%zd bytes)\n",
CurrentFilePath.c_str(), U.size());
- auto Cmd = BaseCmd.first + " " + CurrentFilePath + LogFileRedirect + " " +
- BaseCmd.second;
+ Command Cmd(BaseCmd);
+ Cmd.addArgument(CurrentFilePath);
- Printf("CRASH_MIN: executing: %s\n", Cmd.c_str());
+ std::string CommandLine = Cmd.toString();
+ Printf("CRASH_MIN: executing: %s\n", CommandLine.c_str());
int ExitCode = ExecuteCommand(Cmd);
if (ExitCode == 0) {
Printf("ERROR: the input %s did not crash\n", CurrentFilePath.c_str());
@@ -404,9 +411,10 @@ int MinimizeCrashInput(const Vector<std::string> &Args,
? Flags.exact_artifact_path
: Options.ArtifactPrefix + "minimized-from-" + Hash(U);
- Cmd += " -minimize_crash_internal_step=1 -exact_artifact_path=" +
- ArtifactPath;
- Printf("CRASH_MIN: executing: %s\n", Cmd.c_str());
+ Cmd.addFlag("minimize_crash_internal_step", "1");
+ Cmd.addFlag("exact_artifact_path", ArtifactPath);
+ CommandLine = Cmd.toString();
+ Printf("CRASH_MIN: executing: %s\n", CommandLine.c_str());
ExitCode = ExecuteCommand(Cmd);
if (ExitCode == 0) {
diff --git a/lib/fuzzer/FuzzerMerge.cpp b/lib/fuzzer/FuzzerMerge.cpp
index 934871b15..5f3052a39 100644
--- a/lib/fuzzer/FuzzerMerge.cpp
+++ b/lib/fuzzer/FuzzerMerge.cpp
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
// Merging corpora.
+#include "FuzzerCommand.h"
#include "FuzzerMerge.h"
#include "FuzzerIO.h"
#include "FuzzerInternal.h"
@@ -232,7 +233,7 @@ void Fuzzer::CrashResistantMergeInternalStep(const std::string &CFPath) {
std::ostringstream StartedLine;
// Write the pre-run marker.
OF << "STARTED " << std::dec << i << " " << U.size() << "\n";
- OF.flush(); // Flush is important since ExecuteCommand may crash.
+ OF.flush(); // Flush is important since Command::Execute may crash.
// Run.
ExecuteCallback(, U.size());
@@ -332,15 +333,16 @@ void Fuzzer::CrashResistantMerge(const Vector<std::string> &Args,
// Execute the inner process until it passes.
// Every inner process should execute at least one input.
- auto BaseCmd = SplitBefore("-ignore_remaining_args=1",
- CloneArgsWithoutX(Args, "merge"));
+ Command BaseCmd(Args);
+ BaseCmd.removeFlag("merge");
bool Success = false;
for (size_t Attempt = 1; Attempt <= NumAttempts; Attempt++) {
Printf("MERGE-OUTER: attempt %zd\n", Attempt);
- auto ExitCode =
- ExecuteCommand(BaseCmd.first + " -merge_control_file=" + CFPath +
- " -merge_inner=1 " + BaseCmd.second);
+ Command Cmd(BaseCmd);
+ Cmd.addFlag("merge_control_file", CFPath);
+ Cmd.addFlag("merge_inner", "1");
+ auto ExitCode = ExecuteCommand(Cmd);
if (!ExitCode) {
Printf("MERGE-OUTER: succesfull in %zd attempt(s)\n", Attempt);
Success = true;
diff --git a/lib/fuzzer/FuzzerUtil.h b/lib/fuzzer/FuzzerUtil.h
index 6cebd7cd7..9a6227ea7 100644
--- a/lib/fuzzer/FuzzerUtil.h
+++ b/lib/fuzzer/FuzzerUtil.h
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
#include "FuzzerDefs.h"
+#include "FuzzerCommand.h"
namespace fuzzer {
@@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ unsigned long GetPid();
size_t GetPeakRSSMb();
-int ExecuteCommand(const std::string &Command);
+int ExecuteCommand(const Command &Cmd);
FILE *OpenProcessPipe(const char *Command, const char *Mode);
diff --git a/lib/fuzzer/FuzzerUtilDarwin.cpp b/lib/fuzzer/FuzzerUtilDarwin.cpp
index 2df4872a9..4bfbc11a5 100644
--- a/lib/fuzzer/FuzzerUtilDarwin.cpp
+++ b/lib/fuzzer/FuzzerUtilDarwin.cpp
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
#include "FuzzerDefs.h"
+#include "FuzzerCommand.h"
#include "FuzzerIO.h"
#include <mutex>
#include <signal.h>
@@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ static sigset_t OldBlockedSignalsSet;
// signal handlers when the first thread enters and restores them when the last
// thread finishes execution of the function and ensures this is not racey by
// using a mutex.
-int ExecuteCommand(const std::string &Command) {
+int ExecuteCommand(const Command &Cmd) {
+ std::string CmdLine = Cmd.toString();
posix_spawnattr_t SpawnAttributes;
if (posix_spawnattr_init(&SpawnAttributes))
return -1;
@@ -98,7 +99,7 @@ int ExecuteCommand(const std::string &Command) {
pid_t Pid;
char **Environ = environ; // Read from global
- const char *CommandCStr = Command.c_str();
+ const char *CommandCStr = CmdLine.c_str();
char *const Argv[] = {
diff --git a/lib/fuzzer/FuzzerUtilLinux.cpp b/lib/fuzzer/FuzzerUtilLinux.cpp
index 69d46b578..c7cf2c0a7 100644
--- a/lib/fuzzer/FuzzerUtilLinux.cpp
+++ b/lib/fuzzer/FuzzerUtilLinux.cpp
@@ -10,13 +10,15 @@
#include "FuzzerDefs.h"
+#include "FuzzerCommand.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
namespace fuzzer {
-int ExecuteCommand(const std::string &Command) {
- return system(Command.c_str());
+int ExecuteCommand(const Command &Cmd) {
+ std::string CmdLine = Cmd.toString();
+ return system(CmdLine.c_str());
} // namespace fuzzer
diff --git a/lib/fuzzer/FuzzerUtilWindows.cpp b/lib/fuzzer/FuzzerUtilWindows.cpp
index e8bdd2e81..8227e778e 100644
--- a/lib/fuzzer/FuzzerUtilWindows.cpp
+++ b/lib/fuzzer/FuzzerUtilWindows.cpp
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#include "FuzzerDefs.h"
+#include "FuzzerCommand.h"
#include "FuzzerIO.h"
#include "FuzzerInternal.h"
#include <cassert>
@@ -151,8 +152,9 @@ FILE *OpenProcessPipe(const char *Command, const char *Mode) {
return _popen(Command, Mode);
-int ExecuteCommand(const std::string &Command) {
- return system(Command.c_str());
+int ExecuteCommand(const Command &Cmd) {
+ std::string CmdLine = Cmd.toString();
+ return system(CmdLine.c_str());
const void *SearchMemory(const void *Data, size_t DataLen, const void *Patt,
diff --git a/lib/fuzzer/tests/FuzzerUnittest.cpp b/lib/fuzzer/tests/FuzzerUnittest.cpp
index f3e822636..bba4fd6b9 100644
--- a/lib/fuzzer/tests/FuzzerUnittest.cpp
+++ b/lib/fuzzer/tests/FuzzerUnittest.cpp
@@ -766,6 +766,166 @@ TEST(Fuzzer, ForEachNonZeroByte) {
EXPECT_EQ(Res, Expected);
+// FuzzerCommand unit tests. The arguments in the two helper methods below must
+// match.
+static void makeCommandArgs(Vector<std::string> *ArgsToAdd) {
+ assert(ArgsToAdd);
+ ArgsToAdd->clear();
+ ArgsToAdd->push_back("foo");
+ ArgsToAdd->push_back("-bar=baz");
+ ArgsToAdd->push_back("qux");
+ ArgsToAdd->push_back(Command::ignoreRemainingArgs());
+ ArgsToAdd->push_back("quux");
+ ArgsToAdd->push_back("-grault=garply");
+static std::string makeCmdLine(const char *separator, const char *suffix) {
+ std::string CmdLine("foo -bar=baz qux ");
+ if (strlen(separator) != 0) {
+ CmdLine += separator;
+ CmdLine += " ";
+ }
+ CmdLine += Command::ignoreRemainingArgs();
+ CmdLine += " quux -grault=garply";
+ if (strlen(suffix) != 0) {
+ CmdLine += " ";
+ CmdLine += suffix;
+ }
+ return CmdLine;
+TEST(FuzzerCommand, Create) {
+ std::string CmdLine;
+ // Default constructor
+ Command DefaultCmd;
+ CmdLine = DefaultCmd.toString();
+ EXPECT_EQ(CmdLine, "");
+ // Explicit constructor
+ Vector<std::string> ArgsToAdd;
+ makeCommandArgs(&ArgsToAdd);
+ Command InitializedCmd(ArgsToAdd);
+ CmdLine = InitializedCmd.toString();
+ EXPECT_EQ(CmdLine, makeCmdLine("", ""));
+ // Compare each argument
+ auto InitializedArgs = InitializedCmd.getArguments();
+ auto i = ArgsToAdd.begin();
+ auto j = InitializedArgs.begin();
+ while (i != ArgsToAdd.end() && j != InitializedArgs.end()) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(*i++, *j++);
+ }
+ EXPECT_EQ(i, ArgsToAdd.end());
+ EXPECT_EQ(j, InitializedArgs.end());
+ // Copy constructor
+ Command CopiedCmd(InitializedCmd);
+ CmdLine = CopiedCmd.toString();
+ EXPECT_EQ(CmdLine, makeCmdLine("", ""));
+ // Assignment operator
+ Command AssignedCmd;
+ AssignedCmd = CopiedCmd;
+ CmdLine = AssignedCmd.toString();
+ EXPECT_EQ(CmdLine, makeCmdLine("", ""));
+TEST(FuzzerCommand, ModifyArguments) {
+ Vector<std::string> ArgsToAdd;
+ makeCommandArgs(&ArgsToAdd);
+ Command Cmd;
+ std::string CmdLine;
+ Cmd.addArguments(ArgsToAdd);
+ CmdLine = Cmd.toString();
+ EXPECT_EQ(CmdLine, makeCmdLine("", ""));
+ Cmd.addArgument("waldo");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Cmd.hasArgument("waldo"));
+ CmdLine = Cmd.toString();
+ EXPECT_EQ(CmdLine, makeCmdLine("waldo", ""));
+ Cmd.removeArgument("waldo");
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Cmd.hasArgument("waldo"));
+ CmdLine = Cmd.toString();
+ EXPECT_EQ(CmdLine, makeCmdLine("", ""));
+TEST(FuzzerCommand, ModifyFlags) {
+ Vector<std::string> ArgsToAdd;
+ makeCommandArgs(&ArgsToAdd);
+ Command Cmd(ArgsToAdd);
+ std::string Value, CmdLine;
+ ASSERT_FALSE(Cmd.hasFlag("fred"));
+ Value = Cmd.getFlagValue("fred");
+ EXPECT_EQ(Value, "");
+ CmdLine = Cmd.toString();
+ EXPECT_EQ(CmdLine, makeCmdLine("", ""));
+ Cmd.addFlag("fred", "plugh");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Cmd.hasFlag("fred"));
+ Value = Cmd.getFlagValue("fred");
+ EXPECT_EQ(Value, "plugh");
+ CmdLine = Cmd.toString();
+ EXPECT_EQ(CmdLine, makeCmdLine("-fred=plugh", ""));
+ Cmd.removeFlag("fred");
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Cmd.hasFlag("fred"));
+ Value = Cmd.getFlagValue("fred");
+ EXPECT_EQ(Value, "");
+ CmdLine = Cmd.toString();
+ EXPECT_EQ(CmdLine, makeCmdLine("", ""));
+TEST(FuzzerCommand, SetOutput) {
+ Vector<std::string> ArgsToAdd;
+ makeCommandArgs(&ArgsToAdd);
+ Command Cmd(ArgsToAdd);
+ std::string CmdLine;
+ ASSERT_FALSE(Cmd.hasOutputFile());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(Cmd.isOutAndErrCombined());
+ Cmd.combineOutAndErr(true);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Cmd.isOutAndErrCombined());
+ CmdLine = Cmd.toString();
+ EXPECT_EQ(CmdLine, makeCmdLine("", "2>&1"));
+ Cmd.combineOutAndErr(false);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Cmd.isOutAndErrCombined());
+ Cmd.setOutputFile("xyzzy");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Cmd.hasOutputFile());
+ CmdLine = Cmd.toString();
+ EXPECT_EQ(CmdLine, makeCmdLine("", ">xyzzy"));
+ Cmd.setOutputFile("thud");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Cmd.hasOutputFile());
+ CmdLine = Cmd.toString();
+ EXPECT_EQ(CmdLine, makeCmdLine("", ">thud"));
+ Cmd.combineOutAndErr();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Cmd.isOutAndErrCombined());
+ CmdLine = Cmd.toString();
+ EXPECT_EQ(CmdLine, makeCmdLine("", "2>&1 >thud"));
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();