path: root/lib/fuzzer/FuzzerLoop.cpp
diff options
authorKostya Serebryany <>2017-08-29 20:51:24 +0000
committerKostya Serebryany <>2017-08-29 20:51:24 +0000
commit04d0769c4c9fe8e3204424cfc5368b4a78006d03 (patch)
treee9b3183e57698fc206a88e2d2fc3cac5325a1ba9 /lib/fuzzer/FuzzerLoop.cpp
parent21ee37b2d0d672da99b525418598056ed6a7ba79 (diff)
[libFUzzer] change the way we load the seed corpora: instead of loading all files and these executing all files, load and execute them one-by-one. This should reduce the memory usage in many cases
git-svn-id: 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/fuzzer/FuzzerLoop.cpp')
1 files changed, 58 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/lib/fuzzer/FuzzerLoop.cpp b/lib/fuzzer/FuzzerLoop.cpp
index 84ea2d6e8..97fc31cc8 100644
--- a/lib/fuzzer/FuzzerLoop.cpp
+++ b/lib/fuzzer/FuzzerLoop.cpp
@@ -371,39 +371,6 @@ void Fuzzer::RereadOutputCorpus(size_t MaxSize) {
-void Fuzzer::ShuffleCorpus(UnitVector *V) {
- std::shuffle(V->begin(), V->end(), MD.GetRand());
- if (Options.PreferSmall)
- std::stable_sort(V->begin(), V->end(), [](const Unit &A, const Unit &B) {
- return A.size() < B.size();
- });
-void Fuzzer::ShuffleAndMinimize(UnitVector *InitialCorpus) {
- Printf("#0\tREAD units: %zd; rss: %zdMb\n", InitialCorpus->size(),
- GetPeakRSSMb());
- if (Options.ShuffleAtStartUp)
- ShuffleCorpus(InitialCorpus);
- // Test the callback with empty input and never try it again.
- uint8_t dummy;
- ExecuteCallback(&dummy, 0);
- for (auto &U : *InitialCorpus) {
- RunOne(, U.size());
- CheckExitOnSrcPosOrItem();
- TryDetectingAMemoryLeak(, U.size(),
- /*DuringInitialCorpusExecution*/ true);
- U.clear();
- }
- PrintStats("INITED");
- if (Corpus.empty()) {
- Printf("ERROR: no interesting inputs were found. "
- "Is the code instrumented for coverage? Exiting.\n");
- exit(1);
- }
void Fuzzer::PrintPulseAndReportSlowInput(const uint8_t *Data, size_t Size) {
auto TimeOfUnit =
duration_cast<seconds>(UnitStopTime - UnitStartTime).count();
@@ -628,26 +595,68 @@ void Fuzzer::MutateAndTestOne() {
void Fuzzer::ReadAndExecuteSeedCorpora(const Vector<std::string> &CorpusDirs) {
const size_t kMaxSaneLen = 1 << 20;
const size_t kMinDefaultLen = 4096;
- size_t TemporaryMaxLen = Options.MaxLen ? Options.MaxLen : kMaxSaneLen;
- UnitVector InitialCorpus;
- for (auto &Inp : CorpusDirs) {
- Printf("Loading corpus dir: %s\n", Inp.c_str());
- ReadDirToVectorOfUnits(Inp.c_str(), &InitialCorpus, nullptr,
- TemporaryMaxLen, /*ExitOnError=*/false);
+ struct SizedFile {
+ std::string File;
+ size_t Size;
+ };
+ Vector<SizedFile> SizedFiles;
+ size_t MaxSize = 0;
+ size_t MinSize = -1;
+ size_t TotalSize = 0;
+ for (auto &Dir : CorpusDirs) {
+ Vector<std::string> Files;
+ ListFilesInDirRecursive(Dir, 0, &Files, /*TopDir*/true);
+ Printf("INFO: % 8zd files found in %s\n", Files.size(), Dir.c_str());
+ for (auto &File : Files) {
+ if (size_t Size = FileSize(File)) {
+ MaxSize = Max(Size, MaxSize);
+ MinSize = Min(Size, MinSize);
+ TotalSize += Size;
+ SizedFiles.push_back({File, Size});
+ }
+ }
- if (Options.MaxLen == 0) {
- size_t MaxLen = 0;
- for (auto &U : InitialCorpus)
- MaxLen = std::max(U.size(), MaxLen);
- SetMaxInputLen(std::min(std::max(kMinDefaultLen, MaxLen), kMaxSaneLen));
+ if (Options.MaxLen == 0)
+ SetMaxInputLen(std::min(std::max(kMinDefaultLen, MaxSize), kMaxSaneLen));
+ assert(MaxInputLen > 0);
+ if (SizedFiles.empty()) {
+ Printf("INFO: A corpus is not provided, starting from an empty corpus\n");
+ Unit U({'\n'}); // Valid ASCII input.
+ RunOne(, U.size());
+ } else {
+ Printf("INFO: seed corpus: files: %zd min: %zdb max: %zdb total: %zdb"
+ " rss: %zdMb\n",
+ SizedFiles.size(), MinSize, MaxSize, TotalSize, GetPeakRSSMb());
+ if (Options.ShuffleAtStartUp)
+ std::shuffle(SizedFiles.begin(), SizedFiles.end(), MD.GetRand());
+ if (Options.PreferSmall)
+ std::stable_sort(
+ SizedFiles.begin(), SizedFiles.end(),
+ [](const SizedFile &A, const SizedFile &B) { return A.Size < B.Size; });
+ // Load and execute inputs one by one.
+ for (auto &SF : SizedFiles) {
+ auto U = FileToVector(SF.File, MaxInputLen);
+ assert(U.size() <= MaxInputLen);
+ RunOne(, U.size());
+ CheckExitOnSrcPosOrItem();
+ TryDetectingAMemoryLeak(, U.size(),
+ /*DuringInitialCorpusExecution*/ true);
+ }
- if (InitialCorpus.empty()) {
- InitialCorpus.push_back(Unit({'\n'})); // Valid ASCII input.
- if (Options.Verbosity)
- Printf("INFO: A corpus is not provided, starting from an empty corpus\n");
+ // Test the callback with empty input and never try it again.
+ uint8_t dummy;
+ ExecuteCallback(&dummy, 0);
+ PrintStats("INITED");
+ if (Corpus.empty()) {
+ Printf("ERROR: no interesting inputs were found. "
+ "Is the code instrumented for coverage? Exiting.\n");
+ exit(1);
- ShuffleAndMinimize(&InitialCorpus);
void Fuzzer::Loop(const Vector<std::string> &CorpusDirs) {