// RUN: %clang_cc1 -mconstructor-aliases %s -triple x86_64-windows-msvc -fms-extensions -emit-llvm -o - | FileCheck %s // FIXME: We should really consider removing -mconstructor-aliases for MS C++ // ABI. The risk of bugs introducing ABI incompatibility under // -mno-constructor-aliases is too high. // PR32990 // Introduces the virtual destructor. We should use the base destructor // directly, no thunk needed. struct __declspec(dllimport) ImportIntroVDtor { virtual ~ImportIntroVDtor() {} }; struct BaseClass { virtual ~BaseClass() {} }; // Non-virtually inherits from a non-dllimport base class. We should again call // the derived base constructor directly. No need for the complete (aka vbase) // destructor. struct __declspec(dllimport) ImportOverrideVDtor : public BaseClass { virtual ~ImportOverrideVDtor() {} }; // Virtually inherits from a non-dllimport base class. This time we need to call // the complete destructor and emit it inline. It's not exported from the DLL, // and it must be emitted. struct __declspec(dllimport) ImportVBaseOverrideVDtor : public virtual BaseClass { virtual ~ImportVBaseOverrideVDtor() {} }; extern "C" void testit() { ImportIntroVDtor t1; ImportOverrideVDtor t2; ImportVBaseOverrideVDtor t3; } // The destructors are called in reverse order of construction. Only the third // needs the complete destructor (_D). // CHECK-LABEL: define void @testit() // CHECK: call void @"\01??_DImportVBaseOverrideVDtor@@QEAAXXZ"(%struct.ImportVBaseOverrideVDtor* %{{.*}}) // CHECK: call void @"\01??1ImportOverrideVDtor@@UEAA@XZ"(%struct.ImportOverrideVDtor* %{{.*}}) // CHECK: call void @"\01??1ImportIntroVDtor@@UEAA@XZ"(%struct.ImportIntroVDtor* %{{.*}}) // CHECK-LABEL: define linkonce_odr void @"\01??_DImportVBaseOverrideVDtor@@QEAAXXZ" // CHECK-LABEL: declare dllimport void @"\01??1ImportOverrideVDtor@@UEAA@XZ" // CHECK-LABEL: declare dllimport void @"\01??1ImportIntroVDtor@@UEAA@XZ"